//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // // What began as a Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file is now // edited by hand. Do not generate!!! // // Used by chrome_dll.rc, Mac nibs, ... // #define IDR_MAINFRAME 101 // Values around 1600 are used by installer/setup/build/ #define IDD_IPC_SETTINGS 3000 #define IDC_View 4000 #define IDC_ViewHost 4001 #define IDC_Plugin 4002 #define IDC_PluginHost 4003 #define IDC_NPObject 4004 #define IDC_PluginProcess 4005 #define IDC_PluginProcessHost 4006 #define IDC_ViewAll 4007 #define IDC_ViewNone 4008 #define IDC_ViewHostAll 4009 #define IDC_ViewHostNone 4010 #define IDC_PluginAll 4011 #define IDC_PluginNone 4012 #define IDC_NPObjectAll 4013 #define IDC_NPObjectNone 4014 #define IDC_PluginHostAll 4015 #define IDC_PluginHostNone 4016 #define IDC_DevToolsAgent 4017 #define IDC_DevToolsClient 4018 // NOTE: Within each of the following sections, the IDs are ordered roughly by // how they appear in the GUI/menus (left to right, top to bottom, etc.). // Navigation commands #define IDC_BACK 33000 #define IDC_FORWARD 33001 #define IDC_RELOAD 33002 #define IDC_HOME 33003 #define IDC_OPEN_CURRENT_URL 33004 #define IDC_GO 33005 #define IDC_STOP 33006 // Window management commands #define IDC_NEW_WINDOW 34000 #define IDC_NEW_INCOGNITO_WINDOW 34001 #define IDC_PROFILE_MENU 34002 // Insert any additional profile values before _LAST; these have to be // consecutive. #define IDC_NEW_WINDOW_PROFILE_0 34003 #define IDC_NEW_WINDOW_PROFILE_1 34004 #define IDC_NEW_WINDOW_PROFILE_2 34005 #define IDC_NEW_WINDOW_PROFILE_3 34006 #define IDC_NEW_WINDOW_PROFILE_4 34007 #define IDC_NEW_WINDOW_PROFILE_5 34008 #define IDC_NEW_WINDOW_PROFILE_6 34009 #define IDC_NEW_WINDOW_PROFILE_7 34010 #define IDC_NEW_WINDOW_PROFILE_8 34011 #define IDC_NEW_WINDOW_PROFILE_LAST IDC_NEW_WINDOW_PROFILE_8 #define IDC_CLOSE_WINDOW 34012 #define IDC_ALWAYS_ON_TOP 34013 #define IDC_NEW_TAB 34014 #define IDC_CLOSE_TAB 34015 #define IDC_SELECT_NEXT_TAB 34016 #define IDC_SELECT_PREVIOUS_TAB 34017 #define IDC_SELECT_TAB_0 34018 #define IDC_SELECT_TAB_1 34019 #define IDC_SELECT_TAB_2 34020 #define IDC_SELECT_TAB_3 34021 #define IDC_SELECT_TAB_4 34022 #define IDC_SELECT_TAB_5 34023 #define IDC_SELECT_TAB_6 34024 #define IDC_SELECT_TAB_7 34025 #define IDC_SELECT_LAST_TAB 34026 #define IDC_DUPLICATE_TAB 34027 #define IDC_RESTORE_TAB 34028 #define IDC_SHOW_AS_TAB 34029 #define IDC_FULLSCREEN 34030 #define IDC_EXIT 34031 // Page-related commands #define IDC_STAR 35000 #define IDC_VIEW_SOURCE 35001 #define IDC_CLOSE_POPUPS 35002 #define IDC_PRINT 35003 #define IDC_SAVE_PAGE 35004 #define IDC_ENCODING_MENU 35005 // When adding a new encoding to this list, be sure to append it to the // EncodingMenuController::kValidEncodingIds array in // encoding_menu_controller.cc. #define IDC_ENCODING_AUTO_DETECT 35006 #define IDC_ENCODING_UTF8 35007 #define IDC_ENCODING_UTF16LE 35008 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88591 35009 #define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1252 35010 #define IDC_ENCODING_GBK 35011 #define IDC_ENCODING_GB18030 35012 #define IDC_ENCODING_BIG5 35013 #define IDC_ENCODING_BIG5HKSCS 35014 #define IDC_ENCODING_KOREAN 35015 #define IDC_ENCODING_SHIFTJIS 35016 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO2022JP 35017 #define IDC_ENCODING_EUCJP 35018 #define IDC_ENCODING_THAI 35019 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO885915 35020 #define IDC_ENCODING_MACINTOSH 35021 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88592 35022 #define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1250 35023 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88595 35024 #define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1251 35025 #define IDC_ENCODING_KOI8R 35026 #define IDC_ENCODING_KOI8U 35027 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88597 35028 #define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1253 35029 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88594 35030 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO885913 35031 #define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1257 35032 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88593 35033 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO885910 35034 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO885914 35035 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO885916 35036 #define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1254 35037 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88596 35038 #define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1256 35039 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88598 35040 #define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1255 35041 #define IDC_ENCODING_WINDOWS1258 35042 #define IDC_ENCODING_ISO88598I 35043 // Clipboard commands #define IDC_CUT 36000 #define IDC_COPY 36001 #define IDC_COPY_URL 36002 #define IDC_PASTE 36003 // Find-in-page #define IDC_FIND 37000 #define IDC_FIND_NEXT 37001 #define IDC_FIND_PREVIOUS 37002 // Zoom #define IDC_ZOOM_MENU 38000 #define IDC_ZOOM_PLUS 38001 #define IDC_ZOOM_NORMAL 38002 #define IDC_ZOOM_MINUS 38003 // Focus various bits of UI #define IDC_FOCUS_TOOLBAR 39000 #define IDC_FOCUS_LOCATION 39001 #define IDC_FOCUS_SEARCH 39002 // Show various bits of UI #define IDC_OPEN_FILE 40000 #define IDC_CREATE_SHORTCUTS 40001 #define IDC_DEVELOPER_MENU 40002 #define IDC_DEV_TOOLS 40004 #define IDC_TASK_MANAGER 40005 #define IDC_SELECT_PROFILE 40006 #define IDC_NEW_PROFILE 40007 #define IDC_REPORT_BUG 40008 #define IDC_SHOW_BOOKMARK_BAR 40009 #define IDC_SHOW_HISTORY 40010 #define IDC_SHOW_BOOKMARK_MANAGER 40011 #define IDC_SHOW_DOWNLOADS 40012 #define IDC_CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA 40013 #define IDC_IMPORT_SETTINGS 40014 #define IDC_OPTIONS 40015 #define IDC_EDIT_SEARCH_ENGINES 40016 #define IDC_VIEW_PASSWORDS 40017 #define IDC_ABOUT 40018 #define IDC_HELP_PAGE 40019 #define IDC_SHOW_APP_MENU 40020 #define IDC_SHOW_PAGE_MENU 40021 // Spell-check // Insert any additional suggestions before _LAST; these have to be consecutive. #define IDC_SPELLCHECK_SUGGESTION_0 41000 #define IDC_SPELLCHECK_SUGGESTION_1 41001 #define IDC_SPELLCHECK_SUGGESTION_2 41002 #define IDC_SPELLCHECK_SUGGESTION_3 41003 #define IDC_SPELLCHECK_SUGGESTION_4 41004 #define IDC_SPELLCHECK_SUGGESTION_LAST IDC_SPELLCHECK_SUGGESTION_4 #define IDC_SPELLCHECK_MENU 41005 // Language entries are inserted using autogenerated values between // [_FIRST, _LAST). #define IDC_SPELLCHECK_LANGUAGES_FIRST 41006 #define IDC_SPELLCHECK_LANGUAGES_LAST 41106 #define IDC_CHECK_SPELLING_OF_THIS_FIELD 41107 #define IDC_SYNC_BOOKMARKS 41108 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NO_MFC 1 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 3001 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 42000 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 4017 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 1001 #endif #endif // Identifiers for platform-specific items. // Placed in a common file to help insure they never collide. #define IDC_BOOKMARK_MENU 43000 // OSX only #define IDC_VIEW_MENU 44000 // OSX only #define IDC_CONTROL_PANEL 45000 // Linux2 only #define IDC_HISTORY_MENU 46000 // OSX only #define IDC_HISTORY_MENU_VISITED 46100 // OSX only #define IDC_HISTORY_MENU_CLOSED 46200 // OSX only