Show Full History Page Control the current page Customize and control $1Google Chrome Did you mean to go to $1http://intranetsite/? (Keyword: $1) Search $1Google for $2flowers $1Google Search <enter query> ''' - ''' History Bookmarks Downloads Extensions Sessions (Untitled) ''' - ''' Untitled Source of %s Search Results for ' $1pie ' Delete history for this day Are you sure you want to delete these pages from your history? Delete Loading... $1Today - $2Wednesday, Nov 7, 2007 No search results found. All the pages you visit will appear here unless you open them in an incognito window. You can use the Search button on this page to search all the pages in your history. Search history Newest Newer Older Search results for '%s' History (Cont.) delete OK Cancel &Delete &Edit Learn more Abort &Back &Forward Save &as... P&rint... &View page source View page &info I&nspect element Re&load Open frame in new &window Open frame in inco&gnito window Open frame in new &tab Save &frame as... P&rint frame... &View frame source View frame &info Open link in new &tab Open link in new &window Open link in inco&gnito window Save lin&k as... Copy link addr&ess Copy &email address Sa&ve image as... C&opy image URL Cop&y image Open &image in new tab &Loop &Play &Pause &Mute Un&mute &Full Screen Save &Screenshot... Sa&ve video as... C&opy video URL &Open video in new tab Sa&ve audio as... C&opy audio URL &Open audio in new tab &Undo &Redo Cu&t &Copy &Paste &Delete &Add to dictionary &No spelling suggestions &Spell-checker options &Language settings... &Check the spelling of this field &Show spelling panel &Hide spelling panel Select &all &Search $1Google for '$2flowers' Add as search en&gine... &Back &Forward Save &As... P&rint... &View Page Source View Page &Info I&nspect Element Re&load Open Frame in New &Window Open Frame in Inco&gnito Window Open Frame in New &Tab Save &Frame As... P&rint Frame... &View Frame Source View Frame &Info Open Link in New &Tab Open Link in New &Window Open Link in Inco&gnito Window Save Lin&k As... Copy Link Addr&ess Copy &Email Address Sa&ve Image As... C&opy Image URL Cop&y Image Open &Image in New Tab &Loop &Play &Pause &Mute Un&mute &Full Screen Save &Screenshot... Sa&ve Video As... C&opy Video URL &Open Video in New Tab Sa&ve Audio As... C&opy Audio URL &Open Audio in New Tab &Undo &Redo Cu&t &Copy &Paste &Delete &Add to Dictionary &No Spelling Suggestions &Spell-checker Options &Language Settings... &Check Spelling in This Field &Show Spelling Panel &Hide Spelling Panel Select &All &Search $1Google for '$2flowers' Add As Search En&gine... Show pages New &tab &Show as tab &New window New window in &profile Other... New &incognito window &Undo Cu&t &Copy &Paste Select &all &Find in page Save page &as... &Print... &Zoom &Larger &Normal &Smaller &Encoding Auto detect New &Tab &Show As Tab &New Window New Window in &Profile Other... New &Incognito Window &Undo Cu&t &Copy &Paste Select &All &Find in Page Save Page &As... &Print... &Zoom &Larger &Normal &Smaller &Encoding Auto Detect $1Japanese ($2Shift_JIS) Unicode Western Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Korean Japanese Thai Central European Cyrillic Greek Baltic South European Nordic Celtic Romanian Turkish Arabic Hebrew Vietnamese Developer View s&ource &Report bug or broken website... &Developer Tools &Task manager R&eopen closed tab R&eopen closed window Developer View S&ource &Report Bug or Broken Website... &Developer Tools &Task Manager R&eopen Closed Tab R&eopen Closed Window Close Minimize Restore Maximize Close &Import bookmarks && settings... &History &Always show bookmarks bar &Full screen &Clear browsing data... &Downloads &Extensions &Options H&elp About &$1Google Chrome E&xit &Import Bookmarks && Settings... &History &Always Show Bookmarks Bar &Full Screen &Clear Browsing Data... &Downloads &Options H&elp About &$1Google Chrome E&xit Search $ for $2flowers <enter query> &Edit search engines... Search Engines Keyword Name Name: Keyword: URL: Insert %s in the URL where the search terms should appear. Add... Remove Edit... Make Default Edit Search Engine Add Search Engine Title must contain at least one character Must be a valid URL Keyword must be empty or unique Default search options Other search engines $1Google (Default) 37# secs 1# sec NA 0# secs NA 2# secs NA 3# secs NA 23# secs NA 37# mins 1# min NA 0# mins NA 2# mins NA 3# mins NA 23# mins NA 37# hours 1# hour NA 0# hours NA 2# hours NA 3# hours NA 23# hours NA 37# days 1# day NA 0# days NA 2# days NA 3# days NA 23# days NA 37# secs left 1# sec left NA 0# secs left NA 2# secs left NA 3# secs left NA 23# secs left NA 37# mins left 1# min left NA 0# mins left NA 2# mins left NA 3# mins left NA 23# mins left NA 37# hours left 1# hour left NA 0# hours left NA 2# hours left NA 3# hours left NA 23# hours left NA 37# days left 1# day left NA 0# days left NA 2# days left NA 3# days left NA 23# days left NA 37# secs ago 1# sec ago NA 0# secs ago NA 2# secs ago NA 3# secs ago NA 23# secs ago NA 37# mins ago 1# min ago NA 0# mins ago NA 2# mins ago NA 3# mins ago NA 23# mins ago NA 37# hours ago 1# hour ago NA 0# hours ago NA 2# hours ago NA 3# hours ago NA 23# hours ago NA 37# days ago 1# day ago NA 0# days ago NA 2# days ago NA 3# days ago NA 23# days ago NA Today Yesterday Show all downloads... Starting... $154kB/$2154MB, $35s Opening in $15 sec... Opening when complete Opening $1image.jpg... $154kB, Complete Canceled Open Cancel This type of file can harm your computer. Are you sure you want to download $1malware.exe? Extensions can harm your computer. Are you sure you want to continue? Save Discard Pause Search downloads No results Search results for '%s' Resume Remove from list Cancel Show in folder Show in Finder Canceled $110kB/s - $240kB $110kB/s - $240kB, $342 mins left $140kB of $2250kB Paused Clear all Copy file &path Copy &file Open when &done &Open &Always open files of this type &Cancel &Pause &Resume Copy File &Path Copy &File Open When &Done &Open &Always Open Files of This Type &Cancel &Pause &Resume &Show in folder &Show in Folder &Show in Finder &Show in Finder Do you want to exit $1Google Chrome with a download in progress? Do you want to exit $1Google Chrome with $23 downloads in progress? If you close $1Google Chrome now, this download will be canceled. If you close $1Google Chrome now, these downloads will be canceled. Close and cancel download Close and cancel downloads Wait for download to finish Wait for downloads to finish Create application &shortcuts... Create Application &Shortcuts... Create application shortcuts Create application shortcuts in the following places: Desktop Applications menu Create There are several SSL errors on this page: This page contains insecure content. This page contains some insecure content This page is not retrieved entirely over a secure connection. It contains some content retrieved over insecure connections. This page contains insecure content. This page contains some insecure content Some content on this page was retrieved over a connection with SSL errors. Help me understand When you connect to a secure website, the server hosting that site presents your browser with something called a "certificate" to verify its identity. This certificate contains identity information, such as the address of the website, which is verified by a third party that your computer trusts. By checking that the address in the certificate matches the address of the website, it is possible to verify that you are securely communicating with the website you intended, and not a third party (such as an attacker on your network). This is probably not the site you are looking for! You attempted to reach <strong>$</strong>, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as <strong>$</strong>. This may be caused by a misconfiguration on the server or by something more serious. An attacker on your network could be trying to get you to visit a fake (and potentially harmful) version of <strong>$</strong>. You should not proceed. Server's certificate does not match the URL The site's security certificate has expired! For a certificate which has not expired, the issuer of that certificate is responsible for maintaining something called a "revocation list". If a certificate is ever compromised, the issuer can revoke it by adding it to the revocation list, and then this certificate will no longer be trusted by your browser. Revocation status is not required to be maintained for expired certificates, so while this certificate used to be valid for the website you're visiting, at this point it is not possible to determine whether the certificate was compromised and subsequently revoked, or whether it remains secure. As such it is impossible to tell whether you're communicating with the legitimate web site, or whether the certificate was compromised and is now in the possession of an attacker with whom you are communicating. You should not proceed past this point. Server's certificate has expired The server's security certificate is not yet valid! Certificates have a validity period, much like any identity document (such as a passport) that you may have. The certificate presented to your browser is not yet valid. When a certificate is outside of its validity period, certain information about the status of the certificate (whether it has been revoked and should no longer be trusted) is not required to be maintained. As such, it is not possible to verify that this certificate is trustworthy. You should not proceed. Server's certificate is not yet valid The site's security certificate is not trusted! In this case, the certificate has not been verified by a third party that your computer trusts. Anyone can create a certificate claiming to be whatever website they choose, which is why it must be verified by a trusted third party. Without that verification, the identity information in the certificate is meaningless. It is therefore not possible to verify that you are communicating with <strong>$</strong> instead of an attacker who generated his own certificate claiming to be <strong>$</strong>. You should not proceed past this point. If, however, you work in an organization that generates its own certificates, and you are trying to connect to an internal website of that organization using such a certificate, you may be able to solve this problem securely. You can import your organization's root certificate as a "root certificate", and then certificates issued or verified by your organization will be trusted and you will not see this error next time you try to connect to an internal website. Contact your organization's help staff for assistance in adding a new root certificate to your computer. Server's certificate is not trusted The server's security certificate has errors! In this case, the certificate presented to your browser has errors and cannot be understood. This may mean that we cannot understand the identity information within the certificate, or certain other information in the certificate used to secure the connection. You should not proceed. Server's certificate contains errors Failed to check revocation. Unable to check whether the server's certificate was revoked. Unable to check whether the server's certificate was revoked. Server's certificate cannot be checked No revocation mechanism found. No revocation mechanism found in the server's certificate. No revocation mechanism found The server's security certificate is revoked! You attempted to reach <strong>$</strong>, but the certificate that the server presented has been revoked by its issuer. This means that the security credentials the server presented absolutely should not be trusted. You may be communicating with an attacker. You should not proceed. In this case, the certificate presented to your browser has been revoked by its issuer. This usually means that the integrity of this certificate has been compromised, and that the certificate should not be trusted. You absolutely should not proceed past this point. Server's certificate has been revoked Invalid Server Certificate A request failed because the server's certificate was invalid. Server's certificate is invalid The site's security certificate is signed using a weak signature algorithm! You attempted to reach <strong>$</strong>, but the server presented a certificate signed using a weak signature algorithm. This means that the security credentials the server presented could have been forged, and the server may not be the server you expected (you may be communicating with an attacker). You should not proceed. In this case, the server certificate or an intermediate CA certificate presented to your browser is signed using a weak signature algorithm such as RSA-MD2. Recent research by computer scientists showed the signature algorithm is weaker than previously believed, and the signature algorithm is rarely used by trustworthy websites today. This certificate could have been forged. You should not proceed past this point. Server's certificate is signed using a weak signature algorithm Unknown server certificate error An unknown error has occurred. Unknown server certificate error Next Done Previous Cancel Authentication Required The server $ at $2site name requires a username and password. The server $ requires a username and password. User Name: Password: Log In $11 of $25 Find in page Previous Next Close find bar Exit full screen ($1F11) End process Stats for nerds Process ID Page Network CPU Memory Private Memory Shared Memory Goats Teleported Image cache Script cache CSS cache SQLite memory $15,000K $15,000K ($25,000K live) N/A Browser Extension: $1Sample Extension Tab: $1Google Plug-in: $1Unknown Plug-in Unknown plug-in Web Worker: $1 Utility: Profile Import: Native Client module: $1Unknown Native Client module Reload The following extension has crashed : $1Buildbot Monitor Installed theme "$1Snowflake Theme" Undo The newest version of the extension "$1Flashblock" requires more permissions, so it has been disabled. Re-enable Confirm Installation Install "$1Gmail Checker"? This extension will have access to your browsing history and will autoupdate without further notice or action by you. This extension will have access to your private data on $ and will autoupdate without further notice or action by you. This extension will have access to your browsing history and private data on $, and will autoupdate without further notice or action by you. This extension will have access to your private data on multiple websites, and will autoupdate without further notice or action by you. This extension will have access to your browsing history and private data on multiple websites, and will autoupdate without further notice or action by you. This extension will have access to your private data on all websites and will autoupdate without further notice or action by you. This extension will have access to your browsing history and private data on all websites, and will autoupdate without further notice or action by you. This extension will have full access to your computer and private data, and will autoupdate without further notice or action by you. Select the extension directory. Pack Extension Select the root directory of the extension to pack. To update an extension, also select the private key file to reuse. Extension root directory: Private key file (optional): Browse... Select extension root directory. Select private key file. Private key Extension root directory is required. Extension root directory is invalid. Private key file is invalid. Extension Packaging Success Created the following files: Extension: $1c:\users\aa\myextension.crx Key File: $2c:\users\aa\myextension.pem Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of your extension. Created the extension: $1c:\users\aa\myextension.crx Extension Packaging Failure Extensions have access to your computer and private data. This means they could forward all your email to your spouse. Extensions have access to your computer and private data. They could send tweets or email on your behalf. Extensions can access your computer and private data. They could post unflattering pictures to your Wall. Only install extensions you trust. Install Cancel Restore About Plug-ins Installed plug-ins No plug-ins are installed File name: MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled Yes No About Version Official Build Developer Build Javascript Alert Javascript Alert $1 $1 Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs. Confirm Navigation Are you sure you want to leave this page? Leave this Page Stay on this Page Add Page Add URL: Title: Untitled Page URL Recently visited sites Untitled Web Page Untitled Web Image Pa&ste and go Pa&ste and search Type to search Press $1Tab to search $ Tab Search $ See $12,123 recent pages in history containing $2flowers See all pages in history containing $1flowers Always on top Click to go back, hold to see history Click to go forward, hold to see history Reload this page Open the homepage Bookmark this page Edit bookmark for this page Go to $1 Search $1Google for $2flowers Stop loading this page Press Back Forward Reload Home Bookmark Location Go Page Tabstrip Bookmarks Menu containing hidden bookmarks Separator Extensions New Tab Minimize Maximize Restore Close Sync Error - please relogin Unknown Plug-in Unresponsive The following plug-in is unresponsive: $1\nShockwave\nWould you like to stop it? Kill plug-in Page(s) Unresponsive The following page(s) have become unresponsive. You can wait for them to become responsive or kill them. Wait Kill pages Passwords and Exceptions Saved passwords Exceptions Site Username Remove Remove All Are you sure you want to remove all passwords? Remove all passwords Show password Hide password Remove Remove All Yes No Save password Never for this site Import Bookmarks and Settings From: Microsoft Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Google Toolbar Safari Select items to import: Browsing history Favorites/Bookmarks Cookies Saved passwords Search engines Import In order to import Toolbar bookmarks into Chrome, you must be logged into your Google account. Please log in and try to import again. No supported browser found Importing $1Google Chrome is now importing the following items from $2Safari: Importing... Done Favorites/Bookmarks Search settings Saved passwords Browsing history Cookies Finishing up... Stop import Continue Importing Cancel Anyway Close Firefox Before Importing Continue Skip Import Report Bug or Broken Web Site Page title: Page URL: Description: Send source of current page Send screen shot of current page Send report Open phishing report Bug type: Page won't load Page looks odd Phishing page Can't sign in Something's missing Browser crash... go boom Other problem Clear Browsing Data Obliterate the following items: Clear data from this period: Clear browsing history Clear download history Empty the cache Delete cookies Clear saved passwords Clear saved form data Clear Browsing Data Last day Last week Last 4 weeks Everything Clearing... Acknowledgements Update Now Checking for updates... Installing new version... A new version of $1Google Chrome is available $1Google Chrome has been updated to $20.1.131 $1Google Chrome has been updated $1Google Chrome is up to date ($20.1.131) Update server not available (error: $11) An error was encountered while loading a program resource. Try reinstalling. Resource Error Untitled Document No printer found. Please install a printer. Something went wrong when trying to print. Please check your printer and try again. Loading... Untitled Waiting for cache... Resolving proxy... Resolving host... Connecting... Sending request... Uploading ($127%)... Waiting for $ Transferring from $ New tab Reload Duplicate Close tab Close other tabs Close tabs to the right Close tabs opened by this tab Pin tab Bookmark all tabs... New Tab Reload Duplicate Close Tab Close Other Tabs Close Tabs to the Right Close Tabs Opened by This Tab Pin Tab Bookmark All Tabs... Bookmark Bar / For quick access, place your bookmarks here in the bookmarks bar. Imported From IE Imported From Firefox Imported From Safari Imported From Google Toolbar Imported Name: URL: New folder &New folder Edit Bookmark Bookmarks bar Other bookmarks New folder Edit folder name New folder Bookmark Added! Bookmark Edit... Remove Name: Folder: Choose another folder... Choose Another Folder... Choose another folder... Reload Duplicate Copy URL Open browser window Always show bookmarks bar Always Show Bookmarks Bar Other bookmarks Bookmarks Open in incognito window Open in new tab Open in new window Add page... Add folder... Open all bookmarks Open all bookmarks in new window Open all bookmarks in incognito window Delete Open in Incognito Window Open in New Tab Open in New Window Add Page... Add Folder... Open All Bookmarks Open All Bookmarks in New Window Open All Bookmarks in Incognito Window Delete Name: Untitled Edit... Rename... Edit... Rename... Are you sure you want to open $120 tabs? Here are some suggestions: More information on this error Below is the original error message <a jsvalues="href:reloadUrl">Reload</a> this web page later. Go to the homepage of the site: <a jsvalues="href:learnMoreUrl">Learn more</a> about this problem. $1google.xom is not available $1 is not found $1 failed to load This webpage is not available. This webpage is not found. This webpage has a redirect loop. The webpage at <strong jscontent="failedUrl"></strong> might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. No webpage was found for the web address: <strong jscontent="failedUrl"></strong> The webpage at <strong jscontent="failedUrl"></strong> has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer. Error $15 ($2net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): $3The requested file is not found. The operation timed out. The attempt to connect to the server failed. The server could not be found. The Internet connection has been lost. The file or directory could not be found. There were too many redirects. Unknown error. This web page requires data that you entered earlier in order to be properly displayed. You can send this data again, but by doing so you will repeat any action this page previously performed. Press Reload to resend that data and display this page. All Files Secure connection to $ $1Paypal Inc. [$2US] Verified by $1VeriSign Security information Certificate information... Close Identity The identity of this website has been verified by $1VeriSign. $1Google Inc ($ $1Mountain View, $2California $3USA $1Mountain View, $2US The identity of $1Google at $2Mountain View, CA US has been verified by $3VeriSign. unknown name The identity of this website has not been verified. Connection Your connection to $ is encrypted with $2128-bit encryption. Your connection to $ is encrypted with weak encryption. Your connection to $ is not encrypted. However, this page includes other resources which are not secure. These resources can be viewed by others while in transit, and can be modified by an attacker to change the look or behavior of the page. However, this page includes resources from other websites whose identity cannot be verified. $1Your connection is encrypted. $2However, this page includes resources from other pages whose identity cannot be verified. SSL Error Proceed anyway Back to safety Security Error Back Some of the elements on this page came from an unverified source and were not displayed. Show all content This frame was blocked because it contains some insecure content. The page at $1 contains insecure content from $2 Select a certificate Select a certificate to authenticate yourself to $ Fonts and Languages Fonts and Encoding Font Serif Font: Sans-Serif Font: Fixed-width Font: Change... Encoding Default Encoding: Languages Add the languages you use to read websites, listing in order of preference. Only add the ones you need, as some characters can be used to impersonate websites in other languages. Languages: Move up Move down Remove Add Confirm Form Resubmission The page that you're looking for used information that you entered. Returning to that page might cause any action you took to be repeated. Do you want to continue? Continue Cancel (empty) Scroll to Here Left Edge Right Edge Top Bottom Page Up Page Down Scroll Left Scroll Right Scroll Up Scroll Down Welcome to $1Google Chrome $1Google Chrome will do these tasks: $1Google Chrome is ready to complete your installation Import settings from Help make $1Google Chrome better by automatically sending usage statistics and crash reports to Google Make $1Google Chrome my default browser Start $1Google Chrome Cancel Customize these settings Import bookmarks, passwords, and other settings from $1Internet Explorer Continue Installing Exit Install Customize Your Settings Change the default installation options. Import settings from: Firefox Internet Explorer Desktop Start menu Quick launch bar Search from right here Type to search or enter a URL to navigate - everything just works. Keep $1Google as the default search engine Change search engine New! Search from the address bar. Try it out - type "orchids" and press Enter. Aw, Snap! Something went wrong while displaying this webpage. To continue, press Reload or go to another page. You have opened an incognito window. Pages that you open in this window won't appear in your history. To hide access to this program, you need to uninstall it by using\n$1Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.\n\nWould you like to start $1Add/Remove Programs? $1Google Chrome Options Basics Personal Stuff User Data Under the Hood Learn more Privacy On startup: Open the home page Restore the pages that were open last Open the following pages: A&dd... &Remove Use Current Home page: Use the New Tab page Open this page: Show Home button on the toolbar Toolbar: Show Page and Option buttons on the toolbar Default search: Set the search engine used in the omnibox. Manage Default browser: The default browser is currently $1Firefox. $1Google Chrome is not currently your default browser. $1Google Chrome cannot determine or set the default browser. Make $1Google Chrome my default browser Downloads Br&owse... Download location: Download Location Ask where to save each file before downloading You have chosen to open certain file types automatically after downloading. You can clear these settings so that downloaded files don't open automatically. Clear auto-opening settings Gears: Change Gears settings Select trusted SSL certificates. Manage certificates Passwords: Offer to save passwords Never save passwords Show saved passwords Show saved passwords Form autofill: Save text from forms to make them easier to fill out Never save text from forms Themes: Appearance: Use GTK+ theme Use Classic theme Use system title bar and borders Hide system title bar and use compact borders Reset to default theme Default Get themes Fonts and Languages: Set up a proxy to connect to the network. Change proxy settings Cookie settings: Allow all cookies Accept cookies only from sites I visit Completely block third-party cookies Block all cookies Show cookies Runs plug-ins in a sandbox with no privileges. Will cause some plug-ins to not work properly. Enable phishing and malware protection Computer-wide SSL settings: Use SSL 2.0 Check for server certificate revocation Use SSL 3.0 Use TLS 1.0 When there is mixed content on secure (SSL) pages: Block all insecure content Allow insecure images Allow all content to load Browsing data: You can import your bookmarks and settings from other browsers or clear your browsing data from this computer. You can import your bookmarks and settings from other browsers and user accounts on this computer. Import: Import data... Clear Data: Clear your browsing data from this computer. Be aware that this may adversely affect the contents of the New Tab Page. Clear browsing data... Enable Java Enable JavaScript Enable plug-ins Load images automatically Use DNS pre-fetching to improve page load performance Cookies Search: C&lear The following cookies are stored on your computer: &Remove Remove &All Name: Content: Domain: Path: Send For: Created: Expires: End of the session Any kind of connection Secure connections only <no cookie selected> Site Cookie Name New Tab New Tab [$1] Most visited Most visited [$1] Searches Manage The search boxes that you use most frequently on other sites will appear here. Recent bookmarks Recent Show full history Remove a thumbnail Done Cancel Restore all removed thumbnails Click <div id="cross-image-container"></div> to remove the thumbnail Search your history Recently closed Help <strong>You've gone incognito"</strong>. Pages you view in this window won't appear in your browser history or search history, and they won't leave other traces, like cookies, on your computer after you close the incognito window. Any files you download or bookmarks you create will be preserved, however. <br /><br /> <strong>Going incognito doesn't affect the behavior of other people, servers, or software. Be wary of:</strong> <ul> <li>Websites that collect or share information about you</li> <li>Internet service providers or employers that track the pages you visit</li> <li>Malicious software that tracks your keystrokes in exchange for free smileys</li> <li>Surveillance by secret agents</li> <li>People standing behind you</li> </ul> <a href="$1">Learn more</a> about incognito browsing. 1 Tab %s3 Tabs Theme created by Recommendations Recent activities Tips and Suggestions Watch this space for tips and suggestions for better browsing! Even more What will we put here? Show even more Hide even more Downloads View full history View all downloads Show thumbnails Hide thumbnails Show list Hide list Show recent activities Hide recent activities Show recommendations Hide recommendations Show recently closed tabs Hide recently closed tabs The thumbnail for “%s” will no longer appear. Undo Don't show on this page Keep on this page Don't keep on this page Thumbnail view List view Change page layout Over time, the area below will show your eight most visited sites. Close Google Chrome Themes Gallery Web Clips Customize Add your favorite sources to get news headlines, blog posts, RSS and Atom feeds right in this box. <a href="$1">Learn more</a> added remove removed Add Add a new web clip Featured web clips News Fun Business Sports Lifestyle Technology Search by topic or URL: e.g. hockey, BBC, There are no items to show here yet. <a href="$1">Customize</a> your web clips and add more sources. preview hide Search results No feeds matched your search query. The feed you entered could not be loaded. Note: Since many of these feeds don't come from Google, we can't vouch for their content. $11 hour/hours ago $11 minute/minutes ago New in Chrome Featured New! Featured theme Featured themes Featured extra Featured extras Tips & tricks Want to keep track of more sites in one place? Try <a href="$1">Google Reader</a> Cancel Done Save back next previous Make this my home page Malware Detected! Warning: Visiting this site may harm your computer! The website at <strong>$</strong> appears to host malware – software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that hosts malware can infect your computer. For detailed information about the problems with this site, visit the Google $1diagnostic page for $ Learn more about how to protect yourself from harmful software online. The website at <strong>$</strong> contains elements from the site <strong>$</strong>, which appears to host malware – software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that contains malware can infect your computer. For detailed information about the problems with these elements, visit the Google $1diagnostic page for $ I understand that visiting this site may harm my computer. Proceed anyway Back to safety Safe Browsing diagnostic page Phishing Detected! Warning: Suspected phishing site! The website at <strong>$</strong> has been reported as a “phishing” site. Phishing sites trick users into disclosing personal or financial information, often by pretending to represent trusted institutions, such as banks. Learn more about phishing scams. Proceed anyway Back to safety Report an error Malware and phishing Detected! The website at <strong>$</strong> contains elements from sites which appear to host malware – software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that hosts malware can infect your computer. The website also hosts contents from sites that have been reported as a “phishing” sites. Phishing sites trick users into disclosing personal or financial information, often by pretending to represent trusted institutions, such as banks. Below is a list of all the unsafe elements for the page. Click on the Diagnostic link for more information on the malware thread for a specific resource. If you know that a resource has been erroneously reported as phishing, click the 'Report error' link. The website at <strong>$</strong> contains elements from sites which appear to host malware – software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that contains malware can infect your computer. Below is a list of all the unsafe elements for the page. Click on the Diagnostic link for more information on the thread for a specific element. The website at <strong>$</strong> contains elements from sites which have been reported as “phishing” sites. Phishing sites trick users into disclosing personal or financial information, often by pretending to represent trusted institutions, such as banks. Phishing Malware An additional plug-in is required to display some elements on this page. Install plug-in... Problems installing? The following plug-in has crashed: $1Shockwave A part of this page (HTML WebWorker) has crashed, so it might not function correctly. Script on the page used too much memory. Reload to enable scripts again. Visit history You have never visited this site before today. You first visited this site on $1Nov 7, 2007. External Protocol Request Launch Application The following application will be launched if you accept this request:\n\n $1C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe /u "%1" If you did not initiate this request, it may represent an attempted attack on your system. Unless you took an explicit action to initiate this request, you should press Cancel. Remember my choice for all links of this type. Ctrl+$1C Alt+$1C Shift+$1C Esc Tab Ins Home Del End PgUp PgDwn Left Arrow Right Arrow Up Arrow Down Arrow Enter F1 F11 Index of LOCATIONc:\Documents and Settings [parent directory] Name Size Date Modified Web Page, HTML Only Web Page, Complete Completed Canceled Failed $15 / $213 files Report phishing website... Show suggestions for navigation errors Service URL: Use a suggestion service to help complete searches and URLs typed in the address bar Suggestion service URL: Change the default font and language for webpages. Change font and language settings Change the language of the spell-checking dictionary. Spell-checker language: Check spelling: Correct spelling automatically: Reset to defaults Reset to defaults Don't reset Failed To Create Data Directory Choose Another Directory... Select a Profile Select a profile to open a new window <New Profile>... Enter a Profile Name Enter a new profile name Create a desktop shortcut for this profile Privacy Web Content Security Network Unresponsive Script A script running on this page is taking a loooong time to do its job. Do you want to see if the script can complete, or just give up? Give up Continue Blocked Pop-up Pop-ups Blocked: $12 Manage pop-ups $1 - $2 $1 - $2 Always show pop-ups from $1 Blocked Items: $12 This site is attempting to download multiple files. Do you want to allow this? Allow Deny Title URL Folder Other bookmarks Bookmark bar / Recently Added Search Bookmark Manager &Bookmark manager &Bookmark Manager Show in folder Reorder by title Organize Tools Import bookmarks... Export bookmarks... Enter a query in the text field above to search your bookmarks. No bookmarks match the query '$1'. Search: unknown Untitled Set as default Don't ask again Use system title bar and borders Use System Title Bar and Borders rgba($1, $2, $3, $4) Created new window in existing browser session. Did you know you can search directly from the box above? Show Me Type your search query here Bookmark Sync: You are not set up to sync your bookmarks with your other computers. Synchronize my bookmarks... An error occurred while trying to set up sync. Synced to $\nLast synced: $212 seconds ago Account login details are not yet entered. Authenticating... Invalid user name or password. Error signing in. Login details are out of date. $1Google Chrome could not sync your bookmarks because it could not connect to the sync server. Retrying... Login again Stop syncing this account Stop syncing If you disable sync, your bookmarks will no longer be kept in sync with those stored in your Google Account or on your other machines. No bookmarks will be deleted. All existing bookmarks will remain on this computer and in your Google Account. Never Just now Bookmark Sync Bookmark Sync Error! You can sync your bookmarks across computers using your Google account Start now Setup in progress... Synced to $ Sync my bookmarks Bookmark Sync makes it easy to keep the same set of bookmarks on multiple computers. When you enable sync, your bookmarks will get stored online in your Google Account. Each additional computer on which you enable sync will receive the same bookmarks. Sign in with your Google Account Email: Password: Sign in I cannot access my account Create a Google account Required field cannot be left blank Could not connect to the server Setting up Bookmarks Sync Setting up... Success! Bookmarks synced... Bookmark sync error... Your bookmarks will be merged. Merge and sync Your existing online bookmarks will be merged with the bookmarks on this machine. You can use the Bookmark Manager to organize your bookmarks after the merge. Your bookmarks will now be synced between all computers where you have enabled sync. Your bookmarks are now synced to Google Docs! To merge and sync your bookmarks to Chrome on another computer, just repeat the same setup process on that computer. OK Sync Error Your login details are out of date. Click to re-enter your password. Dismiss from $1 Allow $ to show desktop notifications? Allow Deny File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help About $1Google Chrome Preferences... Clear Browsing Data... 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Glen Please Restart $1Google Chrome Format: Date and Time Network Touchpad Network Password Timezone: Enable tap-to-click Enable vertical edge scrolling Touch Sensitivity: Speed Sensitivity: No networks are available Open date and time options... $12:$230a $12:$230p Battery: $1100% $12:$230 until full $12:$230 remaining Calculating time until full Calculating remaining time Battery is charged