include_rules = [ "+chrome/app", "+chrome/app/locales", "+chrome/installer", "+chrome/personalization", "+chrome/profile_import", "+chrome/tools/profiles", # For history unit tests. "+chrome/views", "+chromeos", "+content/plugin/plugin_interpose_util_mac.h", "+content/public/browser", "+google_update", "+grit", # For generated headers "+policy", # For generated headers and source "+ppapi/c", # For various types. "+ppapi/proxy", "+ppapi/shared_impl/api_id.h", "+rlz", "+sandbox/linux", "+sandbox/src", # The path doesn't say it, but this is the Windows sandbox. "+skia/ext", "+skia/include", "+sync/protocol", # Sync protobuf files. "+third_party/cros", "+third_party/cros_system_api", "+webkit/database", "+webkit/dom_storage", # Defines an ENABLE_NEW_DOM_STORAGE_BACKEND flag. "+webkit/forms", # Defines some types that are marshalled over IPC. "+webkit/glue", # Defines some types that are marshalled over IPC. "+webkit/plugins", # Defines some types that are marshalled over IPC. "+webkit/quota", "+xib_localizers", # For generated mac localization helpers "-content/browser", # TODO(jam): Need to remove all these and use only content/public. BUG=98716 # DO NOT ADD ANY MORE ITEMS TO THE LIST BELOW! "+content/browser/geolocation/wifi_data_provider_common.h", # TODO(asanka): see "+content/browser/download/download_state_info.h", # TODO(ben): will fix the following: "+content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_factory.h", "+content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents_view_helper.h", "+content/browser/tab_contents/web_contents_drag_win.h", "+content/browser/tab_contents/web_drag_dest_win.h", # DO NOT ADD ANY MORE ITEMS TO THE ABOVE LIST! "-content/common", # Other libraries. "+chrome/third_party/hunspell", "+chrome/third_party/mozilla_security_manager", "+libxml", # For search engine definition parsing. "+third_party/apple_sample_code", # Apple code ImageAndTextCell. "+third_party/cld", "+third_party/expat", "+third_party/iaccessible2", "+third_party/isimpledom", "+third_party/libevent", # For the remote V8 debugging server "+third_party/libjingle", "+third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf", "+third_party/sqlite", "+third_party/undoview", # FIXME: these should probably not be here, we need to find a better # structure for these includes. "+chrome/renderer", ]