// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/about_flags.h" #include #include #include #include #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/singleton.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/metrics/user_metrics.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" namespace about_flags { // Macros to simplify specifying the type. #define SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(command_line) Experiment::SINGLE_VALUE, \ command_line, NULL, 0 #define MULTI_VALUE_TYPE(choices) Experiment::MULTI_VALUE, "", choices, \ arraysize(choices) namespace { const unsigned kOsAll = kOsMac | kOsWin | kOsLinux | kOsCrOS; // Names for former Chrome OS Labs experiments, shared with prefs migration // code. const char kMediaPlayerExperimentName[] = "media-player"; const char kAdvancedFileSystemExperimentName[] = "advanced-file-system"; const char kVerticalTabsExperimentName[] = "vertical-tabs"; // If adding a new choice, add it to the end of the list. const Experiment::Choice kInstantChoices[] = { { IDS_FLAGS_INSTANT_TYPE_VERBATIM, switches::kEnableVerbatimInstant }, { IDS_FLAGS_INSTANT_TYPE_PREDICTIVE, switches::kEnablePredictiveInstant }, { IDS_FLAGS_INSTANT_TYPE_PREDICTIVE_NO_AUTO_COMPLETE, switches::kEnablePredictiveNoAutoCompleteInstant }, }; // RECORDING USER METRICS FOR FLAGS: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The first line of the experiment is the internal name. If you'd like to // gather statistics about the usage of your flag, you should append a marker // comment to the end of the feature name, like so: // "my-special-feature", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA // // After doing that, run //chrome/tools/extract_actions.py (see instructions at // the top of that file for details) to update the chromeactions.txt file, which // will enable UMA to record your feature flag. // // After your feature has shipped under a flag, you can locate the metrics // under the action name AboutFlags_internal-action-name. Actions are recorded // once per startup, so you should divide this number by AboutFlags_StartupTick // to get a sense of usage. Note that this will not be the same as number of // users with a given feature enabled because users can quit and relaunch // the application multiple times over a given time interval. // TODO(rsesek): See if there's a way to count per-user, rather than // per-startup. // To add a new experiment add to the end of kExperiments. There are two // distinct types of experiments: // . SINGLE_VALUE: experiment is either on or off. Use the SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE // macro for this type supplying the command line to the macro. // . MULTI_VALUE: if enabled the command line of the selected choice is enabled. // To specify this type of experiment use the macro MULTI_VALUE_TYPE supplying // it the array of choices. // See the documentation of Experiment for details on the fields. // // When adding a new choice, add it to the end of the list. const Experiment kExperiments[] = { { "expose-for-tabs", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_TABPOSE_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_TABPOSE_DESCRIPTION, kOsMac, #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // The switch exists only on OS X. SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableExposeForTabs) #else SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE("") #endif }, { kMediaPlayerExperimentName, IDS_FLAGS_MEDIA_PLAYER_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_MEDIA_PLAYER_DESCRIPTION, kOsCrOS, #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // The switch exists only on Chrome OS. SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableMediaPlayer) #else SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE("") #endif }, { kAdvancedFileSystemExperimentName, IDS_FLAGS_ADVANCED_FS_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_ADVANCED_FS_DESCRIPTION, kOsCrOS, #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // The switch exists only on Chrome OS. SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableAdvancedFileSystem) #else SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE("") #endif }, { "vertical-tabs", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_SIDE_TABS_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_SIDE_TABS_DESCRIPTION, kOsWin | kOsCrOS, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableVerticalTabs) }, { "tabbed-options", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_TABBED_OPTIONS_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_TABBED_OPTIONS_DESCRIPTION, kOsWin | kOsLinux | kOsMac, // Enabled by default on CrOS. SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableTabbedOptions) }, { "remoting", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_REMOTING_NAME, #if defined(OS_WIN) // Windows only supports host functionality at the moment. IDS_FLAGS_REMOTING_HOST_DESCRIPTION, #elif defined(OS_LINUX) // Also true for CrOS. // Linux only supports client functionality at the moment. IDS_FLAGS_REMOTING_CLIENT_DESCRIPTION, #else // On other platforms, this lab isn't available at all. 0, #endif kOsWin | kOsLinux | kOsCrOS, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableRemoting) }, { "disable-outdated-plugins", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_DISABLE_OUTDATED_PLUGINS_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_DISABLE_OUTDATED_PLUGINS_DESCRIPTION, kOsAll, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kDisableOutdatedPlugins) }, { "xss-auditor", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_XSS_AUDITOR_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_XSS_AUDITOR_DESCRIPTION, kOsAll, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableXSSAuditor) }, { "background-webapps", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_BACKGROUND_WEBAPPS_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_BACKGROUND_WEBAPPS_DESCRIPTION, kOsMac | kOsLinux | kOsCrOS, // Enabled by default on windows SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableBackgroundMode) }, { "conflicting-modules-check", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_CONFLICTS_CHECK_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_CONFLICTS_CHECK_DESCRIPTION, kOsWin, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kConflictingModulesCheck) }, { "cloud-print-proxy", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_CLOUD_PRINT_PROXY_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_CLOUD_PRINT_PROXY_DESCRIPTION, #if defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) // For a Chrome build, we know we have a PDF plug-in, and so we'll // enable by platform as we get things working. 0, #else // Otherwise, where we know it could be working if a viable PDF // plug-in could be supplied, we'll keep the lab enabled. kOsWin, #endif SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableCloudPrintProxy) }, { "crxless-web-apps", IDS_FLAGS_CRXLESS_WEB_APPS_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_CRXLESS_WEB_APPS_DESCRIPTION, kOsAll, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableCrxlessWebApps) }, { "match-preview", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_PREDICTIVE_INSTANT_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_PREDICTIVE_INSTANT_DESCRIPTION, kOsMac, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnablePredictiveInstant) }, { "gpu-compositing", IDS_FLAGS_ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING_DESCRIPTION, kOsAll, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableAcceleratedLayers) }, { "gpu-canvas-2d", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_ACCELERATED_CANVAS_2D_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_ACCELERATED_CANVAS_2D_DESCRIPTION, kOsWin | kOsLinux | kOsCrOS, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableAccelerated2dCanvas) }, // FIXME(scheib): Add Flags entry for WebGL, // or pull it and the strings in generated_resources.grd by Dec 2010 // { // "webgl", // IDS_FLAGS_WEBGL_NAME, // IDS_FLAGS_WEBGL_DESCRIPTION, // kOsAll, // SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kDisableExperimentalWebGL) // } { "print-preview", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_PRINT_PREVIEW_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_PRINT_PREVIEW_DESCRIPTION, kOsAll, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnablePrintPreview) }, { "enable-nacl", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_ENABLE_NACL_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_ENABLE_NACL_DESCRIPTION, kOsAll, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableNaCl) }, { "dns-server", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_DNS_SERVER_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_DNS_SERVER_DESCRIPTION, kOsLinux, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kDnsServer) }, { "page-prerender", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_PAGE_PRERENDER_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_PAGE_PRERENDER_DESCRIPTION, kOsAll, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnablePagePrerender) }, { "confirm-to-quit", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_CONFIRM_TO_QUIT_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_CONFIRM_TO_QUIT_DESCRIPTION, kOsMac, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableConfirmToQuit) }, { "extension-apis", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSION_APIS_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_EXPERIMENTAL_EXTENSION_APIS_DESCRIPTION, kOsAll, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableExperimentalExtensionApis) }, { "click-to-play", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_CLICK_TO_PLAY_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_CLICK_TO_PLAY_DESCRIPTION, kOsAll, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kEnableClickToPlay) }, { "disable-hyperlink-auditing", IDS_FLAGS_DISABLE_HYPERLINK_AUDITING_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_DISABLE_HYPERLINK_AUDITING_DESCRIPTION, kOsAll, SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kNoPings) }, { "experimental-location-features", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_EXPERIMENTAL_LOCATION_FEATURES_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_EXPERIMENTAL_LOCATION_FEATURES_DESCRIPTION, kOsMac | kOsWin | kOsLinux, // Currently does nothing on CrOS. SINGLE_VALUE_TYPE(switches::kExperimentalLocationFeatures) }, { "instant-type", // FLAGS:RECORD_UMA IDS_FLAGS_INSTANT_TYPE_NAME, IDS_FLAGS_INSTANT_TYPE_DESCRIPTION, kOsWin, MULTI_VALUE_TYPE(kInstantChoices) }, }; const Experiment* experiments = kExperiments; size_t num_experiments = arraysize(kExperiments); // Stores and encapsulates the little state that about:flags has. class FlagsState { public: FlagsState() : needs_restart_(false) {} void ConvertFlagsToSwitches(PrefService* prefs, CommandLine* command_line); bool IsRestartNeededToCommitChanges(); void SetExperimentEnabled( PrefService* prefs, const std::string& internal_name, bool enable); void RemoveFlagsSwitches( std::map* switch_list); void reset(); // Returns the singleton instance of this class static FlagsState* instance() { return Singleton::get(); } private: bool needs_restart_; std::set flags_switches_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FlagsState); }; #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // Migrates Chrome OS Labs settings to experiments adding flags to enabled // experiment list if the corresponding pref is on. void MigrateChromeOSLabsPrefs(PrefService* prefs, std::set* result) { DCHECK(prefs); DCHECK(result); if (prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kLabsMediaplayerEnabled)) result->insert(kMediaPlayerExperimentName); if (prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kLabsAdvancedFilesystemEnabled)) result->insert(kAdvancedFileSystemExperimentName); if (prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kUseVerticalTabs)) result->insert(kVerticalTabsExperimentName); prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kLabsMediaplayerEnabled, false); prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kLabsAdvancedFilesystemEnabled, false); prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kUseVerticalTabs, false); } #endif // Extracts the list of enabled lab experiments from preferences and stores them // in a set. void GetEnabledFlags(const PrefService* prefs, std::set* result) { const ListValue* enabled_experiments = prefs->GetList( prefs::kEnabledLabsExperiments); if (!enabled_experiments) return; for (ListValue::const_iterator it = enabled_experiments->begin(); it != enabled_experiments->end(); ++it) { std::string experiment_name; if (!(*it)->GetAsString(&experiment_name)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid entry in " << prefs::kEnabledLabsExperiments; continue; } result->insert(experiment_name); } } // Takes a set of enabled lab experiments void SetEnabledFlags( PrefService* prefs, const std::set& enabled_experiments) { ListValue* experiments_list = prefs->GetMutableList( prefs::kEnabledLabsExperiments); if (!experiments_list) return; experiments_list->Clear(); for (std::set::const_iterator it = enabled_experiments.begin(); it != enabled_experiments.end(); ++it) { experiments_list->Append(new StringValue(*it)); } } // Returns the name used in prefs for the choice at the specified index. std::string NameForChoice(const Experiment& e, int index) { DCHECK(e.type == Experiment::MULTI_VALUE); DCHECK(index < e.num_choices); return std::string(e.internal_name) + about_flags::testing::kMultiSeparator + base::IntToString(index); } // Adds the internal names for the specified experiment to |names|. void AddInternalName(const Experiment& e, std::set* names) { if (e.type == Experiment::SINGLE_VALUE) { names->insert(e.internal_name); } else { DCHECK(e.type == Experiment::MULTI_VALUE); for (int i = 0; i < e.num_choices; ++i) names->insert(NameForChoice(e, i)); } } // Removes all experiments from prefs::kEnabledLabsExperiments that are // unknown, to prevent this list to become very long as experiments are added // and removed. void SanitizeList(PrefService* prefs) { std::set known_experiments; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_experiments; ++i) AddInternalName(experiments[i], &known_experiments); std::set enabled_experiments; GetEnabledFlags(prefs, &enabled_experiments); std::set new_enabled_experiments; std::set_intersection( known_experiments.begin(), known_experiments.end(), enabled_experiments.begin(), enabled_experiments.end(), std::inserter(new_enabled_experiments, new_enabled_experiments.begin())); SetEnabledFlags(prefs, new_enabled_experiments); } void GetSanitizedEnabledFlags( PrefService* prefs, std::set* result) { SanitizeList(prefs); GetEnabledFlags(prefs, result); } // Variant of GetSanitizedEnabledFlags that also removes any flags that aren't // enabled on the current platform. void GetSanitizedEnabledFlagsForCurrentPlatform( PrefService* prefs, std::set* result) { GetSanitizedEnabledFlags(prefs, result); // Filter out any experiments that aren't enabled on the current platform. We // don't remove these from prefs else syncing to a platform with a different // set of experiments would be lossy. std::set platform_experiments; int current_platform = GetCurrentPlatform(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_experiments; ++i) { if (experiments[i].supported_platforms & current_platform) AddInternalName(experiments[i], &platform_experiments); } std::set new_enabled_experiments; std::set_intersection( platform_experiments.begin(), platform_experiments.end(), result->begin(), result->end(), std::inserter(new_enabled_experiments, new_enabled_experiments.begin())); result->swap(new_enabled_experiments); } // Returns the Value representing the choice data in the specified experiment. // If one of the choices is enabled |is_one_selected| is set to true. Value* CreateChoiceData(const Experiment& experiment, const std::set& enabled_experiments, bool* is_one_selected) { DCHECK(experiment.type == Experiment::MULTI_VALUE); ListValue* result = new ListValue; for (int i = 0; i < experiment.num_choices; ++i) { const Experiment::Choice& choice = experiment.choices[i]; DictionaryValue* value = new DictionaryValue; std::string name = NameForChoice(experiment, i); value->SetString("description", l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(choice.description_id)); value->SetString("internal_name", name); bool is_selected = enabled_experiments.count(name) > 0; if (is_selected) *is_one_selected = true; value->SetBoolean("selected", is_selected); result->Append(value); } return result; } } // namespace void ConvertFlagsToSwitches(PrefService* prefs, CommandLine* command_line) { FlagsState::instance()->ConvertFlagsToSwitches(prefs, command_line); } ListValue* GetFlagsExperimentsData(PrefService* prefs) { std::set enabled_experiments; GetSanitizedEnabledFlags(prefs, &enabled_experiments); int current_platform = GetCurrentPlatform(); ListValue* experiments_data = new ListValue(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_experiments; ++i) { const Experiment& experiment = experiments[i]; if (!(experiment.supported_platforms & current_platform)) continue; DictionaryValue* data = new DictionaryValue(); data->SetString("internal_name", experiment.internal_name); data->SetString("name", l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(experiment.visible_name_id)); data->SetString("description", l10n_util::GetStringUTF16( experiment.visible_description_id)); bool enabled = enabled_experiments.count(experiment.internal_name) > 0; if (experiment.type == Experiment::MULTI_VALUE) { data->Set("choices", CreateChoiceData(experiment, enabled_experiments, &enabled)); } data->SetBoolean("enabled", enabled); experiments_data->Append(data); } return experiments_data; } bool IsRestartNeededToCommitChanges() { return FlagsState::instance()->IsRestartNeededToCommitChanges(); } void SetExperimentEnabled( PrefService* prefs, const std::string& internal_name, bool enable) { FlagsState::instance()->SetExperimentEnabled(prefs, internal_name, enable); } void RemoveFlagsSwitches( std::map* switch_list) { FlagsState::instance()->RemoveFlagsSwitches(switch_list); } int GetCurrentPlatform() { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) return kOsMac; #elif defined(OS_WIN) return kOsWin; #elif defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // Needs to be before the OS_LINUX check. return kOsCrOS; #elif defined(OS_LINUX) return kOsLinux; #else #error Unknown platform #endif } void RecordUMAStatistics(const PrefService* prefs) { std::set flags; GetEnabledFlags(prefs, &flags); for (std::set::iterator it = flags.begin(); it != flags.end(); ++it) { std::string action("AboutFlags_"); action += *it; UserMetrics::RecordComputedAction(action); } // Since flag metrics are recorded every startup, add a tick so that the // stats can be made meaningful. if (flags.size()) UserMetrics::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("AboutFlags_StartupTick")); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FlagsState implementation. namespace { void FlagsState::ConvertFlagsToSwitches( PrefService* prefs, CommandLine* command_line) { if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kNoExperiments)) return; std::set enabled_experiments; #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // Some experiments were implemented via prefs on Chrome OS and we want to // seamlessly migrate these prefs to about:flags for updated users. MigrateChromeOSLabsPrefs(prefs, &enabled_experiments); #endif GetSanitizedEnabledFlagsForCurrentPlatform(prefs, &enabled_experiments); typedef std::map NameToSwitchMap; NameToSwitchMap name_to_switch_map; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_experiments; ++i) { const Experiment& e = experiments[i]; if (e.type == Experiment::SINGLE_VALUE) { name_to_switch_map[e.internal_name] = e.command_line; } else { for (int j = 0; j < e.num_choices; ++j) name_to_switch_map[NameForChoice(e, j)] = e.choices[j].command_line; } } command_line->AppendSwitch(switches::kFlagSwitchesBegin); flags_switches_.insert(switches::kFlagSwitchesBegin); for (std::set::iterator it = enabled_experiments.begin(); it != enabled_experiments.end(); ++it) { const std::string& experiment_name = *it; NameToSwitchMap::const_iterator name_to_switch_it = name_to_switch_map.find(experiment_name); if (name_to_switch_it == name_to_switch_map.end()) { NOTREACHED(); continue; } command_line->AppendSwitch(name_to_switch_it->second); flags_switches_.insert(name_to_switch_it->second); } command_line->AppendSwitch(switches::kFlagSwitchesEnd); flags_switches_.insert(switches::kFlagSwitchesEnd); } bool FlagsState::IsRestartNeededToCommitChanges() { return needs_restart_; } void FlagsState::SetExperimentEnabled( PrefService* prefs, const std::string& internal_name, bool enable) { needs_restart_ = true; size_t at_index = internal_name.find(about_flags::testing::kMultiSeparator); if (at_index != std::string::npos) { DCHECK(enable); // We're being asked to enable a multi-choice experiment. Disable the // currently selected choice. DCHECK_NE(at_index, 0u); SetExperimentEnabled(prefs, internal_name.substr(0, at_index), false); // And enable the new choice. std::set enabled_experiments; GetSanitizedEnabledFlags(prefs, &enabled_experiments); enabled_experiments.insert(internal_name); SetEnabledFlags(prefs, enabled_experiments); return; } std::set enabled_experiments; GetSanitizedEnabledFlags(prefs, &enabled_experiments); const Experiment* e = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_experiments; ++i) { if (experiments[i].internal_name == internal_name) { e = experiments + i; break; } } DCHECK(e); if (e->type == Experiment::SINGLE_VALUE) { if (enable) enabled_experiments.insert(internal_name); else enabled_experiments.erase(internal_name); } else { if (enable) { // Enable the first choice. enabled_experiments.insert(NameForChoice(*e, 0)); } else { // Find the currently enabled choice and disable it. for (int i = 0; i < e->num_choices; ++i) { std::string choice_name = NameForChoice(*e, i); if (enabled_experiments.find(choice_name) != enabled_experiments.end()) { enabled_experiments.erase(choice_name); // Continue on just in case there's a bug and more than one // experiment for this choice was enabled. } } } } SetEnabledFlags(prefs, enabled_experiments); } void FlagsState::RemoveFlagsSwitches( std::map* switch_list) { for (std::set::const_iterator it = flags_switches_.begin(); it != flags_switches_.end(); ++it) { switch_list->erase(*it); } } void FlagsState::reset() { needs_restart_ = false; flags_switches_.clear(); } } // namespace namespace testing { // WARNING: '@' is also used in the html file. If you update this constant you // also need to update the html file. const char kMultiSeparator[] = "@"; void ClearState() { FlagsState::instance()->reset(); } void SetExperiments(const Experiment* e, size_t count) { if (!e) { experiments = kExperiments; num_experiments = arraysize(kExperiments); } else { experiments = e; num_experiments = count; } } const Experiment* GetExperiments(size_t* count) { *count = num_experiments; return experiments; } } // namespace testing } // namespace about_flags