# The chrome/browser/api directory is for programming interfaces # provided by Chrome to Browser Components that run within Chrome. # Files here are not allowed to include stuff under chrome/browser # since that would leak implementation details to users of the APIs. # # APIs can be either pure-virtual to allow specialization at runtime, # or they can be non-virtual and specialized per platform (or # otherwise at compile time), or a mix of non-virtual and virtual. # The primary initial objective is to break Browser Components' # dependencies on implementation details, so non-virtual classes in # header files that do not expose any headers from chrome/browser # except for chrome/browser/api are acceptable. # # Note that for non-virtual APIs, there is an increased risk of an # implicit link-time dependency remaining from the user of the API to # the implementation. We are accepting this risk initially, but plan # to write a new type of link-time or target-level set of dependency # rules to help us find such problems and reduce them over time. # # The directory structure under chrome/browser/api/ is a mirror of # those parts of the chrome/browser/ structure that APIs have been # extracted from. Hence, an API defined in chrome/browser/api/x/y/z # is likely to be implemented in a directory chrome/browser/x/y/z. # # See http://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/browser-components include_rules = [ "-chrome/browser", "+chrome/browser/api", # TODO(joi): Get rid of this. "!chrome/browser/profiles/refcounted_profile_keyed_service.h", ] specific_include_rules = { ".*_[a-z]+test\.cc": [ "+chrome/test", ], }