// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/api/prefs/pref_member.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/value_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/api/prefs/pref_service_base.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h" using content::BrowserThread; namespace subtle { PrefMemberBase::PrefMemberBase() : observer_(NULL), prefs_(NULL), setting_value_(false) { } PrefMemberBase::~PrefMemberBase() { Destroy(); } void PrefMemberBase::Init(const char* pref_name, PrefServiceBase* prefs, content::NotificationObserver* observer) { DCHECK(pref_name); DCHECK(prefs); DCHECK(pref_name_.empty()); // Check that Init is only called once. observer_ = observer; prefs_ = prefs; pref_name_ = pref_name; // Check that the preference is registered. DCHECK(prefs_->FindPreference(pref_name_.c_str())) << pref_name << " not registered."; // Add ourselves as a pref observer so we can keep our local value in sync. prefs_->AddPrefObserver(pref_name, this); } void PrefMemberBase::Destroy() { if (prefs_ && !pref_name_.empty()) { prefs_->RemovePrefObserver(pref_name_.c_str(), this); prefs_ = NULL; } } void PrefMemberBase::MoveToThread(BrowserThread::ID thread_id) { VerifyValuePrefName(); // Load the value from preferences if it hasn't been loaded so far. if (!internal()) UpdateValueFromPref(); internal()->MoveToThread(thread_id); } void PrefMemberBase::Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) { VerifyValuePrefName(); DCHECK(chrome::NOTIFICATION_PREF_CHANGED == type); UpdateValueFromPref(); if (!setting_value_ && observer_) observer_->Observe(type, source, details); } void PrefMemberBase::UpdateValueFromPref() const { VerifyValuePrefName(); const PrefServiceBase::Preference* pref = prefs_->FindPreference(pref_name_.c_str()); DCHECK(pref); if (!internal()) CreateInternal(); internal()->UpdateValue(pref->GetValue()->DeepCopy(), pref->IsManaged()); } void PrefMemberBase::VerifyPref() const { VerifyValuePrefName(); if (!internal()) UpdateValueFromPref(); } PrefMemberBase::Internal::Internal() : thread_id_(BrowserThread::UI), is_managed_(false) { } PrefMemberBase::Internal::~Internal() { } bool PrefMemberBase::Internal::IsOnCorrectThread() const { // In unit tests, there may not be a UI thread. return (BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(thread_id_) || (thread_id_ == BrowserThread::UI && !BrowserThread::IsMessageLoopValid(BrowserThread::UI))); } void PrefMemberBase::Internal::UpdateValue(Value* v, bool is_managed) const { scoped_ptr value(v); if (IsOnCorrectThread()) { bool rv = UpdateValueInternal(*value); DCHECK(rv); is_managed_ = is_managed; } else { bool rv = BrowserThread::PostTask( thread_id_, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrefMemberBase::Internal::UpdateValue, this, value.release(), is_managed)); DCHECK(rv); } } void PrefMemberBase::Internal::MoveToThread(BrowserThread::ID thread_id) { CheckOnCorrectThread(); thread_id_ = thread_id; } } // namespace subtle template <> void PrefMember::UpdatePref(const bool& value) { prefs()->SetBoolean(pref_name().c_str(), value); } template <> bool PrefMember::Internal::UpdateValueInternal(const Value& value) const { return value.GetAsBoolean(&value_); } template <> void PrefMember::UpdatePref(const int& value) { prefs()->SetInteger(pref_name().c_str(), value); } template <> bool PrefMember::Internal::UpdateValueInternal(const Value& value) const { return value.GetAsInteger(&value_); } template <> void PrefMember::UpdatePref(const double& value) { prefs()->SetDouble(pref_name().c_str(), value); } template <> bool PrefMember::Internal::UpdateValueInternal(const Value& value) const { return value.GetAsDouble(&value_); } template <> void PrefMember::UpdatePref(const std::string& value) { prefs()->SetString(pref_name().c_str(), value); } template <> bool PrefMember::Internal::UpdateValueInternal(const Value& value) const { return value.GetAsString(&value_); } template <> void PrefMember::UpdatePref(const FilePath& value) { prefs()->SetFilePath(pref_name().c_str(), value); } template <> bool PrefMember::Internal::UpdateValueInternal(const Value& value) const { return base::GetValueAsFilePath(value, &value_); }