// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This is the base interface for a preference services that provides // a way to access the application's current preferences. // // This base interface assumes all preferences are local. See // SyncablePrefServiceBase for the interface to a preference service // that stores preferences that can be synced. // // Chromium settings and storage represent user-selected preferences and // information and MUST not be extracted, overwritten or modified except // through Chromium defined APIs. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_API_PREFS_PREF_SERVICE_BASE_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_API_PREFS_PREF_SERVICE_BASE_H_ #include "base/values.h" namespace content { class BrowserContext; class NotificationObserver; } namespace subtle { class PrefMemberBase; } class FilePath; class Profile; class TabContents; class PrefServiceBase { public: // Retrieves a PrefServiceBase for the given context. static PrefServiceBase* FromBrowserContext(content::BrowserContext* context); virtual ~PrefServiceBase() {} // Enum used when registering preferences to determine if it should be synced // or not. This is only used for profile prefs, not local state prefs. // See the Register*Pref methods for profile prefs below. enum PrefSyncStatus { UNSYNCABLE_PREF, SYNCABLE_PREF }; // Interface to a single preference. class Preference { public: virtual ~Preference() {} // Returns the name of the Preference (i.e., the key, e.g., // browser.window_placement). virtual const std::string name() const = 0; // Returns the registered type of the preference. virtual base::Value::Type GetType() const = 0; // Returns the value of the Preference, falling back to the registered // default value if no other has been set. virtual const base::Value* GetValue() const = 0; // Returns the value recommended by the admin, if any. virtual const base::Value* GetRecommendedValue() const = 0; // Returns true if the Preference is managed, i.e. set by an admin policy. // Since managed prefs have the highest priority, this also indicates // whether the pref is actually being controlled by the policy setting. virtual bool IsManaged() const = 0; // Returns true if the Preference is recommended, i.e. set by an admin // policy but the user is allowed to change it. virtual bool IsRecommended() const = 0; // Returns true if the Preference has a value set by an extension, even if // that value is being overridden by a higher-priority source. virtual bool HasExtensionSetting() const = 0; // Returns true if the Preference has a user setting, even if that value is // being overridden by a higher-priority source. virtual bool HasUserSetting() const = 0; // Returns true if the Preference value is currently being controlled by an // extension, and not by any higher-priority source. virtual bool IsExtensionControlled() const = 0; // Returns true if the Preference value is currently being controlled by a // user setting, and not by any higher-priority source. virtual bool IsUserControlled() const = 0; // Returns true if the Preference is currently using its default value, // and has not been set by any higher-priority source (even with the same // value). virtual bool IsDefaultValue() const = 0; // Returns true if the user can change the Preference value, which is the // case if no higher-priority source than the user store controls the // Preference. virtual bool IsUserModifiable() const = 0; // Returns true if an extension can change the Preference value, which is // the case if no higher-priority source than the extension store controls // the Preference. virtual bool IsExtensionModifiable() const = 0; }; // Returns true if the preference for the given preference name is available // and is managed. virtual bool IsManagedPreference(const char* pref_name) const = 0; // Returns |true| if a preference with the given name is available and its // value can be changed by the user. virtual bool IsUserModifiablePreference(const char* pref_name) const = 0; // Make the PrefService aware of a pref. // TODO(zea): split local state and profile prefs into their own subclasses. // ---------- Local state prefs ---------- virtual void RegisterBooleanPref(const char* path, bool default_value) = 0; virtual void RegisterIntegerPref(const char* path, int default_value) = 0; virtual void RegisterDoublePref(const char* path, double default_value) = 0; virtual void RegisterStringPref(const char* path, const std::string& default_value) = 0; virtual void RegisterFilePathPref(const char* path, const FilePath& default_value) = 0; virtual void RegisterListPref(const char* path) = 0; virtual void RegisterDictionaryPref(const char* path) = 0; // These take ownership of the default_value: virtual void RegisterListPref(const char* path, base::ListValue* default_value) = 0; virtual void RegisterDictionaryPref( const char* path, base::DictionaryValue* default_value) = 0; // These variants use a default value from the locale dll instead. virtual void RegisterLocalizedBooleanPref( const char* path, int locale_default_message_id) = 0; virtual void RegisterLocalizedIntegerPref( const char* path, int locale_default_message_id) = 0; virtual void RegisterLocalizedDoublePref( const char* path, int locale_default_message_id) = 0; virtual void RegisterLocalizedStringPref( const char* path, int locale_default_message_id) = 0; virtual void RegisterInt64Pref(const char* path, int64 default_value) = 0; // ---------- Profile prefs ---------- // Profile prefs must specify whether the pref should be synchronized across // machines or not (see PrefSyncStatus enum above). virtual void RegisterBooleanPref(const char* path, bool default_value, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; virtual void RegisterIntegerPref(const char* path, int default_value, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; virtual void RegisterDoublePref(const char* path, double default_value, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; virtual void RegisterStringPref(const char* path, const std::string& default_value, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; virtual void RegisterFilePathPref(const char* path, const FilePath& default_value, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; virtual void RegisterListPref(const char* path, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; virtual void RegisterDictionaryPref(const char* path, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; // These take ownership of the default_value: virtual void RegisterListPref(const char* path, base::ListValue* default_value, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; virtual void RegisterDictionaryPref(const char* path, base::DictionaryValue* default_value, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; // These variants use a default value from the locale dll instead. virtual void RegisterLocalizedBooleanPref( const char* path, int locale_default_message_id, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; virtual void RegisterLocalizedIntegerPref( const char* path, int locale_default_message_id, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; virtual void RegisterLocalizedDoublePref( const char* path, int locale_default_message_id, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; virtual void RegisterLocalizedStringPref( const char* path, int locale_default_message_id, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; virtual void RegisterInt64Pref(const char* path, int64 default_value, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; virtual void RegisterUint64Pref(const char* path, uint64 default_value, PrefSyncStatus sync_status) = 0; // Unregisters a preference. virtual void UnregisterPreference(const char* path) = 0; // Look up a preference. Returns NULL if the preference is not // registered. virtual const Preference* FindPreference(const char* pref_name) const = 0; // If the path is valid and the value at the end of the path matches the type // specified, it will return the specified value. Otherwise, the default // value (set when the pref was registered) will be returned. virtual bool GetBoolean(const char* path) const = 0; virtual int GetInteger(const char* path) const = 0; virtual double GetDouble(const char* path) const = 0; virtual std::string GetString(const char* path) const = 0; virtual FilePath GetFilePath(const char* path) const = 0; // Returns the branch if it exists, or the registered default value otherwise. // Note that |path| must point to a registered preference. In that case, these // functions will never return NULL. virtual const base::DictionaryValue* GetDictionary( const char* path) const = 0; virtual const base::ListValue* GetList(const char* path) const = 0; // Removes a user pref and restores the pref to its default value. virtual void ClearPref(const char* path) = 0; // If the path is valid (i.e., registered), update the pref value in the user // prefs. // To set the value of dictionary or list values in the pref tree use // Set(), but to modify the value of a dictionary or list use either // ListPrefUpdate or DictionaryPrefUpdate from scoped_user_pref_update.h. virtual void Set(const char* path, const base::Value& value) = 0; virtual void SetBoolean(const char* path, bool value) = 0; virtual void SetInteger(const char* path, int value) = 0; virtual void SetDouble(const char* path, double value) = 0; virtual void SetString(const char* path, const std::string& value) = 0; virtual void SetFilePath(const char* path, const FilePath& value) = 0; // Int64 helper methods that actually store the given value as a string. // Note that if obtaining the named value via GetDictionary or GetList, the // Value type will be TYPE_STRING. virtual void SetInt64(const char* path, int64 value) = 0; virtual int64 GetInt64(const char* path) const = 0; // As above, but for unsigned values. virtual void SetUint64(const char* path, uint64 value) = 0; virtual uint64 GetUint64(const char* path) const = 0; protected: // Registration of pref change observers must be done using the // PrefChangeRegistrar, which is declared as a friend here to grant it // access to the otherwise protected members Add/RemovePrefObserver. // PrefMember registers for preferences changes notification directly to // avoid the storage overhead of the registrar, so its base class must be // declared as a friend, too. friend class PrefChangeRegistrar; friend class subtle::PrefMemberBase; // These are protected so they can only be accessed by the friend // classes listed above. // // If the pref at the given path changes, we call the observer's Observe // method with PREF_CHANGED. Note that observers should not call these methods // directly but rather use a PrefChangeRegistrar to make sure the observer // gets cleaned up properly. virtual void AddPrefObserver(const char* path, content::NotificationObserver* obs) = 0; virtual void RemovePrefObserver(const char* path, content::NotificationObserver* obs) = 0; }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_API_PREFS_PREF_SERVICE_BASE_H_