// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_edit.h" #include <string> #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_edit_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/keyword_provider.h" #include "chrome/browser/command_updater.h" #include "chrome/browser/metrics/user_metrics.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/dns_global.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/url_fixer_upper.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_versus_navigate_classifier.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "googleurl/src/url_util.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AutocompleteEditModel AutocompleteEditModel::AutocompleteEditModel( AutocompleteEditView* view, AutocompleteEditController* controller, Profile* profile) : view_(view), popup_(NULL), controller_(controller), has_focus_(false), user_input_in_progress_(false), just_deleted_text_(false), has_temporary_text_(false), original_keyword_ui_state_(NORMAL), paste_state_(NONE), control_key_state_(UP), is_keyword_hint_(false), keyword_ui_state_(NORMAL), show_search_hint_(true), paste_and_go_transition_(PageTransition::TYPED), profile_(profile) { } void AutocompleteEditModel::SetPopupModel(AutocompletePopupModel* popup_model) { popup_ = popup_model; registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::AUTOCOMPLETE_CONTROLLER_DEFAULT_MATCH_UPDATED, Source<AutocompleteController>(popup_->autocomplete_controller())); } void AutocompleteEditModel::SetProfile(Profile* profile) { DCHECK(profile); profile_ = profile; popup_->SetProfile(profile); } const AutocompleteEditModel::State AutocompleteEditModel::GetStateForTabSwitch() { // Like typing, switching tabs "accepts" the temporary text as the user // text, because it makes little sense to have temporary text when the // popup is closed. if (user_input_in_progress_) { // Weird edge case to match other browsers: if the edit is empty, revert to // the permanent text (so the user can get it back easily) but select it (so // on switching back, typing will "just work"). const std::wstring user_text(UserTextFromDisplayText(view_->GetText())); if (user_text.empty()) { view_->RevertAll(); view_->SelectAll(true); } else { InternalSetUserText(user_text); } } return State(user_input_in_progress_, user_text_, keyword_, is_keyword_hint_, keyword_ui_state_, show_search_hint_); } void AutocompleteEditModel::RestoreState(const State& state) { // Restore any user editing. if (state.user_input_in_progress) { // NOTE: Be sure and set keyword-related state BEFORE invoking // DisplayTextFromUserText(), as its result depends upon this state. keyword_ = state.keyword; is_keyword_hint_ = state.is_keyword_hint; keyword_ui_state_ = state.keyword_ui_state; show_search_hint_ = state.show_search_hint; view_->SetUserText(state.user_text, DisplayTextFromUserText(state.user_text), false); } } bool AutocompleteEditModel::UpdatePermanentText( const std::wstring& new_permanent_text) { // When there's a new URL, and the user is not editing anything or the edit // doesn't have focus, we want to revert the edit to show the new URL. (The // common case where the edit doesn't have focus is when the user has started // an edit and then abandoned it and clicked a link on the page.) const bool visibly_changed_permanent_text = (permanent_text_ != new_permanent_text) && (!user_input_in_progress_ || !has_focus_); permanent_text_ = new_permanent_text; return visibly_changed_permanent_text; } void AutocompleteEditModel::SetUserText(const std::wstring& text) { SetInputInProgress(true); InternalSetUserText(text); paste_state_ = NONE; has_temporary_text_ = false; } void AutocompleteEditModel::GetDataForURLExport(GURL* url, std::wstring* title, SkBitmap* favicon) { *url = GetURLForCurrentText(NULL, NULL, NULL); if (UTF8ToWide(url->possibly_invalid_spec()) == permanent_text_) { *title = controller_->GetTitle(); *favicon = controller_->GetFavIcon(); } } std::wstring AutocompleteEditModel::GetDesiredTLD() const { return (control_key_state_ == DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE) ? std::wstring(L"com") : std::wstring(); } bool AutocompleteEditModel::CurrentTextIsURL() { // If !user_input_in_progress_, the permanent text is showing, which should // always be a URL, so no further checking is needed. By avoiding checking in // this case, we avoid calling into the autocomplete providers, and thus // initializing the history system, as long as possible, which speeds startup. if (!user_input_in_progress_) return true; PageTransition::Type transition = PageTransition::LINK; GetURLForCurrentText(&transition, NULL, NULL); return transition == PageTransition::TYPED; } bool AutocompleteEditModel::GetURLForText(const std::wstring& text, GURL* url) const { url_parse::Parsed parts; const AutocompleteInput::Type type = AutocompleteInput::Parse( UserTextFromDisplayText(text), std::wstring(), &parts, NULL); if (type != AutocompleteInput::URL) return false; *url = GURL(URLFixerUpper::FixupURL(WideToUTF8(text), std::string())); return true; } void AutocompleteEditModel::SetInputInProgress(bool in_progress) { if (user_input_in_progress_ == in_progress) return; user_input_in_progress_ = in_progress; controller_->OnInputInProgress(in_progress); } void AutocompleteEditModel::Revert() { SetInputInProgress(false); paste_state_ = NONE; InternalSetUserText(std::wstring()); keyword_.clear(); is_keyword_hint_ = false; keyword_ui_state_ = NORMAL; show_search_hint_ = permanent_text_.empty(); has_temporary_text_ = false; view_->SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(permanent_text_, has_focus_ ? permanent_text_.length() : 0); } void AutocompleteEditModel::StartAutocomplete( bool prevent_inline_autocomplete) const { popup_->StartAutocomplete(user_text_, GetDesiredTLD(), prevent_inline_autocomplete || just_deleted_text_ || (paste_state_ != NONE), keyword_ui_state_ == KEYWORD); } bool AutocompleteEditModel::CanPasteAndGo(const std::wstring& text) const { if (!view_->GetCommandUpdater()->IsCommandEnabled(IDC_OPEN_CURRENT_URL)) return false; paste_and_go_url_ = GURL(); paste_and_go_transition_ = PageTransition::TYPED; paste_and_go_alternate_nav_url_ = GURL(); profile_->GetSearchVersusNavigateClassifier()->Classify(text, std::wstring(), NULL, &paste_and_go_url_, &paste_and_go_transition_, NULL, &paste_and_go_alternate_nav_url_); return paste_and_go_url_.is_valid(); } void AutocompleteEditModel::PasteAndGo() { // The final parameter to OpenURL, keyword, is not quite correct here: it's // possible to "paste and go" a string that contains a keyword. This is // enough of an edge case that we ignore this possibility. view_->RevertAll(); view_->OpenURL(paste_and_go_url_, CURRENT_TAB, paste_and_go_transition_, paste_and_go_alternate_nav_url_, AutocompletePopupModel::kNoMatch, std::wstring()); } void AutocompleteEditModel::AcceptInput(WindowOpenDisposition disposition, bool for_drop) { // Get the URL and transition type for the selected entry. PageTransition::Type transition; bool is_history_what_you_typed_match; GURL alternate_nav_url; const GURL url(GetURLForCurrentText(&transition, &is_history_what_you_typed_match, &alternate_nav_url)); if (!url.is_valid()) return; if (UTF8ToWide(url.spec()) == permanent_text_) { // When the user hit enter on the existing permanent URL, treat it like a // reload for scoring purposes. We could detect this by just checking // user_input_in_progress_, but it seems better to treat "edits" that end // up leaving the URL unchanged (e.g. deleting the last character and then // retyping it) as reloads too. transition = PageTransition::RELOAD; } else if (for_drop || ((paste_state_ != NONE) && is_history_what_you_typed_match)) { // When the user pasted in a URL and hit enter, score it like a link click // rather than a normal typed URL, so it doesn't get inline autocompleted // as aggressively later. transition = PageTransition::LINK; } view_->OpenURL(url, disposition, transition, alternate_nav_url, AutocompletePopupModel::kNoMatch, is_keyword_hint_ ? std::wstring() : keyword_); } void AutocompleteEditModel::SendOpenNotification(size_t selected_line, const std::wstring& keyword) { // We only care about cases where there is a selection (i.e. the popup is // open). if (popup_->IsOpen()) { scoped_ptr<AutocompleteLog> log(popup_->GetAutocompleteLog()); if (selected_line != AutocompletePopupModel::kNoMatch) log->selected_index = selected_line; else if (!has_temporary_text_) log->inline_autocompleted_length = inline_autocomplete_text_.length(); NotificationService::current()->Notify( NotificationType::OMNIBOX_OPENED_URL, Source<Profile>(profile_), Details<AutocompleteLog>(log.get())); } TemplateURLModel* template_url_model = profile_->GetTemplateURLModel(); if (keyword.empty() || !template_url_model) return; const TemplateURL* const template_url = template_url_model->GetTemplateURLForKeyword(keyword); if (template_url) { UserMetrics::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("AcceptedKeyword"), profile_); template_url_model->IncrementUsageCount(template_url); } // NOTE: We purposefully don't increment the usage count of the default search // engine, if applicable; see comments in template_url.h. } void AutocompleteEditModel::AcceptKeyword() { view_->OnBeforePossibleChange(); view_->SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(std::wstring(), 0); is_keyword_hint_ = false; keyword_ui_state_ = KEYWORD; view_->OnAfterPossibleChange(); just_deleted_text_ = false; // OnAfterPossibleChange() erroneously sets this // since the edit contents have disappeared. It // doesn't really matter, but we clear it to be // consistent. UserMetrics::RecordAction(UserMetricsAction("AcceptedKeywordHint"), profile_); } void AutocompleteEditModel::ClearKeyword(const std::wstring& visible_text) { view_->OnBeforePossibleChange(); const std::wstring window_text(keyword_ + visible_text); view_->SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(window_text.c_str(), keyword_.length()); keyword_.clear(); keyword_ui_state_ = NORMAL; view_->OnAfterPossibleChange(); just_deleted_text_ = true; // OnAfterPossibleChange() fails to clear this // since the edit contents have actually grown // longer. } bool AutocompleteEditModel::query_in_progress() const { return !popup_->autocomplete_controller()->done(); } const AutocompleteResult& AutocompleteEditModel::result() const { return popup_->autocomplete_controller()->result(); } void AutocompleteEditModel::OnSetFocus(bool control_down) { has_focus_ = true; control_key_state_ = control_down ? DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE : UP; } void AutocompleteEditModel::OnKillFocus() { has_focus_ = false; control_key_state_ = UP; paste_state_ = NONE; // Like typing, killing focus "accepts" the temporary text as the user // text, because it makes little sense to have temporary text when the // popup is closed. InternalSetUserText(UserTextFromDisplayText(view_->GetText())); has_temporary_text_ = false; } bool AutocompleteEditModel::OnEscapeKeyPressed() { if (has_temporary_text_ && (popup_->URLsForCurrentSelection(NULL, NULL, NULL) != original_url_)) { // The user typed something, then selected a different item. Restore the // text they typed and change back to the default item. // NOTE: This purposefully does not reset paste_state_. just_deleted_text_ = false; has_temporary_text_ = false; keyword_ui_state_ = original_keyword_ui_state_; popup_->ResetToDefaultMatch(); view_->OnRevertTemporaryText(); return true; } // If the user wasn't editing, but merely had focus in the edit, allow <esc> // to be processed as an accelerator, so it can still be used to stop a load. // When the permanent text isn't all selected we still fall through to the // SelectAll() call below so users can arrow around in the text and then hit // <esc> to quickly replace all the text; this matches IE. if (!user_input_in_progress_ && view_->IsSelectAll()) return false; view_->RevertAll(); view_->SelectAll(true); return true; } void AutocompleteEditModel::OnControlKeyChanged(bool pressed) { // Don't change anything unless the key state is actually toggling. if (pressed == (control_key_state_ == UP)) { ControlKeyState old_state = control_key_state_; control_key_state_ = pressed ? DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE : UP; if ((control_key_state_ == DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE) && has_temporary_text_) { // Arrowing down and then hitting control accepts the temporary text as // the input text. InternalSetUserText(UserTextFromDisplayText(view_->GetText())); has_temporary_text_ = false; } if ((old_state != DOWN_WITH_CHANGE) && popup_->IsOpen()) { // Autocomplete history provider results may change, so refresh the // popup. This will force user_input_in_progress_ to true, but if the // popup is open, that should have already been the case. view_->UpdatePopup(); } } } void AutocompleteEditModel::OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(int count) { // NOTE: This purposefully don't trigger any code that resets paste_state_. if (!popup_->IsOpen()) { if (!query_in_progress()) { // The popup is neither open nor working on a query already. So, start an // autocomplete query for the current text. This also sets // user_input_in_progress_ to true, which we want: if the user has started // to interact with the popup, changing the permanent_text_ shouldn't // change the displayed text. // Note: This does not force the popup to open immediately. // TODO(pkasting): We should, in fact, force this particular query to open // the popup immediately. if (!user_input_in_progress_) InternalSetUserText(permanent_text_); view_->UpdatePopup(); } else { // TODO(pkasting): The popup is working on a query but is not open. We // should force it to open immediately. } } else { // The popup is open, so the user should be able to interact with it // normally. popup_->Move(count); } // NOTE: We need to reset the keyword_ui_state_ after the popup updates, since // Move() will eventually call back to OnPopupDataChanged(), which needs to // save off the current keyword_ui_state_. keyword_ui_state_ = NORMAL; } void AutocompleteEditModel::OnPopupDataChanged( const std::wstring& text, bool is_temporary_text, const std::wstring& keyword, bool is_keyword_hint, AutocompleteMatch::Type type) { // We don't want to show the search hint if we're showing a keyword hint or // selected keyword, or (subtle!) if we would be showing a selected keyword // but for keyword_ui_state_ == NO_KEYWORD. const bool show_search_hint = keyword.empty() && ((type == AutocompleteMatch::SEARCH_WHAT_YOU_TYPED) || (type == AutocompleteMatch::SEARCH_HISTORY) || (type == AutocompleteMatch::SEARCH_SUGGEST)); // Update keyword/hint-related local state. bool keyword_state_changed = (keyword_ != keyword) || ((is_keyword_hint_ != is_keyword_hint) && !keyword.empty()) || (show_search_hint_ != show_search_hint); if (keyword_state_changed) { keyword_ = keyword; is_keyword_hint_ = is_keyword_hint; show_search_hint_ = show_search_hint; } // Handle changes to temporary text. if (is_temporary_text) { const bool save_original_selection = !has_temporary_text_; if (save_original_selection) { // Save the original selection and URL so it can be reverted later. has_temporary_text_ = true; original_url_ = popup_->URLsForCurrentSelection(NULL, NULL, NULL); original_keyword_ui_state_ = keyword_ui_state_; } if (control_key_state_ == DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE) { // Arrowing around the popup cancels control-enter. control_key_state_ = DOWN_WITH_CHANGE; // Now things are a bit screwy: the desired_tld has changed, but if we // update the popup, the new order of entries won't match the old, so the // user's selection gets screwy; and if we don't update the popup, and the // user reverts, then the selected item will be as if control is still // pressed, even though maybe it isn't any more. There is no obvious // right answer here :( } view_->OnTemporaryTextMaybeChanged(DisplayTextFromUserText(text), save_original_selection); return; } // TODO(suzhe): Instead of messing with |inline_autocomplete_text_| here, // we should probably do it inside Observe(), and save/restore it around // changes to the temporary text. This will let us remove knowledge of // inline autocompletions from the popup code. // // Handle changes to inline autocomplete text. Don't make changes if the user // is showing temporary text. Making display changes would be obviously // wrong; making changes to the inline_autocomplete_text_ itself turns out to // be more subtlely wrong, because it means hitting esc will no longer revert // to the original state before arrowing. if (!has_temporary_text_) { inline_autocomplete_text_ = text; if (view_->OnInlineAutocompleteTextMaybeChanged( DisplayTextFromUserText(user_text_ + inline_autocomplete_text_), DisplayTextFromUserText(user_text_).length())) return; } // If the above changes didn't warrant a text update but we did change keyword // state, we have yet to notify the controller about it. if (keyword_state_changed) controller_->OnChanged(); } bool AutocompleteEditModel::OnAfterPossibleChange(const std::wstring& new_text, bool selection_differs, bool text_differs, bool just_deleted_text, bool at_end_of_edit) { // Update the paste state as appropriate: if we're just finishing a paste // that replaced all the text, preserve that information; otherwise, if we've // made some other edit, clear paste tracking. if (paste_state_ == REPLACING_ALL) paste_state_ = REPLACED_ALL; else if (text_differs) paste_state_ = NONE; // If something has changed while the control key is down, prevent // "ctrl-enter" until the control key is released. When we do this, we need // to update the popup if it's open, since the desired_tld will have changed. if ((text_differs || selection_differs) && (control_key_state_ == DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE)) { control_key_state_ = DOWN_WITH_CHANGE; if (!text_differs && !popup_->IsOpen()) return false; // Don't open the popup for no reason. } else if (!text_differs && (inline_autocomplete_text_.empty() || !selection_differs)) { return false; } const bool had_keyword = (keyword_ui_state_ != NO_KEYWORD) && !is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty(); // Modifying the selection counts as accepting the autocompleted text. InternalSetUserText(UserTextFromDisplayText(new_text)); has_temporary_text_ = false; // Track when the user has deleted text so we won't allow inline autocomplete. just_deleted_text_ = just_deleted_text; // Disable the fancy keyword UI if the user didn't already have a visible // keyword and is not at the end of the edit. This prevents us from showing // the fancy UI (and interrupting the user's editing) if the user happens to // have a keyword for 'a', types 'ab' then puts a space between the 'a' and // the 'b'. if (!had_keyword) keyword_ui_state_ = at_end_of_edit ? NORMAL : NO_KEYWORD; view_->UpdatePopup(); if (had_keyword) { if (is_keyword_hint_ || keyword_.empty()) keyword_ui_state_ = NORMAL; } else if ((keyword_ui_state_ != NO_KEYWORD) && !is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty()) { // Went from no selected keyword to a selected keyword. keyword_ui_state_ = KEYWORD; } return true; } void AutocompleteEditModel::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { DCHECK_EQ(NotificationType::AUTOCOMPLETE_CONTROLLER_DEFAULT_MATCH_UPDATED, type.value); std::wstring inline_autocomplete_text; std::wstring keyword; bool is_keyword_hint = false; AutocompleteMatch::Type match_type = AutocompleteMatch::SEARCH_WHAT_YOU_TYPED; const AutocompleteResult* result = Details<const AutocompleteResult>(details).ptr(); const AutocompleteResult::const_iterator match(result->default_match()); if (match != result->end()) { if ((match->inline_autocomplete_offset != std::wstring::npos) && (match->inline_autocomplete_offset < match->fill_into_edit.length())) { inline_autocomplete_text = match->fill_into_edit.substr(match->inline_autocomplete_offset); } // Warm up DNS Prefetch Cache. chrome_browser_net::DnsPrefetchUrl(match->destination_url); // We could prefetch the alternate nav URL, if any, but because there // can be many of these as a user types an initial series of characters, // the OS DNS cache could suffer eviction problems for minimal gain. is_keyword_hint = popup_->GetKeywordForMatch(*match, &keyword); match_type = match->type; } OnPopupDataChanged(inline_autocomplete_text, false, keyword, is_keyword_hint, match_type); } void AutocompleteEditModel::InternalSetUserText(const std::wstring& text) { user_text_ = text; just_deleted_text_ = false; inline_autocomplete_text_.clear(); } std::wstring AutocompleteEditModel::DisplayTextFromUserText( const std::wstring& text) const { return ((keyword_ui_state_ == NO_KEYWORD) || is_keyword_hint_ || keyword_.empty()) ? text : KeywordProvider::SplitReplacementStringFromInput(text); } std::wstring AutocompleteEditModel::UserTextFromDisplayText( const std::wstring& text) const { return ((keyword_ui_state_ == NO_KEYWORD) || is_keyword_hint_ || keyword_.empty()) ? text : (keyword_ + L" " + text); } GURL AutocompleteEditModel::GetURLForCurrentText( PageTransition::Type* transition, bool* is_history_what_you_typed_match, GURL* alternate_nav_url) const { if (popup_->IsOpen() || query_in_progress()) { return popup_->URLsForCurrentSelection(transition, is_history_what_you_typed_match, alternate_nav_url); } GURL destination_url; profile_->GetSearchVersusNavigateClassifier()->Classify( UserTextFromDisplayText(view_->GetText()), GetDesiredTLD(), NULL, &destination_url, transition, is_history_what_you_typed_match, alternate_nav_url); return destination_url; }