// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_view_win.h" // TODO(deanm): Clean up these includes, not going to fight it now. #include <atlbase.h> #include <atlapp.h> #include <atlcrack.h> #include <atlmisc.h> #include <cmath> #include "app/gfx/canvas.h" #include "app/gfx/font.h" #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "app/resource_bundle.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/win_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_edit.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/dns_global.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_contents_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/location_bar_view.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "third_party/icu38/public/common/unicode/ubidi.h" #include "views/view.h" // Padding between text and the star indicator, in pixels. static const int kStarPadding = 4; // This class implements a utility used for mirroring x-coordinates when the // application language is a right-to-left one. class AutocompletePopupViewWin::MirroringContext { public: MirroringContext() : min_x_(0), center_x_(0), max_x_(0), enabled_(false) { } // Initializes the bounding region used for mirroring coordinates. // This class uses the center of this region as an axis for calculating // mirrored coordinates. void Initialize(int x1, int x2, bool enabled); // Return the "left" side of the specified region. // When the application language is a right-to-left one, this function // calculates the mirrored coordinates of the input region and returns the // left side of the mirrored region. // The input region must be in the bounding region specified in the // Initialize() function. int GetLeft(int x1, int x2) const; // Returns whether or not we are mirroring the x coordinate. bool enabled() const { return enabled_; } private: int min_x_; int center_x_; int max_x_; bool enabled_; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(MirroringContext); }; void AutocompletePopupViewWin::MirroringContext::Initialize(int x1, int x2, bool enabled) { min_x_ = std::min(x1, x2); max_x_ = std::max(x1, x2); center_x_ = min_x_ + (max_x_ - min_x_) / 2; enabled_ = enabled; } int AutocompletePopupViewWin::MirroringContext::GetLeft(int x1, int x2) const { return enabled_ ? (center_x_ + (center_x_ - std::max(x1, x2))) : std::min(x1, x2); } const wchar_t AutocompletePopupViewWin::DrawLineInfo::ellipsis_str[] = L"\x2026"; AutocompletePopupViewWin::DrawLineInfo::DrawLineInfo(const gfx::Font& font) { // Create regular and bold fonts. regular_font = font.DeriveFont(-1); bold_font = regular_font.DeriveFont(0, gfx::Font::BOLD); // The total padding added to each line (bottom padding is what is // left over after DrawEntry() specifies its top offset). static const int kTotalLinePadding = 5; font_height = std::max(regular_font.height(), bold_font.height()); line_height = font_height + kTotalLinePadding; ave_char_width = regular_font.GetExpectedTextWidth(1); ellipsis_width = std::max(regular_font.GetStringWidth(ellipsis_str), bold_font.GetStringWidth(ellipsis_str)); // Create background colors. background_colors[NORMAL] = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); background_colors[SELECTED] = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); background_colors[HOVERED] = AlphaBlend(background_colors[SELECTED], background_colors[NORMAL], 0x40); // Create text colors. text_colors[NORMAL] = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); text_colors[HOVERED] = text_colors[NORMAL]; text_colors[SELECTED] = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); // Create brushes and url colors. const COLORREF dark_url(0x008000); const COLORREF light_url(0xd0ffd0); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STATUS_ENTRIES; ++i) { // Pick whichever URL color contrasts better. const double dark_contrast = LuminosityContrast(dark_url, background_colors[i]); const double light_contrast = LuminosityContrast(light_url, background_colors[i]); url_colors[i] = (dark_contrast > light_contrast) ? dark_url : light_url; brushes[i] = CreateSolidBrush(background_colors[i]); } } AutocompletePopupViewWin::DrawLineInfo::~DrawLineInfo() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STATUS_ENTRIES; ++i) DeleteObject(brushes[i]); } // static double AutocompletePopupViewWin::DrawLineInfo::LuminosityContrast( COLORREF color1, COLORREF color2) { // This algorithm was adapted from the following text at // http://juicystudio.com/article/luminositycontrastratioalgorithm.php : // // "[Luminosity contrast can be calculated as] (L1+.05) / (L2+.05) where L is // luminosity and is defined as .2126*R + .7152*G + .0722B using linearised // R, G, and B values. Linearised R (for example) = (R/FS)^2.2 where FS is // full scale value (255 for 8 bit color channels). L1 is the higher value // (of text or background) and L2 is the lower value. // // The Gamma correction and RGB constants are derived from the Standard // Default Color Space for the Internet (sRGB), and the 0.05 offset is // included to compensate for contrast ratios that occur when a value is at // or near zero, and for ambient light effects. const double l1 = Luminosity(color1); const double l2 = Luminosity(color2); return (l1 > l2) ? ((l1 + 0.05) / (l2 + 0.05)) : ((l2 + 0.05) / (l1 + 0.05)); } // static double AutocompletePopupViewWin::DrawLineInfo::Luminosity(COLORREF color) { // See comments in LuminosityContrast(). const double linearised_r = pow(static_cast<double>(GetRValue(color)) / 255.0, 2.2); const double linearised_g = pow(static_cast<double>(GetGValue(color)) / 255.0, 2.2); const double linearised_b = pow(static_cast<double>(GetBValue(color)) / 255.0, 2.2); return (0.2126 * linearised_r) + (0.7152 * linearised_g) + (0.0722 * linearised_b); } COLORREF AutocompletePopupViewWin::DrawLineInfo::AlphaBlend( COLORREF foreground, COLORREF background, BYTE alpha) { if (alpha == 0) return background; else if (alpha == 0xff) return foreground; return RGB( ((GetRValue(foreground) * alpha) + (GetRValue(background) * (0xff - alpha))) / 0xff, ((GetGValue(foreground) * alpha) + (GetGValue(background) * (0xff - alpha))) / 0xff, ((GetBValue(foreground) * alpha) + (GetBValue(background) * (0xff - alpha))) / 0xff); } AutocompletePopupViewWin::AutocompletePopupViewWin( const gfx::Font& font, AutocompleteEditViewWin* edit_view, AutocompleteEditModel* edit_model, Profile* profile) : model_(new AutocompletePopupModel(this, edit_model, profile)), edit_view_(edit_view), line_info_(font), mirroring_context_(new MirroringContext()), star_(ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed( IDR_CONTENT_STAR_ON)) { } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::InvalidateLine(size_t line) { RECT rc; GetClientRect(&rc); rc.top = LineTopPixel(line); rc.bottom = rc.top + line_info_.line_height; InvalidateRect(&rc, false); } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::UpdatePopupAppearance() { const AutocompleteResult& result = model_->result(); if (result.empty()) { // No matches, close any existing popup. if (m_hWnd) { DestroyWindow(); m_hWnd = NULL; } return; } // Figure the coordinates of the popup: // Get the coordinates of the location bar view; these are returned relative // to its parent. // TODO(pkasting): http://b/1345937 All this use of editor accessors should // die once this class is a true ChromeView. CRect rc = edit_view_->parent_view()->bounds().ToRECT(); // Subtract the top left corner to make the coordinates relative to the // location bar view itself, and convert to screen coordinates. gfx::Point top_left(-rc.TopLeft()); views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(edit_view_->parent_view(), &top_left); rc.OffsetRect(top_left.ToPOINT()); // Expand by one pixel on each side since that's the amount the location bar // view is inset from the divider line that edges the adjacent buttons. // Deflate the top and bottom by the height of the extra graphics around the // edit. // TODO(pkasting): http://b/972786 This shouldn't be hardcoded to rely on // LocationBarView constants. Instead we should just make the edit be "at the // right coordinates", or something else generic. rc.InflateRect(1, -LocationBarView::kVertMargin); // Now rc is the exact width we want and is positioned like the edit would // be, so shift the top and bottom downwards so the new top is where the old // bottom is and the rect has the height we need for all our entries, plus a // one-pixel border on top and bottom. rc.top = rc.bottom; rc.bottom += static_cast<int>(result.size()) * line_info_.line_height + 2; if (!m_hWnd) { // To prevent this window from being activated, we create an invisible // window and manually show it without activating it. Create(edit_view_->m_hWnd, rc, AUTOCOMPLETEPOPUPVIEW_CLASSNAME, WS_POPUP, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW); // When an IME is attached to the rich-edit control, retrieve its window // handle and show this popup window under the IME windows. // Otherwise, show this popup window under top-most windows. // TODO(hbono): http://b/1111369 if we exclude this popup window from the // display area of IME windows, this workaround becomes unnecessary. HWND ime_window = ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(edit_view_->m_hWnd); SetWindowPos(ime_window ? ime_window : HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } else { // Already open, just resize the window. This is a bit tricky; we want to // repaint the whole window, since the contents may have changed, but // MoveWindow() won't repaint portions that haven't moved or been // added/removed. So we first call InvalidateRect(), so the next repaint // paints the whole window, then tell MoveWindow() to do the actual // repaint, which will also properly repaint Windows formerly under the // popup. InvalidateRect(NULL, false); MoveWindow(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, true); } // TODO(pkasting): http://b/1111369 We should call ImmSetCandidateWindow() on // the edit_view_'s IME context here, and exclude ourselves from its display // area. Not clear what to pass for the lpCandidate->ptCurrentPos member, // though... } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::OnHoverEnabledOrDisabled(bool disabled) { TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme; tme.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT); if (disabled) { // Save the current mouse position to check against for re-enabling. GetCursorPos(&last_hover_coordinates_); // Returns screen coordinates // Cancel existing registration for WM_MOUSELEAVE notifications. tme.dwFlags = TME_CANCEL | TME_LEAVE; } else { // Register for WM_MOUSELEAVE notifications. tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; } tme.hwndTrack = m_hWnd; tme.dwHoverTime = HOVER_DEFAULT; // Not actually used TrackMouseEvent(&tme); } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::OnLButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) { const size_t new_hovered_line = PixelToLine(point.y); model_->SetHoveredLine(new_hovered_line); model_->SetSelectedLine(new_hovered_line, false); } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::OnMButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) { model_->SetHoveredLine(PixelToLine(point.y)); } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::OnLButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) { OnButtonUp(point, CURRENT_TAB); } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::OnMButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) { OnButtonUp(point, NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB); } LRESULT AutocompletePopupViewWin::OnMouseActivate(HWND window, UINT hit_test, UINT mouse_message) { return MA_NOACTIVATE; } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::OnMouseLeave() { // The mouse has left the window, so no line is hovered. model_->SetHoveredLine(AutocompletePopupModel::kNoMatch); } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::OnMouseMove(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) { // Track hover when // (a) The left or middle button is down (the user is interacting via the // mouse) // (b) The user moves the mouse from where we last stopped tracking hover // (c) We started tracking previously due to (a) or (b) and haven't stopped // yet (user hasn't used the keyboard to interact again) const bool action_button_pressed = !!(keys & (MK_MBUTTON | MK_LBUTTON)); CPoint screen_point(point); ClientToScreen(&screen_point); if (action_button_pressed || (last_hover_coordinates_ != screen_point) || (model_->hovered_line() != AutocompletePopupModel::kNoMatch)) { // Determine the hovered line from the y coordinate of the event. We don't // need to check whether the x coordinates are within the window since if // they weren't someone else would have received the WM_MOUSEMOVE. const size_t new_hovered_line = PixelToLine(point.y); model_->SetHoveredLine(new_hovered_line); // When the user has the left button down, update their selection // immediately (don't wait for mouseup). if (keys & MK_LBUTTON) model_->SetSelectedLine(new_hovered_line, false); } } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::OnPaint(HDC other_dc) { const AutocompleteResult& result = model_->result(); CHECK(!result.empty()); // Shouldn't be drawing an empty popup; any empty // result set should have synchronously closed us. CPaintDC dc(m_hWnd); RECT rc; GetClientRect(&rc); mirroring_context_->Initialize(rc.left, rc.right, l10n_util::GetTextDirection() == l10n_util::RIGHT_TO_LEFT); DrawBorder(rc, dc); bool all_descriptions_empty = true; for (AutocompleteResult::const_iterator i(result.begin()); i != result.end(); ++i) { if (!i->description.empty()) { all_descriptions_empty = false; break; } } // Only repaint the invalid lines. // In rare cases, it seems possible to get line offsets off the end of the // popup. I suspect this can happen when the user invalidates a new line // (e.g. by moving the mouse) and, before the paint request is serviced, hits // a key that causes autocomplete to run, causing the results list to become // shorter (at least initially). So sanitize the line numbers here. const size_t last_valid_line = result.size() - 1; const size_t first_line = PixelToLine(dc.m_ps.rcPaint.top); if (first_line > last_valid_line) return; const size_t last_line = std::min(PixelToLine(dc.m_ps.rcPaint.bottom), last_valid_line); for (size_t i = first_line; i <= last_line; ++i) { DrawLineInfo::LineStatus status; // Selection should take precedence over hover. if (i == model_->selected_line()) status = DrawLineInfo::SELECTED; else if (i == model_->hovered_line()) status = DrawLineInfo::HOVERED; else status = DrawLineInfo::NORMAL; DrawEntry(dc, rc, i, status, all_descriptions_empty, result.match_at(i).starred); } } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::OnButtonUp(const CPoint& point, WindowOpenDisposition disposition) { const size_t line = PixelToLine(point.y); const AutocompleteMatch& match = model_->result().match_at(line); // OpenURL() may close the popup, which will clear the result set and, by // extension, |match| and its contents. So copy the relevant strings out to // make sure they stay alive until the call completes. const GURL url(match.destination_url); std::wstring keyword; const bool is_keyword_hint = model_->GetKeywordForMatch(match, &keyword); edit_view_->OpenURL(url, disposition, match.transition, GURL(), line, is_keyword_hint ? std::wstring() : keyword); } int AutocompletePopupViewWin::LineTopPixel(size_t line) const { // The popup has a 1 px top border. return line_info_.line_height * static_cast<int>(line) + 1; } size_t AutocompletePopupViewWin::PixelToLine(int y) const { const size_t line = std::max(y - 1, 0) / line_info_.line_height; return std::min(line, model_->result().size() - 1); } // Draws a light border around the inside of the window with the given client // rectangle and DC. void AutocompletePopupViewWin::DrawBorder(const RECT& rc, HDC dc) { HPEN hpen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(199, 202, 206)); HGDIOBJ old_pen = SelectObject(dc, hpen); int width = rc.right - rc.left - 1; int height = rc.bottom - rc.top - 1; MoveToEx(dc, 0, 0, NULL); LineTo(dc, 0, height); LineTo(dc, width, height); LineTo(dc, width, 0); LineTo(dc, 0, 0); SelectObject(dc, old_pen); DeleteObject(hpen); } int AutocompletePopupViewWin::DrawString(HDC dc, int x, int y, int max_x, const wchar_t* text, int length, int style, const DrawLineInfo::LineStatus status, const MirroringContext* context, bool text_direction_is_rtl) const { if (length <= 0) return 0; // Set up the text decorations. SelectObject(dc, (style & ACMatchClassification::MATCH) ? line_info_.bold_font.hfont() : line_info_.regular_font.hfont()); const COLORREF foreground = (style & ACMatchClassification::URL) ? line_info_.url_colors[status] : line_info_.text_colors[status]; const COLORREF background = line_info_.background_colors[status]; SetTextColor(dc, (style & ACMatchClassification::DIM) ? DrawLineInfo::AlphaBlend(foreground, background, 0xAA) : foreground); // Retrieve the width of the decorated text and display it. When we cannot // display this fragment in the given width, we trim the fragment and add an // ellipsis. // // TODO(hbono): http:///b/1222425 We should change the following eliding code // with more aggressive one. int text_x = x; int max_length = 0; SIZE text_size = {0}; GetTextExtentExPoint(dc, text, length, max_x - line_info_.ellipsis_width - text_x, &max_length, NULL, &text_size); if (max_length < length) GetTextExtentPoint32(dc, text, max_length, &text_size); const int mirrored_x = context->GetLeft(text_x, text_x + text_size.cx); RECT text_bounds = {mirrored_x, 0, mirrored_x + text_size.cx, line_info_.line_height}; int flags = DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX; if (text_direction_is_rtl) // In order to make sure RTL text is displayed correctly (for example, a // trailing space should be displayed on the left and not on the right), we // pass the flag DT_RTLREADING. flags |= DT_RTLREADING; DrawText(dc, text, length, &text_bounds, flags); text_x += text_size.cx; // Draw the ellipsis. Note that since we use the mirroring context, the // ellipsis are drawn either to the right or to the left of the text. if (max_length < length) { TextOut(dc, context->GetLeft(text_x, text_x + line_info_.ellipsis_width), 0, line_info_.ellipsis_str, arraysize(line_info_.ellipsis_str) - 1); text_x += line_info_.ellipsis_width; } return text_x - x; } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::DrawMatchFragments( HDC dc, const std::wstring& text, const ACMatchClassifications& classifications, int x, int y, int max_x, DrawLineInfo::LineStatus status) const { if (!text.length()) return; // Check whether or not this text is a URL string. // A URL string is basically in English with possible included words in // Arabic or Hebrew. For such case, ICU provides a special algorithm and we // should use it. bool url = false; for (ACMatchClassifications::const_iterator i = classifications.begin(); i != classifications.end(); ++i) { if (i->style & ACMatchClassification::URL) url = true; } // Initialize a bidirectional line iterator of ICU and split the text into // visual runs. (A visual run is consecutive characters which have the same // display direction and should be displayed at once.) l10n_util::BiDiLineIterator bidi_line; if (!bidi_line.Open(text, mirroring_context_->enabled(), url)) return; const int runs = bidi_line.CountRuns(); // Draw the visual runs. // This loop splits each run into text fragments with the given // classifications and draws the text fragments. // When the direction of a run is right-to-left, we have to mirror the // x-coordinate of this run and render the fragments in the right-to-left // reading order. To handle this display order independently from the one of // this popup window, this loop renders a run with the steps below: // 1. Create a local display context for each run; // 2. Render the run into the local display context, and; // 3. Copy the local display context to the one of the popup window. int run_x = x; for (int run = 0; run < runs; ++run) { int run_start = 0; int run_length = 0; // The index we pass to GetVisualRun corresponds to the position of the run // in the displayed text. For example, the string "Google in HEBREW" (where // HEBREW is text in the Hebrew language) has two runs: "Google in " which // is an LTR run, and "HEBREW" which is an RTL run. In an LTR context, the // run "Google in " has the index 0 (since it is the leftmost run // displayed). In an RTL context, the same run has the index 1 because it // is the rightmost run. This is why the order in which we traverse the // runs is different depending on the locale direction. // // Note that for URLs we always traverse the runs from lower to higher // indexes because the return order of runs for a URL always matches the // physical order of the context. int current_run = (mirroring_context_->enabled() && !url) ? (runs - run - 1) : run; const UBiDiDirection run_direction = bidi_line.GetVisualRun(current_run, &run_start, &run_length); const int run_end = run_start + run_length; // Set up a local display context for rendering this run. int text_x = 0; const int text_max_x = max_x - run_x; MirroringContext run_context; run_context.Initialize(0, text_max_x, run_direction == UBIDI_RTL); // In addition to creating a mirroring context for the run, we indicate // whether the run needs to be rendered as RTL text. The mirroring context // alone in not sufficient because there are cases where a mirrored RTL run // needs to be rendered in an LTR context (for example, an RTL run within // an URL). bool run_direction_is_rtl = (run_direction == UBIDI_RTL) && !url; CDC text_dc(CreateCompatibleDC(dc)); CBitmap text_bitmap(CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc, text_max_x, line_info_.font_height)); SelectObject(text_dc, text_bitmap); const RECT text_rect = {0, 0, text_max_x, line_info_.line_height}; FillRect(text_dc, &text_rect, line_info_.brushes[status]); SetBkMode(text_dc, TRANSPARENT); // Split this run with the given classifications and draw the fragments // into the local display context. for (ACMatchClassifications::const_iterator i = classifications.begin(); i != classifications.end(); ++i) { const int text_start = std::max(run_start, static_cast<int>(i->offset)); const int text_end = std::min(run_end, (i != classifications.end() - 1) ? static_cast<int>((i + 1)->offset) : run_end); text_x += DrawString(text_dc, text_x, 0, text_max_x, &text[text_start], text_end - text_start, i->style, status, &run_context, run_direction_is_rtl); } // Copy the local display context to the one of the popup window and // delete the local display context. BitBlt(dc, mirroring_context_->GetLeft(run_x, run_x + text_x), y, text_x, line_info_.line_height, text_dc, run_context.GetLeft(0, text_x), 0, SRCCOPY); run_x += text_x; } } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::DrawEntry(HDC dc, const RECT& client_rect, size_t line, DrawLineInfo::LineStatus status, bool all_descriptions_empty, bool starred) const { // Calculate outer bounds of entry, and fill background. const int top_pixel = LineTopPixel(line); const RECT rc = {1, top_pixel, client_rect.right - client_rect.left - 1, top_pixel + line_info_.line_height}; FillRect(dc, &rc, line_info_.brushes[status]); // Calculate and display contents/description sections as follows: // * 2 px top margin, bottom margin is handled by line_height. const int y = rc.top + 2; // * 1 char left/right margin. const int side_margin = line_info_.ave_char_width; // * 50% of the remaining width is initially allocated to each section, with // a 2 char margin followed by the star column and kStarPadding padding. const int content_min_x = rc.left + side_margin; const int description_max_x = rc.right - side_margin; const int mid_line = (description_max_x - content_min_x) / 2 + content_min_x; const int star_col_width = kStarPadding + star_->width(); const int content_right_margin = line_info_.ave_char_width * 2; // * If this would make the content section display fewer than 40 characters, // the content section is increased to that minimum at the expense of the // description section. const int content_width = std::max(mid_line - content_min_x - content_right_margin, line_info_.ave_char_width * 40); const int description_width = description_max_x - content_min_x - content_width - star_col_width; // * If this would make the description section display fewer than 20 // characters, or if there are no descriptions to display or the result is // the HISTORY_SEARCH shortcut, the description section is eliminated, and // all the available width is used for the content section. int star_x; const AutocompleteMatch& match = model_->result().match_at(line); if ((description_width < (line_info_.ave_char_width * 20)) || all_descriptions_empty || (match.type == AutocompleteMatch::OPEN_HISTORY_PAGE)) { star_x = description_max_x - star_col_width + kStarPadding; DrawMatchFragments(dc, match.contents, match.contents_class, content_min_x, y, star_x - kStarPadding, status); } else { star_x = description_max_x - description_width - star_col_width; DrawMatchFragments(dc, match.contents, match.contents_class, content_min_x, y, content_min_x + content_width, status); DrawMatchFragments(dc, match.description, match.description_class, description_max_x - description_width, y, description_max_x, status); } if (starred) DrawStar(dc, star_x, (line_info_.line_height - star_->height()) / 2 + top_pixel); } void AutocompletePopupViewWin::DrawStar(HDC dc, int x, int y) const { gfx::Canvas canvas(star_->width(), star_->height(), false); // Make the background completely transparent. canvas.drawColor(SK_ColorBLACK, SkXfermode::kClear_Mode); canvas.DrawBitmapInt(*star_, 0, 0); canvas.getTopPlatformDevice().drawToHDC( dc, mirroring_context_->GetLeft(x, x + star_->width()), y, NULL); } // static AutocompletePopupView* AutocompletePopupView::CreatePopupView( const gfx::Font& font, AutocompleteEditViewWin* edit_view, AutocompleteEditModel* edit_model, Profile* profile, AutocompletePopupPositioner* popup_positioner) { if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kDisableOmnibox2)) return new AutocompletePopupViewWin(font, edit_view, edit_model, profile); return new AutocompletePopupContentsView(font, edit_view, edit_model, profile, popup_positioner); }