// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" // identifiers for known autocomplete providers #define HISTORY_IDENTIFIER L"Chrome:History" #define SEARCH_IDENTIFIER L"google.com/websearch/en" namespace { const size_t num_results_per_provider = 3; // Autocomplete provider that provides known results. Note that this is // refcounted so that it can also be a task on the message loop. class TestProvider : public AutocompleteProvider { public: TestProvider(int relevance, const std::wstring& prefix) : AutocompleteProvider(NULL, NULL, ""), relevance_(relevance), prefix_(prefix) { } virtual void Start(const AutocompleteInput& input, bool minimal_changes); void set_listener(ACProviderListener* listener) { listener_ = listener; } private: void Run(); void AddResults(int start_at, int num); int relevance_; const std::wstring prefix_; }; void TestProvider::Start(const AutocompleteInput& input, bool minimal_changes) { if (minimal_changes) return; matches_.clear(); // Generate one result synchronously, the rest later. AddResults(0, 1); if (!input.synchronous_only()) { done_ = false; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &TestProvider::Run)); } } void TestProvider::Run() { DCHECK(num_results_per_provider > 0); AddResults(1, num_results_per_provider); done_ = true; DCHECK(listener_); listener_->OnProviderUpdate(true); } void TestProvider::AddResults(int start_at, int num) { for (int i = start_at; i < num; i++) { AutocompleteMatch match(this, relevance_ - i, false, AutocompleteMatch::URL_WHAT_YOU_TYPED); match.fill_into_edit = prefix_ + IntToWString(i); match.destination_url = GURL(WideToUTF8(match.fill_into_edit)); match.contents = match.fill_into_edit; match.contents_class.push_back( ACMatchClassification(0, ACMatchClassification::NONE)); match.description = match.fill_into_edit; match.description_class.push_back( ACMatchClassification(0, ACMatchClassification::NONE)); matches_.push_back(match); } } class AutocompleteProviderTest : public testing::Test, public NotificationObserver { protected: // testing::Test virtual void SetUp(); void ResetController(bool same_destinations); // Runs a query on the input "a", and makes sure both providers' input is // properly collected. void RunTest(); // These providers are owned by the controller once it's created. ACProviders providers_; AutocompleteResult result_; private: // NotificationObserver virtual void Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details); MessageLoopForUI message_loop_; scoped_ptr<AutocompleteController> controller_; NotificationRegistrar registrar_; }; void AutocompleteProviderTest::SetUp() { registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::AUTOCOMPLETE_CONTROLLER_RESULT_UPDATED, NotificationService::AllSources()); registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::AUTOCOMPLETE_CONTROLLER_DEFAULT_MATCH_UPDATED, NotificationService::AllSources()); ResetController(false); } void AutocompleteProviderTest::ResetController(bool same_destinations) { // Forget about any existing providers. The controller owns them and will // Release() them below, when we delete it during the call to reset(). providers_.clear(); // Construct two new providers, with either the same or different prefixes. TestProvider* providerA = new TestProvider(num_results_per_provider, L"http://a"); providerA->AddRef(); providers_.push_back(providerA); TestProvider* providerB = new TestProvider(num_results_per_provider * 2, same_destinations ? L"http://a" : L"http://b"); providerB->AddRef(); providers_.push_back(providerB); // Reset the controller to contain our new providers. AutocompleteController* controller = new AutocompleteController(providers_); controller_.reset(controller); providerA->set_listener(controller); providerB->set_listener(controller); } void AutocompleteProviderTest::RunTest() { result_.Reset(); controller_->Start(L"a", std::wstring(), true, false, false); // The message loop will terminate when all autocomplete input has been // collected. MessageLoop::current()->Run(); } void AutocompleteProviderTest::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { if (controller_->done()) { result_.CopyFrom(*(Details<const AutocompleteResult>(details).ptr())); MessageLoop::current()->Quit(); } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AutocompleteResult::const_iterator& iter) { return os << static_cast<const AutocompleteMatch*>(&(*iter)); } // Tests that the default selection is set properly when updating results. TEST_F(AutocompleteProviderTest, Query) { RunTest(); // Make sure the default match gets set to the highest relevance match. The // highest relevance matches should come from the second provider. EXPECT_EQ(num_results_per_provider * 2, result_.size()); // two providers ASSERT_NE(result_.end(), result_.default_match()); EXPECT_EQ(providers_[1], result_.default_match()->provider); } TEST_F(AutocompleteProviderTest, RemoveDuplicates) { // Set up the providers to provide duplicate results. ResetController(true); RunTest(); // Make sure all the first provider's results were eliminated by the second // provider's. EXPECT_EQ(num_results_per_provider, result_.size()); for (AutocompleteResult::const_iterator i(result_.begin()); i != result_.end(); ++i) EXPECT_EQ(providers_[1], i->provider); // Set things back to the default for the benefit of any tests that run after // us. ResetController(false); } TEST(AutocompleteTest, InputType) { struct test_data { const wchar_t* input; const AutocompleteInput::Type type; } input_cases[] = { { L"", AutocompleteInput::INVALID }, { L"?", AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY }, { L"?foo", AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY }, { L"?foo bar", AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY }, { L"?http://foo.com/bar", AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY }, { L"foo", AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN }, { L"foo.com", AutocompleteInput::URL }, { L"foo/bar", AutocompleteInput::URL }, { L"foo/bar baz", AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN }, { L"http://foo/bar baz", AutocompleteInput::URL }, { L"foo bar", AutocompleteInput::QUERY }, { L"link:foo.com", AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN }, { L"www.foo.com:81", AutocompleteInput::URL }, { L"localhost:8080", AutocompleteInput::URL }, { L"en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James Bond", AutocompleteInput::URL }, // In Chrome itself, mailto: will get handled by ShellExecute, but in // unittest mode, we don't have the data loaded in the external protocol // handler to know this. // { L"mailto:abuse@foo.com", AutocompleteInput::URL }, { L"view-source:http://www.foo.com/", AutocompleteInput::URL }, { L"javascript:alert(\"Hey there!\");", AutocompleteInput::URL }, #if defined(OS_WIN) { L"C:\\Program Files", AutocompleteInput::URL }, { L"\\\\Server\\Folder\\File", AutocompleteInput::URL }, #endif // defined(OS_WIN) { L"http://foo.com/", AutocompleteInput::URL }, { L"", AutocompleteInput::URL }, { L"127.0.1", AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN }, { L"127.0.1/", AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN }, { L"browser.tabs.closeButtons", AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN }, { L"\u6d4b\u8bd5", AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN }, { L"[2001:]", AutocompleteInput::QUERY }, // Not a valid IP { L"[2001:dB8::1]", AutocompleteInput::URL }, { L"", AutocompleteInput::QUERY }, // Invalid IPv4 literal. { L"[foo.com]", AutocompleteInput::QUERY }, // Invalid IPv6 literal. }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(input_cases); ++i) { AutocompleteInput input(input_cases[i].input, std::wstring(), true, false, false); EXPECT_EQ(input_cases[i].type, input.type()) << "Input: " << input_cases[i].input; } } // This tests for a regression where certain input in the omnibox caused us to // crash. As long as the test completes without crashing, we're fine. TEST(AutocompleteTest, InputCrash) { AutocompleteInput input(L"\uff65@s", std::wstring(), true, false, false); } // Test that we can properly compare matches' relevance when at least one is // negative. TEST(AutocompleteMatch, MoreRelevant) { struct RelevantCases { int r1; int r2; bool expected_result; } cases[] = { { 10, 0, true }, { 10, -5, true }, { -5, 10, false }, { 0, 10, false }, { -10, -5, true }, { -5, -10, false }, }; AutocompleteMatch m1(NULL, 0, false, AutocompleteMatch::URL_WHAT_YOU_TYPED); AutocompleteMatch m2(NULL, 0, false, AutocompleteMatch::URL_WHAT_YOU_TYPED); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) { m1.relevance = cases[i].r1; m2.relevance = cases[i].r2; EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].expected_result, AutocompleteMatch::MoreRelevant(m1, m2)); } } TEST(AutocompleteInput, ParseForEmphasizeComponent) { using url_parse::Component; Component kInvalidComponent(0, -1); struct test_data { const wchar_t* input; const Component scheme; const Component host; } input_cases[] = { { L"", kInvalidComponent, kInvalidComponent }, { L"?", kInvalidComponent, kInvalidComponent }, { L"?http://foo.com/bar", kInvalidComponent, kInvalidComponent }, { L"foo/bar baz", kInvalidComponent, Component(0, 3) }, { L"http://foo/bar baz", Component(0, 4), Component(7, 3) }, { L"link:foo.com", Component(0, 4), kInvalidComponent }, { L"www.foo.com:81", kInvalidComponent, Component(0, 11) }, { L"\u6d4b\u8bd5", kInvalidComponent, Component(0, 2) }, { L"view-source:http://www.foo.com/", Component(12, 4), Component(19, 11) }, { L"view-source:https://example.com/", Component(12, 5), Component(20, 11) }, { L"view-source:", Component(0, 11), kInvalidComponent }, { L"view-source:garbage", kInvalidComponent, Component(12, 7) }, { L"view-source:http://http://foo", Component(12, 4), Component(19, 4) }, { L"view-source:view-source:http://example.com/", Component(12, 11), kInvalidComponent } }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(input_cases); ++i) { Component scheme, host; AutocompleteInput::ParseForEmphasizeComponents(input_cases[i].input, std::wstring(), &scheme, &host); AutocompleteInput input(input_cases[i].input, std::wstring(), true, false, false); EXPECT_EQ(input_cases[i].scheme.begin, scheme.begin) << "Input: " << input_cases[i].input; EXPECT_EQ(input_cases[i].scheme.len, scheme.len) << "Input: " << input_cases[i].input; EXPECT_EQ(input_cases[i].host.begin, host.begin) << "Input: " << input_cases[i].input; EXPECT_EQ(input_cases[i].host.len, host.len) << "Input: " << input_cases[i].input; } } } // namespace