// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/search_provider.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/keyword_provider.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/google_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/url_fixer_upper.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_model.h" #include "chrome/common/json_value_serializer.h" #include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "googleurl/src/url_util.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h" using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; void SearchProvider::Providers::Set(const TemplateURL* default_provider, const TemplateURL* keyword_provider) { // TODO(pkasting): http://b/1162970 We shouldn't need to structure-copy // this. Nor should we need |default_provider_| and |keyword_provider_| // just to know whether the provider changed. default_provider_ = default_provider; if (default_provider) cached_default_provider_ = *default_provider; keyword_provider_ = keyword_provider; if (keyword_provider) cached_keyword_provider_ = *keyword_provider; } void SearchProvider::Start(const AutocompleteInput& input, bool minimal_changes) { matches_.clear(); // Can't return search/suggest results for bogus input or without a profile. if (!profile_ || (input.type() == AutocompleteInput::INVALID)) { Stop(); return; } keyword_input_text_.clear(); const TemplateURL* keyword_provider = KeywordProvider::GetSubstitutingTemplateURLForInput(profile_, input, &keyword_input_text_); if (!TemplateURL::SupportsReplacement(keyword_provider) || keyword_input_text_.empty()) { keyword_provider = NULL; } const TemplateURL* default_provider = profile_->GetTemplateURLModel()->GetDefaultSearchProvider(); if (!TemplateURL::SupportsReplacement(default_provider)) default_provider = NULL; if (keyword_provider == default_provider) keyword_provider = NULL; // No use in querying the same provider twice. if (!default_provider && !keyword_provider) { // No valid providers. Stop(); return; } // If we're still running an old query but have since changed the query text // or the providers, abort the query. if (!done_ && (!minimal_changes || !providers_.equals(default_provider, keyword_provider))) { Stop(); } providers_.Set(default_provider, keyword_provider); if (input.text().empty()) { // User typed "?" alone. Give them a placeholder result indicating what // this syntax does. if (default_provider) { AutocompleteMatch match(this, 0, false, AutocompleteMatch::SEARCH_WHAT_YOU_TYPED); static const std::wstring kNoQueryInput( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_AUTOCOMPLETE_NO_QUERY)); match.contents.assign(l10n_util::GetStringF( IDS_AUTOCOMPLETE_SEARCH_CONTENTS, default_provider->short_name(), kNoQueryInput)); match.contents_class.push_back( ACMatchClassification(0, ACMatchClassification::DIM)); matches_.push_back(match); } Stop(); return; } input_ = input; StartOrStopHistoryQuery(minimal_changes); StartOrStopSuggestQuery(minimal_changes); ConvertResultsToAutocompleteMatches(); } void SearchProvider::Run() { // Start a new request with the current input. DCHECK(!done_); suggest_results_pending_ = 0; if (providers_.valid_suggest_for_keyword_provider()) { suggest_results_pending_++; keyword_fetcher_.reset( CreateSuggestFetcher(providers_.keyword_provider(), keyword_input_text_)); } if (providers_.valid_suggest_for_default_provider()) { suggest_results_pending_++; default_fetcher_.reset( CreateSuggestFetcher(providers_.default_provider(), input_.text())); } // We should only get here if we have a suggest url for the keyword or default // providers. DCHECK(suggest_results_pending_ > 0); } void SearchProvider::Stop() { StopHistory(); StopSuggest(); done_ = true; } void SearchProvider::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookie, const std::string& data) { DCHECK(!done_); suggest_results_pending_--; DCHECK(suggest_results_pending_ >= 0); // Should never go negative. const net::HttpResponseHeaders* const response_headers = source->response_headers(); std::string json_data(data); // JSON is supposed to be UTF-8, but some suggest service providers send JSON // files in non-UTF-8 encodings. The actual encoding is usually specified in // the Content-Type header field. if (response_headers) { std::string charset; if (response_headers->GetCharset(&charset)) { std::wstring wide_data; // TODO(jungshik): Switch to CodePageToUTF8 after it's added. if (CodepageToWide(data, charset.c_str(), OnStringUtilConversionError::FAIL, &wide_data)) json_data = WideToUTF8(wide_data); } } bool is_keyword_results = (source == keyword_fetcher_.get()); SuggestResults* suggest_results = is_keyword_results ? &keyword_suggest_results_ : &default_suggest_results_; if (status.is_success() && response_code == 200) { JSONStringValueSerializer deserializer(json_data); deserializer.set_allow_trailing_comma(true); scoped_ptr root_val(deserializer.Deserialize(NULL)); const std::wstring& input_text = is_keyword_results ? keyword_input_text_ : input_.text(); have_suggest_results_ = root_val.get() && ParseSuggestResults(root_val.get(), is_keyword_results, input_text, suggest_results); } ConvertResultsToAutocompleteMatches(); listener_->OnProviderUpdate(!suggest_results->empty()); } void SearchProvider::StartOrStopHistoryQuery(bool minimal_changes) { // For the minimal_changes case, if we finished the previous query and still // have its results, or are allowed to keep running it, just do that, rather // than starting a new query. if (minimal_changes && (have_history_results_ || (!done_ && !input_.synchronous_only()))) return; // We can't keep running any previous query, so halt it. StopHistory(); // We can't start a new query if we're only allowed synchronous results. if (input_.synchronous_only()) return; // Request history for both the keyword and default provider. if (providers_.valid_keyword_provider()) { ScheduleHistoryQuery(providers_.keyword_provider().id(), keyword_input_text_); } if (providers_.valid_default_provider()) { ScheduleHistoryQuery(providers_.default_provider().id(), input_.text()); } } void SearchProvider::StartOrStopSuggestQuery(bool minimal_changes) { // Don't send any queries to the server until some time has elapsed after // the last keypress, to avoid flooding the server with requests we are // likely to end up throwing away anyway. static const int kQueryDelayMs = 200; if (!IsQuerySuitableForSuggest()) { StopSuggest(); return; } // For the minimal_changes case, if we finished the previous query and still // have its results, or are allowed to keep running it, just do that, rather // than starting a new query. if (minimal_changes && (have_suggest_results_ || (!done_ && !input_.synchronous_only()))) return; // We can't keep running any previous query, so halt it. StopSuggest(); // We can't start a new query if we're only allowed synchronous results. if (input_.synchronous_only()) return; // We'll have at least one pending fetch. Set it to 1 now, but the value is // correctly set in Run. As Run isn't invoked immediately we need to set this // now, else we won't think we're waiting on results from the server when we // really are. suggest_results_pending_ = 1; // Kick off a timer that will start the URL fetch if it completes before // the user types another character. timer_.Start(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kQueryDelayMs), this, &SearchProvider::Run); } bool SearchProvider::IsQuerySuitableForSuggest() const { // Don't run Suggest when off the record, the engine doesn't support it, or // the user has disabled it. if (profile_->IsOffTheRecord() || (!providers_.valid_suggest_for_keyword_provider() && !providers_.valid_suggest_for_default_provider()) || !profile_->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kSearchSuggestEnabled)) return false; // If the input type is URL, we take extra care so that private data in URL // isn't sent to the server. if (input_.type() == AutocompleteInput::URL) { // Don't query the server for URLs that aren't http/https/ftp. Sending // things like file: and data: is both a waste of time and a disclosure of // potentially private, local data. if ((input_.scheme() != L"http") && (input_.scheme() != L"https") && (input_.scheme() != L"ftp")) return false; // Don't leak private data in URL const url_parse::Parsed& parts = input_.parts(); // Don't send URLs with usernames, queries or refs. Some of these are // private, and the Suggest server is unlikely to have any useful results // for any of them. // Password is optional and may be omitted. Checking username is // sufficient. if (parts.username.is_nonempty() || parts.query.is_nonempty() || parts.ref.is_nonempty()) return false; // Don't send anything for https except hostname and port number. // Hostname and port number are OK because they are visible when TCP // connection is established and the Suggest server may provide some // useful completed URL. if (input_.scheme() == L"https" && parts.path.is_nonempty()) return false; } return true; } void SearchProvider::StopHistory() { history_request_consumer_.CancelAllRequests(); history_request_pending_ = false; keyword_history_results_.clear(); default_history_results_.clear(); have_history_results_ = false; } void SearchProvider::StopSuggest() { suggest_results_pending_ = 0; timer_.Stop(); // Stop any in-progress URL fetches. keyword_fetcher_.reset(); default_fetcher_.reset(); keyword_suggest_results_.clear(); default_suggest_results_.clear(); keyword_navigation_results_.clear(); default_navigation_results_.clear(); have_suggest_results_ = false; } void SearchProvider::ScheduleHistoryQuery(TemplateURL::IDType search_id, const std::wstring& text) { DCHECK(!text.empty()); HistoryService* const history_service = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); HistoryService::Handle request_handle = history_service->GetMostRecentKeywordSearchTerms( search_id, text, static_cast(max_matches()), &history_request_consumer_, NewCallback(this, &SearchProvider::OnGotMostRecentKeywordSearchTerms)); history_request_consumer_.SetClientData(history_service, request_handle, search_id); history_request_pending_ = true; } void SearchProvider::OnGotMostRecentKeywordSearchTerms( CancelableRequestProvider::Handle handle, HistoryResults* results) { HistoryService* history_service = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); DCHECK(history_service); if (providers_.valid_keyword_provider() && (providers_.keyword_provider().id() == history_request_consumer_.GetClientData(history_service, handle))) { keyword_history_results_ = *results; } else { default_history_results_ = *results; } ConvertResultsToAutocompleteMatches(); listener_->OnProviderUpdate(!results->empty()); if (history_request_consumer_.PendingRequestCount() == 1) { // Requests are removed AFTER the callback is invoked. If the count == 1, // it means no more history requests are pending. history_request_pending_ = false; have_history_results_ = true; } } URLFetcher* SearchProvider::CreateSuggestFetcher(const TemplateURL& provider, const std::wstring& text) { const TemplateURLRef* const suggestions_url = provider.suggestions_url(); DCHECK(suggestions_url->SupportsReplacement()); URLFetcher* fetcher = new URLFetcher(suggestions_url->ReplaceSearchTerms( provider, text, TemplateURLRef::NO_SUGGESTIONS_AVAILABLE, std::wstring()), URLFetcher::GET, this); fetcher->set_request_context(profile_->GetRequestContext()); fetcher->Start(); return fetcher; } bool SearchProvider::ParseSuggestResults(Value* root_val, bool is_keyword, const std::wstring& input_text, SuggestResults* suggest_results) { if (!root_val->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST)) return false; ListValue* root_list = static_cast(root_val); Value* query_val; std::wstring query_str; Value* result_val; if ((root_list->GetSize() < 2) || !root_list->Get(0, &query_val) || !query_val->GetAsString(&query_str) || (query_str != input_text) || !root_list->Get(1, &result_val) || !result_val->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST)) return false; ListValue* description_list = NULL; if (root_list->GetSize() > 2) { // 3rd element: Description list. Value* description_val; if (root_list->Get(2, &description_val) && description_val->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST)) description_list = static_cast(description_val); } // We don't care about the query URL list (the fourth element in the // response) for now. // Parse optional data in the results from the Suggest server if any. ListValue* type_list = NULL; // 5th argument: Optional key-value pairs. // TODO: We may iterate the 5th+ arguments of the root_list if any other // optional data are defined. if (root_list->GetSize() > 4) { Value* optional_val; if (root_list->Get(4, &optional_val) && optional_val->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) { DictionaryValue* dict_val = static_cast(optional_val); // Parse Google Suggest specific type extension. static const std::wstring kGoogleSuggestType(L"google:suggesttype"); if (dict_val->HasKey(kGoogleSuggestType)) dict_val->GetList(kGoogleSuggestType, &type_list); } } ListValue* result_list = static_cast(result_val); for (size_t i = 0; i < result_list->GetSize(); ++i) { Value* suggestion_val; std::wstring suggestion_str; if (!result_list->Get(i, &suggestion_val) || !suggestion_val->GetAsString(&suggestion_str)) return false; Value* type_val; std::wstring type_str; if (type_list && type_list->Get(i, &type_val) && type_val->GetAsString(&type_str) && (type_str == L"NAVIGATION")) { Value* site_val; std::wstring site_name; NavigationResults& navigation_results = is_keyword ? keyword_navigation_results_ : default_navigation_results_; if ((navigation_results.size() < max_matches()) && description_list && description_list->Get(i, &site_val) && site_val->IsType(Value::TYPE_STRING) && site_val->GetAsString(&site_name)) { // We can't blindly trust the URL coming from the server to be valid. GURL result_url = GURL(URLFixerUpper::FixupURL(WideToUTF8(suggestion_str), std::string())); if (result_url.is_valid()) navigation_results.push_back(NavigationResult(result_url, site_name)); } } else { // TODO(kochi): Currently we treat a calculator result as a query, but it // is better to have better presentation for caluculator results. if (suggest_results->size() < max_matches()) suggest_results->push_back(suggestion_str); } } return true; } void SearchProvider::ConvertResultsToAutocompleteMatches() { // Convert all the results to matches and add them to a map, so we can keep // the most relevant match for each result. MatchMap map; const Time no_time; int did_not_accept_keyword_suggestion = keyword_suggest_results_.empty() ? TemplateURLRef::NO_SUGGESTIONS_AVAILABLE : TemplateURLRef::NO_SUGGESTION_CHOSEN; // Keyword what you typed results are handled by the KeywordProvider. int did_not_accept_default_suggestion = default_suggest_results_.empty() ? TemplateURLRef::NO_SUGGESTIONS_AVAILABLE : TemplateURLRef::NO_SUGGESTION_CHOSEN; if (providers_.valid_default_provider()) { AddMatchToMap(input_.text(), CalculateRelevanceForWhatYouTyped(), AutocompleteMatch::SEARCH_WHAT_YOU_TYPED, did_not_accept_default_suggestion, false, &map); } AddHistoryResultsToMap(keyword_history_results_, true, did_not_accept_keyword_suggestion, &map); AddHistoryResultsToMap(default_history_results_, false, did_not_accept_default_suggestion, &map); AddSuggestResultsToMap(keyword_suggest_results_, true, did_not_accept_keyword_suggestion, &map); AddSuggestResultsToMap(default_suggest_results_, false, did_not_accept_default_suggestion, &map); // Now add the most relevant matches from the map to |matches_|. matches_.clear(); for (MatchMap::const_iterator i(map.begin()); i != map.end(); ++i) matches_.push_back(i->second); AddNavigationResultsToMatches(keyword_navigation_results_, true); AddNavigationResultsToMatches(default_navigation_results_, false); const size_t max_total_matches = max_matches() + 1; // 1 for "what you typed" std::partial_sort(matches_.begin(), matches_.begin() + std::min(max_total_matches, matches_.size()), matches_.end(), &AutocompleteMatch::MoreRelevant); if (matches_.size() > max_total_matches) matches_.erase(matches_.begin() + max_total_matches, matches_.end()); UpdateStarredStateOfMatches(); // We're done when both asynchronous subcomponents have finished. We can't // use CancelableRequestConsumer.HasPendingRequests() for history requests // here. A pending request is not cleared until after the completion // callback has returned, but we've reached here from inside that callback. // HasPendingRequests() would therefore return true, and if this is the last // thing left to calculate for this query, we'll never mark the query "done". done_ = !history_request_pending_ && !suggest_results_pending_; } void SearchProvider::AddNavigationResultsToMatches( const NavigationResults& navigation_results, bool is_keyword) { if (!navigation_results.empty()) { // TODO(kochi): http://b/1170574 We add only one results for navigational // suggestions. If we can get more useful information about the score, // consider adding more results. matches_.push_back( NavigationToMatch(navigation_results.front(), CalculateRelevanceForNavigation(0, is_keyword), is_keyword)); } } void SearchProvider::AddHistoryResultsToMap(const HistoryResults& results, bool is_keyword, int did_not_accept_suggestion, MatchMap* map) { for (HistoryResults::const_iterator i(results.begin()); i != results.end(); ++i) { AddMatchToMap(i->term, CalculateRelevanceForHistory(i->time, is_keyword), AutocompleteMatch::SEARCH_HISTORY, did_not_accept_suggestion, is_keyword, map); } } void SearchProvider::AddSuggestResultsToMap( const SuggestResults& suggest_results, bool is_keyword, int did_not_accept_suggestion, MatchMap* map) { for (size_t i = 0; i < suggest_results.size(); ++i) { AddMatchToMap(suggest_results[i], CalculateRelevanceForSuggestion(suggest_results, i, is_keyword), AutocompleteMatch::SEARCH_SUGGEST, static_cast(i), is_keyword, map); } } int SearchProvider::CalculateRelevanceForWhatYouTyped() const { switch (input_.type()) { case AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN: return providers_.valid_keyword_provider() ? 250 : 1300; case AutocompleteInput::REQUESTED_URL: return providers_.valid_keyword_provider() ? 250 : 1200; case AutocompleteInput::URL: return providers_.valid_keyword_provider() ? 250 : 850; case AutocompleteInput::QUERY: return providers_.valid_keyword_provider() ? 250 : 1300; case AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY: return providers_.valid_keyword_provider() ? 250 : 1500; default: NOTREACHED(); return 0; } } int SearchProvider::CalculateRelevanceForHistory(const Time& time, bool is_keyword) const { // The relevance of past searches falls off over time. This curve is chosen // so that the relevance of a search 15 minutes ago is discounted about 50 // points, while the relevance of a search two weeks ago is discounted about // 450 points. const double elapsed_time = std::max((Time::Now() - time).InSecondsF(), 0.); const int score_discount = static_cast(6.5 * pow(elapsed_time, 0.3)); // Don't let scores go below 0. Negative relevance scores are meaningful in // a different way. int base_score; bool is_primary = providers_.is_primary_provider(is_keyword); switch (input_.type()) { case AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN: case AutocompleteInput::REQUESTED_URL: base_score = is_primary ? 1050 : 200; break; case AutocompleteInput::URL: base_score = is_primary ? 750 : 200; break; case AutocompleteInput::QUERY: case AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY: base_score = is_primary ? 1250 : 200; break; default: NOTREACHED(); base_score = 0; break; } return std::max(0, base_score - score_discount); } int SearchProvider::CalculateRelevanceForSuggestion( const SuggestResults& suggest_results, size_t suggestion_number, bool is_keyword) const { DCHECK(suggestion_number < suggest_results.size()); bool is_primary = providers_.is_primary_provider(is_keyword); const int suggestion_value = static_cast(suggest_results.size() - 1 - suggestion_number); switch (input_.type()) { case AutocompleteInput::UNKNOWN: case AutocompleteInput::REQUESTED_URL: return suggestion_value + (is_primary ? 600 : 100); case AutocompleteInput::URL: return suggestion_value + (is_primary ? 300 : 100); case AutocompleteInput::QUERY: case AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY: return suggestion_value + (is_primary ? 800 : 100); default: NOTREACHED(); return 0; } } int SearchProvider::CalculateRelevanceForNavigation( size_t suggestion_number, bool is_keyword) const { DCHECK( (is_keyword && suggestion_number < keyword_navigation_results_.size()) || (!is_keyword && suggestion_number < default_navigation_results_.size())); // TODO(kochi): http://b/784900 Use relevance score from the NavSuggest // server if possible. bool is_primary = providers_.is_primary_provider(is_keyword); switch (input_.type()) { case AutocompleteInput::QUERY: case AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY: return static_cast(suggestion_number) + (is_primary ? 1000 : 150); default: return static_cast(suggestion_number) + (is_primary ? 800 : 150); } } void SearchProvider::AddMatchToMap(const std::wstring& query_string, int relevance, AutocompleteMatch::Type type, int accepted_suggestion, bool is_keyword, MatchMap* map) { const std::wstring& input_text = is_keyword ? keyword_input_text_ : input_.text(); AutocompleteMatch match(this, relevance, false, type); std::vector content_param_offsets; const TemplateURL& provider = is_keyword ? providers_.keyword_provider() : providers_.default_provider(); match.contents.assign(l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_AUTOCOMPLETE_SEARCH_CONTENTS, provider.short_name(), query_string, &content_param_offsets)); if (content_param_offsets.size() == 2) { AutocompleteMatch::ClassifyLocationInString(content_param_offsets[1], query_string.length(), match.contents.length(), ACMatchClassification::NONE, &match.contents_class); } else { // |content_param_offsets| should only not be 2 if: // (a) A translator screws up // (b) The strings have been changed and we haven't been rebuilt properly // (c) Some sort of crazy installer error/DLL version mismatch problem that // gets the wrong data out of the locale DLL? // While none of these are supposed to happen, we've seen this get hit in // the wild, so avoid the vector access in the conditional arm above, which // will crash. NOTREACHED(); } // When the user forced a query, we need to make sure all the fill_into_edit // values preserve that property. Otherwise, if the user starts editing a // suggestion, non-Search results will suddenly appear. size_t search_start = 0; if (input_.type() == AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY) { match.fill_into_edit.assign(L"?"); ++search_start; } match.fill_into_edit.append(query_string); // NOTE: All Google suggestions currently start with the original input, but // not all Yahoo! suggestions do. if (!input_.prevent_inline_autocomplete() && !match.fill_into_edit.compare(search_start, input_text.length(), input_text)) match.inline_autocomplete_offset = search_start + input_text.length(); const TemplateURLRef* const search_url = provider.url(); DCHECK(search_url->SupportsReplacement()); match.destination_url = search_url->ReplaceSearchTerms(provider, query_string, accepted_suggestion, input_text); // Search results don't look like URLs. match.transition = PageTransition::GENERATED; // Try to add |match| to |map|. If a match for |query_string| is already in // |map|, replace it if |match| is more relevant. // NOTE: Keep this ToLower() call in sync with url_database.cc. const std::pair i = map->insert( std::pair( l10n_util::ToLower(query_string), match)); // NOTE: We purposefully do a direct relevance comparison here instead of // using AutocompleteMatch::MoreRelevant(), so that we'll prefer "items added // first" rather than "items alphabetically first" when the scores are equal. // The only case this matters is when a user has results with the same score // that differ only by capitalization; because the history system returns // results sorted by recency, this means we'll pick the most recent such // result even if the precision of our relevance score is too low to // distinguish the two. if (!i.second && (match.relevance > i.first->second.relevance)) i.first->second = match; } AutocompleteMatch SearchProvider::NavigationToMatch( const NavigationResult& navigation, int relevance, bool is_keyword) { const std::wstring& input_text = is_keyword ? keyword_input_text_ : input_.text(); AutocompleteMatch match(this, relevance, false, AutocompleteMatch::NAVSUGGEST); match.destination_url = navigation.url; match.contents = StringForURLDisplay(navigation.url, true); // TODO(kochi): Consider moving HistoryURLProvider::TrimHttpPrefix() to some // public utility function. if (!url_util::FindAndCompareScheme(WideToUTF8(input_text), "http", NULL)) TrimHttpPrefix(&match.contents); AutocompleteMatch::ClassifyMatchInString(input_text, match.contents, ACMatchClassification::URL, &match.contents_class); match.description = navigation.site_name; AutocompleteMatch::ClassifyMatchInString(input_text, navigation.site_name, ACMatchClassification::NONE, &match.description_class); // When the user forced a query, we need to make sure all the fill_into_edit // values preserve that property. Otherwise, if the user starts editing a // suggestion, non-Search results will suddenly appear. if (input_.type() == AutocompleteInput::FORCED_QUERY) match.fill_into_edit.assign(L"?"); match.fill_into_edit.append(match.contents); // TODO(pkasting): http://b/1112879 These should perhaps be // inline-autocompletable? return match; } // TODO(kochi): This is duplicate from HistoryURLProvider. // static size_t SearchProvider::TrimHttpPrefix(std::wstring* url) { url_parse::Component scheme; if (!url_util::FindAndCompareScheme(WideToUTF8(*url), chrome::kHttpScheme, &scheme)) return 0; // Not "http". // Erase scheme plus up to two slashes. size_t prefix_len = scheme.end() + 1; // "http:" const size_t after_slashes = std::min(url->length(), static_cast(scheme.end() + 3)); while ((prefix_len < after_slashes) && ((*url)[prefix_len] == L'/')) ++prefix_len; if (prefix_len == url->length()) url->clear(); else url->erase(url->begin(), url->begin() + prefix_len); return prefix_len; }