// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete_history_manager.h" #include <vector> #include "base/string16.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/credit_card.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_data.h" using webkit_glue::FormData; namespace { // Limit on the number of suggestions to appear in the pop-up menu under an // text input element in a form. const int kMaxAutocompleteMenuItems = 6; // The separator characters for SSNs. const string16 kSSNSeparators = ASCIIToUTF16(" -"); bool IsSSN(const string16& text) { string16 number_string; RemoveChars(text, kSSNSeparators.c_str(), &number_string); if (number_string.length() != 9 || !IsStringASCII(number_string)) return false; // A SSN is of the form AAA-GG-SSSS (A = area number, G = group number, S = // serial number). The validation we do here is simply checking if the area, // group, and serial numbers are valid. It is possible to check if the group // number is valid for the given area, but that data changes all the time. // // See: http://www.socialsecurity.gov/history/ssn/geocard.html // http://www.socialsecurity.gov/employer/stateweb.htm // http://www.socialsecurity.gov/employer/ssnvhighgroup.htm string16 area_string = number_string.substr(0, 3); string16 group_string = number_string.substr(3, 2); string16 serial_string = number_string.substr(5, 4); int area; if (!base::StringToInt(area_string, &area)) return false; if (area < 1 || area == 666 || (area > 733 && area < 750) || area > 772) return false; int group; if (!base::StringToInt(group_string, &group) || group == 0) return false; int serial; if (!base::StringToInt(serial_string, &serial) || serial == 0) return false; return true; } } // namespace AutocompleteHistoryManager::AutocompleteHistoryManager( TabContents* tab_contents) : tab_contents_(tab_contents), pending_query_handle_(0), query_id_(0) { DCHECK(tab_contents); profile_ = tab_contents_->profile(); DCHECK(profile_); web_data_service_ = profile_->GetWebDataService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); DCHECK(web_data_service_); autofill_enabled_.Init(prefs::kAutoFillEnabled, profile_->GetPrefs(), NULL); } AutocompleteHistoryManager::~AutocompleteHistoryManager() { CancelPendingQuery(); } void AutocompleteHistoryManager::FormSubmitted(const FormData& form) { StoreFormEntriesInWebDatabase(form); } bool AutocompleteHistoryManager::GetAutocompleteSuggestions( int query_id, const string16& name, const string16& prefix) { if (!*autofill_enabled_) return false; CancelPendingQuery(); query_id_ = query_id; pending_query_handle_ = web_data_service_->GetFormValuesForElementName( name, prefix, kMaxAutocompleteMenuItems, this); return true; } void AutocompleteHistoryManager::RemoveAutocompleteEntry( const string16& name, const string16& value) { web_data_service_->RemoveFormValueForElementName(name, value); } void AutocompleteHistoryManager::OnWebDataServiceRequestDone( WebDataService::Handle h, const WDTypedResult* result) { DCHECK(pending_query_handle_); pending_query_handle_ = 0; if (*autofill_enabled_) { DCHECK(result); SendSuggestions(result); } else { SendSuggestions(NULL); } } AutocompleteHistoryManager::AutocompleteHistoryManager( Profile* profile, WebDataService* wds) : tab_contents_(NULL), profile_(profile), web_data_service_(wds), pending_query_handle_(0), query_id_(0) { autofill_enabled_.Init( prefs::kAutoFillEnabled, profile_->GetPrefs(), NULL); } void AutocompleteHistoryManager::CancelPendingQuery() { if (pending_query_handle_) { SendSuggestions(NULL); web_data_service_->CancelRequest(pending_query_handle_); } pending_query_handle_ = 0; } void AutocompleteHistoryManager::StoreFormEntriesInWebDatabase( const FormData& form) { if (!*autofill_enabled_) return; if (profile_->IsOffTheRecord()) return; // Don't save data that was submitted through JavaScript. if (!form.user_submitted) return; // We put the following restriction on stored FormFields: // - non-empty name // - non-empty value // - text field // - value is not a credit card number // - value is not a SSN std::vector<webkit_glue::FormField> values; for (std::vector<webkit_glue::FormField>::const_iterator iter = form.fields.begin(); iter != form.fields.end(); ++iter) { if (!iter->value().empty() && !iter->name().empty() && iter->form_control_type() == ASCIIToUTF16("text") && !CreditCard::IsCreditCardNumber(iter->value()) && !IsSSN(iter->value())) values.push_back(*iter); } if (!values.empty()) web_data_service_->AddFormFields(values); } void AutocompleteHistoryManager::SendSuggestions(const WDTypedResult* result) { RenderViewHost* host = tab_contents_->render_view_host(); if (!host) return; if (result) { DCHECK(result->GetType() == AUTOFILL_VALUE_RESULT); const WDResult<std::vector<string16> >* autofill_result = static_cast<const WDResult<std::vector<string16> >*>(result); host->AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned( query_id_, autofill_result->GetValue()); } else { host->AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned( query_id_, std::vector<string16>()); } }