// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_manager.h" #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/string16.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_dialog.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/form_structure.h" #include "chrome/browser/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_data.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_field.h" using webkit_glue::FormData; using webkit_glue::FormField; namespace { // We only send a fraction of the forms to upload server. // The rate for positive/negative matches potentially could be different. const double kAutoFillPositiveUploadRateDefaultValue = 0.01; const double kAutoFillNegativeUploadRateDefaultValue = 0.01; // Size and offset of the prefix and suffix portions of phone numbers. const int kAutoFillPhoneNumberPrefixOffset = 0; const int kAutoFillPhoneNumberPrefixCount = 3; const int kAutoFillPhoneNumberSuffixOffset = 3; const int kAutoFillPhoneNumberSuffixCount = 4; const string16::value_type kLabelSeparator[] = {';',' ',0}; // Removes duplicate elements whilst preserving original order of |elements|. void RemoveDuplicateElements(std::vector* elements) { std::vector copy; for (std::vector::iterator iter = elements->begin(); iter != elements->end(); ++iter) { bool unique = true; for (std::vector::const_iterator copy_iter = copy.begin(); copy_iter != copy.end(); ++copy_iter) { if (*iter == *copy_iter) { unique = false; break; } } if (unique) copy.push_back(*iter); } elements->assign(copy.begin(), copy.end()); } } // namespace // TODO(jhawkins): Maybe this should be in a grd file? const char* kAutoFillLearnMoreUrl = "http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?answer=142893"; AutoFillManager::AutoFillManager(TabContents* tab_contents) : tab_contents_(tab_contents), personal_data_(NULL), download_manager_(tab_contents_->profile()) { DCHECK(tab_contents); // |personal_data_| is NULL when using TestTabContents. personal_data_ = tab_contents_->profile()->GetOriginalProfile()->GetPersonalDataManager(); download_manager_.SetObserver(this); } AutoFillManager::~AutoFillManager() { download_manager_.SetObserver(NULL); } // static void AutoFillManager::RegisterBrowserPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterDictionaryPref(prefs::kAutoFillDialogPlacement); } // static void AutoFillManager::RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAutoFillEnabled, true); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAutoFillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled, true); prefs->RegisterRealPref(prefs::kAutoFillPositiveUploadRate, kAutoFillPositiveUploadRateDefaultValue); prefs->RegisterRealPref(prefs::kAutoFillNegativeUploadRate, kAutoFillNegativeUploadRateDefaultValue); } void AutoFillManager::FormSubmitted(const FormData& form) { if (!IsAutoFillEnabled()) return; if (tab_contents_->profile()->IsOffTheRecord()) return; // Grab a copy of the form data. upload_form_structure_.reset(new FormStructure(form)); if (!upload_form_structure_->IsAutoFillable()) return; // Determine the possible field types and upload the form structure to the // PersonalDataManager. DeterminePossibleFieldTypes(upload_form_structure_.get()); HandleSubmit(); } void AutoFillManager::FormsSeen(const std::vector& forms) { if (!IsAutoFillEnabled()) return; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = forms.begin(); iter != forms.end(); ++iter) { FormStructure* form_structure = new FormStructure(*iter); DeterminePossibleFieldTypes(form_structure); form_structures_.push_back(form_structure); } download_manager_.StartQueryRequest(form_structures_); } bool AutoFillManager::GetAutoFillSuggestions(int query_id, bool form_autofilled, const FormField& field) { if (!IsAutoFillEnabled()) return false; RenderViewHost* host = tab_contents_->render_view_host(); if (!host) return false; if (personal_data_->profiles().empty() && personal_data_->credit_cards().empty()) return false; // Loops through the cached FormStructures looking for the FormStructure that // contains |field| and the associated AutoFillFieldType. FormStructure* form = NULL; AutoFillField* autofill_field = NULL; for (std::vector::iterator form_iter = form_structures_.begin(); form_iter != form_structures_.end(); ++form_iter) { form = *form_iter; // Don't send suggestions for forms that aren't auto-fillable. if (!form->IsAutoFillable()) continue; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = form->begin(); iter != form->end(); ++iter) { // The field list is terminated with a NULL AutoFillField, so don't try to // dereference it. if (!*iter) break; if ((**iter) == field) { autofill_field = *iter; break; } } } if (autofill_field == NULL) return false; std::vector values; std::vector labels; AutoFillType type(autofill_field->type()); if (type.group() == AutoFillType::CREDIT_CARD) GetCreditCardSuggestions(form, field, type, &values, &labels); else if (type.group() == AutoFillType::ADDRESS_BILLING) GetBillingProfileSuggestions(field, type, &values, &labels); else GetProfileSuggestions(form, field, type, &values, &labels); DCHECK_EQ(values.size(), labels.size()); // No suggestions. if (values.empty()) return false; // If the form is auto-filled and the renderer is querying for suggestions, // then the user is editing the value of a field. In this case, don't display // labels, as that information is redundant. In addition, remove duplicate // values. if (form_autofilled) { RemoveDuplicateElements(&values); labels.resize(values.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i) labels[i] = string16(); } host->AutoFillSuggestionsReturned(query_id, values, labels); return true; } // TODO(jhawkins): Remove the |value| parameter. bool AutoFillManager::FillAutoFillFormData(int query_id, const FormData& form, const string16& value, const string16& label) { if (!IsAutoFillEnabled()) return false; RenderViewHost* host = tab_contents_->render_view_host(); if (!host) return false; const std::vector& profiles = personal_data_->profiles(); const std::vector& credit_cards = personal_data_->credit_cards(); // No data to return if the profiles are empty. if (profiles.empty() && credit_cards.empty()) return false; // Find the FormStructure that corresponds to |form|. FormData result = form; FormStructure* form_structure = NULL; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = form_structures_.begin(); iter != form_structures_.end(); ++iter) { if (**iter == form) { form_structure = *iter; break; } } if (!form_structure) return false; // No data to return if there are no auto-fillable fields. if (!form_structure->autofill_count()) return false; // |cc_digits| will contain the last four digits of a credit card number only // if the form has billing fields. string16 profile_label = label; string16 cc_digits; // If the form has billing fields, |label| will contain at least one "; " // followed by the last four digits of a credit card number. if (form_structure->HasBillingFields()) { // We must search for the last "; " as it's possible the profile label // proper can contain this sequence of characters. size_t index = label.find_last_of(kLabelSeparator); if (index != string16::npos) { profile_label = label.substr(0, index - 1); size_t cc_index = index + 1; cc_digits = label.substr(cc_index); } } // Find the profile that matches the |profile_label|. const AutoFillProfile* profile = NULL; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = profiles.begin(); iter != profiles.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->Label() == profile_label) { profile = *iter; } } // Don't look for a matching credit card if we fully-matched the profile using // the entire label. const CreditCard* credit_card = NULL; if (!cc_digits.empty()) { // Find the credit card that matches the |cc_label|. for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = credit_cards.begin(); iter != credit_cards.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->LastFourDigits() == cc_digits) { credit_card = *iter; break; } } } if (!profile && !credit_card) return false; // The list of fields in |form_structure| and |result.fields| often match // directly and we can fill these corresponding fields; however, when the // |form_structure| and |result.fields| do not match directly we search // ahead in the |form_structure| for the matching field. // See unit tests: AutoFillManagerTest.FormChangesRemoveField and // AutoFillManagerTest.FormChangesAddField for usage. for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < form_structure->field_count() && j < result.fields.size(); j++) { size_t k = i; // Search forward in the |form_structure| for a corresponding field. while (k < form_structure->field_count() && *form_structure->field(k) != result.fields[j]) { k++; } // If we've found a match then fill the |result| field with the found // field in the |form_structure|. if (k >= form_structure->field_count()) continue; const AutoFillField* field = form_structure->field(k); AutoFillType autofill_type(field->type()); if (credit_card && autofill_type.group() == AutoFillType::CREDIT_CARD) { result.fields[i].set_value( credit_card->GetFieldText(autofill_type)); } else if (credit_card && autofill_type.group() == AutoFillType::ADDRESS_BILLING) { FillBillingFormField(credit_card, autofill_type, &result.fields[j]); } else if (profile) { FillFormField(profile, autofill_type, &result.fields[j]); } // We found a matching field in the |form_structure| so we // proceed to the next |result| field, and the next |form_structure|. ++i; } host->AutoFillFormDataFilled(query_id, result); return true; } void AutoFillManager::ShowAutoFillDialog() { ::ShowAutoFillDialog(tab_contents_->GetContentNativeView(), personal_data_, tab_contents_->profile()->GetOriginalProfile(), NULL, NULL); } void AutoFillManager::Reset() { upload_form_structure_.reset(); form_structures_.reset(); } void AutoFillManager::OnLoadedAutoFillHeuristics( const std::string& heuristic_xml) { // TODO(jhawkins): Store |upload_required| in the AutoFillManager. UploadRequired upload_required; FormStructure::ParseQueryResponse(heuristic_xml, form_structures_.get(), &upload_required); } void AutoFillManager::OnUploadedAutoFillHeuristics( const std::string& form_signature) { } void AutoFillManager::OnHeuristicsRequestError( const std::string& form_signature, AutoFillDownloadManager::AutoFillRequestType request_type, int http_error) { } bool AutoFillManager::IsAutoFillEnabled() const { PrefService* prefs = tab_contents_->profile()->GetPrefs(); // Migrate obsolete AutoFill pref. if (prefs->FindPreference(prefs::kFormAutofillEnabled)) { bool enabled = prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kFormAutofillEnabled); prefs->ClearPref(prefs::kFormAutofillEnabled); prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kAutoFillEnabled, enabled); return enabled; } return prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kAutoFillEnabled); } void AutoFillManager::DeterminePossibleFieldTypes( FormStructure* form_structure) { for (size_t i = 0; i < form_structure->field_count(); i++) { const AutoFillField* field = form_structure->field(i); FieldTypeSet field_types; personal_data_->GetPossibleFieldTypes(field->value(), &field_types); form_structure->set_possible_types(i, field_types); } } void AutoFillManager::HandleSubmit() { // If there wasn't enough data to import then we don't want to send an upload // to the server. // TODO(jhawkins): Import form data from |form_structures_|. That will // require querying the FormManager for updated field values. std::vector import; import.push_back(upload_form_structure_.get()); if (!personal_data_->ImportFormData(import, this)) return; UploadFormData(); } void AutoFillManager::UploadFormData() { // TODO(georgey): enable upload request when we make sure that our data is in // line with toolbar data: // download_manager_.StartUploadRequest(upload_form_structure_, // form_is_autofilled); } AutoFillManager::AutoFillManager() : tab_contents_(NULL), personal_data_(NULL), download_manager_(NULL) { } AutoFillManager::AutoFillManager(TabContents* tab_contents, PersonalDataManager* personal_data) : tab_contents_(tab_contents), personal_data_(personal_data), download_manager_(NULL) { DCHECK(tab_contents); } void AutoFillManager::GetProfileSuggestions(FormStructure* form, const FormField& field, AutoFillType type, std::vector* values, std::vector* labels) { const std::vector& profiles = personal_data_->profiles(); for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = profiles.begin(); iter != profiles.end(); ++iter) { AutoFillProfile* profile = *iter; // The value of the stored data for this field type in the |profile|. string16 profile_field_value = profile->GetFieldText(type); if (!profile_field_value.empty() && StartsWith(profile_field_value, field.value(), false)) { if (!form->HasBillingFields()) { values->push_back(profile_field_value); labels->push_back(profile->Label()); } else { for (std::vector::const_iterator cc = personal_data_->credit_cards().begin(); cc != personal_data_->credit_cards().end(); ++cc) { values->push_back(profile_field_value); string16 label = profile->Label() + kLabelSeparator + (*cc)->LastFourDigits(); labels->push_back(label); } } } } } void AutoFillManager::GetBillingProfileSuggestions( const FormField& field, AutoFillType type, std::vector* values, std::vector* labels) { std::vector matching_creditcards; std::vector matching_profiles; std::vector cc_values; std::vector cc_labels; for (std::vector::const_iterator cc = personal_data_->credit_cards().begin(); cc != personal_data_->credit_cards().end(); ++cc) { string16 label = (*cc)->billing_address(); AutoFillProfile* billing_profile = NULL; // The value of the stored data for this field type in the |profile|. string16 profile_field_value; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = personal_data_->profiles().begin(); iter != personal_data_->profiles().end(); ++iter) { AutoFillProfile* profile = *iter; // This assumes that labels are unique. if (profile->Label() == label && !profile->GetFieldText(type).empty() && StartsWith(profile->GetFieldText(type), field.value(), false)) { billing_profile = profile; break; } } if (!billing_profile) continue; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = personal_data_->profiles().begin(); iter != personal_data_->profiles().end(); ++iter) { values->push_back(billing_profile->GetFieldText(type)); string16 label = (*iter)->Label() + ASCIIToUTF16("; ") + (*cc)->LastFourDigits(); labels->push_back(label); } } } void AutoFillManager::GetCreditCardSuggestions(FormStructure* form, const FormField& field, AutoFillType type, std::vector* values, std::vector* labels) { for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = personal_data_->credit_cards().begin(); iter != personal_data_->credit_cards().end(); ++iter) { CreditCard* credit_card = *iter; // The value of the stored data for this field type in the |credit_card|. string16 creditcard_field_value = credit_card->GetFieldText(type); if (!creditcard_field_value.empty() && StartsWith(creditcard_field_value, field.value(), false)) { if (type.field_type() == CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER) creditcard_field_value = credit_card->ObfuscatedNumber(); if (!form->HasNonBillingFields()) { values->push_back(creditcard_field_value); labels->push_back(credit_card->Label()); } else { for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = personal_data_->profiles().begin(); iter != personal_data_->profiles().end(); ++iter) { values->push_back(creditcard_field_value); string16 label = (*iter)->Label() + ASCIIToUTF16("; ") + credit_card->LastFourDigits(); labels->push_back(label); } } } } } void AutoFillManager::FillBillingFormField(const CreditCard* credit_card, AutoFillType type, webkit_glue::FormField* field) { DCHECK(credit_card); DCHECK(type.group() == AutoFillType::ADDRESS_BILLING); DCHECK(field); string16 billing_address = credit_card->billing_address(); if (!billing_address.empty()) { AutoFillProfile* profile = NULL; const std::vector& profiles = personal_data_->profiles(); for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = profiles.begin(); iter != profiles.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->Label() == billing_address) { profile = *iter; break; } } if (profile) { FillFormField(profile, type, field); } } } void AutoFillManager::FillFormField(const AutoFillProfile* profile, AutoFillType type, webkit_glue::FormField* field) { DCHECK(profile); DCHECK(field); if (type.subgroup() == AutoFillType::PHONE_NUMBER) { FillPhoneNumberField(profile, field); } else { field->set_value(profile->GetFieldText(type)); } } void AutoFillManager::FillPhoneNumberField(const AutoFillProfile* profile, webkit_glue::FormField* field) { // If we are filling a phone number, check to see if the size field // matches the "prefix" or "suffix" sizes and fill accordingly. string16 number = profile->GetFieldText(AutoFillType(PHONE_HOME_NUMBER)); bool has_valid_suffix_and_prefix = (number.length() == (kAutoFillPhoneNumberPrefixCount + kAutoFillPhoneNumberSuffixCount)); if (has_valid_suffix_and_prefix && field->size() == kAutoFillPhoneNumberPrefixCount) { number = number.substr(kAutoFillPhoneNumberPrefixOffset, kAutoFillPhoneNumberPrefixCount); field->set_value(number); } else if (has_valid_suffix_and_prefix && field->size() == kAutoFillPhoneNumberSuffixCount) { number = number.substr(kAutoFillPhoneNumberSuffixOffset, kAutoFillPhoneNumberSuffixCount); field->set_value(number); } else { field->set_value(number); } }