// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_manager.h" #include #include "base/command_line.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_dialog.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_infobar_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_xml_parser.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/form_structure.h" #include "chrome/browser/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_data.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_field.h" using webkit_glue::FormData; using webkit_glue::FormField; namespace { // We only send a fraction of the forms to upload server. // The rate for positive/negative matches potentially could be different. const double kAutoFillPositiveUploadRateDefaultValue = 0.01; const double kAutoFillNegativeUploadRateDefaultValue = 0.01; } // namespace // TODO(jhawkins): Maybe this should be in a grd file? const char* kAutoFillLearnMoreUrl = "http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?answer=142893"; AutoFillManager::AutoFillManager(TabContents* tab_contents) : tab_contents_(tab_contents), personal_data_(NULL), download_manager_(tab_contents_->profile()), infobar_(NULL) { DCHECK(tab_contents); personal_data_ = tab_contents_->profile()->GetOriginalProfile()->GetPersonalDataManager(); DCHECK(personal_data_); download_manager_.SetObserver(this); } AutoFillManager::~AutoFillManager() { // This is NULL in the MockAutoFillManager. if (personal_data_) personal_data_->RemoveObserver(this); download_manager_.SetObserver(NULL); } // static void AutoFillManager::RegisterBrowserPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterDictionaryPref(prefs::kAutoFillDialogPlacement); } // static void AutoFillManager::RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAutoFillInfoBarShown, false); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAutoFillEnabled, true); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAutoFillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled, false); prefs->RegisterStringPref(prefs::kAutoFillDefaultProfile, std::wstring()); prefs->RegisterStringPref(prefs::kAutoFillDefaultCreditCard, std::wstring()); prefs->RegisterRealPref(prefs::kAutoFillPositiveUploadRate, kAutoFillPositiveUploadRateDefaultValue); prefs->RegisterRealPref(prefs::kAutoFillNegativeUploadRate, kAutoFillNegativeUploadRateDefaultValue); } void AutoFillManager::FormSubmitted(const FormData& form) { if (!IsAutoFillEnabled()) return; if (tab_contents_->profile()->IsOffTheRecord()) return; // Grab a copy of the form data. upload_form_structure_.reset(new FormStructure(form)); if (!upload_form_structure_->IsAutoFillable()) return; // Determine the possible field types and upload the form structure to the // PersonalDataManager. DeterminePossibleFieldTypes(upload_form_structure_.get()); HandleSubmit(); PrefService* prefs = tab_contents_->profile()->GetPrefs(); bool infobar_shown = prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kAutoFillInfoBarShown); if (!infobar_shown) { // Ask the user for permission to save form information. infobar_.reset(new AutoFillInfoBarDelegate(tab_contents_, this)); } } void AutoFillManager::FormsSeen(const std::vector& forms) { if (!IsAutoFillEnabled()) return; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = forms.begin(); iter != forms.end(); ++iter) { FormStructure* form_structure = new FormStructure(*iter); DeterminePossibleFieldTypes(form_structure); form_structures_.push_back(form_structure); } download_manager_.StartQueryRequest(form_structures_); } bool AutoFillManager::GetAutoFillSuggestions(int query_id, const FormField& field) { if (!IsAutoFillEnabled()) return false; RenderViewHost* host = tab_contents_->render_view_host(); if (!host) return false; const std::vector& profiles = personal_data_->profiles(); const std::vector& credit_cards = personal_data_->credit_cards(); if (profiles.empty() && credit_cards.empty()) return false; AutoFillField* form_field = NULL; for (std::vector::iterator form = form_structures_.begin(); form != form_structures_.end(); ++form) { for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = (*form)->begin(); iter != (*form)->end(); ++iter) { // The field list is terminated with a NULL AutoFillField, so don't try to // dereference it. if (!*iter) break; if ((**iter) == field) { form_field = *iter; break; } } } if (form_field == NULL) return false; std::vector values; std::vector labels; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = profiles.begin(); iter != profiles.end(); ++iter) { if (StartsWith((*iter)->GetFieldText(AutoFillType(form_field->type())), field.value(), false)) { string16 value = (*iter)->GetFieldText(AutoFillType(form_field->type())); string16 label = (*iter)->Label(); values.push_back(value); labels.push_back(label); } } for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = credit_cards.begin(); iter != credit_cards.end(); ++iter) { // TODO(jhawkins): What if GetFieldText(...).length() == 0? if (StartsWith((*iter)->GetFieldText(AutoFillType(form_field->type())), field.value(), false)) { string16 value; if (form_field->type() == CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER) { value = (*iter)->ObfuscatedNumber(); } else { value = (*iter)->GetFieldText(AutoFillType(form_field->type())); } string16 label = (*iter)->Label(); values.push_back(value); labels.push_back(label); } } // No suggestions. if (values.empty()) return false; // TODO(jhawkins): If the default profile is in this list, set it as the // default suggestion index. host->AutoFillSuggestionsReturned(query_id, values, labels, -1); return true; } bool AutoFillManager::FillAutoFillFormData(int query_id, const FormData& form, const string16& value, const string16& label) { if (!IsAutoFillEnabled()) return false; RenderViewHost* host = tab_contents_->render_view_host(); if (!host) return false; const std::vector& profiles = personal_data_->profiles(); const std::vector& credit_cards = personal_data_->credit_cards(); if (profiles.empty() && credit_cards.empty()) return false; // Find profile that matches |name| and |label| in question. const AutoFillProfile* profile = NULL; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = profiles.begin(); iter != profiles.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->Label() != label) continue; FieldTypeSet field_types; (*iter)->GetPossibleFieldTypes(value, &field_types); for (FieldTypeSet::const_iterator type = field_types.begin(); type != field_types.end(); ++type) { if ((*iter)->GetFieldText(AutoFillType(*type)) == value) { profile = *iter; break; } } } // Only look for credit card info if we're not filling profile. const CreditCard* credit_card = NULL; if (!profile) { for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = credit_cards.begin(); iter != credit_cards.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->Label() != label) continue; FieldTypeSet field_types; (*iter)->GetPossibleFieldTypes(value, &field_types); for (FieldTypeSet::const_iterator type = field_types.begin(); type != field_types.end(); ++type) { if ((*iter)->GetFieldText(AutoFillType(*type)) == value) { credit_card = *iter; break; } } } } else { // If we're filling a profile we can attempt to use the default credit card // for any matching fields. int default_credit_card = personal_data_->DefaultCreditCard(); if (default_credit_card != -1) credit_card = credit_cards[default_credit_card]; } if (!profile && !credit_card) return false; FormData result = form; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = form_structures_.begin(); iter != form_structures_.end(); ++iter) { const FormStructure* form_structure = *iter; if (*form_structure != form) continue; for (size_t i = 0; i < form_structure->field_count(); ++i) { const AutoFillField* field = form_structure->field(i); // TODO(jhawkins): We should have the same number of fields in both // |form_structure| and |result|, so this loop should be unnecessary. for (size_t j = 0; j < result.fields.size(); ++j) { if (field->name() == result.fields[j].name() && field->label() == result.fields[j].label()) { AutoFillType autofill_type(field->type()); if (credit_card && autofill_type.group() == AutoFillType::CREDIT_CARD) { result.fields[j].set_value( credit_card->GetFieldText(autofill_type)); } else if (profile) { result.fields[j].set_value(profile->GetFieldText(autofill_type)); } break; } } } } host->AutoFillFormDataFilled(query_id, result); return true; } void AutoFillManager::OnPersonalDataLoaded() { // We might have been alerted that the PersonalDataManager has loaded, so // remove ourselves as observer. personal_data_->RemoveObserver(this); #if !defined(OS_WIN) #if defined(OS_MACOSX) ShowAutoFillDialog(personal_data_, personal_data_->web_profiles(), personal_data_->credit_cards(), tab_contents_->profile()->GetOriginalProfile()); #else // defined(OS_MACOSX) ShowAutoFillDialog(NULL, personal_data_, tab_contents_->profile()->GetOriginalProfile()); #endif // defined(OS_MACOSX) #endif // !defined(OS_WIN) } void AutoFillManager::OnInfoBarClosed() { PrefService* prefs = tab_contents_->profile()->GetPrefs(); prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kAutoFillEnabled, true); // Save the imported form data as a profile. personal_data_->SaveImportedFormData(); } void AutoFillManager::OnInfoBarAccepted() { PrefService* prefs = tab_contents_->profile()->GetPrefs(); prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kAutoFillEnabled, true); // This is the first time the user is interacting with AutoFill, so set the // uploaded form structure as the initial profile in the AutoFillDialog. personal_data_->SaveImportedFormData(); #if defined(OS_WIN) ShowAutoFillDialog(tab_contents_->GetContentNativeView(), personal_data_, tab_contents_->profile()->GetOriginalProfile()); #else // If the personal data manager has not loaded the data yet, set ourselves as // its observer so that we can listen for the OnPersonalDataLoaded signal. if (!personal_data_->IsDataLoaded()) personal_data_->SetObserver(this); else OnPersonalDataLoaded(); #endif } void AutoFillManager::OnInfoBarCancelled() { PrefService* prefs = tab_contents_->profile()->GetPrefs(); prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kAutoFillEnabled, false); } void AutoFillManager::Reset() { upload_form_structure_.reset(); form_structures_.reset(); } void AutoFillManager::OnLoadedAutoFillHeuristics( const std::vector& form_signatures, const std::string& heuristic_xml) { // Create a vector of AutoFillFieldTypes, // to assign the parsed field types to. std::vector field_types; UploadRequired upload_required = USE_UPLOAD_RATES; // Create a parser. AutoFillQueryXmlParser parse_handler(&field_types, &upload_required); buzz::XmlParser parser(&parse_handler); parser.Parse(heuristic_xml.c_str(), heuristic_xml.length(), true); if (!parse_handler.succeeded()) { return; } // For multiple forms requested, returned field types are in one array. // |field_shift| indicates start of the fields for current form. size_t field_shift = 0; // form_signatures should mirror form_structures_ unless new request is // initiated. So if there is a discrepancy we just ignore data and return. ScopedVector::iterator it_forms; std::vector::const_iterator it_signatures; for (it_forms = form_structures_.begin(), it_signatures = form_signatures.begin(); it_forms != form_structures_.end() && it_signatures != form_signatures.end() && (*it_forms)->FormSignature() == *it_signatures; ++it_forms, ++it_signatures) { // In some cases *successful* response does not return all the fields. // Quit the update of the types then. if (field_types.size() - field_shift < (*it_forms)->field_count()) { break; } for (size_t i = 0; i < (*it_forms)->field_count(); ++i) { if (field_types[i + field_shift] != NO_SERVER_DATA && field_types[i + field_shift] != UNKNOWN_TYPE) { FieldTypeSet types = (*it_forms)->field(i)->possible_types(); types.insert(field_types[i + field_shift]); (*it_forms)->set_possible_types(i, types); } } field_shift += (*it_forms)->field_count(); } } void AutoFillManager::OnUploadedAutoFillHeuristics( const std::string& form_signature) { } void AutoFillManager::OnHeuristicsRequestError( const std::string& form_signature, AutoFillDownloadManager::AutoFillRequestType request_type, int http_error) { } void AutoFillManager::DeterminePossibleFieldTypes( FormStructure* form_structure) { // TODO(jhawkins): Update field text. form_structure->GetHeuristicAutoFillTypes(); for (size_t i = 0; i < form_structure->field_count(); i++) { const AutoFillField* field = form_structure->field(i); FieldTypeSet field_types; personal_data_->GetPossibleFieldTypes(field->value(), &field_types); form_structure->set_possible_types(i, field_types); } } void AutoFillManager::HandleSubmit() { // If there wasn't enough data to import then we don't want to send an upload // to the server. // TODO(jhawkins): Import form data from |form_structures_|. That will // require querying the FormManager for updated field values. std::vector import; import.push_back(upload_form_structure_.get()); if (!personal_data_->ImportFormData(import, this)) return; UploadFormData(); } void AutoFillManager::UploadFormData() { // TODO(georgey): enable upload request when we make sure that our data is in // line with toolbar data: // download_manager_.StartUploadRequest(upload_form_structure_, // form_is_autofilled); } bool AutoFillManager::IsAutoFillEnabled() { PrefService* prefs = tab_contents_->profile()->GetPrefs(); // Migrate obsolete AutoFill pref. if (prefs->HasPrefPath(prefs::kFormAutofillEnabled)) { bool enabled = prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kFormAutofillEnabled); prefs->ClearPref(prefs::kFormAutofillEnabled); prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kAutoFillEnabled, enabled); return enabled; } return prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kAutoFillEnabled); } AutoFillManager::AutoFillManager() : tab_contents_(NULL), personal_data_(NULL), download_manager_(NULL) { }