// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_manager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string16.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete_history_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_cc_infobar_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_external_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_feedback_infobar_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_field.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_metrics.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_type.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/credit_card.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/form_structure.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/personal_data_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/personal_data_manager_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/phone_number.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/phone_number_i18n.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/select_control_handler.h" #include "chrome/browser/infobars/infobar_tab_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/tab_contents_wrapper.h" #include "chrome/common/autofill_messages.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/guid.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host.h" #include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" #include "webkit/forms/form_data.h" #include "webkit/forms/form_data_predictions.h" #include "webkit/forms/form_field.h" using base::TimeTicks; using content::BrowserThread; using switches::kEnableAutofillFeedback; using webkit::forms::FormData; using webkit::forms::FormDataPredictions; using webkit::forms::FormField; namespace { // We only send a fraction of the forms to upload server. // The rate for positive/negative matches potentially could be different. const double kAutofillPositiveUploadRateDefaultValue = 0.20; const double kAutofillNegativeUploadRateDefaultValue = 0.20; const size_t kMaxRecentFormSignaturesToRemember = 3; // Set a conservative upper bound on the number of forms we are willing to // cache, simply to prevent unbounded memory consumption. const size_t kMaxFormCacheSize = 100; const string16::value_type kCreditCardPrefix[] = {'*', 0}; // Removes duplicate suggestions whilst preserving their original order. void RemoveDuplicateSuggestions(std::vector* values, std::vector* labels, std::vector* icons, std::vector* unique_ids) { DCHECK_EQ(values->size(), labels->size()); DCHECK_EQ(values->size(), icons->size()); DCHECK_EQ(values->size(), unique_ids->size()); std::set > seen_suggestions; std::vector values_copy; std::vector labels_copy; std::vector icons_copy; std::vector unique_ids_copy; for (size_t i = 0; i < values->size(); ++i) { const std::pair suggestion((*values)[i], (*labels)[i]); if (seen_suggestions.insert(suggestion).second) { values_copy.push_back((*values)[i]); labels_copy.push_back((*labels)[i]); icons_copy.push_back((*icons)[i]); unique_ids_copy.push_back((*unique_ids)[i]); } } values->swap(values_copy); labels->swap(labels_copy); icons->swap(icons_copy); unique_ids->swap(unique_ids_copy); } // Precondition: |form_structure| and |form| should correspond to the same // logical form. Returns true if any field in the given |section| within |form| // is auto-filled. bool SectionIsAutofilled(const FormStructure& form_structure, const FormData& form, const string16& section) { DCHECK_EQ(form_structure.field_count(), form.fields.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < form_structure.field_count(); ++i) { if (form_structure.field(i)->section() == section && form.fields[i].is_autofilled) { return true; } } return false; } bool FormIsHTTPS(const FormStructure& form) { return form.source_url().SchemeIs(chrome::kHttpsScheme); } // Uses the existing personal data in |profiles| and |credit_cards| to determine // possible field types for the |submitted_form|. This is potentially // expensive -- on the order of 50ms even for a small set of |stored_data|. // Hence, it should not run on the UI thread -- to avoid locking up the UI -- // nor on the IO thread -- to avoid blocking IPC calls. void DeterminePossibleFieldTypesForUpload( const std::vector& profiles, const std::vector& credit_cards, FormStructure* submitted_form) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)); // For each field in the |submitted_form|, extract the value. Then for each // profile or credit card, identify any stored types that match the value. for (size_t i = 0; i < submitted_form->field_count(); ++i) { AutofillField* field = submitted_form->field(i); string16 value = CollapseWhitespace(field->value, false); FieldTypeSet matching_types; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = profiles.begin(); it != profiles.end(); ++it) { it->GetMatchingTypes(value, &matching_types); } for (std::vector::const_iterator it = credit_cards.begin(); it != credit_cards.end(); ++it) { it->GetMatchingTypes(value, &matching_types); } if (matching_types.empty()) matching_types.insert(UNKNOWN_TYPE); field->set_possible_types(matching_types); } } // Check for unidentified forms among those with the most query or upload // requests. If found, present an infobar prompting the user to send Google // Feedback identifying these forms. Only executes if the appropriate flag is // set in about:flags. const char* kPopularFormSignatures[] = { "10135289994685082173", "7883844738557049416", "14651966297402649464", "17177862793067325164", "15222964025577790589", "14138834153984647462", "1522221299769735301", "8604254969743383026", "1080809576396139601", "10591138561307360539", "3483444043750493124", "3764098888295731941", "957190629194980629", "11314948061179499915", "2226179674176240706", "9886974103926218264", "16089161644523512553", "17395441333004474813", "7131540066857838464", "1799736626243038725", "4314535457620699296", "16597101416150066076", "11571064402466920341", "17529644200058912705", "17442663271235869548", "10423886468225016833", "8205718441232482003", "12566467866837059201", "14998753650075003914", "8463873542596795823", "3341181348270175432", "12047213380448477438", "7626117232464424739", "6755316823149690927", "17343480863386343671", "4345267765838738360" }; void CheckForPopularForms(const std::vector& forms, TabContentsWrapper* tab_contents_wrapper, TabContents* tab_contents) { if (!CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(kEnableAutofillFeedback)) return; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = forms.begin(); it != forms.end(); ++it) { std::string form_signature = (*it)->FormSignature(); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kPopularFormSignatures); ++i) { if (form_signature != kPopularFormSignatures[i]) continue; string16 text = l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_AUTOFILL_FEEDBACK_INFOBAR_TEXT); string16 link = l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_AUTOFILL_FEEDBACK_INFOBAR_LINK_TEXT); std::string message = l10n_util::GetStringFUTF8(IDS_AUTOFILL_FEEDBACK_POPULAR_FORM_MESSAGE, ASCIIToUTF16(form_signature), UTF8ToUTF16((*it)->source_url().spec())); InfoBarTabHelper* infobar_helper = tab_contents_wrapper->infobar_tab_helper(); infobar_helper->AddInfoBar( new AutofillFeedbackInfoBarDelegate(infobar_helper, text, link, message)); break; } } } } // namespace AutofillManager::AutofillManager(TabContentsWrapper* tab_contents) : TabContentsObserver(tab_contents->tab_contents()), tab_contents_wrapper_(tab_contents), personal_data_(NULL), download_manager_(tab_contents->profile(), this), disable_download_manager_requests_(false), metric_logger_(new AutofillMetrics), has_logged_autofill_enabled_(false), has_logged_address_suggestions_count_(false), did_show_suggestions_(false), user_did_type_(false), user_did_autofill_(false), user_did_edit_autofilled_field_(false), external_delegate_(NULL) { // |personal_data_| is NULL when using TestTabContents. personal_data_ = PersonalDataManagerFactory::GetForProfile( tab_contents->profile()->GetOriginalProfile()); } AutofillManager::~AutofillManager() { } // static void AutofillManager::RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAutofillEnabled, true, PrefService::SYNCABLE_PREF); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAutofillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled, true, PrefService::SYNCABLE_PREF); #else prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAutofillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled, false, PrefService::UNSYNCABLE_PREF); #endif prefs->RegisterDoublePref(prefs::kAutofillPositiveUploadRate, kAutofillPositiveUploadRateDefaultValue, PrefService::UNSYNCABLE_PREF); prefs->RegisterDoublePref(prefs::kAutofillNegativeUploadRate, kAutofillNegativeUploadRateDefaultValue, PrefService::UNSYNCABLE_PREF); } void AutofillManager::DidNavigateMainFrame( const content::LoadCommittedDetails& details, const content::FrameNavigateParams& params) { Reset(); } bool AutofillManager::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) { bool handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(AutofillManager, message) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutofillHostMsg_FormsSeen, OnFormsSeen) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutofillHostMsg_FormSubmitted, OnFormSubmitted) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutofillHostMsg_TextFieldDidChange, OnTextFieldDidChange) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutofillHostMsg_QueryFormFieldAutofill, OnQueryFormFieldAutofill) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutofillHostMsg_ShowAutofillDialog, OnShowAutofillDialog) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutofillHostMsg_FillAutofillFormData, OnFillAutofillFormData) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutofillHostMsg_DidPreviewAutofillFormData, OnDidPreviewAutofillFormData) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutofillHostMsg_DidFillAutofillFormData, OnDidFillAutofillFormData) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutofillHostMsg_DidShowAutofillSuggestions, OnDidShowAutofillSuggestions) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutofillHostMsg_DidEndTextFieldEditing, OnDidEndTextFieldEditing) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutofillHostMsg_HideAutofillPopup, OnHideAutofillPopup) IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() return handled; } bool AutofillManager::OnFormSubmitted(const FormData& form, const TimeTicks& timestamp) { // Let AutoComplete know as well. tab_contents_wrapper_->autocomplete_history_manager()->OnFormSubmitted(form); if (!IsAutofillEnabled()) return false; if (tab_contents()->GetBrowserContext()->IsOffTheRecord()) return false; // Don't save data that was submitted through JavaScript. if (!form.user_submitted) return false; // Grab a copy of the form data. scoped_ptr submitted_form(new FormStructure(form)); // Disregard forms that we wouldn't ever autofill in the first place. if (!submitted_form->ShouldBeParsed(true)) return false; // Ignore forms not present in our cache. These are typically forms with // wonky JavaScript that also makes them not auto-fillable. FormStructure* cached_submitted_form; if (!FindCachedForm(form, &cached_submitted_form)) return false; submitted_form->UpdateFromCache(*cached_submitted_form); if (submitted_form->IsAutofillable(true)) ImportFormData(*submitted_form); // Only upload server statistics and UMA metrics if at least some local data // is available to use as a baseline. const std::vector& profiles = personal_data_->profiles(); const std::vector& credit_cards = personal_data_->credit_cards(); if (!profiles.empty() || !credit_cards.empty()) { // Copy the profile and credit card data, so that it can be accessed on a // separate thread. std::vector copied_profiles; copied_profiles.reserve(profiles.size()); for (std::vector::const_iterator it = profiles.begin(); it != profiles.end(); ++it) { copied_profiles.push_back(**it); } std::vector copied_credit_cards; copied_credit_cards.reserve(credit_cards.size()); for (std::vector::const_iterator it = credit_cards.begin(); it != credit_cards.end(); ++it) { copied_credit_cards.push_back(**it); } // TODO(isherman): Ideally, we should not be using the FILE thread here. // Per jar@, this is a good compromise for now, as we don't currently have a // broad consensus on how to support such one-off background tasks. // Note that ownership of |submitted_form| is passed to the second task, // using |base::Owned|. FormStructure* raw_submitted_form = submitted_form.get(); BrowserThread::PostTaskAndReply( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&DeterminePossibleFieldTypesForUpload, copied_profiles, copied_credit_cards, raw_submitted_form), base::Bind(&AutofillManager::UploadFormDataAsyncCallback, this, base::Owned(submitted_form.release()), forms_loaded_timestamp_, initial_interaction_timestamp_, timestamp)); } return true; } void AutofillManager::OnFormsSeen(const std::vector& forms, const TimeTicks& timestamp) { bool enabled = IsAutofillEnabled(); if (!has_logged_autofill_enabled_) { metric_logger_->LogIsAutofillEnabledAtPageLoad(enabled); has_logged_autofill_enabled_ = true; } if (!enabled) return; forms_loaded_timestamp_ = timestamp; ParseForms(forms); } void AutofillManager::OnTextFieldDidChange(const FormData& form, const FormField& field, const TimeTicks& timestamp) { FormStructure* form_structure = NULL; AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL; if (!GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field)) return; if (!user_did_type_) { user_did_type_ = true; metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric(AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_TYPE); } if (autofill_field->is_autofilled) { autofill_field->is_autofilled = false; metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric( AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_EDIT_AUTOFILLED_FIELD); if (!user_did_edit_autofilled_field_) { user_did_edit_autofilled_field_ = true; metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric( AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_EDIT_AUTOFILLED_FIELD_ONCE); } } UpdateInitialInteractionTimestamp(timestamp); } void AutofillManager::OnQueryFormFieldAutofill(int query_id, const FormData& form, const FormField& field, const gfx::Rect& bounding_box, bool display_warning) { std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; if (external_delegate_) { external_delegate_->OnQuery(query_id, form, field, bounding_box, display_warning); } RenderViewHost* host = NULL; FormStructure* form_structure = NULL; AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL; if (GetHost( personal_data_->profiles(), personal_data_->credit_cards(), &host) && GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field) && // Don't send suggestions for forms that aren't auto-fillable. form_structure->IsAutofillable(false)) { AutofillFieldType type = autofill_field->type(); bool is_filling_credit_card = (AutofillType(type).group() == AutofillType::CREDIT_CARD); if (is_filling_credit_card) { GetCreditCardSuggestions( form_structure, field, type, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids); } else { GetProfileSuggestions( form_structure, field, type, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids); } DCHECK_EQ(values.size(), labels.size()); DCHECK_EQ(values.size(), icons.size()); DCHECK_EQ(values.size(), unique_ids.size()); if (!values.empty()) { // Don't provide Autofill suggestions when Autofill is disabled, and don't // provide credit card suggestions for non-HTTPS pages. However, provide a // warning to the user in these cases. int warning = 0; if (!form_structure->IsAutofillable(true)) warning = IDS_AUTOFILL_WARNING_FORM_DISABLED; else if (is_filling_credit_card && !FormIsHTTPS(*form_structure)) warning = IDS_AUTOFILL_WARNING_INSECURE_CONNECTION; if (warning) { values.assign(1, l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(warning)); labels.assign(1, string16()); icons.assign(1, string16()); unique_ids.assign(1, -1); } else { bool section_is_autofilled = SectionIsAutofilled(*form_structure, form, autofill_field->section()); if (section_is_autofilled) { // If the relevant section is auto-filled and the renderer is querying // for suggestions, then the user is editing the value of a field. // In this case, mimic autocomplete: don't display labels or icons, // as that information is redundant. labels.assign(labels.size(), string16()); icons.assign(icons.size(), string16()); } // When filling credit card suggestions, the values and labels are // typically obfuscated, which makes detecting duplicates hard. Since // duplicates only tend to be a problem when filling address forms // anyway, only don't de-dup credit card suggestions. if (!is_filling_credit_card) RemoveDuplicateSuggestions(&values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids); // The first time we show suggestions on this page, log the number of // suggestions shown. if (!has_logged_address_suggestions_count_ && !section_is_autofilled) { metric_logger_->LogAddressSuggestionsCount(values.size()); has_logged_address_suggestions_count_ = true; } } } } // Add the results from AutoComplete. They come back asynchronously, so we // hand off what we generated and they will send the results back to the // renderer. tab_contents_wrapper_->autocomplete_history_manager()-> OnGetAutocompleteSuggestions( query_id, field.name, field.value, values, labels, icons, unique_ids); } void AutofillManager::OnFillAutofillFormData(int query_id, const FormData& form, const FormField& field, int unique_id) { const std::vector& profiles = personal_data_->profiles(); const std::vector& credit_cards = personal_data_->credit_cards(); const AutofillProfile* profile = NULL; const CreditCard* credit_card = NULL; size_t variant = 0; RenderViewHost* host = NULL; FormStructure* form_structure = NULL; AutofillField* autofill_field = NULL; if (!GetProfileOrCreditCard(unique_id, profiles, credit_cards, &profile, &credit_card, &variant) || !GetHost(profiles, credit_cards, &host) || !GetCachedFormAndField(form, field, &form_structure, &autofill_field)) return; DCHECK(host); DCHECK(form_structure); DCHECK(autofill_field); DCHECK(profile || credit_card); FormData result = form; // If the relevant section is auto-filled, we should fill |field| but not the // rest of the form. if (SectionIsAutofilled(*form_structure, form, autofill_field->section())) { for (std::vector::iterator iter = result.fields.begin(); iter != result.fields.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter) == field) { AutofillFieldType field_type = autofill_field->type(); if (profile) { DCHECK_NE(AutofillType::CREDIT_CARD, AutofillType(field_type).group()); FillFormField(*profile, *autofill_field, variant, &(*iter)); } else { DCHECK_EQ(AutofillType::CREDIT_CARD, AutofillType(field_type).group()); FillCreditCardFormField(*credit_card, field_type, &(*iter)); } // Mark the cached field as autofilled, so that we can detect when a // user edits an autofilled field (for metrics). autofill_field->is_autofilled = true; break; } } host->Send(new AutofillMsg_FormDataFilled(host->routing_id(), query_id, result)); return; } // Cache the field type for the field from which the user initiated autofill. FieldTypeGroup initiating_group_type = AutofillType(autofill_field->type()).group(); DCHECK_EQ(form_structure->field_count(), form.fields.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < form_structure->field_count(); ++i) { if (form_structure->field(i)->section() != autofill_field->section()) continue; DCHECK_EQ(*form_structure->field(i), result.fields[i]); const AutofillField* cached_field = form_structure->field(i); AutofillFieldType field_type = cached_field->type(); FieldTypeGroup field_group_type = AutofillType(field_type).group(); if (field_group_type != AutofillType::NO_GROUP) { if (profile) { DCHECK_NE(AutofillType::CREDIT_CARD, field_group_type); // If the field being filled is either // (a) the field that the user initiated the fill from, or // (b) part of the same logical unit, e.g. name or phone number, // then take the multi-profile "variant" into account. // Otherwise fill with the default (zeroth) variant. if (result.fields[i] == field || field_group_type == initiating_group_type) { FillFormField(*profile, *cached_field, variant, &result.fields[i]); } else { FillFormField(*profile, *cached_field, 0, &result.fields[i]); } } else { DCHECK_EQ(AutofillType::CREDIT_CARD, field_group_type); FillCreditCardFormField(*credit_card, field_type, &result.fields[i]); } // Mark the cached field as autofilled, so that we can detect when a user // edits an autofilled field (for metrics). form_structure->field(i)->is_autofilled = true; } } autofilled_form_signatures_.push_front(form_structure->FormSignature()); // Only remember the last few forms that we've seen, both to avoid false // positives and to avoid wasting memory. if (autofilled_form_signatures_.size() > kMaxRecentFormSignaturesToRemember) autofilled_form_signatures_.pop_back(); host->Send(new AutofillMsg_FormDataFilled( host->routing_id(), query_id, result)); } void AutofillManager::OnShowAutofillDialog() { Browser* browser = BrowserList::GetLastActiveWithProfile( Profile::FromBrowserContext(tab_contents()->GetBrowserContext())); if (browser) browser->ShowOptionsTab(chrome::kAutofillSubPage); } void AutofillManager::OnDidPreviewAutofillFormData() { content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_AUTOFILL_DID_FILL_FORM_DATA, content::Source(tab_contents()->GetRenderViewHost()), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); } void AutofillManager::OnDidFillAutofillFormData(const TimeTicks& timestamp) { content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_AUTOFILL_DID_FILL_FORM_DATA, content::Source(tab_contents()->GetRenderViewHost()), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric(AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_AUTOFILL); if (!user_did_autofill_) { user_did_autofill_ = true; metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric( AutofillMetrics::USER_DID_AUTOFILL_ONCE); } UpdateInitialInteractionTimestamp(timestamp); } void AutofillManager::OnDidShowAutofillSuggestions(bool is_new_popup) { content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_AUTOFILL_DID_SHOW_SUGGESTIONS, content::Source(tab_contents()->GetRenderViewHost()), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); if (is_new_popup) { metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric(AutofillMetrics::SUGGESTIONS_SHOWN); if (!did_show_suggestions_) { did_show_suggestions_ = true; metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric( AutofillMetrics::SUGGESTIONS_SHOWN_ONCE); } } } void AutofillManager::OnHideAutofillPopup() { if (external_delegate_) external_delegate_->HideAutofillPopup(); } void AutofillManager::OnLoadedServerPredictions( const std::string& response_xml) { // Parse and store the server predictions. FormStructure::ParseQueryResponse(response_xml, form_structures_.get(), *metric_logger_); // If the corresponding flag is set, annotate forms with the predicted types. SendAutofillTypePredictions(form_structures_.get()); } void AutofillManager::OnDidEndTextFieldEditing() { if (external_delegate_) external_delegate_->DidEndTextFieldEditing(); } bool AutofillManager::IsAutofillEnabled() const { Profile* profile = Profile::FromBrowserContext( const_cast(this)->tab_contents()->GetBrowserContext()); return profile->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kAutofillEnabled); } void AutofillManager::SendAutofillTypePredictions( const std::vector& forms) const { if (!CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kShowAutofillTypePredictions)) return; RenderViewHost* host = tab_contents()->GetRenderViewHost(); if (!host) return; std::vector type_predictions; FormStructure::GetFieldTypePredictions(forms, &type_predictions); host->Send(new AutofillMsg_FieldTypePredictionsAvailable(host->routing_id(), type_predictions)); } void AutofillManager::ImportFormData(const FormStructure& submitted_form) { const CreditCard* imported_credit_card; if (!personal_data_->ImportFormData(submitted_form, &imported_credit_card)) return; // If credit card information was submitted, show an infobar to offer to save // it. scoped_ptr scoped_credit_card(imported_credit_card); if (imported_credit_card && tab_contents()) { InfoBarTabHelper* infobar_helper = tab_contents_wrapper_->infobar_tab_helper(); infobar_helper->AddInfoBar( new AutofillCCInfoBarDelegate(infobar_helper, scoped_credit_card.release(), personal_data_, metric_logger_.get())); } } // Note that |submitted_form| is passed as a pointer rather than as a reference // so that we can get memory management right across threads. Note also that we // explicitly pass in all the time stamps of interest, as the cached ones might // get reset before this method executes. void AutofillManager::UploadFormDataAsyncCallback( const FormStructure* submitted_form, const TimeTicks& load_time, const TimeTicks& interaction_time, const TimeTicks& submission_time) { submitted_form->LogQualityMetrics(*metric_logger_, load_time, interaction_time, submission_time); if (submitted_form->ShouldBeCrowdsourced()) UploadFormData(*submitted_form); } void AutofillManager::UploadFormData(const FormStructure& submitted_form) { if (disable_download_manager_requests_) return; // Check if the form is among the forms that were recently auto-filled. bool was_autofilled = false; std::string form_signature = submitted_form.FormSignature(); for (std::list::const_iterator it = autofilled_form_signatures_.begin(); it != autofilled_form_signatures_.end() && !was_autofilled; ++it) { if (*it == form_signature) was_autofilled = true; } FieldTypeSet non_empty_types; personal_data_->GetNonEmptyTypes(&non_empty_types); download_manager_.StartUploadRequest(submitted_form, was_autofilled, non_empty_types); } void AutofillManager::Reset() { form_structures_.reset(); has_logged_autofill_enabled_ = false; has_logged_address_suggestions_count_ = false; did_show_suggestions_ = false; user_did_type_ = false; user_did_autofill_ = false; user_did_edit_autofilled_field_ = false; forms_loaded_timestamp_ = TimeTicks(); initial_interaction_timestamp_ = TimeTicks(); } AutofillManager::AutofillManager(TabContentsWrapper* tab_contents, PersonalDataManager* personal_data) : TabContentsObserver(tab_contents->tab_contents()), tab_contents_wrapper_(tab_contents), personal_data_(personal_data), download_manager_(tab_contents->profile(), this), disable_download_manager_requests_(true), metric_logger_(new AutofillMetrics), has_logged_autofill_enabled_(false), has_logged_address_suggestions_count_(false), did_show_suggestions_(false), user_did_type_(false), user_did_autofill_(false), user_did_edit_autofilled_field_(false), external_delegate_(NULL) { DCHECK(tab_contents); } void AutofillManager::set_metric_logger(const AutofillMetrics* metric_logger) { metric_logger_.reset(metric_logger); } bool AutofillManager::GetHost(const std::vector& profiles, const std::vector& credit_cards, RenderViewHost** host) const { if (!IsAutofillEnabled()) return false; // No autofill data to return if the profiles are empty. if (profiles.empty() && credit_cards.empty()) return false; *host = tab_contents()->GetRenderViewHost(); if (!*host) return false; return true; } bool AutofillManager::GetProfileOrCreditCard( int unique_id, const std::vector& profiles, const std::vector& credit_cards, const AutofillProfile** profile, const CreditCard** credit_card, size_t* variant) const { // Unpack the |unique_id| into component parts. GUIDPair credit_card_guid; GUIDPair profile_guid; UnpackGUIDs(unique_id, &credit_card_guid, &profile_guid); DCHECK(!guid::IsValidGUID(credit_card_guid.first) || !guid::IsValidGUID(profile_guid.first)); // Find the profile that matches the |profile_guid|, if one is specified. if (guid::IsValidGUID(profile_guid.first)) { for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = profiles.begin(); iter != profiles.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->guid() == profile_guid.first) { *profile = *iter; break; } } DCHECK(*profile); *variant = profile_guid.second; } // Find the credit card that matches the |credit_card_guid|, if specified. if (guid::IsValidGUID(credit_card_guid.first)) { for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = credit_cards.begin(); iter != credit_cards.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->guid() == credit_card_guid.first) { *credit_card = *iter; break; } } DCHECK(*credit_card); *variant = credit_card_guid.second; } return (*profile) || (*credit_card); } bool AutofillManager::FindCachedForm(const FormData& form, FormStructure** form_structure) const { // Find the FormStructure that corresponds to |form|. // Scan backward through the cached |form_structures_|, as updated versions of // forms are added to the back of the list, whereas original versions of these // forms might appear toward the beginning of the list. The communication // protocol with the crowdsourcing server does not permit us to discard the // original versions of the forms. *form_structure = NULL; for (std::vector::const_reverse_iterator iter = form_structures_.rbegin(); iter != form_structures_.rend(); ++iter) { if (**iter == form) { *form_structure = *iter; // The same form might be cached with multiple field counts: in some // cases, non-autofillable fields are filtered out, whereas in other cases // they are not. To avoid thrashing the cache, keep scanning until we // find a cached version with the same number of fields, if there is one. if ((*iter)->field_count() == form.fields.size()) break; } } if (!(*form_structure)) return false; return true; } bool AutofillManager::GetCachedFormAndField(const FormData& form, const FormField& field, FormStructure** form_structure, AutofillField** autofill_field) { // Find the FormStructure that corresponds to |form|. // If we do not have this form in our cache but it is parseable, we'll add it // in the call to |UpdateCachedForm()|. if (!FindCachedForm(form, form_structure) && !FormStructure(form).ShouldBeParsed(false)) { return false; } // Update the cached form to reflect any dynamic changes to the form data, if // necessary. if (!UpdateCachedForm(form, *form_structure, form_structure)) return false; // No data to return if there are no auto-fillable fields. if (!(*form_structure)->autofill_count()) return false; // Find the AutofillField that corresponds to |field|. *autofill_field = NULL; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = (*form_structure)->begin(); iter != (*form_structure)->end(); ++iter) { if ((**iter) == field) { *autofill_field = *iter; break; } } // We always update the cache, so we should be guaranteed to find the field. DCHECK(*autofill_field); return true; } bool AutofillManager::UpdateCachedForm(const FormData& live_form, const FormStructure* cached_form, FormStructure** updated_form) { bool needs_update = (!cached_form || live_form.fields.size() != cached_form->field_count()); for (size_t i = 0; !needs_update && i < cached_form->field_count(); ++i) { needs_update = *cached_form->field(i) != live_form.fields[i]; } if (!needs_update) return true; if (form_structures_.size() >= kMaxFormCacheSize) return false; // Add the new or updated form to our cache. form_structures_.push_back(new FormStructure(live_form)); *updated_form = *form_structures_.rbegin(); (*updated_form)->DetermineHeuristicTypes(); // If we have cached data, propagate it to the updated form. if (cached_form) { std::map cached_fields; for (size_t i = 0; i < cached_form->field_count(); ++i) { const AutofillField* field = cached_form->field(i); cached_fields[field->unique_name()] = field; } for (size_t i = 0; i < (*updated_form)->field_count(); ++i) { AutofillField* field = (*updated_form)->field(i); std::map::iterator cached_field = cached_fields.find(field->unique_name()); if (cached_field != cached_fields.end()) { field->set_server_type(cached_field->second->server_type()); field->is_autofilled = cached_field->second->is_autofilled; } } // Note: We _must not_ remove the original version of the cached form from // the list of |form_structures_|. Otherwise, we break parsing of the // crowdsourcing server's response to our query. } // Annotate the updated form with its predicted types. std::vector forms(1, *updated_form); SendAutofillTypePredictions(forms); return true; } void AutofillManager::GetProfileSuggestions( FormStructure* form, const FormField& field, AutofillFieldType type, std::vector* values, std::vector* labels, std::vector* icons, std::vector* unique_ids) const { const std::vector& profiles = personal_data_->profiles(); if (!field.is_autofilled) { std::vector matched_profiles; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = profiles.begin(); iter != profiles.end(); ++iter) { AutofillProfile* profile = *iter; // The value of the stored data for this field type in the |profile|. std::vector multi_values; profile->GetCanonicalizedMultiInfo(type, &multi_values); for (size_t i = 0; i < multi_values.size(); ++i) { if (!multi_values[i].empty() && StartsWith(multi_values[i], field.value, false)) { matched_profiles.push_back(profile); values->push_back(multi_values[i]); unique_ids->push_back(PackGUIDs(GUIDPair(std::string(), 0), GUIDPair(profile->guid(), i))); } } } std::vector form_fields; form_fields.reserve(form->field_count()); for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = form->begin(); iter != form->end(); ++iter) { form_fields.push_back((*iter)->type()); } AutofillProfile::CreateInferredLabels(&matched_profiles, &form_fields, type, 1, labels); // No icons for profile suggestions. icons->resize(values->size()); } else { for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = profiles.begin(); iter != profiles.end(); ++iter) { AutofillProfile* profile = *iter; // The value of the stored data for this field type in the |profile|. std::vector multi_values; profile->GetCanonicalizedMultiInfo(type, &multi_values); for (size_t i = 0; i < multi_values.size(); ++i) { if (multi_values[i].empty()) continue; string16 profile_value_lower_case(StringToLowerASCII(multi_values[i])); string16 field_value_lower_case(StringToLowerASCII(field.value)); // Phone numbers could be split in US forms, so field value could be // either prefix or suffix of the phone. bool matched_phones = false; if (type == PHONE_HOME_NUMBER && !field_value_lower_case.empty() && (profile_value_lower_case.find(field_value_lower_case) != string16::npos)) { matched_phones = true; } if (matched_phones || profile_value_lower_case == field_value_lower_case) { for (size_t j = 0; j < multi_values.size(); ++j) { if (!multi_values[j].empty()) { values->push_back(multi_values[j]); unique_ids->push_back(PackGUIDs(GUIDPair(std::string(), 0), GUIDPair(profile->guid(), j))); } } // We've added all the values for this profile so move on to the next. break; } } } // No labels for previously filled fields. labels->resize(values->size()); // No icons for profile suggestions. icons->resize(values->size()); } } void AutofillManager::GetCreditCardSuggestions( FormStructure* form, const FormField& field, AutofillFieldType type, std::vector* values, std::vector* labels, std::vector* icons, std::vector* unique_ids) const { for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = personal_data_->credit_cards().begin(); iter != personal_data_->credit_cards().end(); ++iter) { CreditCard* credit_card = *iter; // The value of the stored data for this field type in the |credit_card|. string16 creditcard_field_value = credit_card->GetCanonicalizedInfo(type); if (!creditcard_field_value.empty() && StartsWith(creditcard_field_value, field.value, false)) { if (type == CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER) creditcard_field_value = credit_card->ObfuscatedNumber(); string16 label; if (credit_card->number().empty()) { // If there is no CC number, return name to show something. label = credit_card->GetCanonicalizedInfo(CREDIT_CARD_NAME); } else { label = kCreditCardPrefix; label.append(credit_card->LastFourDigits()); } values->push_back(creditcard_field_value); labels->push_back(label); icons->push_back(UTF8ToUTF16(credit_card->type())); unique_ids->push_back(PackGUIDs(GUIDPair(credit_card->guid(), 0), GUIDPair(std::string(), 0))); } } } void AutofillManager::FillCreditCardFormField(const CreditCard& credit_card, AutofillFieldType type, FormField* field) { DCHECK_EQ(AutofillType::CREDIT_CARD, AutofillType(type).group()); DCHECK(field); if (field->form_control_type == ASCIIToUTF16("select-one")) { autofill::FillSelectControl(credit_card, type, field); } else if (field->form_control_type == ASCIIToUTF16("month")) { // HTML5 input="month" consists of year-month. string16 year = credit_card.GetCanonicalizedInfo(CREDIT_CARD_EXP_4_DIGIT_YEAR); string16 month = credit_card.GetCanonicalizedInfo(CREDIT_CARD_EXP_MONTH); if (!year.empty() && !month.empty()) { // Fill the value only if |credit_card| includes both year and month // information. field->value = year + ASCIIToUTF16("-") + month; } } else { field->value = credit_card.GetCanonicalizedInfo(type); } } void AutofillManager::FillFormField(const AutofillProfile& profile, const AutofillField& cached_field, size_t variant, FormField* field) { AutofillFieldType type = cached_field.type(); DCHECK_NE(AutofillType::CREDIT_CARD, AutofillType(type).group()); DCHECK(field); if (type == PHONE_HOME_NUMBER) { FillPhoneNumberField(profile, cached_field, variant, field); } else { if (field->form_control_type == ASCIIToUTF16("select-one")) { autofill::FillSelectControl(profile, type, field); } else { std::vector values; profile.GetCanonicalizedMultiInfo(type, &values); if (variant >= values.size()) { // If the variant is unavailable, bail. This case is reachable, for // example if Sync updates a profile during the filling process. return; } field->value = values[variant]; } } } void AutofillManager::FillPhoneNumberField(const AutofillProfile& profile, const AutofillField& cached_field, size_t variant, FormField* field) { std::vector values; profile.GetCanonicalizedMultiInfo(cached_field.type(), &values); DCHECK(variant < values.size()); // If we are filling a phone number, check to see if the size field // matches the "prefix" or "suffix" sizes and fill accordingly. string16 number = values[variant]; if (number.length() == (PhoneNumber::kPrefixLength + PhoneNumber::kSuffixLength)) { if (cached_field.phone_part() == AutofillField::PHONE_PREFIX || field->max_length == PhoneNumber::kPrefixLength) { number = number.substr(PhoneNumber::kPrefixOffset, PhoneNumber::kPrefixLength); } else if (cached_field.phone_part() == AutofillField::PHONE_SUFFIX || field->max_length == PhoneNumber::kSuffixLength) { number = number.substr(PhoneNumber::kSuffixOffset, PhoneNumber::kSuffixLength); } } field->value = number; } void AutofillManager::ParseForms(const std::vector& forms) { std::vector non_queryable_forms; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = forms.begin(); iter != forms.end(); ++iter) { scoped_ptr form_structure(new FormStructure(*iter)); if (!form_structure->ShouldBeParsed(false)) continue; form_structure->DetermineHeuristicTypes(); // Set aside forms with method GET or author-specified types, so that they // are not included in the query to the server. if (form_structure->ShouldBeCrowdsourced()) form_structures_.push_back(form_structure.release()); else non_queryable_forms.push_back(form_structure.release()); } // If none of the forms were parsed, no use querying the server. if (!form_structures_.empty() && !disable_download_manager_requests_) { download_manager_.StartQueryRequest(form_structures_.get(), *metric_logger_); } for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = non_queryable_forms.begin(); iter != non_queryable_forms.end(); ++iter) { form_structures_.push_back(*iter); } if (!form_structures_.empty()) metric_logger_->LogUserHappinessMetric(AutofillMetrics::FORMS_LOADED); // For the |non_queryable_forms|, we have all the field type info we're ever // going to get about them. For the other forms, we'll wait until we get a // response from the server. SendAutofillTypePredictions(non_queryable_forms); } int AutofillManager::GUIDToID(const GUIDPair& guid) const { if (!guid::IsValidGUID(guid.first)) return 0; std::map::const_iterator iter = guid_id_map_.find(guid); if (iter == guid_id_map_.end()) { int id = guid_id_map_.size() + 1; guid_id_map_[guid] = id; id_guid_map_[id] = guid; return id; } else { return iter->second; } } const AutofillManager::GUIDPair AutofillManager::IDToGUID(int id) const { if (id == 0) return GUIDPair(std::string(), 0); std::map::const_iterator iter = id_guid_map_.find(id); if (iter == id_guid_map_.end()) { NOTREACHED(); return GUIDPair(std::string(), 0); } return iter->second; } // When sending IDs (across processes) to the renderer we pack credit card and // profile IDs into a single integer. Credit card IDs are sent in the high // word and profile IDs are sent in the low word. int AutofillManager::PackGUIDs(const GUIDPair& cc_guid, const GUIDPair& profile_guid) const { int cc_id = GUIDToID(cc_guid); int profile_id = GUIDToID(profile_guid); DCHECK(cc_id <= std::numeric_limits::max()); DCHECK(profile_id <= std::numeric_limits::max()); return cc_id << std::numeric_limits::digits | profile_id; } // When receiving IDs (across processes) from the renderer we unpack credit card // and profile IDs from a single integer. Credit card IDs are stored in the // high word and profile IDs are stored in the low word. void AutofillManager::UnpackGUIDs(int id, GUIDPair* cc_guid, GUIDPair* profile_guid) const { int cc_id = id >> std::numeric_limits::digits & std::numeric_limits::max(); int profile_id = id & std::numeric_limits::max(); *cc_guid = IDToGUID(cc_id); *profile_guid = IDToGUID(profile_id); } void AutofillManager::UpdateInitialInteractionTimestamp( const TimeTicks& interaction_timestamp) { if (initial_interaction_timestamp_.is_null() || interaction_timestamp < initial_interaction_timestamp_) { initial_interaction_timestamp_ = interaction_timestamp; } }