// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h" #include "base/string16.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/tuple.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete_history_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_common_test.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/credit_card.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/personal_data_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/tab_contents_wrapper.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/test_tab_contents_wrapper.h" #include "chrome/common/autofill_messages.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/test/testing_profile.h" #include "content/browser/tab_contents/test_tab_contents.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "ipc/ipc_test_sink.h" #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_data.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_field.h" using webkit_glue::FormData; using webkit_glue::FormField; namespace { // The page ID sent to the AutofillManager from the RenderView, used to send // an IPC message back to the renderer. const int kDefaultPageID = 137; typedef Tuple5, std::vector, std::vector, std::vector > AutofillParam; class TestPersonalDataManager : public PersonalDataManager { public: TestPersonalDataManager() { CreateTestAutofillProfiles(&web_profiles_); CreateTestCreditCards(&credit_cards_); } MOCK_METHOD1(SaveImportedProfile, void(const AutofillProfile&)); AutofillProfile* GetProfileWithGUID(const char* guid) { for (std::vector::iterator it = web_profiles_.begin(); it != web_profiles_.end(); ++it) { if (!(*it)->guid().compare(guid)) return *it; } return NULL; } void AddProfile(AutofillProfile* profile) { web_profiles_->push_back(profile); } void ClearAutofillProfiles() { web_profiles_.reset(); } void ClearCreditCards() { credit_cards_.reset(); } void CreateTestCreditCardsYearAndMonth(const char* year, const char* month) { ClearCreditCards(); CreditCard* credit_card = new CreditCard; autofill_test::SetCreditCardInfo(credit_card, "Miku Hatsune", "4234567890654321", // Visa month, year); credit_card->set_guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007"); credit_cards_->push_back(credit_card); } private: void CreateTestAutofillProfiles(ScopedVector* profiles) { AutofillProfile* profile = new AutofillProfile; autofill_test::SetProfileInfo(profile, "Elvis", "Aaron", "Presley", "theking@gmail.com", "RCA", "3734 Elvis Presley Blvd.", "Apt. 10", "Memphis", "Tennessee", "38116", "USA", "12345678901", ""); profile->set_guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"); profiles->push_back(profile); profile = new AutofillProfile; autofill_test::SetProfileInfo(profile, "Charles", "Hardin", "Holley", "buddy@gmail.com", "Decca", "123 Apple St.", "unit 6", "Lubbock", "Texas", "79401", "USA", "23456789012", ""); profile->set_guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"); profiles->push_back(profile); profile = new AutofillProfile; autofill_test::SetProfileInfo(profile, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); profile->set_guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003"); profiles->push_back(profile); } void CreateTestCreditCards(ScopedVector* credit_cards) { CreditCard* credit_card = new CreditCard; autofill_test::SetCreditCardInfo(credit_card, "Elvis Presley", "4234567890123456", // Visa "04", "2012"); credit_card->set_guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004"); credit_cards->push_back(credit_card); credit_card = new CreditCard; autofill_test::SetCreditCardInfo(credit_card, "Buddy Holly", "5187654321098765", // Mastercard "10", "2014"); credit_card->set_guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005"); credit_cards->push_back(credit_card); credit_card = new CreditCard; autofill_test::SetCreditCardInfo(credit_card, "", "", "", ""); credit_card->set_guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000006"); credit_cards->push_back(credit_card); } DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestPersonalDataManager); }; // Populates |form| with data corresponding to a simple address form. // Note that this actually appends fields to the form data, which can be useful // for building up more complex test forms. void CreateTestAddressFormData(FormData* form) { form->name = ASCIIToUTF16("MyForm"); form->method = ASCIIToUTF16("POST"); form->origin = GURL("http://myform.com/form.html"); form->action = GURL("http://myform.com/submit.html"); form->user_submitted = true; FormField field; autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "First Name", "firstname", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Middle Name", "middlename", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Last Name", "lastname", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Address Line 1", "addr1", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Address Line 2", "addr2", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "City", "city", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "State", "state", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Postal Code", "zipcode", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Country", "country", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Phone Number", "phonenumber", "", "tel", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Fax", "fax", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Email", "email", "", "email", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); } // Populates |form| with data corresponding to a simple credit card form. // Note that this actually appends fields to the form data, which can be useful // for building up more complex test forms. void CreateTestCreditCardFormData(FormData* form, bool is_https, bool use_month_type) { form->name = ASCIIToUTF16("MyForm"); form->method = ASCIIToUTF16("POST"); if (is_https) { form->origin = GURL("https://myform.com/form.html"); form->action = GURL("https://myform.com/submit.html"); } else { form->origin = GURL("http://myform.com/form.html"); form->action = GURL("http://myform.com/submit.html"); } form->user_submitted = true; FormField field; autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Name on Card", "nameoncard", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Card Number", "cardnumber", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); if (use_month_type) { autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Expiration Date", "ccmonth", "", "month", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); } else { autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Expiration Date", "ccmonth", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "", "ccyear", "", "text", &field); form->fields.push_back(field); } } void ExpectSuggestions(int page_id, const std::vector& values, const std::vector& labels, const std::vector& icons, const std::vector& unique_ids, int expected_page_id, size_t expected_num_suggestions, const string16 expected_values[], const string16 expected_labels[], const string16 expected_icons[], const int expected_unique_ids[]) { EXPECT_EQ(expected_page_id, page_id); ASSERT_EQ(expected_num_suggestions, values.size()); ASSERT_EQ(expected_num_suggestions, labels.size()); ASSERT_EQ(expected_num_suggestions, icons.size()); ASSERT_EQ(expected_num_suggestions, unique_ids.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < expected_num_suggestions; ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(StringPrintf("i: %" PRIuS, i)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_values[i], values[i]); EXPECT_EQ(expected_labels[i], labels[i]); EXPECT_EQ(expected_icons[i], icons[i]); EXPECT_EQ(expected_unique_ids[i], unique_ids[i]); } } // Verifies that the |filled_form| has been filled with the given data. // Verifies address fields if |has_address_fields| is true, and verifies // credit card fields if |has_credit_card_fields| is true. Verifies both if both // are true. |use_month_type| is used for credit card input month type. void ExpectFilledForm(int page_id, const FormData& filled_form, int expected_page_id, const char* first, const char* middle, const char* last, const char* address1, const char* address2, const char* city, const char* state, const char* postal_code, const char* country, const char* phone, const char* fax, const char* email, const char* name_on_card, const char* card_number, const char* expiration_month, const char* expiration_year, bool has_address_fields, bool has_credit_card_fields, bool use_month_type) { // The number of fields in the address and credit card forms created above. const size_t kAddressFormSize = 12; const size_t kCreditCardFormSize = use_month_type ? 3 : 4; EXPECT_EQ(expected_page_id, page_id); EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("MyForm"), filled_form.name); EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("POST"), filled_form.method); if (has_credit_card_fields) { EXPECT_EQ(GURL("https://myform.com/form.html"), filled_form.origin); EXPECT_EQ(GURL("https://myform.com/submit.html"), filled_form.action); } else { EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://myform.com/form.html"), filled_form.origin); EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://myform.com/submit.html"), filled_form.action); } EXPECT_TRUE(filled_form.user_submitted); size_t form_size = 0; if (has_address_fields) form_size += kAddressFormSize; if (has_credit_card_fields) form_size += kCreditCardFormSize; ASSERT_EQ(form_size, filled_form.fields.size()); FormField field; if (has_address_fields) { autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "First Name", "firstname", first, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[0])); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Middle Name", "middlename", middle, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[1])); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Last Name", "lastname", last, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[2])); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Address Line 1", "addr1", address1, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[3])); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Address Line 2", "addr2", address2, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[4])); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "City", "city", city, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[5])); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "State", "state", state, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[6])); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Postal Code", "zipcode", postal_code, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[7])); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Country", "country", country, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[8])); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Phone Number", "phonenumber", phone, "tel", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[9])); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Fax", "fax", fax, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[10])); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Email", "email", email, "email", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[11])); } if (has_credit_card_fields) { size_t offset = has_address_fields? kAddressFormSize : 0; autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Name on Card", "nameoncard", name_on_card, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[offset + 0])); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Card Number", "cardnumber", card_number, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[offset + 1])); if (use_month_type) { std::string exp_year = expiration_year; std::string exp_month = expiration_month; std::string date; if (!exp_year.empty() && !exp_month.empty()) date = exp_year + "-" + exp_month; autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Expiration Date", "ccmonth", date.c_str(), "month", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[offset + 2])); } else { autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Expiration Date", "ccmonth", expiration_month, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[offset + 2])); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "", "ccyear", expiration_year, "text", &field); EXPECT_TRUE(field.StrictlyEqualsHack(filled_form.fields[offset + 3])); } } } void ExpectFilledAddressFormElvis(int page_id, const FormData& filled_form, int expected_page_id, bool has_credit_card_fields) { ExpectFilledForm(page_id, filled_form, expected_page_id, "Elvis", "Aaron", "Presley", "3734 Elvis Presley Blvd.", "Apt. 10", "Memphis", "Tennessee", "38116", "United States", "12345678901", "", "theking@gmail.com", "", "", "", "", true, has_credit_card_fields, false); } void ExpectFilledCreditCardFormElvis(int page_id, const FormData& filled_form, int expected_page_id, bool has_address_fields) { ExpectFilledForm(page_id, filled_form, expected_page_id, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Elvis Presley", "4234567890123456", "04", "2012", has_address_fields, true, false); } void ExpectFilledCreditCardYearMonthWithYearMonth(int page_id, const FormData& filled_form, int expected_page_id, bool has_address_fields, const char* year, const char* month) { ExpectFilledForm(page_id, filled_form, expected_page_id, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Miku Hatsune", "4234567890654321", month, year, has_address_fields, true, true); } class TestAutofillManager : public AutofillManager { public: TestAutofillManager(TabContents* tab_contents, TestPersonalDataManager* personal_manager) : AutofillManager(tab_contents, personal_manager), autofill_enabled_(true) { test_personal_data_ = personal_manager; } virtual bool IsAutofillEnabled() const { return autofill_enabled_; } void set_autofill_enabled(bool autofill_enabled) { autofill_enabled_ = autofill_enabled; } AutofillProfile* GetProfileWithGUID(const char* guid) { return test_personal_data_->GetProfileWithGUID(guid); } void AddProfile(AutofillProfile* profile) { test_personal_data_->AddProfile(profile); } int GetPackedCreditCardID(int credit_card_id) { return PackGUIDs(IDToGUID(credit_card_id), std::string()); } virtual int GUIDToID(const std::string& guid) OVERRIDE { if (guid.empty()) return 0; int id; EXPECT_TRUE(base::StringToInt(guid.substr(guid.rfind("-") + 1), &id)); return id; } virtual const std::string IDToGUID(int id) OVERRIDE { EXPECT_TRUE(id >= 0); if (id <= 0) return std::string(); return base::StringPrintf("00000000-0000-0000-0000-%012d", id); } private: TestPersonalDataManager* test_personal_data_; bool autofill_enabled_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestAutofillManager); }; } // namespace class AutofillManagerTest : public TabContentsWrapperTestHarness { public: AutofillManagerTest() {} virtual ~AutofillManagerTest() { // Order of destruction is important as AutofillManager relies on // PersonalDataManager to be around when it gets destroyed. autofill_manager_.reset(NULL); test_personal_data_ = NULL; } virtual void SetUp() { TabContentsWrapperTestHarness::SetUp(); test_personal_data_ = new TestPersonalDataManager(); autofill_manager_.reset(new TestAutofillManager(contents(), test_personal_data_.get())); } Profile* profile() { return contents()->profile(); } void GetAutofillSuggestions(int query_id, const webkit_glue::FormData& form, const webkit_glue::FormField& field) { autofill_manager_->OnQueryFormFieldAutofill(query_id, form, field); } void GetAutofillSuggestions(const webkit_glue::FormData& form, const webkit_glue::FormField& field) { GetAutofillSuggestions(kDefaultPageID, form, field); } void AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(const std::vector& result) { contents_wrapper()->autocomplete_history_manager()-> SendSuggestions(&result); } void FormsSeen(const std::vector& forms) { autofill_manager_->OnFormsSeen(forms); } void FormSubmitted(const FormData& form) { autofill_manager_->OnFormSubmitted(form); } void FillAutofillFormData(int query_id, const webkit_glue::FormData& form, const webkit_glue::FormField& field, int unique_id) { autofill_manager_->OnFillAutofillFormData(query_id, form, field, unique_id); } bool GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(int* page_id, std::vector* values, std::vector* labels, std::vector* icons, std::vector* unique_ids) { const uint32 kMsgID = AutofillMsg_SuggestionsReturned::ID; const IPC::Message* message = process()->sink().GetFirstMessageMatching(kMsgID); if (!message) return false; AutofillParam autofill_param; AutofillMsg_SuggestionsReturned::Read(message, &autofill_param); if (page_id) *page_id = autofill_param.a; if (values) *values = autofill_param.b; if (labels) *labels = autofill_param.c; if (icons) *icons = autofill_param.d; if (unique_ids) *unique_ids = autofill_param.e; contents_wrapper()->autocomplete_history_manager()->CancelPendingQuery(); process()->sink().ClearMessages(); return true; } bool GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(int *page_id, FormData* results) { const uint32 kMsgID = AutofillMsg_FormDataFilled::ID; const IPC::Message* message = process()->sink().GetFirstMessageMatching(kMsgID); if (!message) return false; Tuple2 autofill_param; AutofillMsg_FormDataFilled::Read(message, &autofill_param); if (page_id) *page_id = autofill_param.a; if (results) *results = autofill_param.b; process()->sink().ClearMessages(); return true; } protected: scoped_ptr autofill_manager_; scoped_refptr test_personal_data_; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AutofillManagerTest); }; // Test that we return all address profile suggestions when all form fields are // empty. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetProfileSuggestionsEmptyValue) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); const FormField& field = form.fields[0]; GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage( &page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids); string16 expected_values[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("Elvis"), ASCIIToUTF16("Charles") }; // Inferred labels include full first relevant field, which in this case is // the address line 1. string16 expected_labels[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("3734 Elvis Presley Blvd."), ASCIIToUTF16("123 Apple St.") }; string16 expected_icons[] = {string16(), string16()}; int expected_unique_ids[] = {1, 2}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); } // Test that we return only matching address profile suggestions when the // selected form field has been partially filled out. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetProfileSuggestionsMatchCharacter) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); FormField field; autofill_test::CreateTestFormField("First Name", "firstname", "E", "text", &field); GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values[] = {ASCIIToUTF16("Elvis")}; string16 expected_labels[] = {ASCIIToUTF16("3734 Elvis Presley Blvd.")}; string16 expected_icons[] = {string16()}; int expected_unique_ids[] = {1}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); } // Test that we return no suggestions when the form has no relevant fields. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetProfileSuggestionsUnknownFields) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; form.name = ASCIIToUTF16("MyForm"); form.method = ASCIIToUTF16("POST"); form.origin = GURL("http://myform.com/form.html"); form.action = GURL("http://myform.com/submit.html"); form.user_submitted = true; FormField field; autofill_test::CreateTestFormField("Username", "username", "", "text", &field); form.fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField("Password", "password", "", "password", &field); form.fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField("Quest", "quest", "", "quest", &field); form.fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField("Color", "color", "", "text", &field); form.fields.push_back(field); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); EXPECT_FALSE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); } // Test that we cull duplicate profile suggestions. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetProfileSuggestionsWithDuplicates) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); // Add a duplicate profile. AutofillProfile* duplicate_profile = new AutofillProfile( *(autofill_manager_->GetProfileWithGUID( "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"))); autofill_manager_->AddProfile(duplicate_profile); const FormField& field = form.fields[0]; GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("Elvis"), ASCIIToUTF16("Charles") }; string16 expected_labels[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("3734 Elvis Presley Blvd."), ASCIIToUTF16("123 Apple St.") }; string16 expected_icons[] = {string16(), string16()}; int expected_unique_ids[] = {1, 2}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); } // Test that we return no suggestions when autofill is disabled. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetProfileSuggestionsAutofillDisabledByUser) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); // Disable Autofill. autofill_manager_->set_autofill_enabled(false); const FormField& field = form.fields[0]; GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); EXPECT_FALSE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); } // Test that we return a warning explaining that autofill suggestions are // unavailable when the form method is GET rather than POST. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetProfileSuggestionsMethodGet) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); form.method = ASCIIToUTF16("GET"); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); const FormField& field = form.fields[0]; GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values[] = { l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_AUTOFILL_WARNING_FORM_DISABLED) }; string16 expected_labels[] = {string16()}; string16 expected_icons[] = {string16()}; int expected_unique_ids[] = {-1}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); // Now add some Autocomplete suggestions. We should return the autocomplete // suggestions and the warning; these will be culled by the renderer. const int kPageID2 = 2; GetAutofillSuggestions(kPageID2, form, field); std::vector suggestions; suggestions.push_back(ASCIIToUTF16("Jay")); suggestions.push_back(ASCIIToUTF16("Jason")); AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(suggestions); EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values2[] = { l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_AUTOFILL_WARNING_FORM_DISABLED), ASCIIToUTF16("Jay"), ASCIIToUTF16("Jason") }; string16 expected_labels2[] = {string16(), string16(), string16()}; string16 expected_icons2[] = {string16(), string16(), string16()}; int expected_unique_ids2[] = {-1, 0, 0}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kPageID2, arraysize(expected_values2), expected_values2, expected_labels2, expected_icons2, expected_unique_ids2); // Now clear the test profiles and try again -- we shouldn't return a warning. test_personal_data_->ClearAutofillProfiles(); GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); EXPECT_FALSE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); } // Test that we return all credit card profile suggestions when all form fields // are empty. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetCreditCardSuggestionsEmptyValue) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestCreditCardFormData(&form, true, false); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); FormField field = form.fields[1]; GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("************3456"), ASCIIToUTF16("************8765") }; string16 expected_labels[] = {ASCIIToUTF16("*3456"), ASCIIToUTF16("*8765")}; string16 expected_icons[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("visaCC"), ASCIIToUTF16("genericCC") }; int expected_unique_ids[] = { autofill_manager_->GetPackedCreditCardID(4), autofill_manager_->GetPackedCreditCardID(5) }; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); } // Test that we return only matching credit card profile suggestions when the // selected form field has been partially filled out. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetCreditCardSuggestionsMatchCharacter) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestCreditCardFormData(&form, true, false); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); FormField field; autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Card Number", "cardnumber", "4", "text", &field); GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values[] = {ASCIIToUTF16("************3456")}; string16 expected_labels[] = {ASCIIToUTF16("*3456")}; string16 expected_icons[] = {ASCIIToUTF16("visaCC")}; int expected_unique_ids[] = {autofill_manager_->GetPackedCreditCardID(4)}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); } // Test that we return credit card profile suggestions when the selected form // field is not the credit card number field. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetCreditCardSuggestionsNonCCNumber) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestCreditCardFormData(&form, true, false); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); const FormField& field = form.fields[0]; GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("Elvis Presley"), ASCIIToUTF16("Buddy Holly") }; string16 expected_labels[] = {ASCIIToUTF16("*3456"), ASCIIToUTF16("*8765")}; string16 expected_icons[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("visaCC"), ASCIIToUTF16("genericCC") }; int expected_unique_ids[] = { autofill_manager_->GetPackedCreditCardID(4), autofill_manager_->GetPackedCreditCardID(5) }; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); } // Test that we return a warning explaining that credit card profile suggestions // are unavailable when the form is not https. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetCreditCardSuggestionsNonHTTPS) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestCreditCardFormData(&form, false, false); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); const FormField& field = form.fields[0]; GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values[] = { l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_AUTOFILL_WARNING_INSECURE_CONNECTION) }; string16 expected_labels[] = {string16()}; string16 expected_icons[] = {string16()}; int expected_unique_ids[] = {-1}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); // Now add some Autocomplete suggestions. We should show the autocomplete // suggestions and the warning. const int kPageID2 = 2; GetAutofillSuggestions(kPageID2, form, field); std::vector suggestions; suggestions.push_back(ASCIIToUTF16("Jay")); suggestions.push_back(ASCIIToUTF16("Jason")); AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(suggestions); EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values2[] = { l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_AUTOFILL_WARNING_INSECURE_CONNECTION), ASCIIToUTF16("Jay"), ASCIIToUTF16("Jason") }; string16 expected_labels2[] = {string16(), string16(), string16()}; string16 expected_icons2[] = {string16(), string16(), string16()}; int expected_unique_ids2[] = {-1, 0, 0}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kPageID2, arraysize(expected_values2), expected_values2, expected_labels2, expected_icons2, expected_unique_ids2); // Clear the test credit cards and try again -- we shouldn't return a warning. test_personal_data_->ClearCreditCards(); GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); EXPECT_FALSE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); } // Test that we return profile and credit card suggestions for combined forms. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetAddressAndCreditCardSuggestions) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); CreateTestCreditCardFormData(&form, true, false); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); FormField field = form.fields[0]; GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the right address suggestions to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("Elvis"), ASCIIToUTF16("Charles") }; string16 expected_labels[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("3734 Elvis Presley Blvd."), ASCIIToUTF16("123 Apple St.") }; string16 expected_icons[] = {string16(), string16()}; int expected_unique_ids[] = {1, 2}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); const int kPageID2 = 2; autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Card Number", "cardnumber", "", "text", &field); GetAutofillSuggestions(kPageID2, form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the credit card suggestions to the renderer. page_id = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values2[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("************3456"), ASCIIToUTF16("************8765") }; string16 expected_labels2[] = {ASCIIToUTF16("*3456"), ASCIIToUTF16("*8765")}; string16 expected_icons2[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("visaCC"), ASCIIToUTF16("genericCC") }; int expected_unique_ids2[] = { autofill_manager_->GetPackedCreditCardID(4), autofill_manager_->GetPackedCreditCardID(5) }; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kPageID2, arraysize(expected_values2), expected_values2, expected_labels2, expected_icons2, expected_unique_ids2); } // Test that for non-https forms with both address and credit card fields, we // only return address suggestions. Instead of credit card suggestions, we // should return a warning explaining that credit card profile suggestions are // unavailable when the form is not https. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetAddressAndCreditCardSuggestionsNonHttps) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); CreateTestCreditCardFormData(&form, false, false); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); FormField field = form.fields[0]; GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the right address suggestions to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("Elvis"), ASCIIToUTF16("Charles") }; string16 expected_labels[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("3734 Elvis Presley Blvd."), ASCIIToUTF16("123 Apple St.") }; string16 expected_icons[] = {string16(), string16()}; int expected_unique_ids[] = {1, 2}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Card Number", "cardnumber", "", "text", &field); const int kPageID2 = 2; GetAutofillSuggestions(kPageID2, form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer. EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values2[] = { l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_AUTOFILL_WARNING_INSECURE_CONNECTION) }; string16 expected_labels2[] = {string16()}; string16 expected_icons2[] = {string16()}; int expected_unique_ids2[] = {-1}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kPageID2, arraysize(expected_values2), expected_values2, expected_labels2, expected_icons2, expected_unique_ids2); // Clear the test credit cards and try again -- we shouldn't return a warning. test_personal_data_->ClearCreditCards(); GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); EXPECT_FALSE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); } // Test that we correctly combine autofill and autocomplete suggestions. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetCombinedAutofillAndAutocompleteSuggestions) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); const FormField& field = form.fields[0]; GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // Add some Autocomplete suggestions. // This triggers the combined message send. std::vector suggestions; suggestions.push_back(ASCIIToUTF16("Jay")); // This suggestion is a duplicate, and should be trimmed. suggestions.push_back(ASCIIToUTF16("Elvis")); suggestions.push_back(ASCIIToUTF16("Jason")); AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(suggestions); // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("Elvis"), ASCIIToUTF16("Charles"), ASCIIToUTF16("Jay"), ASCIIToUTF16("Jason") }; string16 expected_labels[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("3734 Elvis Presley Blvd."), ASCIIToUTF16("123 Apple St."), string16(), string16() }; string16 expected_icons[] = {string16(), string16(), string16(), string16()}; int expected_unique_ids[] = {1, 2, 0, 0}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); } // Test that we return autocomplete-like suggestions when trying to autofill // already filled forms. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetFieldSuggestionsWhenFormIsAutofilled) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); // Mark one of the fields as filled. form.fields[2].is_autofilled = true; const FormField& field = form.fields[0]; GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("Elvis"), ASCIIToUTF16("Charles") }; string16 expected_labels[] = {string16(), string16()}; string16 expected_icons[] = {string16(), string16()}; int expected_unique_ids[] = {1, 2}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); } // Test that nothing breaks when there are autocomplete suggestions but no // autofill suggestions. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetFieldSuggestionsForAutocompleteOnly) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); FormField field; autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Some Field", "somefield", "", "text", &field); form.fields.push_back(field); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // Add some Autocomplete suggestions. // This triggers the combined message send. std::vector suggestions; suggestions.push_back(ASCIIToUTF16("one")); suggestions.push_back(ASCIIToUTF16("two")); AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(suggestions); // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("one"), ASCIIToUTF16("two") }; string16 expected_labels[] = {string16(), string16()}; string16 expected_icons[] = {string16(), string16()}; int expected_unique_ids[] = {0, 0}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); } // Test that we do not return duplicate values drawn from multiple profiles when // filling an already filled field. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, GetFieldSuggestionsWithDuplicateValues) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); // |profile| will be owned by the mock PersonalDataManager. AutofillProfile* profile = new AutofillProfile; autofill_test::SetProfileInfo(profile, "Elvis", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); profile->set_guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000101"); autofill_manager_->AddProfile(profile); FormField& field = form.fields[0]; field.is_autofilled = true; GetAutofillSuggestions(form, field); // No suggestions provided, so send an empty vector as the results. // This triggers the combined message send. AutocompleteSuggestionsReturned(std::vector()); // Test that we sent the right message to the renderer. int page_id = 0; std::vector values; std::vector labels; std::vector icons; std::vector unique_ids; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillSuggestionsMessage(&page_id, &values, &labels, &icons, &unique_ids)); string16 expected_values[] = { ASCIIToUTF16("Elvis"), ASCIIToUTF16("Charles") }; string16 expected_labels[] = {string16(), string16()}; string16 expected_icons[] = {string16(), string16()}; int expected_unique_ids[] = {1, 2}; ExpectSuggestions(page_id, values, labels, icons, unique_ids, kDefaultPageID, arraysize(expected_values), expected_values, expected_labels, expected_icons, expected_unique_ids); } // Test that we correctly fill an address form. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FillAddressForm) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); std::string guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"; FillAutofillFormData( kDefaultPageID, form, form.fields[0], autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(std::string(), guid)); int page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); ExpectFilledAddressFormElvis(page_id, results, kDefaultPageID, false); } // Test that we correctly fill a credit card form. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FillCreditCardForm) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestCreditCardFormData(&form, true, false); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); std::string guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004"; FillAutofillFormData( kDefaultPageID, form, *form.fields.begin(), autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(guid, std::string())); int page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); ExpectFilledCreditCardFormElvis(page_id, results, kDefaultPageID, false); } // Test that we correctly fill a credit card form with month input type. // 1. year empty, month empty TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FillCreditCardFormNoYearNoMonth) { // Same as the SetUp(), but generate 4 credit cards with year month // combination. test_personal_data_->CreateTestCreditCardsYearAndMonth("", ""); // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestCreditCardFormData(&form, true, true); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); std::string guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007"; FillAutofillFormData( kDefaultPageID, form, *form.fields.begin(), autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(guid, std::string())); int page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); ExpectFilledCreditCardYearMonthWithYearMonth(page_id, results, kDefaultPageID, false, "", ""); } // Test that we correctly fill a credit card form with month input type. // 2. year empty, month non-empty TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FillCreditCardFormNoYearMonth) { // Same as the SetUp(), but generate 4 credit cards with year month // combination. test_personal_data_->CreateTestCreditCardsYearAndMonth("", "04"); // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestCreditCardFormData(&form, true, true); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); std::string guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007"; FillAutofillFormData( kDefaultPageID, form, *form.fields.begin(), autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(guid, std::string())); int page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); ExpectFilledCreditCardYearMonthWithYearMonth(page_id, results, kDefaultPageID, false, "", "04"); } // Test that we correctly fill a credit card form with month input type. // 3. year non-empty, month empty TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FillCreditCardFormYearNoMonth) { // Same as the SetUp(), but generate 4 credit cards with year month // combination. test_personal_data_->CreateTestCreditCardsYearAndMonth("2012", ""); // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestCreditCardFormData(&form, true, true); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); std::string guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007"; FillAutofillFormData( kDefaultPageID, form, *form.fields.begin(), autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(guid, std::string())); int page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); ExpectFilledCreditCardYearMonthWithYearMonth(page_id, results, kDefaultPageID, false, "2012", ""); } // Test that we correctly fill a credit card form with month input type. // 4. year non-empty, month empty TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FillCreditCardFormYearMonth) { // Same as the SetUp(), but generate 4 credit cards with year month // combination. test_personal_data_->ClearCreditCards(); test_personal_data_->CreateTestCreditCardsYearAndMonth("2012", "04"); // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestCreditCardFormData(&form, true, true); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); std::string guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007"; FillAutofillFormData( kDefaultPageID, form, *form.fields.begin(), autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(guid, std::string())); int page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); ExpectFilledCreditCardYearMonthWithYearMonth(page_id, results, kDefaultPageID, false, "2012", "04"); } // Test that we correctly fill a combined address and credit card form. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FillAddressAndCreditCardForm) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); CreateTestCreditCardFormData(&form, true, false); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); // First fill the address data. std::string guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"; FillAutofillFormData(kDefaultPageID, form, form.fields[0], autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(std::string(), guid)); int page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); { SCOPED_TRACE("Address"); ExpectFilledAddressFormElvis(page_id, results, kDefaultPageID, true); } // Now fill the credit card data. const int kPageID2 = 2; guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004"; FillAutofillFormData( kPageID2, form, form.fields.back(), autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(guid, std::string())); page_id = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); { SCOPED_TRACE("Credit card"); ExpectFilledCreditCardFormElvis(page_id, results, kPageID2, true); } } // Test that we correctly fill a form that has multiple logical sections, e.g. // both a billing and a shipping address. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FillFormWithMultipleSections) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); const size_t kAddressFormSize = form.fields.size(); CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); for (size_t i = kAddressFormSize; i < form.fields.size(); ++i) { // Make sure the fields have distinct names. form.fields[i].name = form.fields[i].name + ASCIIToUTF16("_"); } std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); // Fill the first section. std::string guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"; FillAutofillFormData(kDefaultPageID, form, form.fields[0], autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(std::string(), guid)); int page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); { SCOPED_TRACE("Address 1"); // The second address section should be empty. ASSERT_EQ(results.fields.size(), 2*kAddressFormSize); for (size_t i = kAddressFormSize; i < form.fields.size(); ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(string16(), results.fields[i].value); } // The first address section should be filled with Elvis's data. results.fields.resize(kAddressFormSize); ExpectFilledAddressFormElvis(page_id, results, kDefaultPageID, false); } // Fill the second section, with the initiating field somewhere in the middle // of the section. const int kPageID2 = 2; guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"; ASSERT_LT(9U, kAddressFormSize); FillAutofillFormData(kPageID2, form, form.fields[kAddressFormSize + 9], autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(std::string(), guid)); page_id = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); { SCOPED_TRACE("Address 2"); ASSERT_EQ(results.fields.size(), form.fields.size()); // The first address section should be empty. ASSERT_EQ(results.fields.size(), 2*kAddressFormSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < kAddressFormSize; ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(string16(), results.fields[i].value); } // The second address section should be filled with Elvis's data. FormData secondSection = results; secondSection.fields.erase(secondSection.fields.begin(), secondSection.fields.begin() + kAddressFormSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < kAddressFormSize; ++i) { // Restore the expected field names. string16 name = secondSection.fields[i].name; string16 original_name = name.substr(0, name.size() - 1); secondSection.fields[i].name = original_name; } ExpectFilledAddressFormElvis(page_id, secondSection, kPageID2, false); } } // Test that we correctly fill a form that has a single logical section with // multiple email address fields. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FillFormWithMultipleEmails) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); FormField field; autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Confirm email", "email2", "", "text", &field); form.fields.push_back(field); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); // Fill the form. std::string guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"; FillAutofillFormData(kDefaultPageID, form, form.fields[0], autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(std::string(), guid)); int page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); // The second email address should be filled. EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("theking@gmail.com"), results.fields.back().value); // The remainder of the form should be filled as usual. results.fields.pop_back(); ExpectFilledAddressFormElvis(page_id, results, kDefaultPageID, false); } // Test that we correctly fill a previously auto-filled form. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FillAutofilledForm) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); // Mark one of the address fields as autofilled. form.fields[4].is_autofilled = true; CreateTestCreditCardFormData(&form, true, false); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); // First fill the address data. std::string guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"; FillAutofillFormData( kDefaultPageID, form, *form.fields.begin(), autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(std::string(), guid)); int page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); { SCOPED_TRACE("Address"); ExpectFilledForm(page_id, results, kDefaultPageID, "Elvis", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", true, true, false); } // Now fill the credit card data. const int kPageID2 = 2; guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004"; FillAutofillFormData( kPageID2, form, form.fields.back(), autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(guid, std::string())); page_id = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); { SCOPED_TRACE("Credit card 1"); ExpectFilledCreditCardFormElvis(page_id, results, kPageID2, true); } // Now set the credit card fields to also be auto-filled, and try again to // fill the credit card data for (std::vector::iterator iter = form.fields.begin(); iter != form.fields.end(); ++iter) { iter->is_autofilled = true; } const int kPageID3 = 3; FillAutofillFormData( kPageID3, form, *form.fields.rbegin(), autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(guid, std::string())); page_id = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); { SCOPED_TRACE("Credit card 2"); ExpectFilledForm(page_id, results, kPageID3, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "2012", true, true, false); } } // Test that we correctly fill a phone number split across multiple fields. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FillPhoneNumber) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; form.name = ASCIIToUTF16("MyPhoneForm"); form.method = ASCIIToUTF16("POST"); form.origin = GURL("http://myform.com/phone_form.html"); form.action = GURL("http://myform.com/phone_submit.html"); form.user_submitted = true; FormField field; autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "country code", "country code", "", "text", &field); field.max_length = 1; form.fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "area code", "area code", "", "text", &field); field.max_length = 3; form.fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "phone", "phone prefix", "1", "text", &field); field.max_length = 3; form.fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "-", "phone suffix", "", "text", &field); field.max_length = 4; form.fields.push_back(field); autofill_test::CreateTestFormField( "Phone Extension", "ext", "", "text", &field); field.max_length = 3; form.fields.push_back(field); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); AutofillProfile *work_profile = autofill_manager_->GetProfileWithGUID( "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"); ASSERT_TRUE(work_profile != NULL); string16 saved_phone = work_profile->GetInfo(PHONE_HOME_NUMBER); char test_data[] = "1234567890123456"; for (int i = arraysize(test_data) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { test_data[i] = 0; SCOPED_TRACE(StringPrintf("Testing phone: %s", test_data)); work_profile->SetInfo(PHONE_HOME_NUMBER, ASCIIToUTF16(test_data)); // The page ID sent to the AutofillManager from the RenderView, used to send // an IPC message back to the renderer. int page_id = 100 - i; FillAutofillFormData( page_id, form, *form.fields.begin(), autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(std::string(), work_profile->guid())); page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); if (i != 7) { EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(test_data), results.fields[2].value); EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(test_data), results.fields[3].value); } else { // The only size that is parsed and split, right now is 7: EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("123"), results.fields[2].value); EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("4567"), results.fields[3].value); } } work_profile->SetInfo(PHONE_HOME_NUMBER, saved_phone); } // Test that we can still fill a form when a field has been removed from it. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FormChangesRemoveField) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); // Add a field -- we'll remove it again later. FormField field; autofill_test::CreateTestFormField("Some", "field", "", "text", &field); form.fields.insert(form.fields.begin() + 3, field); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); // Now, after the call to |FormsSeen|, we remove the field before filling. form.fields.erase(form.fields.begin() + 3); std::string guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"; FillAutofillFormData( kDefaultPageID, form, form.fields[0], autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(std::string(), guid)); int page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); ExpectFilledAddressFormElvis(page_id, results, kDefaultPageID, false); } // Test that we can still fill a form when a field has been added to it. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FormChangesAddField) { // The offset of the fax field in the address form. const int kFaxFieldOffset = 10; // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); // Remove the fax field -- we'll add it back later. std::vector::iterator pos = form.fields.begin() + kFaxFieldOffset; FormField field = *pos; pos = form.fields.erase(pos); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); // Now, after the call to |FormsSeen|, we restore the field before filling. form.fields.insert(pos, field); std::string guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"; FillAutofillFormData( kDefaultPageID, form, form.fields[0], autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(std::string(), guid)); int page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); ExpectFilledAddressFormElvis(page_id, results, kDefaultPageID, false); } // Test that we are able to save form data when forms are submitted. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, FormSubmitted) { // Set up our form data. FormData form; CreateTestAddressFormData(&form); std::vector forms(1, form); FormsSeen(forms); // Fill the form. std::string guid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"; FillAutofillFormData(kDefaultPageID, form, form.fields[0], autofill_manager_->PackGUIDs(std::string(), guid)); int page_id = 0; FormData results; EXPECT_TRUE(GetAutofillFormDataFilledMessage(&page_id, &results)); ExpectFilledAddressFormElvis(page_id, results, kDefaultPageID, false); // Simulate form submission. We should call into the PDM to try to save the // filled data. EXPECT_CALL(*test_personal_data_, SaveImportedProfile(::testing::_)).Times(1); FormSubmitted(results); } // Checks that resetting the auxiliary profile enabled preference does the right // thing on all platforms. TEST_F(AutofillManagerTest, AuxiliaryProfilesReset) { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Auxiliary profiles is implemented on Mac only. It enables Mac Address // Book integration. ASSERT_TRUE(profile()->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean( prefs::kAutofillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled)); profile()->GetPrefs()->SetBoolean( prefs::kAutofillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled, false); profile()->GetPrefs()->ClearPref(prefs::kAutofillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled); ASSERT_TRUE(profile()->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean( prefs::kAutofillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled)); #else ASSERT_FALSE(profile()->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean( prefs::kAutofillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled)); profile()->GetPrefs()->SetBoolean( prefs::kAutofillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled, true); profile()->GetPrefs()->ClearPref(prefs::kAutofillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled); ASSERT_FALSE(profile()->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean( prefs::kAutofillAuxiliaryProfilesEnabled)); #endif }