// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace autofill {

extern const char kAttentionIgnoredRe[];
extern const char kRegionIgnoredRe[];
extern const char kCompanyRe[];
extern const char kAddressLine1Re[];
extern const char kAddressLine1LabelRe[];
extern const char kAddressLine2Re[];
extern const char kAddressLine2LabelRe[];
extern const char kAddressLine3Re[];
extern const char kCountryRe[];
extern const char kZipCodeRe[];
extern const char kZip4Re[];
extern const char kCityRe[];
extern const char kStateRe[];
extern const char kAddressTypeSameAsRe[];
extern const char kAddressTypeUseMyRe[];
extern const char kBillingDesignatorRe[];
extern const char kShippingDesignatorRe[];
extern const char kNameOnCardRe[];
extern const char kNameOnCardContextualRe[];
extern const char kCardNumberRe[];
extern const char kCardCvcRe[];
extern const char kExpirationMonthRe[];
extern const char kExpirationYearRe[];
extern const char kExpirationDate2DigitYearRe[];
extern const char kExpirationDateRe[];
extern const char kCardIgnoredRe[];
extern const char kGiftCardRe[];
extern const char kEmailRe[];
extern const char kNameIgnoredRe[];
extern const char kNameRe[];
extern const char kNameSpecificRe[];
extern const char kFirstNameRe[];
extern const char kMiddleInitialRe[];
extern const char kMiddleNameRe[];
extern const char kLastNameRe[];
extern const char kPhoneRe[];
extern const char kCountryCodeRe[];
extern const char kAreaCodeNotextRe[];
extern const char kAreaCodeRe[];
extern const char kFaxRe[];
extern const char kPhonePrefixSeparatorRe[];
extern const char kPhoneSuffixSeparatorRe[];
extern const char kPhonePrefixRe[];
extern const char kPhoneSuffixRe[];
extern const char kPhoneExtensionRe[];

}  // namespace autofill