// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/autofill/form_field.h" #include #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_ecml.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/address_field.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_field.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_regexes.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_scanner.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/credit_card_field.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/email_field.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/field_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/form_structure.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/name_field.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/phone_field.h" #include "grit/autofill_resources.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" namespace { using autofill::GetEcmlPattern; using autofill::HasECMLField; bool IsTextField(const string16& type) { return type == ASCIIToUTF16("text"); } bool IsEmailField(const string16& type) { return type == ASCIIToUTF16("email"); } bool IsTelephoneField(const string16& type) { return type == ASCIIToUTF16("tel"); } bool IsSelectField(const string16& type) { return type == ASCIIToUTF16("select-one"); } } // namespace // static void FormField::ParseFormFields(const std::vector& fields, FieldTypeMap* map) { // First, check if there is at least one form field with an ECML name. // If there is, then we will match an element only if it is in the standard. bool is_ecml = HasECMLField(fields); // Set up a working copy of the fields to be processed. std::vector remaining_fields(fields.size()); std::copy(fields.begin(), fields.end(), remaining_fields.begin()); // Email pass. ParseFormFieldsPass(EmailField::Parse, is_ecml, &remaining_fields, map); // Phone/fax pass. ParseFormFieldsPass(PhoneField::Parse, is_ecml, &remaining_fields, map); // Address pass. ParseFormFieldsPass(AddressField::Parse, is_ecml, &remaining_fields, map); // Credit card pass. ParseFormFieldsPass(CreditCardField::Parse, is_ecml, &remaining_fields, map); // Name pass. ParseFormFieldsPass(NameField::Parse, is_ecml, &remaining_fields, map); } // static bool FormField::ParseField(AutofillScanner* scanner, const string16& pattern, const AutofillField** match) { return ParseFieldSpecifics(scanner, pattern, MATCH_DEFAULT, match); } // static bool FormField::ParseFieldSpecifics(AutofillScanner* scanner, const string16& pattern, int match_type, const AutofillField** match) { if (scanner->IsEnd()) return false; const AutofillField* field = scanner->Cursor(); if ((match_type & MATCH_TEXT) && IsTextField(field->form_control_type)) return MatchAndAdvance(scanner, pattern, match_type, match); if ((match_type & MATCH_EMAIL) && IsEmailField(field->form_control_type)) return MatchAndAdvance(scanner, pattern, match_type, match); if ((match_type & MATCH_TELEPHONE) && IsTelephoneField(field->form_control_type)) { return MatchAndAdvance(scanner, pattern, match_type, match); } if ((match_type & MATCH_SELECT) && IsSelectField(field->form_control_type)) return MatchAndAdvance(scanner, pattern, match_type, match); return false; } // static bool FormField::ParseEmptyLabel(AutofillScanner* scanner, const AutofillField** match) { return ParseFieldSpecifics(scanner, ASCIIToUTF16("^$"), MATCH_LABEL | MATCH_ALL_INPUTS, match); } // static bool FormField::AddClassification(const AutofillField* field, AutofillFieldType type, FieldTypeMap* map) { // Several fields are optional. if (!field) return true; return map->insert(make_pair(field->unique_name(), type)).second; } // static. bool FormField::MatchAndAdvance(AutofillScanner* scanner, const string16& pattern, int match_type, const AutofillField** match) { const AutofillField* field = scanner->Cursor(); if (FormField::Match(field, pattern, match_type)) { if (match) *match = field; scanner->Advance(); return true; } return false; } // static bool FormField::Match(const AutofillField* field, const string16& pattern, int match_type) { if ((match_type & FormField::MATCH_LABEL) && autofill::MatchesPattern(field->label, pattern)) { return true; } if ((match_type & FormField::MATCH_NAME) && autofill::MatchesPattern(field->name, pattern)) { return true; } if ((match_type & FormField::MATCH_VALUE) && autofill::MatchesPattern(field->value, pattern)) { return true; } return false; } // static void FormField::ParseFormFieldsPass(ParseFunction parse, bool is_ecml, std::vector* fields, FieldTypeMap* map) { // Store unmatched fields for further processing by the caller. std::vector remaining_fields; AutofillScanner scanner(*fields); while (!scanner.IsEnd()) { scoped_ptr form_field(parse(&scanner, is_ecml)); if (!form_field.get()) { remaining_fields.push_back(scanner.Cursor()); scanner.Advance(); continue; } // Add entries into the map for each field type found in |form_field|. bool ok = form_field->ClassifyField(map); DCHECK(ok); } std::swap(*fields, remaining_fields); }