// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/autofill/form_structure.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/sha1.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_xml_parser.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/field_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/form_field.h" #include "third_party/libjingle/files/talk/xmllite/xmlelement.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_field.h" using webkit_glue::FormData; namespace { const char* kFormMethodPost = "post"; // XML attribute names. const char* const kAttributeClientVersion = "clientversion"; const char* const kAttributeAutoFillUsed = "autofillused"; const char* const kAttributeSignature = "signature"; const char* const kAttributeFormSignature = "formsignature"; const char* const kAttributeDataPresent = "datapresent"; const char* const kXMLElementForm = "form"; const char* const kXMLElementField = "field"; const char* const kAttributeAutoFillType = "autofilltype"; // The list of form control types we handle. const char* const kControlTypeSelect = "select-one"; const char* const kControlTypeText = "text"; // The number of fillable fields necessary for a form to be fillable. const size_t kRequiredFillableFields = 3; static std::string Hash64Bit(const std::string& str) { std::string hash_bin = base::SHA1HashString(str); DCHECK_EQ(20U, hash_bin.length()); uint64 hash64 = (((static_cast(hash_bin[0])) & 0xFF) << 56) | (((static_cast(hash_bin[1])) & 0xFF) << 48) | (((static_cast(hash_bin[2])) & 0xFF) << 40) | (((static_cast(hash_bin[3])) & 0xFF) << 32) | (((static_cast(hash_bin[4])) & 0xFF) << 24) | (((static_cast(hash_bin[5])) & 0xFF) << 16) | (((static_cast(hash_bin[6])) & 0xFF) << 8) | ((static_cast(hash_bin[7])) & 0xFF); return Uint64ToString(hash64); } } // namespace FormStructure::FormStructure(const FormData& form) : form_name_(form.name), source_url_(form.origin), target_url_(form.action), autofill_count_(0) { // Copy the form fields. std::vector::const_iterator field; for (field = form.fields.begin(); field != form.fields.end(); field++) { // We currently only handle text and select fields; however, we need to // store all fields in order to match the fields stored in the FormManager. // We don't append other field types to the form signature though in order // to match the form signature of the AutoFill servers. if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(field->form_control_type(), kControlTypeText) || LowerCaseEqualsASCII(field->form_control_type(), kControlTypeSelect)) { // Add all supported form fields (including with empty names) to // signature. This is a requirement for AutoFill servers. form_signature_field_names_.append("&"); form_signature_field_names_.append(UTF16ToUTF8(field->name())); } // Generate a unique name for this field by appending a counter to the name. string16 unique_name = field->name() + IntToString16(fields_.size() + 1); fields_.push_back(new AutoFillField(*field, unique_name)); } // Terminate the vector with a NULL item. fields_.push_back(NULL); GetHeuristicAutoFillTypes(); std::string method = UTF16ToUTF8(form.method); if (StringToLowerASCII(method) == kFormMethodPost) { method_ = POST; } else { // Either the method is 'get', or we don't know. In this case we default // to GET. method_ = GET; } } bool FormStructure::EncodeUploadRequest(bool auto_fill_used, std::string* encoded_xml) const { bool auto_fillable = IsAutoFillable(); DCHECK(auto_fillable); // Caller should've checked for search pages. if (!auto_fillable) return false; buzz::XmlElement autofil_request_xml(buzz::QName("autofillupload")); // Attributes for the element. // // TODO(jhawkins): Work with toolbar devs to make a spec for autofill clients. // For now these values are hacked from the toolbar code. autofil_request_xml.SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeClientVersion), "6.1.1715.1442/en (GGLL)"); autofil_request_xml.SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeFormSignature), FormSignature()); autofil_request_xml.SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeAutoFillUsed), auto_fill_used ? "true" : "false"); // TODO(jhawkins): Hook this up to the personal data manager. // personaldata_manager_->GetDataPresent(); autofil_request_xml.SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeDataPresent), ""); EncodeFormRequest(FormStructure::UPLOAD, &autofil_request_xml); // Obtain the XML structure as a string. *encoded_xml = ""; *encoded_xml += autofil_request_xml.Str().c_str(); return true; } // static bool FormStructure::EncodeQueryRequest(const ScopedVector& forms, std::string* encoded_xml) { buzz::XmlElement autofil_request_xml(buzz::QName("autofillquery")); // Attributes for the element. // // TODO(jhawkins): Work with toolbar devs to make a spec for autofill clients. // For now these values are hacked from the toolbar code. autofil_request_xml.SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeClientVersion), "6.1.1715.1442/en (GGLL)"); for (ScopedVector::const_iterator it = forms.begin(); it != forms.end(); ++it) { buzz::XmlElement* encompassing_xml_element = new buzz::XmlElement(buzz::QName("form")); encompassing_xml_element->SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeSignature), (*it)->FormSignature()); (*it)->EncodeFormRequest(FormStructure::QUERY, encompassing_xml_element); autofil_request_xml.AddElement(encompassing_xml_element); } // Obtain the XML structure as a string. *encoded_xml = ""; *encoded_xml += autofil_request_xml.Str().c_str(); return true; } // static void FormStructure::ParseQueryResponse(const std::string& response_xml, const std::vector& forms, UploadRequired* upload_required) { // Parse the field types from the server response to the query. std::vector field_types; AutoFillQueryXmlParser parse_handler(&field_types, upload_required); buzz::XmlParser parser(&parse_handler); parser.Parse(response_xml.c_str(), response_xml.length(), true); if (!parse_handler.succeeded()) return; // Copy the field types into the actual form. std::vector::iterator current_type = field_types.begin(); for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = forms.begin(); iter != forms.end(); ++iter) { FormStructure* form = *iter; form->has_credit_card_field_ = false; form->has_autofillable_field_ = false; for (std::vector::iterator field = form->fields_.begin(); field != form->fields_.end(); ++field) { // The field list is terminated by a NULL AutoFillField. if (!*field) break; // In some cases *successful* response does not return all the fields. // Quit the update of the types then. if (current_type == field_types.end()) break; (*field)->set_server_type(*current_type); AutoFillType autofill_type((*field)->type()); if (autofill_type.group() == AutoFillType::CREDIT_CARD) form->has_credit_card_field_ = true; if (autofill_type.field_type() != UNKNOWN_TYPE) form->has_autofillable_field_ = true; ++current_type; } form->UpdateAutoFillCount(); } return; } std::string FormStructure::FormSignature() const { std::string form_string = target_url_.scheme() + "://" + target_url_.host() + "&" + UTF16ToUTF8(form_name_) + form_signature_field_names_; return Hash64Bit(form_string); } bool FormStructure::IsAutoFillable() const { if (autofill_count() < kRequiredFillableFields) return false; // Rule out http(s)://*/search?... // e.g. http://www.google.com/search?q=... // http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=... if (target_url_.path() == "/search") return false; if (method_ == GET) return false; return true; } bool FormStructure::HasAutoFillableValues() const { if (autofill_count_ == 0) return false; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) { AutoFillField* field = *iter; if (field && !field->IsEmpty() && field->IsFieldFillable()) return true; } return false; } void FormStructure::UpdateAutoFillCount() { autofill_count_ = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) { AutoFillField* field = *iter; if (field && field->IsFieldFillable()) ++autofill_count_; } } void FormStructure::set_possible_types(int index, const FieldTypeSet& types) { int num_fields = static_cast(field_count()); DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < num_fields); if (index >= 0 && index < num_fields) fields_[index]->set_possible_types(types); } const AutoFillField* FormStructure::field(int index) const { return fields_[index]; } size_t FormStructure::field_count() const { // Don't count the NULL terminator. size_t field_size = fields_.size(); return (field_size == 0) ? 0 : field_size - 1; } FormData FormStructure::ConvertToFormData() const { FormData form; form.name = form_name_; form.origin = source_url_; form.action = target_url_; if (method_ == GET) form.method = ASCIIToUTF16("GET"); else if (method_ == POST) form.method = ASCIIToUTF16("POST"); else NOTREACHED(); for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = fields_.begin(); iter != fields_.end() && *iter; ++iter) { form.fields.push_back(static_cast(**iter)); } return form; } bool FormStructure::operator==(const FormData& form) const { // TODO(jhawkins): Is this enough to differentiate a form? if (form_name_ == form.name && source_url_ == form.origin && target_url_ == form.action) { return true; } // TODO(jhawkins): Compare field names, IDs and labels once we have labels // set up. return false; } bool FormStructure::operator!=(const FormData& form) const { return !operator==(form); } void FormStructure::GetHeuristicAutoFillTypes() { has_credit_card_field_ = false; has_autofillable_field_ = false; FieldTypeMap field_type_map; GetHeuristicFieldInfo(&field_type_map); for (size_t index = 0; index < field_count(); index++) { AutoFillField* field = fields_[index]; // TODO(dhollowa): Defensive check for crash happening in the field. // See http://crbug.com/42211 CHECK(field); FieldTypeMap::iterator iter = field_type_map.find(field->unique_name()); AutoFillFieldType heuristic_auto_fill_type; if (iter == field_type_map.end()) { heuristic_auto_fill_type = UNKNOWN_TYPE; } else { heuristic_auto_fill_type = iter->second; ++autofill_count_; } field->set_heuristic_type(heuristic_auto_fill_type); AutoFillType autofill_type(field->type()); if (autofill_type.group() == AutoFillType::CREDIT_CARD) has_credit_card_field_ = true; if (autofill_type.field_type() != UNKNOWN_TYPE) has_autofillable_field_ = true; } } void FormStructure::GetHeuristicFieldInfo(FieldTypeMap* field_type_map) { FormFieldSet fields(this); FormFieldSet::const_iterator field; for (field = fields.begin(); field != fields.end(); field++) { bool ok = (*field)->GetFieldInfo(field_type_map); DCHECK(ok); } } bool FormStructure::EncodeFormRequest( FormStructure::EncodeRequestType request_type, buzz::XmlElement* encompassing_xml_element) const { if (!field_count()) // Nothing to add. return false; // Add the child nodes for the form fields. for (size_t index = 0; index < field_count(); index++) { const AutoFillField* field = fields_[index]; if (request_type == FormStructure::UPLOAD) { FieldTypeSet types = field->possible_types(); for (FieldTypeSet::const_iterator type = types.begin(); type != types.end(); type++) { buzz::XmlElement *field_element = new buzz::XmlElement( buzz::QName(kXMLElementField)); field_element->SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeSignature), field->FieldSignature()); field_element->SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeAutoFillType), IntToString(*type)); encompassing_xml_element->AddElement(field_element); } } else { buzz::XmlElement *field_element = new buzz::XmlElement( buzz::QName(kXMLElementField)); field_element->SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeSignature), field->FieldSignature()); encompassing_xml_element->AddElement(field_element); } } return true; }