// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/autofill/form_structure.h" #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/sha1.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_metrics.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_type.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/autofill_xml_parser.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/field_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/autofill/form_field.h" #include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmllite/xmlelement.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_data.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_data_predictions.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_field.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_field_predictions.h" using webkit_glue::FormData; using webkit_glue::FormDataPredictions; using webkit_glue::FormFieldPredictions; namespace { const char kFormMethodPost[] = "post"; // XML elements and attributes. const char kAttributeAcceptedFeatures[] = "accepts"; const char kAttributeAutofillUsed[] = "autofillused"; const char kAttributeAutofillType[] = "autofilltype"; const char kAttributeClientVersion[] = "clientversion"; const char kAttributeDataPresent[] = "datapresent"; const char kAttributeFormSignature[] = "formsignature"; const char kAttributeSignature[] = "signature"; const char kAcceptedFeatures[] = "e"; // e=experiments const char kClientVersion[] = "6.1.1715.1442/en (GGLL)"; const char kXMLDeclaration[] = ""; const char kXMLElementAutofillQuery[] = "autofillquery"; const char kXMLElementAutofillUpload[] = "autofillupload"; const char kXMLElementForm[] = "form"; const char kXMLElementField[] = "field"; // The number of fillable fields necessary for a form to be fillable. const size_t kRequiredFillableFields = 3; // Helper for |EncodeUploadRequest()| that creates a bit field corresponding to // |available_field_types| and returns the hex representation as a string. std::string EncodeFieldTypes(const FieldTypeSet& available_field_types) { // There are |MAX_VALID_FIELD_TYPE| different field types and 8 bits per byte, // so we need ceil(MAX_VALID_FIELD_TYPE / 8) bytes to encode the bit field. const size_t kNumBytes = (MAX_VALID_FIELD_TYPE + 0x7) / 8; // Pack the types in |available_field_types| into |bit_field|. std::vector bit_field(kNumBytes, 0); for (FieldTypeSet::const_iterator field_type = available_field_types.begin(); field_type != available_field_types.end(); ++field_type) { // Set the appropriate bit in the field. The bit we set is the one // |field_type| % 8 from the left of the byte. const size_t byte = *field_type / 8; const size_t bit = 0x80 >> (*field_type % 8); DCHECK(byte < bit_field.size()); bit_field[byte] |= bit; } // Discard any trailing zeroes. // If there are no available types, we return the empty string. size_t data_end = bit_field.size(); for (; data_end > 0 && !bit_field[data_end - 1]; --data_end) { } // Print all meaningfull bytes into a string. std::string data_presence; data_presence.reserve(data_end * 2 + 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < data_end; ++i) { base::StringAppendF(&data_presence, "%02x", bit_field[i]); } return data_presence; } bool ConvertToAutofillFieldType(const AutofillField& field, const string16& autocomplete_type, AutofillFieldType* autofill_type) { if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("given-name")) { *autofill_type = NAME_FIRST; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("middle-name")) { *autofill_type = NAME_MIDDLE; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("middle-initial")) { *autofill_type = NAME_MIDDLE_INITIAL; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("surname")) { *autofill_type = NAME_LAST; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("full-name")) { *autofill_type = NAME_FULL; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("street-address") || autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("address-line1")) { *autofill_type = ADDRESS_HOME_LINE1; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("address-line2")) { *autofill_type = ADDRESS_HOME_LINE2; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("locality") || autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("city")) { *autofill_type = ADDRESS_HOME_CITY; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("administrative-area") || autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("state") || autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("province") || autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("region")) { *autofill_type = ADDRESS_HOME_STATE; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("postal-code")) { *autofill_type = ADDRESS_HOME_ZIP; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("country")) { *autofill_type = ADDRESS_HOME_COUNTRY; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("organization")) { *autofill_type = COMPANY_NAME; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("email")) { *autofill_type = EMAIL_ADDRESS; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("phone-full")) { *autofill_type = PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("phone-country-code")) { *autofill_type = PHONE_HOME_COUNTRY_CODE; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("phone-national")) { *autofill_type = PHONE_HOME_CITY_AND_NUMBER; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("phone-area-code")) { *autofill_type = PHONE_HOME_CITY_CODE; return true; } // TODO(isherman): We should more fully support "phone-local-prefix" and // "phone-local-suffix": http://crbug.com/92121 if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("phone-local") || autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("phone-local-prefix") || autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("phone-local-suffix")) { *autofill_type = PHONE_HOME_NUMBER; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("fax-full")) { *autofill_type = PHONE_FAX_WHOLE_NUMBER; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("fax-country-code")) { *autofill_type = PHONE_FAX_COUNTRY_CODE; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("fax-national")) { *autofill_type = PHONE_FAX_CITY_AND_NUMBER; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("fax-area-code")) { *autofill_type = PHONE_FAX_CITY_CODE; return true; } // TODO(isherman): We should more fully support "fax-local-prefix" and // "fax-local-suffix": http://crbug.com/92121 if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("fax-local") || autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("fax-local-prefix") || autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("fax-local-suffix")) { *autofill_type = PHONE_FAX_NUMBER; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("cc-full-name")) { *autofill_type = CREDIT_CARD_NAME; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("cc-number")) { *autofill_type = CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("cc-exp-month")) { *autofill_type = CREDIT_CARD_EXP_MONTH; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("cc-exp-year")) { if (field.max_length == 2) *autofill_type = CREDIT_CARD_EXP_2_DIGIT_YEAR; else *autofill_type = CREDIT_CARD_EXP_4_DIGIT_YEAR; return true; } if (autocomplete_type == ASCIIToUTF16("cc-exp")) { // TODO(isherman): Choose variant based on HTML5 validation regex. *autofill_type = CREDIT_CARD_EXP_DATE_4_DIGIT_YEAR; return true; } return false; } } // namespace FormStructure::FormStructure(const FormData& form) : form_name_(form.name), source_url_(form.origin), target_url_(form.action), autofill_count_(0), upload_required_(USE_UPLOAD_RATES), server_experiment_id_("no server response"), has_author_specified_types_(false) { // Copy the form fields. std::vector::const_iterator field; for (field = form.fields.begin(); field != form.fields.end(); field++) { // Add all supported form fields (including with empty names) to the // signature. This is a requirement for Autofill servers. form_signature_field_names_.append("&"); form_signature_field_names_.append(UTF16ToUTF8(field->name)); // Generate a unique name for this field by appending a counter to the name. string16 unique_name = field->name + base::IntToString16(fields_.size() + 1); fields_.push_back(new AutofillField(*field, unique_name)); } std::string method = UTF16ToUTF8(form.method); if (StringToLowerASCII(method) == kFormMethodPost) { method_ = POST; } else { // Either the method is 'get', or we don't know. In this case we default // to GET. method_ = GET; } } FormStructure::~FormStructure() {} void FormStructure::DetermineHeuristicTypes() { // First, try to detect field types based on the fields' |autocompletetype| // attributes. If there is at least one form field with this attribute, don't // try to apply other heuristics to match fields in this form. bool found_sections; ParseAutocompletetypeAttributes(&has_author_specified_types_, &found_sections); if (!has_author_specified_types_) { FieldTypeMap field_type_map; FormField::ParseFormFields(fields_.get(), &field_type_map); for (size_t index = 0; index < field_count(); index++) { AutofillField* field = fields_[index]; FieldTypeMap::iterator iter = field_type_map.find(field->unique_name()); if (iter != field_type_map.end()) field->set_heuristic_type(iter->second); } } UpdateAutofillCount(); if (!found_sections) IdentifySections(); // Ensure that credit card and address fields are in separate sections. // This simplifies the section-aware logic in autofill_manager.cc. for (std::vector::iterator field = fields_->begin(); field != fields_->end(); ++field) { AutofillType::FieldTypeGroup field_type_group = AutofillType((*field)->type()).group(); if (field_type_group == AutofillType::CREDIT_CARD) (*field)->set_section((*field)->section() + ASCIIToUTF16("-cc")); else (*field)->set_section((*field)->section() + ASCIIToUTF16("-default")); } } bool FormStructure::EncodeUploadRequest( const FieldTypeSet& available_field_types, bool form_was_autofilled, std::string* encoded_xml) const { if (!ShouldBeCrowdsourced()) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } // Verify that |available_field_types| agrees with the possible field types we // are uploading. for (std::vector::const_iterator field = begin(); field != end(); ++field) { for (FieldTypeSet::const_iterator type = (*field)->possible_types().begin(); type != (*field)->possible_types().end(); ++type) { DCHECK(*type == UNKNOWN_TYPE || *type == EMPTY_TYPE || available_field_types.count(*type)); } } // Set up the element and its attributes. buzz::XmlElement autofill_request_xml( (buzz::QName(kXMLElementAutofillUpload))); autofill_request_xml.SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeClientVersion), kClientVersion); autofill_request_xml.SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeFormSignature), FormSignature()); autofill_request_xml.SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeAutofillUsed), form_was_autofilled ? "true" : "false"); autofill_request_xml.SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeDataPresent), EncodeFieldTypes(available_field_types).c_str()); if (!EncodeFormRequest(FormStructure::UPLOAD, &autofill_request_xml)) return false; // Malformed form, skip it. // Obtain the XML structure as a string. encoded_xml->clear(); *encoded_xml = kXMLDeclaration; *encoded_xml += autofill_request_xml.Str().c_str(); return true; } // static bool FormStructure::EncodeQueryRequest( const ScopedVector& forms, std::vector* encoded_signatures, std::string* encoded_xml) { DCHECK(encoded_signatures); DCHECK(encoded_xml); encoded_xml->clear(); encoded_signatures->clear(); encoded_signatures->reserve(forms.size()); // Set up the element and attributes. buzz::XmlElement autofill_request_xml( (buzz::QName(kXMLElementAutofillQuery))); autofill_request_xml.SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeClientVersion), kClientVersion); autofill_request_xml.SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeAcceptedFeatures), kAcceptedFeatures); // Some badly formatted web sites repeat forms - detect that and encode only // one form as returned data would be the same for all the repeated forms. std::set processed_forms; for (ScopedVector::const_iterator it = forms.begin(); it != forms.end(); ++it) { std::string signature((*it)->FormSignature()); if (processed_forms.find(signature) != processed_forms.end()) continue; processed_forms.insert(signature); scoped_ptr encompassing_xml_element( new buzz::XmlElement(buzz::QName(kXMLElementForm))); encompassing_xml_element->SetAttr(buzz::QName(kAttributeSignature), signature); if (!(*it)->EncodeFormRequest(FormStructure::QUERY, encompassing_xml_element.get())) continue; // Malformed form, skip it. autofill_request_xml.AddElement(encompassing_xml_element.release()); encoded_signatures->push_back(signature); } if (!encoded_signatures->size()) return false; // Obtain the XML structure as a string. *encoded_xml = kXMLDeclaration; *encoded_xml += autofill_request_xml.Str().c_str(); return true; } // static void FormStructure::ParseQueryResponse(const std::string& response_xml, const std::vector& forms, const AutofillMetrics& metric_logger) { metric_logger.LogServerQueryMetric(AutofillMetrics::QUERY_RESPONSE_RECEIVED); // Parse the field types from the server response to the query. std::vector field_types; UploadRequired upload_required; std::string experiment_id; AutofillQueryXmlParser parse_handler(&field_types, &upload_required, &experiment_id); buzz::XmlParser parser(&parse_handler); parser.Parse(response_xml.c_str(), response_xml.length(), true); if (!parse_handler.succeeded()) return; metric_logger.LogServerQueryMetric(AutofillMetrics::QUERY_RESPONSE_PARSED); metric_logger.LogServerExperimentIdForQuery(experiment_id); bool heuristics_detected_fillable_field = false; bool query_response_overrode_heuristics = false; // Copy the field types into the actual form. std::vector::iterator current_type = field_types.begin(); for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = forms.begin(); iter != forms.end(); ++iter) { FormStructure* form = *iter; form->upload_required_ = upload_required; form->server_experiment_id_ = experiment_id; for (std::vector::iterator field = form->fields_.begin(); field != form->fields_.end(); ++field, ++current_type) { // In some cases *successful* response does not return all the fields. // Quit the update of the types then. if (current_type == field_types.end()) break; // UNKNOWN_TYPE is reserved for use by the client. DCHECK_NE(*current_type, UNKNOWN_TYPE); AutofillFieldType heuristic_type = (*field)->type(); if (heuristic_type != UNKNOWN_TYPE) heuristics_detected_fillable_field = true; (*field)->set_server_type(*current_type); if (heuristic_type != (*field)->type()) query_response_overrode_heuristics = true; } form->UpdateAutofillCount(); } AutofillMetrics::ServerQueryMetric metric; if (query_response_overrode_heuristics) { if (heuristics_detected_fillable_field) { metric = AutofillMetrics::QUERY_RESPONSE_OVERRODE_LOCAL_HEURISTICS; } else { metric = AutofillMetrics::QUERY_RESPONSE_WITH_NO_LOCAL_HEURISTICS; } } else { metric = AutofillMetrics::QUERY_RESPONSE_MATCHED_LOCAL_HEURISTICS; } metric_logger.LogServerQueryMetric(metric); } // static void FormStructure::GetFieldTypePredictions( const std::vector& form_structures, std::vector* forms) { forms->clear(); forms->reserve(form_structures.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < form_structures.size(); ++i) { FormStructure* form_structure = form_structures[i]; FormDataPredictions form; form.data.name = form_structure->form_name_; form.data.method = ASCIIToUTF16((form_structure->method_ == POST) ? "POST" : "GET"); form.data.origin = form_structure->source_url_; form.data.action = form_structure->target_url_; form.signature = form_structure->FormSignature(); form.experiment_id = form_structure->server_experiment_id_; for (std::vector::const_iterator field = form_structure->fields_.begin(); field != form_structure->fields_.end(); ++field) { form.data.fields.push_back(webkit_glue::FormField(**field)); FormFieldPredictions annotated_field; annotated_field.signature = (*field)->FieldSignature(); annotated_field.heuristic_type = AutofillType::FieldTypeToString((*field)->heuristic_type()); annotated_field.server_type = AutofillType::FieldTypeToString((*field)->server_type()); annotated_field.overall_type = AutofillType::FieldTypeToString((*field)->type()); form.fields.push_back(annotated_field); } forms->push_back(form); } } std::string FormStructure::FormSignature() const { std::string scheme(target_url_.scheme()); std::string host(target_url_.host()); // If target host or scheme is empty, set scheme and host of source url. // This is done to match the Toolbar's behavior. if (scheme.empty() || host.empty()) { scheme = source_url_.scheme(); host = source_url_.host(); } std::string form_string = scheme + "://" + host + "&" + UTF16ToUTF8(form_name_) + form_signature_field_names_; return Hash64Bit(form_string); } bool FormStructure::IsAutofillable(bool require_method_post) const { if (autofill_count() < kRequiredFillableFields) return false; return ShouldBeParsed(require_method_post); } void FormStructure::UpdateAutofillCount() { autofill_count_ = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) { AutofillField* field = *iter; if (field && field->IsFieldFillable()) ++autofill_count_; } } bool FormStructure::ShouldBeParsed(bool require_method_post) const { if (field_count() < kRequiredFillableFields) return false; // Rule out http(s)://*/search?... // e.g. http://www.google.com/search?q=... // http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=... if (target_url_.path() == "/search") return false; // Make sure there as at least one text field. bool has_text_field = false; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = begin(); it != end() && !has_text_field; ++it) { has_text_field |= (*it)->form_control_type != ASCIIToUTF16("select-one"); } if (!has_text_field) return false; return !require_method_post || (method_ == POST); } bool FormStructure::ShouldBeCrowdsourced() const { return !has_author_specified_types_ && ShouldBeParsed(true); } void FormStructure::UpdateFromCache(const FormStructure& cached_form) { // Map from field signatures to cached fields. std::map cached_fields; for (size_t i = 0; i < cached_form.field_count(); ++i) { const AutofillField* field = cached_form.field(i); cached_fields[field->FieldSignature()] = field; } for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter) { AutofillField* field = *iter; std::map::const_iterator cached_field = cached_fields.find(field->FieldSignature()); if (cached_field != cached_fields.end()) { if (field->form_control_type != ASCIIToUTF16("select-one") && field->value == cached_field->second->value) { // From the perspective of learning user data, text fields containing // default values are equivalent to empty fields. field->value = string16(); } field->set_heuristic_type(cached_field->second->heuristic_type()); field->set_server_type(cached_field->second->server_type()); } } UpdateAutofillCount(); server_experiment_id_ = cached_form.server_experiment_id(); // The form signature should match between query and upload requests to the // server. On many websites, form elements are dynamically added, removed, or // rearranged via JavaScript between page load and form submission, so we // copy over the |form_signature_field_names_| corresponding to the query // request. DCHECK_EQ(cached_form.form_name_, form_name_); DCHECK_EQ(cached_form.source_url_, source_url_); DCHECK_EQ(cached_form.target_url_, target_url_); form_signature_field_names_ = cached_form.form_signature_field_names_; } void FormStructure::LogQualityMetrics( const AutofillMetrics& metric_logger) const { std::string experiment_id = server_experiment_id(); metric_logger.LogServerExperimentIdForUpload(experiment_id); for (size_t i = 0; i < field_count(); ++i) { const AutofillField* field = this->field(i); metric_logger.LogQualityMetric(AutofillMetrics::FIELD_SUBMITTED, experiment_id); // No further logging for empty fields nor for fields where the entered data // does not appear to already exist in the user's stored Autofill data. const FieldTypeSet& field_types = field->possible_types(); DCHECK(!field_types.empty()); if (field_types.count(EMPTY_TYPE) || field_types.count(UNKNOWN_TYPE)) continue; // Collapse field types that Chrome treats as identical, e.g. home and // billing address fields. FieldTypeSet collapsed_field_types; for (FieldTypeSet::const_iterator it = field_types.begin(); it != field_types.end(); ++it) { // Since we currently only support US phone numbers, the (city code + main // digits) number is almost always identical to the whole phone number. // TODO(isherman): Improve this logic once we add support for // international numbers. if (*it == PHONE_HOME_CITY_AND_NUMBER) collapsed_field_types.insert(PHONE_HOME_WHOLE_NUMBER); else if (*it == PHONE_FAX_CITY_AND_NUMBER) collapsed_field_types.insert(PHONE_FAX_WHOLE_NUMBER); else collapsed_field_types.insert(AutofillType::GetEquivalentFieldType(*it)); } // Capture the field's type, if it is unambiguous. AutofillFieldType field_type = UNKNOWN_TYPE; if (collapsed_field_types.size() == 1) field_type = *collapsed_field_types.begin(); AutofillFieldType heuristic_type = field->heuristic_type(); AutofillFieldType server_type = field->server_type(); AutofillFieldType predicted_type = field->type(); // Log heuristic, server, and overall type quality metrics, independently of // whether the field was autofilled. if (heuristic_type == UNKNOWN_TYPE) { metric_logger.LogHeuristicTypePrediction(AutofillMetrics::TYPE_UNKNOWN, field_type, experiment_id); } else if (field_types.count(heuristic_type)) { metric_logger.LogHeuristicTypePrediction(AutofillMetrics::TYPE_MATCH, field_type, experiment_id); } else { metric_logger.LogHeuristicTypePrediction(AutofillMetrics::TYPE_MISMATCH, field_type, experiment_id); } if (server_type == NO_SERVER_DATA) { metric_logger.LogServerTypePrediction(AutofillMetrics::TYPE_UNKNOWN, field_type, experiment_id); } else if (field_types.count(server_type)) { metric_logger.LogServerTypePrediction(AutofillMetrics::TYPE_MATCH, field_type, experiment_id); } else { metric_logger.LogServerTypePrediction(AutofillMetrics::TYPE_MISMATCH, field_type, experiment_id); } if (predicted_type == UNKNOWN_TYPE) { metric_logger.LogOverallTypePrediction(AutofillMetrics::TYPE_UNKNOWN, field_type, experiment_id); } else if (field_types.count(predicted_type)) { metric_logger.LogOverallTypePrediction(AutofillMetrics::TYPE_MATCH, field_type, experiment_id); } else { metric_logger.LogOverallTypePrediction(AutofillMetrics::TYPE_MISMATCH, field_type, experiment_id); } // TODO(isherman): menu for states in some countries, and a // freeform field for states in other countries. (Usually, only // one of these two will be visible for any given choice of country.) // Generally, adjacent fields of the same type belong in the same logical // section. if (current_type == previous_type) already_saw_current_type = false; previous_type = current_type; if (current_type != UNKNOWN_TYPE && already_saw_current_type) { // We reached the end of a section, so start a new section. seen_types.clear(); current_section = (*field)->unique_name(); } seen_types.insert(current_type); (*field)->set_section(current_section); } }