// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This implements a browser-side endpoint for UI automation activity. // The client-side endpoint is implemented by AutomationProxy. // The entire lifetime of this object should be contained within that of // the BrowserProcess, and in particular the NotificationService that's // hung off of it. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_AUTOMATION_AUTOMATION_PROVIDER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_AUTOMATION_AUTOMATION_PROVIDER_H_ #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "chrome/browser/automation/automation_autocomplete_edit_tracker.h" #include "chrome/browser/automation/automation_browser_tracker.h" #include "chrome/browser/automation/automation_resource_message_filter.h" #include "chrome/browser/automation/automation_tab_tracker.h" #include "chrome/browser/automation/automation_window_tracker.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry.h" #include "chrome/common/content_settings.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_constants.h" #include "ipc/ipc_message.h" #include "ipc/ipc_channel.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "views/event.h" #endif // defined(OS_WIN) struct AutomationMsg_Find_Params; namespace IPC { struct Reposition_Params; struct ExternalTabSettings; } class ExtensionPortContainer; class ExternalTabContainer; class LoginHandler; class MetricEventDurationObserver; class NavigationControllerRestoredObserver; struct AutocompleteMatchData; namespace gfx { class Point; } class AutomationProvider : public base::RefCounted<AutomationProvider>, public IPC::Channel::Listener, public IPC::Message::Sender { public: explicit AutomationProvider(Profile* profile); Profile* profile() const { return profile_; } // Establishes a connection to an automation client, if present. // An AutomationProxy should be established (probably in a different process) // before calling this. void ConnectToChannel(const std::string& channel_id); // Sets the number of tabs that we expect; when this number of tabs has // loaded, an AutomationMsg_InitialLoadsComplete message is sent. void SetExpectedTabCount(size_t expected_tabs); // Add a listener for navigation status notification. Currently only // navigation completion is observed; when the |number_of_navigations| // complete, the completed_response object is sent; if the server requires // authentication, we instead send the auth_needed_response object. A pointer // to the added navigation observer is returned. This object should NOT be // deleted and should be released by calling the corresponding // RemoveNavigationStatusListener method. NotificationObserver* AddNavigationStatusListener( NavigationController* tab, IPC::Message* reply_message, int number_of_navigations, bool include_current_navigation); void RemoveNavigationStatusListener(NotificationObserver* obs); // Add an observer for the TabStrip. Currently only Tab append is observed. A // navigation listener is created on successful notification of tab append. A // pointer to the added navigation observer is returned. This object should // NOT be deleted and should be released by calling the corresponding // RemoveTabStripObserver method. NotificationObserver* AddTabStripObserver(Browser* parent, IPC::Message* reply_message); void RemoveTabStripObserver(NotificationObserver* obs); // Get the index of a particular NavigationController object // in the given parent window. This method uses // TabStrip::GetIndexForNavigationController to get the index. int GetIndexForNavigationController(const NavigationController* controller, const Browser* parent) const; // Add or remove a non-owning reference to a tab's LoginHandler. This is for // when a login prompt is shown for HTTP/FTP authentication. // TODO(mpcomplete): The login handling is a fairly special purpose feature. // Eventually we'll probably want ways to interact with the ChromeView of the // login window in a generic manner, such that it can be used for anything, // not just logins. void AddLoginHandler(NavigationController* tab, LoginHandler* handler); void RemoveLoginHandler(NavigationController* tab); // Add an extension port container. // Takes ownership of the container. void AddPortContainer(ExtensionPortContainer* port); // Remove and delete the port container. void RemovePortContainer(ExtensionPortContainer* port); // Get the port container for the given port id. ExtensionPortContainer* GetPortContainer(int port_id) const; // IPC implementations virtual bool Send(IPC::Message* msg); virtual void OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg); virtual void OnChannelError(); // Received response from inspector controller void ReceivedInspectElementResponse(int num_resources); IPC::Message* reply_message_release() { IPC::Message* reply_message = reply_message_; reply_message_ = NULL; return reply_message; } // Adds the external tab passed in to the tab tracker. bool AddExternalTab(ExternalTabContainer* external_tab); protected: friend class base::RefCounted<AutomationProvider>; virtual ~AutomationProvider(); private: // IPC Message callbacks. void CloseBrowser(int handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); void CloseBrowserAsync(int browser_handle); void ActivateTab(int handle, int at_index, int* status); void AppendTab(int handle, const GURL& url, IPC::Message* reply_message); void CloseTab(int tab_handle, bool wait_until_closed, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetActiveTabIndex(int handle, int* active_tab_index); void GetCookies(const GURL& url, int handle, int* value_size, std::string* value); void SetCookie(const GURL& url, const std::string value, int handle, int* response_value); void GetBrowserWindowCount(int* window_count); void GetBrowserLocale(string16* locale); void GetNormalBrowserWindowCount(int* window_count); void GetShowingAppModalDialog(bool* showing_dialog, int* dialog_button); void ClickAppModalDialogButton(int button, bool* success); void ShutdownSessionService(int handle, bool* result); // Be aware that the browser window returned might be of non TYPE_NORMAL // or in incognito mode. void GetBrowserWindow(int index, int* handle); void FindNormalBrowserWindow(int* handle); void GetLastActiveBrowserWindow(int* handle); void GetActiveWindow(int* handle); void ExecuteBrowserCommandAsync(int handle, int command, bool* success); void ExecuteBrowserCommand(int handle, int command, IPC::Message* reply_message); void TerminateSession(int handle, bool* success); void WindowGetViewBounds(int handle, int view_id, bool screen_coordinates, bool* success, gfx::Rect* bounds); void WindowSimulateDrag(int handle, std::vector<gfx::Point> drag_path, int flags, bool press_escape_en_route, IPC::Message* reply_message); void WindowSimulateClick(const IPC::Message& message, int handle, const gfx::Point& click, int flags); void WindowSimulateMouseMove(const IPC::Message& message, int handle, const gfx::Point& location); void WindowSimulateKeyPress(const IPC::Message& message, int handle, int key, int flags); void GetWindowBounds(int handle, gfx::Rect* bounds, bool* result); void SetWindowBounds(int handle, const gfx::Rect& bounds, bool* result); void SetWindowVisible(int handle, bool visible, bool* result); void IsWindowActive(int handle, bool* success, bool* is_active); void ActivateWindow(int handle); void IsWindowMaximized(int handle, bool* is_maximized, bool* success); void GetTabCount(int handle, int* tab_count); void GetType(int handle, int* type_as_int); void GetTab(int win_handle, int tab_index, int* tab_handle); #if defined(OS_WIN) // TODO(port): Replace HWND. void GetTabHWND(int handle, HWND* tab_hwnd); #endif // defined(OS_WIN) void GetTabProcessID(int handle, int* process_id); void GetTabTitle(int handle, int* title_string_size, std::wstring* title); void GetTabIndex(int handle, int* tabstrip_index); void GetTabURL(int handle, bool* success, GURL* url); void HandleUnused(const IPC::Message& message, int handle); void NavigateToURL(int handle, const GURL& url, IPC::Message* reply_message); void NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(int handle, const GURL& url, int number_of_navigations, IPC::Message* reply_message); void NavigationAsync(int handle, const GURL& url, bool* status); void GoBack(int handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GoForward(int handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); void Reload(int handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); void SetAuth(int tab_handle, const std::wstring& username, const std::wstring& password, IPC::Message* reply_message); void CancelAuth(int tab_handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); void NeedsAuth(int tab_handle, bool* needs_auth); void GetRedirectsFrom(int tab_handle, const GURL& source_url, IPC::Message* reply_message); void ExecuteJavascript(int handle, const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& script, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetShelfVisibility(int handle, bool* visible); void SetShelfVisibility(int handle, bool visible); void SetFilteredInet(const IPC::Message& message, bool enabled); void GetFilteredInetHitCount(int* hit_count); void SetProxyConfig(const std::string& new_proxy_config); void IsFullscreen(int handle, bool* is_fullscreen); void GetFullscreenBubbleVisibility(int handle, bool* is_visible); #if defined(OS_WIN) void OnBrowserMoved(int handle); #endif void SetContentSetting(int handle, const std::string& host, ContentSettingsType content_type, ContentSetting setting, bool* success); #if defined(OS_WIN) void ScheduleMouseEvent(views::View* view, views::Event::EventType type, const gfx::Point& point, int flags); #endif // defined(OS_WIN) void GetFocusedViewID(int handle, int* view_id); // Helper function to find the browser window that contains a given // NavigationController and activate that tab. // Returns the Browser if found. Browser* FindAndActivateTab(NavigationController* contents); // Deprecated. void ApplyAccelerator(int handle, int id); void GetConstrainedWindowCount(int handle, int* count); // This function has been deprecated, please use HandleFindRequest. void HandleFindInPageRequest(int handle, const std::wstring& find_request, int forward, int match_case, int* active_ordinal, int* matches_found); // Responds to the FindInPage request, retrieves the search query parameters, // launches an observer to listen for results and issues a StartFind request. void HandleFindRequest(int handle, const AutomationMsg_Find_Params& params, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Responds to requests to open the FindInPage window. void HandleOpenFindInPageRequest(const IPC::Message& message, int handle); // Get the visibility state of the Find window. void GetFindWindowVisibility(int handle, bool* visible); // Responds to requests to find the location of the Find window. void HandleFindWindowLocationRequest(int handle, int* x, int* y); // Get the visibility state of the Bookmark bar. void GetBookmarkBarVisibility(int handle, bool* visible, bool* animating); // Get the bookmarks as a JSON string. void GetBookmarksAsJSON(int handle, std::string* bookmarks_as_json, bool *success); // Wait for the bookmark model to load. void WaitForBookmarkModelToLoad(int handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Set |loaded| to true if the bookmark model has loaded, else false. void BookmarkModelHasLoaded(int handle, bool* loaded); // Editing, modification, and removal of bookmarks. // Bookmarks are referenced by id. void AddBookmarkGroup(int handle, int64 parent_id, int index, std::wstring title, bool* success); void AddBookmarkURL(int handle, int64 parent_id, int index, std::wstring title, const GURL& url, bool* success); void ReparentBookmark(int handle, int64 id, int64 new_parent_id, int index, bool* success); void SetBookmarkTitle(int handle, int64 id, std::wstring title, bool* success); void SetBookmarkURL(int handle, int64 id, const GURL& url, bool* success); void RemoveBookmark(int handle, int64 id, bool* success); // Responds to InspectElement request void HandleInspectElementRequest(int handle, int x, int y, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetDownloadDirectory(int handle, FilePath* download_directory); // Retrieves a Browser from a Window and vice-versa. void GetWindowForBrowser(int window_handle, bool* success, int* handle); void GetBrowserForWindow(int window_handle, bool* success, int* browser_handle); void GetAutocompleteEditForBrowser(int browser_handle, bool* success, int* autocomplete_edit_handle); // If |show| is true, call Show() on the new window after creating it. void OpenNewBrowserWindow(bool show, IPC::Message* reply_message); void OpenNewBrowserWindowOfType(int type, bool show, IPC::Message* reply_message); void ShowInterstitialPage(int tab_handle, const std::string& html_text, IPC::Message* reply_message); void HideInterstitialPage(int tab_handle, bool* success); void CreateExternalTab(const IPC::ExternalTabSettings& settings, gfx::NativeWindow* tab_container_window, gfx::NativeWindow* tab_window, int* tab_handle); void ConnectExternalTab(uint64 cookie, bool allow, gfx::NativeWindow* tab_container_window, gfx::NativeWindow* tab_window, int* tab_handle); void OnSetPageFontSize(int tab_handle, int font_size); void InstallExtension(const FilePath& crx_path, IPC::Message* reply_message); void LoadExpandedExtension(const FilePath& extension_dir, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetEnabledExtensions(std::vector<FilePath>* result); void NavigateInExternalTab( int handle, const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer, AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues* status); void NavigateExternalTabAtIndex( int handle, int index, AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues* status); // TODO(port): remove windowisms. #if defined(OS_WIN) // The container of an externally hosted tab calls this to reflect any // accelerator keys that it did not process. This gives the tab a chance // to handle the keys void ProcessUnhandledAccelerator(const IPC::Message& message, int handle, const MSG& msg); #endif void SetInitialFocus(const IPC::Message& message, int handle, bool reverse); // See comment in AutomationMsg_WaitForTabToBeRestored. void WaitForTabToBeRestored(int tab_handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); // TODO(port): remove windowisms. #if defined(OS_WIN) void OnTabReposition(int tab_handle, const IPC::Reposition_Params& params); void OnForwardContextMenuCommandToChrome(int tab_handle, int command); #endif // defined(OS_WIN) // Gets the security state for the tab associated to the specified |handle|. void GetSecurityState(int handle, bool* success, SecurityStyle* security_style, int* ssl_cert_status, int* mixed_content_status); // Gets the page type for the tab associated to the specified |handle|. void GetPageType(int handle, bool* success, NavigationEntry::PageType* page_type); // Gets the duration in ms of the last event matching |event_name|. // |duration_ms| is -1 if the event hasn't occurred yet. void GetMetricEventDuration(const std::string& event_name, int* duration_ms); // Simulates an action on the SSL blocking page at the tab specified by // |handle|. If |proceed| is true, it is equivalent to the user pressing the // 'Proceed' button, if false the 'Get me out of there button'. // Not that this fails if the tab is not displaying a SSL blocking page. void ActionOnSSLBlockingPage(int handle, bool proceed, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Brings the browser window to the front and activates it. void BringBrowserToFront(int browser_handle, bool* success); // Checks to see if a command on the browser's CommandController is enabled. void IsPageMenuCommandEnabled(int browser_handle, int message_num, bool* menu_item_enabled); // Prints the current tab immediately. void PrintNow(int tab_handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Asynchronous request for printing the current tab. void PrintAsync(int tab_handle); // Save the current web page. void SavePage(int tab_handle, const FilePath& file_name, const FilePath& dir_path, int type, bool* success); // Retrieves the visible text from the autocomplete edit. void GetAutocompleteEditText(int autocomplete_edit_handle, bool* success, std::wstring* text); // Sets the visible text from the autocomplete edit. void SetAutocompleteEditText(int autocomplete_edit_handle, const std::wstring& text, bool* success); // Retrieves if a query to an autocomplete provider is in progress. void AutocompleteEditIsQueryInProgress(int autocomplete_edit_handle, bool* success, bool* query_in_progress); // Retrieves the individual autocomplete matches displayed by the popup. void AutocompleteEditGetMatches(int autocomplete_edit_handle, bool* success, std::vector<AutocompleteMatchData>* matches); // Handler for a message sent by the automation client. void OnMessageFromExternalHost(int handle, const std::string& message, const std::string& origin, const std::string& target); // Retrieves the number of info-bars currently showing in |count|. void GetInfoBarCount(int handle, int* count); // Causes a click on the "accept" button of the info-bar at |info_bar_index|. // If |wait_for_navigation| is true, it sends the reply after a navigation has // occurred. void ClickInfoBarAccept(int handle, int info_bar_index, bool wait_for_navigation, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Retrieves the last time a navigation occurred for the tab. void GetLastNavigationTime(int handle, int64* last_navigation_time); // Waits for a new navigation in the tab if none has happened since // |last_navigation_time|. void WaitForNavigation(int handle, int64 last_navigation_time, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Sets the int value for preference with name |name|. void SetIntPreference(int handle, const std::wstring& name, int value, bool* success); // Sets the string value for preference with name |name|. void SetStringPreference(int handle, const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& value, bool* success); // Gets the bool value for preference with name |name|. void GetBooleanPreference(int handle, const std::wstring& name, bool* success, bool* value); // Sets the bool value for preference with name |name|. void SetBooleanPreference(int handle, const std::wstring& name, bool value, bool* success); // Gets the current used encoding name of the page in the specified tab. void GetPageCurrentEncoding(int tab_handle, std::string* current_encoding); // Uses the specified encoding to override the encoding of the page in the // specified tab. void OverrideEncoding(int tab_handle, const std::string& encoding_name, bool* success); void SavePackageShouldPromptUser(bool should_prompt); // Enables extension automation (for e.g. UITests). void SetEnableExtensionAutomation( int tab_handle, const std::vector<std::string>& functions_enabled); void GetWindowTitle(int handle, string16* text); // Returns the number of blocked popups in the tab |handle|. void GetBlockedPopupCount(int handle, int* count); // Selects all contents on the page. void SelectAll(int tab_handle); // Edit operations on the page. void Cut(int tab_handle); void Copy(int tab_handle); void Paste(int tab_handle); void ReloadAsync(int tab_handle); void StopAsync(int tab_handle); void SaveAsAsync(int tab_handle); void WaitForBrowserWindowCountToBecome(int target_count, IPC::Message* reply_message); void WaitForAppModalDialogToBeShown(IPC::Message* reply_message); void GoBackBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(int handle, int number_of_navigations, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GoForwardBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(int handle, int number_of_navigations, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Convert a tab handle into a TabContents. If |tab| is non-NULL a pointer // to the tab is also returned. Returns NULL in case of failure or if the tab // is not of the TabContents type. TabContents* GetTabContentsForHandle(int handle, NavigationController** tab); ExternalTabContainer* GetExternalTabForHandle(int handle); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // Logs in through the Chrome OS Login Wizard with given |username| and // password. Returns true via |reply_message| on success. void LoginWithUserAndPass(const std::string& username, const std::string& password, IPC::Message* reply_message); #endif // Callback for history redirect queries. virtual void OnRedirectQueryComplete( HistoryService::Handle request_handle, GURL from_url, bool success, history::RedirectList* redirects); // Determine if the message from the external host represents a browser // event, and if so dispatch it. bool InterceptBrowserEventMessageFromExternalHost(const std::string& message, const std::string& origin, const std::string& target); // Returns the associated view for the tab handle passed in. // Returns NULL on failure. RenderViewHost* GetViewForTab(int tab_handle); typedef ObserverList<NotificationObserver> NotificationObserverList; typedef std::map<NavigationController*, LoginHandler*> LoginHandlerMap; typedef std::map<int, ExtensionPortContainer*> PortContainerMap; scoped_ptr<IPC::ChannelProxy> channel_; scoped_ptr<NotificationObserver> initial_load_observer_; scoped_ptr<NotificationObserver> new_tab_ui_load_observer_; scoped_ptr<NotificationObserver> find_in_page_observer_; scoped_ptr<NotificationObserver> dom_operation_observer_; scoped_ptr<NotificationObserver> dom_inspector_observer_; scoped_ptr<MetricEventDurationObserver> metric_event_duration_observer_; scoped_ptr<AutomationBrowserTracker> browser_tracker_; scoped_ptr<AutomationTabTracker> tab_tracker_; scoped_ptr<AutomationWindowTracker> window_tracker_; scoped_ptr<AutomationAutocompleteEditTracker> autocomplete_edit_tracker_; scoped_ptr<NavigationControllerRestoredObserver> restore_tracker_; LoginHandlerMap login_handler_map_; PortContainerMap port_containers_; NotificationObserverList notification_observer_list_; scoped_refptr<AutomationResourceMessageFilter> automation_resource_message_filter_; // Handle for an in-process redirect query. We expect only one redirect query // at a time (we should have only one caller, and it will block while waiting // for the results) so there is only one handle. When non-0, indicates a // query in progress. HistoryService::Handle redirect_query_; // Consumer for asynchronous history queries. CancelableRequestConsumer consumer_; Profile* profile_; IPC::Message* reply_message_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AutomationProvider); }; // When life started, the AutomationProvider class was a singleton and was meant // only for UI tests. It had specific behavior (like for example, when the // channel was shut down. it closed all open Browsers). The new // AutomationProvider serves other purposes than just UI testing. This class is // meant to provide the OLD functionality for backward compatibility class TestingAutomationProvider : public AutomationProvider, public BrowserList::Observer, public NotificationObserver { public: explicit TestingAutomationProvider(Profile* profile); // BrowserList::Observer implementation // Called immediately after a browser is added to the list virtual void OnBrowserAdded(const Browser* browser) { } // Called immediately before a browser is removed from the list virtual void OnBrowserRemoving(const Browser* browser); // IPC implementations virtual void OnChannelError(); private: virtual ~TestingAutomationProvider(); virtual void Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details); void OnRemoveProvider(); // Called via PostTask NotificationRegistrar registrar_; }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_AUTOMATION_AUTOMATION_PROVIDER_H_