// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/automation/automation_provider_json.h" #include "base/json/json_writer.h" #include "base/json/string_escape.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_match.h" #include "chrome/browser/automation/automation_provider.h" #include "chrome/browser/automation/automation_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_system.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/common/automation_messages.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" #include "extensions/common/extension.h" using content::WebContents; AutomationJSONReply::AutomationJSONReply(AutomationProvider* provider, IPC::Message* reply_message) : provider_(provider), message_(reply_message) { } AutomationJSONReply::~AutomationJSONReply() { DCHECK(!message_) << "JSON automation request not replied!"; } void AutomationJSONReply::SendSuccess(const base::Value* value) { DCHECK(message_) << "Resending reply for JSON automation request"; std::string json_string = "{}"; if (value) base::JSONWriter::Write(value, &json_string); AutomationMsg_SendJSONRequest::WriteReplyParams( message_, json_string, true); provider_->Send(message_); message_ = NULL; } void AutomationJSONReply::SendError(const std::string& error_message) { DCHECK(message_) << "Resending reply for JSON automation request"; base::DictionaryValue dict; dict.SetString("error", error_message); std::string json; base::JSONWriter::Write(&dict, &json); AutomationMsg_SendJSONRequest::WriteReplyParams(message_, json, false); provider_->Send(message_); message_ = NULL; } bool GetBrowserFromJSONArgs( base::DictionaryValue* args, Browser** browser, std::string* error) { int browser_index; if (!args->GetInteger("windex", &browser_index)) { *error = "'windex' missing or invalid"; return false; } *browser = automation_util::GetBrowserAt(browser_index); if (!*browser) { *error = "Cannot locate browser from given index"; return false; } return true; } bool GetTabFromJSONArgs( base::DictionaryValue* args, WebContents** tab, std::string* error) { int browser_index, tab_index; if (!args->GetInteger("windex", &browser_index)) { *error = "'windex' missing or invalid"; return false; } if (!args->GetInteger("tab_index", &tab_index)) { *error = "'tab_index' missing or invalid"; return false; } *tab = automation_util::GetWebContentsAt(browser_index, tab_index); if (!*tab) { *error = "Cannot locate tab from given indices"; return false; } return true; } bool GetBrowserAndTabFromJSONArgs( base::DictionaryValue* args, Browser** browser, WebContents** tab, std::string* error) { return GetBrowserFromJSONArgs(args, browser, error) && GetTabFromJSONArgs(args, tab, error); } bool GetRenderViewFromJSONArgs( base::DictionaryValue* args, Profile* profile, content::RenderViewHost** rvh, std::string* error) { WebContents* tab = NULL; if (!GetTabFromJSONArgs(args, &tab, error)) return false; *rvh = tab->GetRenderViewHost(); return true; } namespace { bool GetExtensionFromJSONArgsHelper( base::DictionaryValue* args, const std::string& key, Profile* profile, bool include_disabled, const extensions::Extension** extension, std::string* error) { std::string id; if (!args->GetString(key, &id)) { *error = base::StringPrintf("Missing or invalid key: %s", key.c_str()); return false; } ExtensionService* service = extensions::ExtensionSystem::Get(profile)-> extension_service(); if (!service) { *error = "No extensions service."; return false; } if (!service->GetInstalledExtension(id)) { // The extension ID does not correspond to any extension, whether crashed // or not. *error = base::StringPrintf("Extension %s is not installed.", id.c_str()); return false; } const extensions::Extension* installed_extension = service->GetExtensionById(id, include_disabled); if (!installed_extension) { *error = "Extension is disabled or has crashed."; return false; } *extension = installed_extension; return true; } } // namespace bool GetExtensionFromJSONArgs( base::DictionaryValue* args, const std::string& key, Profile* profile, const extensions::Extension** extension, std::string* error) { return GetExtensionFromJSONArgsHelper( args, key, profile, true /* include_disabled */, extension, error); } bool GetEnabledExtensionFromJSONArgs( base::DictionaryValue* args, const std::string& key, Profile* profile, const extensions::Extension** extension, std::string* error) { return GetExtensionFromJSONArgsHelper( args, key, profile, false /* include_disabled */, extension, error); }