// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/automation/automation_provider.h" #include "base/keyboard_codes.h" #include "chrome/browser/automation/ui_controls.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/external_tab_container.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/bookmark_bar_view.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_messages.h" #include "views/widget/root_view.h" #include "views/widget/widget_win.h" #include "views/window/window.h" // This task just adds another task to the event queue. This is useful if // you want to ensure that any tasks added to the event queue after this one // have already been processed by the time |task| is run. class InvokeTaskLaterTask : public Task { public: explicit InvokeTaskLaterTask(Task* task) : task_(task) {} virtual ~InvokeTaskLaterTask() {} virtual void Run() { MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, task_); } private: Task* task_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InvokeTaskLaterTask); }; static void MoveMouse(const POINT& point) { SetCursorPos(point.x, point.y); // Now, make sure that GetMessagePos returns the values we just set by // simulating a mouse move. The value returned by GetMessagePos is updated // when a mouse move event is removed from the event queue. PostMessage(NULL, WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y)); MSG msg; while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_MOUSEMOVE, PM_REMOVE)) { } // Verify #ifndef NDEBUG DWORD pos = GetMessagePos(); gfx::Point cursor_point(pos); DCHECK_EQ(point.x, cursor_point.x()); DCHECK_EQ(point.y, cursor_point.y()); #endif } BOOL CALLBACK EnumThreadWndProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM l_param) { if (hwnd == reinterpret_cast(l_param)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void AutomationProvider::GetActiveWindow(int* handle) { HWND window = GetForegroundWindow(); // Let's make sure this window belongs to our process. if (EnumThreadWindows(::GetCurrentThreadId(), EnumThreadWndProc, reinterpret_cast(window))) { // We enumerated all the windows and did not find the foreground window, // it is not our window, ignore it. *handle = 0; return; } *handle = window_tracker_->Add(window); } // This task enqueues a mouse event on the event loop, so that the view // that it's being sent to can do the requisite post-processing. class MouseEventTask : public Task { public: MouseEventTask(views::View* view, views::Event::EventType type, const gfx::Point& point, int flags) : view_(view), type_(type), point_(point), flags_(flags) {} virtual ~MouseEventTask() {} virtual void Run() { views::MouseEvent event(type_, point_.x(), point_.y(), flags_); // We need to set the cursor position before we process the event because // some code (tab dragging, for instance) queries the actual cursor location // rather than the location of the mouse event. Note that the reason why // the drag code moved away from using mouse event locations was because // our conversion to screen location doesn't work well with multiple // monitors, so this only works reliably in a single monitor setup. gfx::Point screen_location(point_.x(), point_.y()); view_->ConvertPointToScreen(view_, &screen_location); MoveMouse(screen_location.ToPOINT()); switch (type_) { case views::Event::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED: view_->OnMousePressed(event); break; case views::Event::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED: view_->OnMouseDragged(event); break; case views::Event::ET_MOUSE_RELEASED: view_->OnMouseReleased(event, false); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } } private: views::View* view_; views::Event::EventType type_; gfx::Point point_; int flags_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MouseEventTask); }; void AutomationProvider::ScheduleMouseEvent(views::View* view, views::Event::EventType type, const gfx::Point& point, int flags) { MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MouseEventTask(view, type, point, flags)); } // This task sends a WindowDragResponse message with the appropriate // routing ID to the automation proxy. This is implemented as a task so that // we know that the mouse events (and any tasks that they spawn on the message // loop) have been processed by the time this is sent. class WindowDragResponseTask : public Task { public: WindowDragResponseTask(AutomationProvider* provider, IPC::Message* reply_message) : provider_(provider), reply_message_(reply_message) {} virtual ~WindowDragResponseTask() {} virtual void Run() { DCHECK(reply_message_ != NULL); AutomationMsg_WindowDrag::WriteReplyParams(reply_message_, true); provider_->Send(reply_message_); } private: AutomationProvider* provider_; IPC::Message* reply_message_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WindowDragResponseTask); }; void AutomationProvider::WindowSimulateDrag(int handle, std::vector drag_path, int flags, bool press_escape_en_route, IPC::Message* reply_message) { if (browser_tracker_->ContainsHandle(handle) && (drag_path.size() > 1)) { gfx::NativeWindow window = browser_tracker_->GetResource(handle)->window()->GetNativeHandle(); UINT down_message = 0; UINT up_message = 0; WPARAM wparam_flags = 0; if (flags & views::Event::EF_SHIFT_DOWN) wparam_flags |= MK_SHIFT; if (flags & views::Event::EF_CONTROL_DOWN) wparam_flags |= MK_CONTROL; if (flags & views::Event::EF_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN) { wparam_flags |= MK_LBUTTON; down_message = WM_LBUTTONDOWN; up_message = WM_LBUTTONUP; } if (flags & views::Event::EF_MIDDLE_BUTTON_DOWN) { wparam_flags |= MK_MBUTTON; down_message = WM_MBUTTONDOWN; up_message = WM_MBUTTONUP; } if (flags & views::Event::EF_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN) { wparam_flags |= MK_RBUTTON; down_message = WM_LBUTTONDOWN; up_message = WM_LBUTTONUP; } Browser* browser = browser_tracker_->GetResource(handle); DCHECK(browser); HWND top_level_hwnd = reinterpret_cast(browser->window()->GetNativeHandle()); POINT temp = drag_path[0].ToPOINT(); MapWindowPoints(top_level_hwnd, HWND_DESKTOP, &temp, 1); MoveMouse(temp); SendMessage(top_level_hwnd, down_message, wparam_flags, MAKELPARAM(drag_path[0].x(), drag_path[0].y())); for (int i = 1; i < static_cast(drag_path.size()); ++i) { temp = drag_path[i].ToPOINT(); MapWindowPoints(top_level_hwnd, HWND_DESKTOP, &temp, 1); MoveMouse(temp); SendMessage(top_level_hwnd, WM_MOUSEMOVE, wparam_flags, MAKELPARAM(drag_path[i].x(), drag_path[i].y())); } POINT end = drag_path[drag_path.size() - 1].ToPOINT(); MapWindowPoints(top_level_hwnd, HWND_DESKTOP, &end, 1); MoveMouse(end); if (press_escape_en_route) { // Press Escape. ui_controls::SendKeyPress(window, base::VKEY_ESCAPE, ((flags & views::Event::EF_CONTROL_DOWN) == views::Event::EF_CONTROL_DOWN), ((flags & views::Event::EF_SHIFT_DOWN) == views::Event::EF_SHIFT_DOWN), ((flags & views::Event::EF_ALT_DOWN) == views::Event::EF_ALT_DOWN)); } SendMessage(top_level_hwnd, up_message, wparam_flags, MAKELPARAM(end.x, end.y)); MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new InvokeTaskLaterTask( new WindowDragResponseTask(this, reply_message))); } else { AutomationMsg_WindowDrag::WriteReplyParams(reply_message, false); Send(reply_message); } } void AutomationProvider::GetWindowBounds(int handle, gfx::Rect* bounds, bool* success) { *success = false; HWND hwnd = window_tracker_->GetResource(handle); if (hwnd) { *success = true; WINDOWPLACEMENT window_placement; GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &window_placement); *bounds = window_placement.rcNormalPosition; } } void AutomationProvider::SetWindowBounds(int handle, const gfx::Rect& bounds, bool* success) { *success = false; if (window_tracker_->ContainsHandle(handle)) { HWND hwnd = window_tracker_->GetResource(handle); if (::MoveWindow(hwnd, bounds.x(), bounds.y(), bounds.width(), bounds.height(), true)) { *success = true; } } } void AutomationProvider::SetWindowVisible(int handle, bool visible, bool* result) { if (window_tracker_->ContainsHandle(handle)) { HWND hwnd = window_tracker_->GetResource(handle); ::ShowWindow(hwnd, visible ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); *result = true; } else { *result = false; } } void AutomationProvider::ActivateWindow(int handle) { if (window_tracker_->ContainsHandle(handle)) { ::SetActiveWindow(window_tracker_->GetResource(handle)); } } void AutomationProvider::IsWindowMaximized(int handle, bool* is_maximized, bool* success) { *success = false; HWND hwnd = window_tracker_->GetResource(handle); if (hwnd) { *success = true; WINDOWPLACEMENT window_placement; GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &window_placement); *is_maximized = (window_placement.showCmd == SW_MAXIMIZE); } } void AutomationProvider::GetTabHWND(int handle, HWND* tab_hwnd) { *tab_hwnd = NULL; if (tab_tracker_->ContainsHandle(handle)) { NavigationController* tab = tab_tracker_->GetResource(handle); *tab_hwnd = tab->tab_contents()->GetNativeView(); } } void AutomationProvider::CreateExternalTab( const IPC::ExternalTabSettings& settings, gfx::NativeWindow* tab_container_window, gfx::NativeWindow* tab_window, int* tab_handle) { *tab_handle = 0; *tab_container_window = NULL; *tab_window = NULL; scoped_refptr external_tab_container = new ExternalTabContainer(this, automation_resource_message_filter_); Profile* profile = settings.is_off_the_record ? profile_->GetOffTheRecordProfile() : profile_; // When the ExternalTabContainer window is created we grab a reference on it // which is released when the window is destroyed. external_tab_container->Init(profile, settings.parent, settings.dimensions, settings.style, settings.load_requests_via_automation, settings.handle_top_level_requests, NULL, settings.initial_url, settings.referrer); if (AddExternalTab(external_tab_container)) { TabContents* tab_contents = external_tab_container->tab_contents(); *tab_handle = external_tab_container->tab_handle(); *tab_container_window = external_tab_container->GetNativeView(); *tab_window = tab_contents->GetNativeView(); } else { external_tab_container->Uninitialize(); } } bool AutomationProvider::AddExternalTab(ExternalTabContainer* external_tab) { DCHECK(external_tab != NULL); TabContents* tab_contents = external_tab->tab_contents(); if (tab_contents) { int tab_handle = tab_tracker_->Add(&tab_contents->controller()); external_tab->SetTabHandle(tab_handle); return true; } return false; } void AutomationProvider::ProcessUnhandledAccelerator( const IPC::Message& message, int handle, const MSG& msg) { ExternalTabContainer* external_tab = GetExternalTabForHandle(handle); if (external_tab) { external_tab->ProcessUnhandledAccelerator(msg); } // This message expects no response. } void AutomationProvider::SetInitialFocus(const IPC::Message& message, int handle, bool reverse) { ExternalTabContainer* external_tab = GetExternalTabForHandle(handle); if (external_tab) { external_tab->FocusThroughTabTraversal(reverse); } // This message expects no response. } void AutomationProvider::PrintAsync(int tab_handle) { NavigationController* tab = NULL; TabContents* tab_contents = GetTabContentsForHandle(tab_handle, &tab); if (tab_contents) { if (tab_contents->PrintNow()) return; } } ExternalTabContainer* AutomationProvider::GetExternalTabForHandle(int handle) { if (tab_tracker_->ContainsHandle(handle)) { NavigationController* tab = tab_tracker_->GetResource(handle); return ExternalTabContainer::GetContainerForTab( tab->tab_contents()->GetNativeView()); } return NULL; } void AutomationProvider::OnTabReposition( int tab_handle, const IPC::Reposition_Params& params) { if (!tab_tracker_->ContainsHandle(tab_handle)) return; if (!IsWindow(params.window)) return; unsigned long process_id = 0; unsigned long thread_id = 0; thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId(params.window, &process_id); if (thread_id != GetCurrentThreadId()) { DCHECK_EQ(thread_id, GetCurrentThreadId()); return; } SetWindowPos(params.window, params.window_insert_after, params.left, params.top, params.width, params.height, params.flags); if (params.set_parent) { if (IsWindow(params.parent_window)) { if (!SetParent(params.window, params.parent_window)) DLOG(WARNING) << "SetParent failed. Error 0x%x" << GetLastError(); } } } void AutomationProvider::OnForwardContextMenuCommandToChrome(int tab_handle, int command) { if (tab_tracker_->ContainsHandle(tab_handle)) { NavigationController* tab = tab_tracker_->GetResource(tab_handle); if (!tab) { NOTREACHED(); return; } TabContents* tab_contents = tab->tab_contents(); if (!tab_contents || !tab_contents->delegate()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } tab_contents->delegate()->ExecuteContextMenuCommand(command); } } void AutomationProvider::ConnectExternalTab( uint64 cookie, bool allow, gfx::NativeWindow* tab_container_window, gfx::NativeWindow* tab_window, int* tab_handle) { *tab_handle = 0; *tab_container_window = NULL; *tab_window = NULL; scoped_refptr external_tab_container = ExternalTabContainer::RemovePendingTab(static_cast(cookie)); if (!external_tab_container.get()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } if (allow && AddExternalTab(external_tab_container)) { external_tab_container->Reinitialize(this, automation_resource_message_filter_); TabContents* tab_contents = external_tab_container->tab_contents(); *tab_handle = external_tab_container->tab_handle(); *tab_container_window = external_tab_container->GetNativeView(); *tab_window = tab_contents->GetNativeView(); } else { external_tab_container->Uninitialize(); } } void AutomationProvider::TerminateSession(int handle, bool* success) { *success = false; if (browser_tracker_->ContainsHandle(handle)) { Browser* browser = browser_tracker_->GetResource(handle); HWND window = browser->window()->GetNativeHandle(); *success = (::PostMessageW(window, WM_ENDSESSION, 0, 0) == TRUE); } } void AutomationProvider::SetEnableExtensionAutomation( int tab_handle, const std::vector& functions_enabled) { ExternalTabContainer* external_tab = GetExternalTabForHandle(tab_handle); if (external_tab) { external_tab->SetEnableExtensionAutomation(functions_enabled); } else { // Tab must exist, and must be an external tab so that its // delegate has an on-empty // implementation of ForwardMessageToExternalHost. DLOG(WARNING) << "SetEnableExtensionAutomation called with invalid tab handle."; } } void AutomationProvider::OnBrowserMoved(int tab_handle) { ExternalTabContainer* external_tab = GetExternalTabForHandle(tab_handle); if (external_tab) { external_tab->WindowMoved(); } else { DLOG(WARNING) << "AutomationProvider::OnBrowserMoved called with invalid tab handle."; } } void AutomationProvider::GetWindowTitle(int handle, string16* text) { gfx::NativeWindow window = window_tracker_->GetResource(handle); std::wstring result; int length = ::GetWindowTextLength(window) + 1; ::GetWindowText(window, WriteInto(&result, length), length); text->assign(WideToUTF16(result)); } void AutomationProvider::IsPopUpMenuOpen( int handle, bool* success, bool* is_open) { *success = true; // Check for the existence of a pop-up menu using its // window class (#32768). Note that this won't cover // bookmark menus. *is_open = (::FindWindow(L"#32768", 0) != NULL); }