// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_AUTOMATION_TESTING_AUTOMATION_PROVIDER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_AUTOMATION_TESTING_AUTOMATION_PROVIDER_H_ #pragma once #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "chrome/browser/automation/automation_provider.h" #include "chrome/browser/automation/automation_provider_json.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history.h" #include "chrome/browser/importer/importer_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service_harness.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h" #include "content/common/notification_registrar.h" #include "content/common/page_type.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebInputEvent.h" class TemplateURLService; namespace base { class DictionaryValue; } // This is an automation provider containing testing calls. class TestingAutomationProvider : public AutomationProvider, public BrowserList::Observer, public ImporterList::Observer, public NotificationObserver { public: explicit TestingAutomationProvider(Profile* profile); virtual IPC::Channel::Mode GetChannelMode(bool use_named_interface); // IPC::Channel::Listener: virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnChannelError() OVERRIDE; private: class PopupMenuWaiter; // Storage for ImportSettings() to resume operations after a callback. struct ImportSettingsData { string16 browser_name; int import_items; bool first_run; Browser* browser; IPC::Message* reply_message; }; virtual ~TestingAutomationProvider(); // BrowserList::Observer: virtual void OnBrowserAdded(const Browser* browser) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnBrowserRemoved(const Browser* browser) OVERRIDE; // ImporterList::Observer: virtual void OnSourceProfilesLoaded() OVERRIDE; // NotificationObserver: virtual void Observe(int type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE; // IPC Message callbacks. void CloseBrowser(int handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); void CloseBrowserAsync(int browser_handle); void ActivateTab(int handle, int at_index, int* status); void AppendTab(int handle, const GURL& url, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetActiveTabIndex(int handle, int* active_tab_index); void CloseTab(int tab_handle, bool wait_until_closed, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetCookies(const GURL& url, int handle, int* value_size, std::string* value); void SetCookie(const GURL& url, const std::string& value, int handle, int* response_value); void DeleteCookie(const GURL& url, const std::string& cookie_name, int handle, bool* success); void ShowCollectedCookiesDialog(int handle, bool* success); void NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(int handle, const GURL& url, int number_of_navigations, IPC::Message* reply_message); void NavigationAsync(int handle, const GURL& url, bool* status); void NavigationAsyncWithDisposition(int handle, const GURL& url, WindowOpenDisposition disposition, bool* status); void Reload(int handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); void SetAuth(int tab_handle, const std::wstring& username, const std::wstring& password, IPC::Message* reply_message); void CancelAuth(int tab_handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); void NeedsAuth(int tab_handle, bool* needs_auth); void GetRedirectsFrom(int tab_handle, const GURL& source_url, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetBrowserWindowCount(int* window_count); void GetNormalBrowserWindowCount(int* window_count); // Be aware that the browser window returned might be of non TYPE_TABBED // or in incognito mode. void GetBrowserWindow(int index, int* handle); void FindTabbedBrowserWindow(int* handle); void GetLastActiveBrowserWindow(int* handle); void GetActiveWindow(int* handle); void ExecuteBrowserCommandAsync(int handle, int command, bool* success); void ExecuteBrowserCommand(int handle, int command, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetBrowserLocale(string16* locale); void IsWindowActive(int handle, bool* success, bool* is_active); void ActivateWindow(int handle); void IsWindowMaximized(int handle, bool* is_maximized, bool* success); void TerminateSession(int handle, bool* success); void WindowGetViewBounds(int handle, int view_id, bool screen_coordinates, bool* success, gfx::Rect* bounds); void GetWindowBounds(int handle, gfx::Rect* bounds, bool* result); void SetWindowBounds(int handle, const gfx::Rect& bounds, bool* result); void SetWindowVisible(int handle, bool visible, bool* result); void WindowSimulateClick(const IPC::Message& message, int handle, const gfx::Point& click, int flags); void WindowSimulateMouseMove(const IPC::Message& message, int handle, const gfx::Point& location); void WindowSimulateKeyPress(const IPC::Message& message, int handle, int key, int flags); void GetTabCount(int handle, int* tab_count); void GetType(int handle, int* type_as_int); void IsBrowserInApplicationMode(int handle, bool* is_application, bool* success); void GetTab(int win_handle, int tab_index, int* tab_handle); void GetTabProcessID(int handle, int* process_id); void GetTabTitle(int handle, int* title_string_size, std::wstring* title); void GetTabIndex(int handle, int* tabstrip_index); void GetTabURL(int handle, bool* success, GURL* url); void GetShelfVisibility(int handle, bool* visible); void IsFullscreen(int handle, bool* is_fullscreen); void GetFullscreenBubbleVisibility(int handle, bool* is_visible); void ExecuteJavascript(int handle, const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& script, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetConstrainedWindowCount(int handle, int* count); #if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) void GetFocusedViewID(int handle, int* view_id); // Block until the focused view ID changes to something other than // previous_view_id. void WaitForFocusedViewIDToChange(int handle, int previous_view_id, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Start tracking popup menus. Must be called before executing the // command that might open the popup menu; then call WaitForPopupMenuToOpen. void StartTrackingPopupMenus(int browser_handle, bool* success); // Wait until a popup menu has opened. void WaitForPopupMenuToOpen(IPC::Message* reply_message); #endif // defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) void HandleInspectElementRequest(int handle, int x, int y, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetDownloadDirectory(int handle, FilePath* download_directory); // If |show| is true, call Show() on the new window after creating it. void OpenNewBrowserWindowOfType(int type, bool show, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Retrieves a Browser from a Window and vice-versa. void GetWindowForBrowser(int window_handle, bool* success, int* handle); void GetBrowserForWindow(int window_handle, bool* success, int* browser_handle); void ShowInterstitialPage(int tab_handle, const std::string& html_text, IPC::Message* reply_message); void HideInterstitialPage(int tab_handle, bool* success); void WaitForTabToBeRestored(int tab_handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Gets the security state for the tab associated to the specified |handle|. void GetSecurityState(int handle, bool* success, SecurityStyle* security_style, int* ssl_cert_status, int* insecure_content_status); // Gets the page type for the tab associated to the specified |handle|. void GetPageType(int handle, bool* success, PageType* page_type); // Gets the duration in ms of the last event matching |event_name|. // |duration_ms| is -1 if the event hasn't occurred yet. void GetMetricEventDuration(const std::string& event_name, int* duration_ms); // Simulates an action on the SSL blocking page at the tab specified by // |handle|. If |proceed| is true, it is equivalent to the user pressing the // 'Proceed' button, if false the 'Get me out of there button'. // Not that this fails if the tab is not displaying a SSL blocking page. void ActionOnSSLBlockingPage(int handle, bool proceed, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Brings the browser window to the front and activates it. void BringBrowserToFront(int browser_handle, bool* success); // Checks to see if a command on the browser's CommandController is enabled. void IsMenuCommandEnabled(int browser_handle, int message_num, bool* menu_item_enabled); // Prints the current tab immediately. void PrintNow(int tab_handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Save the current web page. void SavePage(int tab_handle, const FilePath& file_name, const FilePath& dir_path, int type, bool* success); // Responds to requests to open the FindInPage window. void HandleOpenFindInPageRequest(const IPC::Message& message, int handle); // Get the visibility state of the Find window. void GetFindWindowVisibility(int handle, bool* visible); // Responds to requests to find the location of the Find window. void HandleFindWindowLocationRequest(int handle, int* x, int* y); // Get the visibility state of the Bookmark bar. void GetBookmarkBarVisibility(int handle, bool* visible, bool* animating); // Get the bookmarks as a JSON string. void GetBookmarksAsJSON(int handle, std::string* bookmarks_as_json, bool *success); // Wait for the bookmark model to load. void WaitForBookmarkModelToLoad(int handle, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Set |loaded| to true if the bookmark model has loaded, else false. void BookmarkModelHasLoaded(int handle, bool* loaded); // Editing, modification, and removal of bookmarks. // Bookmarks are referenced by id. void AddBookmarkGroup(int handle, int64 parent_id, int index, std::wstring title, bool* success); void AddBookmarkURL(int handle, int64 parent_id, int index, std::wstring title, const GURL& url, bool* success); void ReparentBookmark(int handle, int64 id, int64 new_parent_id, int index, bool* success); void SetBookmarkTitle(int handle, int64 id, std::wstring title, bool* success); void SetBookmarkURL(int handle, int64 id, const GURL& url, bool* success); void RemoveBookmark(int handle, int64 id, bool* success); // Retrieves the number of info-bars currently showing in |count|. void GetInfoBarCount(int handle, size_t* count); // Causes a click on the "accept" button of the info-bar at |info_bar_index|. // If |wait_for_navigation| is true, it sends the reply after a navigation has // occurred. void ClickInfoBarAccept(int handle, size_t info_bar_index, bool wait_for_navigation, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Retrieves the last time a navigation occurred for the tab. void GetLastNavigationTime(int handle, int64* last_navigation_time); // Waits for a new navigation in the tab if none has happened since // |last_navigation_time|. void WaitForNavigation(int handle, int64 last_navigation_time, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Sets the int value for preference with name |name|. void SetIntPreference(int handle, const std::string& name, int value, bool* success); // Sets the string value for preference with name |name|. void SetStringPreference(int handle, const std::string& name, const std::string& value, bool* success); // Gets the bool value for preference with name |name|. void GetBooleanPreference(int handle, const std::string& name, bool* success, bool* value); // Sets the bool value for preference with name |name|. void SetBooleanPreference(int handle, const std::string& name, bool value, bool* success); void GetShowingAppModalDialog(bool* showing_dialog, int* dialog_button); void ClickAppModalDialogButton(int button, bool* success); void WaitForBrowserWindowCountToBecome(int target_count, IPC::Message* reply_message); void WaitForAppModalDialogToBeShown(IPC::Message* reply_message); void GoBackBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(int handle, int number_of_navigations, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GoForwardBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(int handle, int number_of_navigations, IPC::Message* reply_message); void SavePackageShouldPromptUser(bool should_prompt); void GetWindowTitle(int handle, string16* text); void SetShelfVisibility(int handle, bool visible); // Returns the number of blocked popups in the tab |handle|. void GetBlockedPopupCount(int handle, int* count); // Generic pattern for pyautolib // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void SendJSONRequest(int handle, const std::string& json_request, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Method ptr for json handlers. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. typedef void (TestingAutomationProvider::*JsonHandler)(base::DictionaryValue*, IPC::Message*); // Method ptr for json handlers that take a browser argument. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. typedef void (TestingAutomationProvider::*BrowserJsonHandler)( Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue*, IPC::Message*); // Set window dimensions. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void SetWindowDimensions(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get info about infobars in the given TabContents object. // This includes info about the type of infobars, the message text, // buttons, etc. // Caller owns the returned object. ListValue* GetInfobarsInfo(TabContents* tc); // Perform actions on an infobar like dismiss, accept, cancel. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void PerformActionOnInfobar(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get info about the chromium/chrome in use. // This includes things like version, executable name, executable path. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetBrowserInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get info about the state of navigation in a given tab. // This includes ssl info. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetNavigationInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get info about downloads. This includes only ones that have been // registered by the history system. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetDownloadsInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Wait for all downloads to complete. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void WaitForDownloadsToComplete(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Performs the given action on the specified download. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void PerformActionOnDownload(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get info about history. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetHistoryInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Add an item to the history service. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void AddHistoryItem(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Invoke loading of template url model. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void LoadSearchEngineInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get search engines list. // Assumes that the profile's template url model is loaded. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetSearchEngineInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Add or edit search engine. // Assumes that the profile's template url model is loaded. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void AddOrEditSearchEngine(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Perform a given action on an existing search engine. // Assumes that the profile's template url model is loaded. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void PerformActionOnSearchEngine(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get info about preferences stored in Local State. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetLocalStatePrefsInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Set local state prefs. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void SetLocalStatePrefs(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get info about preferences. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetPrefsInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Set prefs. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void SetPrefs(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Return load times of initial tabs. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. // Only includes tabs from command line arguments or session restore. // See declaration of InitialLoadObserver in automation_provider_observers.h // for example response. void GetInitialLoadTimes(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get info about plugins. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetPluginsInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Enable a plugin. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void EnablePlugin(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Disable a plugin. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void DisablePlugin(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get info about omnibox. // Contains data about the matches (url, content, description) // in the omnibox popup, the text in the omnibox. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetOmniboxInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Set text in the omnibox. This sets focus to the omnibox. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void SetOmniboxText(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Move omnibox popup selection up or down. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void OmniboxMovePopupSelection(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Accept the current string of text in the omnibox. // This is equivalent to clicking or hiting enter on a popup selection. // Blocks until the page loads. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void OmniboxAcceptInput(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Generate dictionary info about instant tab. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetInstantInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Save the contents of a tab into a file. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void SaveTabContents(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Import the given settings from the given browser. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void ImportSettings(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Add a new entry to the password store based on the password information // provided. This method can also be used to add a blacklisted site (which // will never fill in the password). // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void AddSavedPassword(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Removes the password matching the information provided. This method can // also be used to remove a blacklisted site. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void RemoveSavedPassword(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Return the saved username/password combinations. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetSavedPasswords(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Clear the specified browsing data. This call provides similar // functionality to RemoveBrowsingData but is synchronous. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void ClearBrowsingData(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get info about blocked popups in a tab. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetBlockedPopupsInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Launch a blocked popup. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void UnblockAndLaunchBlockedPopup(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get info about theme. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetThemeInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get info about all intalled extensions. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetExtensionsInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Uninstalls the extension with the given id. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void UninstallExtensionById(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Set extension states: // Enable/disable extension. // Allow/disallow extension in incognito mode. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void SetExtensionStateById(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Responds to the Find request and returns the match count. void FindInPage(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Returns information about translation for a given tab. Includes // information about the translate bar if it is showing. void GetTranslateInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Takes the specified action on the translate bar. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void SelectTranslateOption(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get the profiles that are currently saved to the DB. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetAutofillProfile(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Fill in an AutofillProfile with the given profile information. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void FillAutofillProfile(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Causes the autofill popup to be displayed in an already-focused webpage // form field. Waits until the popup is displayed before returning. void AutofillTriggerSuggestions(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Highlights the previous or next autofill entry in an already-displayed // autofill popup. This is done by sending either an "up arrow" or // "down arrow" keypress, then waiting for a preview of the filled-in state // to be displayed in the webpage form before returning. Use // AutofillTriggerSuggestions() to cause the autofill popup to be displayed. void AutofillHighlightSuggestion(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Causes a webpage form to be filled with autofill information from an // autofill profile that is already highlighted in an autofill popup. Use // AutofillHighlightSuggestion() as needed to highlight the desired profile // in the autofill popup. void AutofillAcceptSelection(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Signs in to sync using the given username and password. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void SignInToSync(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Returns info about sync. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetSyncInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Waits for the ongoing sync cycle to complete. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void AwaitSyncCycleCompletion(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Waits for sync to reinitialize (for example, after a browser restart). // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void AwaitSyncRestart(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Enables sync for one or more sync datatypes. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void EnableSyncForDatatypes(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Disables sync for one or more sync datatypes. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void DisableSyncForDatatypes(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Translate DictionaryValues of autofill profiles and credit cards to the // data structure used in the browser. // Args: // profiles/cards: the ListValue of profiles/credit cards to translate. // error_message: a pointer to the return string in case of error. static std::vector GetAutofillProfilesFromList( const base::ListValue& profiles, std::string* error_message); static std::vector GetCreditCardsFromList( const base::ListValue& cards, std::string* error_message); // The opposite of the above: translates from the internal data structure // for profiles and credit cards to a ListValue of DictionaryValues. The // caller owns the returned object. static base::ListValue* GetListFromAutofillProfiles( const std::vector& autofill_profiles); static base::ListValue* GetListFromCreditCards( const std::vector& credit_cards); // Return the map from the internal data representation to the string value // of auto fill fields and credit card fields. static std::map GetAutofillFieldToStringMap(); static std::map GetCreditCardFieldToStringMap(); // Get a list of active HTML5 notifications. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetActiveNotifications(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Close an active HTML5 notification. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void CloseNotification(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Waits for the number of active HTML5 notifications to reach a given count. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void WaitForNotificationCount(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Gets info about the elements in the NTP. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void GetNTPInfo(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Moves a thumbnail in the NTP's Most Visited sites section to a different // index. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void MoveNTPMostVisitedThumbnail(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Removes a thumbnail from the NTP's Most Visited sites section. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void RemoveNTPMostVisitedThumbnail(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Unpins a thumbnail in the NTP's Most Visited sites section. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void UnpinNTPMostVisitedThumbnail(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Restores all thumbnails that have been removed (i.e., blacklisted) from the // NTP's Most Visited sites section. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void RestoreAllNTPMostVisitedThumbnails(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Kills the given renderer process and returns after the associated // RenderProcessHost receives notification of its closing. void KillRendererProcess(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Populates the fields of the event parameter with what is found in the // args parameter. Upon failure, returns false and puts the error message in // the error parameter, otherwise returns true. bool BuildWebKeyEventFromArgs(base::DictionaryValue* args, std::string* error, NativeWebKeyboardEvent* event); // Populates the fields of the event parameter with default data, except for // the specified key type and key code. void BuildSimpleWebKeyEvent(WebKit::WebInputEvent::Type type, int windows_key_code, NativeWebKeyboardEvent* event); // Sends a key press event using the given key code to the specified tab. // A key press is a combination of a "key down" event and a "key up" event. // This function does not wait before returning. void SendWebKeyPressEventAsync(int key_code, TabContents* tab_contents); // Determines whether each relevant section of the NTP is in thumbnail mode. void GetNTPThumbnailMode(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Puts or removes the specified section of the NTP into/from thumbnail mode. // If the section is put into thumbnail mode, all other relevant sections are // removed from thumbnail mode. void SetNTPThumbnailMode(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Determines whether each relevant section of the NTP is in menu mode. void GetNTPMenuMode(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Puts or removes the specified section of the NTP into/from menu mode. void SetNTPMenuMode(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Launches the specified app from the currently-selected tab. void LaunchApp(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Sets the launch type for the specified app. void SetAppLaunchType(Browser* browser, base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Waits for all tabs to stop loading. void WaitForAllTabsToStopLoading(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Gets the browser and tab index of the given tab. Uses the JSON interface. // Either "tab_id" or "tab_handle" must be specified, but not both. "tab_id" // refers to the ID from the |NavigationController|, while "tab_handle" is // the handle number assigned by the automation system. // Example: // input: { "tab_id": 1, // optional // "tab_handle": 3 // optional // } // output: { "windex": 1, "tab_index": 5 } void GetIndicesFromTab(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Navigates to the given URL. Uses the JSON interface. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, // "tab_index": 3, // "url": "http://www.google.com", // "navigation_count": 1 // number of navigations to wait for // } // output: { "result": AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS } void NavigateToURL(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Executes javascript in the specified frame. Uses the JSON interface. // Waits for a result from the |DOMAutomationController|. The javascript // must send a string. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, // "tab_index": 1, // "frame_xpath": "//frames[1]", // "javascript": // "window.domAutomationController.send(window.name)", // } // output: { "result": "My Window Name" } // This and some following methods have a suffix of JSON to distingush them // from already existing methods which perform the same function, but use // custom IPC messages instead of the JSON IPC message. These functions will // eventually be replaced with the JSON ones and the JSON suffix will be // dropped. // TODO(kkania): Replace the non-JSON counterparts and drop the JSON suffix. void ExecuteJavascriptJSON( base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Goes forward in the specified tab. Uses the JSON interface. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, "tab_index": 1 } // output: { "did_go_forward": true, // optional // "result": AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS // optional // } void GoForward(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Goes back in the specified tab. Uses the JSON interface. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, "tab_index": 1 } // output: { "did_go_back": true, // optional // "result": AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS // optional // } void GoBack(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Reload the specified tab. Uses the JSON interface. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, "tab_index": 1 } // output: { "result": AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS // optional } void ReloadJSON(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get the current url of the specified tab. Uses the JSON interface. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, "tab_index": 1 } // output: { "url": "http://www.google.com" } void GetTabURLJSON(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Get the current url of the specified tab. Uses the JSON interface. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, "tab_index": 1 } // output: { "title": "Google" } void GetTabTitleJSON(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Captures the entire page of the the specified tab, including the // non-visible portions of the page, and saves the PNG to a file. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, "tab_index": 1, "path":"/tmp/foo.png"} // output: none void CaptureEntirePageJSON( base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Gets the cookies for the given URL. Uses the JSON interface. // "expiry" refers to the amount of seconds since the Unix epoch. If omitted, // the cookie is valid for the duration of the browser session. // Example: // input: { "url": "http://www.google.com" } // output: { "cookies": [ // { // "name": "PREF", // "value": "123101", // "path": "/", // "domain": "www.google.com", // "secure": false, // "expiry": 1401982012 // } // ] // } void GetCookiesJSON(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Deletes the cookie with the given name for the URL. Uses the JSON // interface. // Example: // input: { // "url": "http://www.google.com", // "name": "my_cookie" // } // output: none void DeleteCookieJSON(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Sets a cookie for the given URL. Uses the JSON interface. // "expiry" refers to the amount of seconds since the Unix epoch. If omitted, // the cookie will be valid for the duration of the browser session. // "domain" refers to the applicable domain for the cookie. Valid domain // choices for the site "http://www.google.com" and resulting cookie // applicability: // [.]www.google.com - applicable on www.google.com and its subdomains // [.]google.com - applicable on google.com and its subdomains // - applicable only on www.google.com // // Example: // input: { "url": "http://www.google.com", // "cookie": { // "name": "PREF", // "value": "123101", // "path": "/", // optional // "domain": ".www.google.com", // optional // "secure": false, // optional // "expiry": 1401982012 // optional // } // } // output: none void SetCookieJSON(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Gets the ID for every open tab. This ID is unique per session. // Example: // input: none // output: { "ids": [4124, 213, 1] } void GetTabIds(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Checks if the given tab ID refers to an open tab. // Example: // input: { "id": 41 } // output: { "is_valid": false } void IsTabIdValid(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Closes the specified tab. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, "tab_index": 1 } // output: none void CloseTabJSON(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Sends the WebKit events for a mouse click at a given coordinate. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, // "tab_index": 1, // "button": automation::kLeftButton, // "x": 100, // "y": 100 // } // output: none void WebkitMouseClick(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Sends the WebKit event for a mouse move to a given coordinate. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, // "tab_index": 1, // "x": 100, // "y": 100 // } // output: none void WebkitMouseMove(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Sends the WebKit events for a mouse drag between two coordinates. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, // "tab_index": 1, // "start_x": 100, // "start_y": 100, // "end_x": 100, // "end_y": 100 // } // output: none void WebkitMouseDrag(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Sends the WebKit events for a mouse button down at a given coordinate. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, // "tab_index": 1, // "x": 100, // "y": 100 // } // output: none void WebkitMouseButtonDown(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Sends the WebKit events for a mouse button up at a given coordinate. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, // "tab_index": 1, // "x": 100, // "y": 100 // } // output: none void WebkitMouseButtonUp(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Sends the WebKit events for a mouse double click at a given coordinate. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, // "tab_index": 1, // "x": 100, // "y": 100 // } // output: none void WebkitMouseDoubleClick(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Drag and drop file paths at a given coordinate. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, // "tab_index": 1, // "x": 100, // "y": 100, // "paths": [ // "/tmp/file.txt" // ], // } // output: none void DragAndDropFilePaths(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Sends the WebKit key event with the specified properties. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, // "tab_index": 1, // "type": automation::kRawKeyDownType, // "nativeKeyCode": ui::VKEY_X, // "windowsKeyCode": ui::VKEY_X, // "unmodifiedText": "x", // "text": "X", // "modifiers": automation::kShiftKeyMask, // "isSystemKey": false // } // output: none void SendWebkitKeyEvent(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Sends the key event from the OS level to the browser window, // allowing it to be preprocessed by some external application (ie. IME). // Will switch to the tab specified by tab_index before sending the event. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, // "tab_index": 1, // "keyCode": ui::VKEY_X, // "modifiers": automation::kShiftKeyMask, // } // output: none void SendOSLevelKeyEventToTab(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Method used as a Task that sends a success AutomationJSONReply. void SendSuccessReply(IPC::Message* reply_message); // Gets the active JavaScript modal dialog's message. // Example: // input: none // output: { "message": "This is an alert!" } void GetAppModalDialogMessage( base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Accepts or dismisses the active JavaScript modal dialog. If optional // prompt text is given, it will be used as the result of the prompt dialog. // Example: // input: { "accept": true, // "prompt_text": "hello" // optional // } // output: none void AcceptOrDismissAppModalDialog( base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Activates the given tab. // Example: // input: { "windex": 1, // "tab_index": 1, // } // output: none void ActivateTabJSON(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Gets the version of ChromeDriver automation supported by this server. // Example: // input: none // output: { "version": 1 } void GetChromeDriverAutomationVersion(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* message); // Auto-updates installed extensions. // Uses the JSON interface for input/output. void UpdateExtensionsNow(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) void GetLoginInfo(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void ShowCreateAccountUI(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void LoginAsGuest(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void Login(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void LockScreen(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void UnlockScreen(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void SignoutInScreenLocker(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetBatteryInfo(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetNetworkInfo(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void NetworkScan(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetProxySettings(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void SetProxySettings(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void ConnectToWifiNetwork(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void ConnectToHiddenWifiNetwork(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void DisconnectFromWifiNetwork(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); // VPN automation void AddPrivateNetwork(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetPrivateNetworkInfo(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void ConnectToPrivateNetwork(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void DisconnectFromPrivateNetwork(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void ForgetWifiNetwork(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetUpdateInfo(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void UpdateCheck(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void SetReleaseTrack(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void GetVolumeInfo(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void SetVolume(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); void SetMute(base::DictionaryValue* args, IPC::Message* reply_message); #endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS) void WaitForTabCountToBecome(int browser_handle, int target_tab_count, IPC::Message* reply_message); void WaitForInfoBarCount(int tab_handle, size_t target_count, IPC::Message* reply_message); // Gets the current used encoding name of the page in the specified tab. void GetPageCurrentEncoding(int tab_handle, std::string* current_encoding); void ShutdownSessionService(int handle, bool* result); void SetContentSetting(int handle, const std::string& host, ContentSettingsType content_type, ContentSetting setting, bool* success); // Load all plug-ins on the page. void LoadBlockedPlugins(int tab_handle, bool* success); // Resets to the default theme. void ResetToDefaultTheme(); void WaitForProcessLauncherThreadToGoIdle(IPC::Message* reply_message); // Gets the browser that contains the given tab. void GetParentBrowserOfTab( int tab_handle, int* browser_handle, bool* success); // Callback for history redirect queries. virtual void OnRedirectQueryComplete( HistoryService::Handle request_handle, GURL from_url, bool success, history::RedirectList* redirects); void OnRemoveProvider(); // Called via PostTask #if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) // Keep track of whether a popup menu has been opened since the last time // that StartTrackingPopupMenus has been called. bool popup_menu_opened_; // A temporary object that receives a notification when a popup menu opens. PopupMenuWaiter* popup_menu_waiter_; #endif // defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) // Used to wait on various browser sync events. scoped_ptr sync_waiter_; // Handle for an in-process redirect query. We expect only one redirect query // at a time (we should have only one caller, and it will block while waiting // for the results) so there is only one handle. When non-0, indicates a // query in progress. HistoryService::Handle redirect_query_; NotificationRegistrar registrar_; // Used to enumerate browser profiles. scoped_refptr importer_list_; // The stored data for the ImportSettings operation. ImportSettingsData import_settings_data_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestingAutomationProvider); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_AUTOMATION_TESTING_AUTOMATION_PROVIDER_H_