// Copyright 2008, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "chrome/browser/bookmark_bar_model.h" #include "base/gfx/png_decoder.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "generated_resources.h" // BookmarkBarNode ------------------------------------------------------------ const SkBitmap& BookmarkBarNode::GetFavIcon() { if (!loaded_favicon_) { loaded_favicon_ = true; model_->LoadFavIcon(this); } return favicon_; } BookmarkBarNode::BookmarkBarNode(BookmarkBarModel* model) : model_(model), group_id_(0), star_id_(0), loaded_favicon_(false), favicon_load_handle_(0), type_(history::StarredEntry::BOOKMARK_BAR), date_added_(Time::Now()) { DCHECK(model_); } void BookmarkBarNode::Reset(const history::StarredEntry& entry) { // We should either have no id, or the id of the new entry should match // this. DCHECK(!star_id_ || star_id_ == entry.id); star_id_ = entry.id; group_id_ = entry.group_id; url_ = entry.url; favicon_ = SkBitmap(); loaded_favicon_ = false; favicon_load_handle_ = 0; type_ = entry.type; date_added_ = entry.date_added; date_group_modified_ = entry.date_group_modified; SetTitle(entry.title); } void BookmarkBarNode::SetURL(const GURL& url) { DCHECK(favicon_load_handle_ == 0); loaded_favicon_ = false; favicon_load_handle_ = 0; url_ = url; favicon_ .reset(); } history::StarredEntry BookmarkBarNode::GetEntry() { history::StarredEntry entry; entry.id = GetStarID(); entry.group_id = group_id_; entry.url = GetURL(); entry.title = GetTitle(); entry.type = type_; entry.date_added = date_added_; entry.date_group_modified = date_group_modified_; // Only set the parent and visual order if we have a valid parent (the root // node is not in the db and has a group_id of 0). if (GetParent() && GetParent()->group_id_) { entry.visual_order = GetParent()->IndexOfChild(this); entry.parent_group_id = GetParent()->GetGroupID(); } return entry; } // BookmarkBarModel ----------------------------------------------------------- BookmarkBarModel::BookmarkBarModel(Profile* profile) : profile_(profile), loaded_(false), #pragma warning(suppress: 4355) // Okay to pass "this" here. root_(this), // See declaration for description. next_group_id_(HistoryService::kBookmarkBarID + 1), bookmark_bar_node_(NULL), other_node_(NULL) { if (!profile) { // Profile is NULL during testing. CreateBookmarkBarNode(); CreateOtherBookmarksNode(); AddRootChildren(NULL); loaded_ = true; return; } // Notifications we want. NotificationService::current()->AddObserver( this, NOTIFY_STARRED_FAVICON_CHANGED, Source<Profile>(profile_)); // Request the entries from the database. HistoryService* history_service = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); if (!history_service) return; // Request the entries on the bookmark bar. history_service->GetAllStarredEntries(&load_consumer_, NewCallback(this, &BookmarkBarModel::OnGotStarredEntries)); } BookmarkBarModel::~BookmarkBarModel() { if (profile_) { NotificationService::current()->RemoveObserver( this, NOTIFY_STARRED_FAVICON_CHANGED, Source<Profile>(profile_)); } } BookmarkBarNode* BookmarkBarModel::GetParentForNewNodes() { std::vector<BookmarkBarNode*> nodes; GetMostRecentlyModifiedGroupNodes(&root_, 1, &nodes); return nodes.empty() ? bookmark_bar_node_ : nodes[0]; } std::vector<BookmarkBarNode*> BookmarkBarModel::GetMostRecentlyModifiedGroups( size_t max_count) { std::vector<BookmarkBarNode*> nodes; GetMostRecentlyModifiedGroupNodes(&root_, max_count, &nodes); if (nodes.size() < max_count) { // Add the bookmark bar and other nodes if there is space. if (find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), bookmark_bar_node_) == nodes.end()) nodes.push_back(bookmark_bar_node_); if (nodes.size() < max_count && find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), other_node_) == nodes.end()) { nodes.push_back(other_node_); } } return nodes; } void BookmarkBarModel::Remove(BookmarkBarNode* parent, int index) { #ifndef NDEBUG CheckIndex(parent, index, false); #endif if (parent != &root_) { RemoveAndDeleteNode(parent->GetChild(index)); } else { NOTREACHED(); // Can't remove from the root. } } void BookmarkBarModel::RemoveFromBookmarkBar(BookmarkBarNode* node) { if (!node->HasAncestor(bookmark_bar_node_)) return; if (node != &root_ && node != bookmark_bar_node_ && node != other_node_) { Move(node, other_node_, other_node_->GetChildCount()); } else { NOTREACHED(); // Can't move the root, bookmark bar or other nodes. } } void BookmarkBarModel::Move(BookmarkBarNode* node, BookmarkBarNode* new_parent, int index) { DCHECK(node && new_parent); DCHECK(node->GetParent()); #ifndef NDEBUG CheckIndex(new_parent, index, true); #endif if (new_parent == &root_ || node == &root_ || node == bookmark_bar_node_ || node == other_node_) { NOTREACHED(); return; } if (new_parent->HasAncestor(node)) { // Can't make an ancestor of the node be a child of the node. NOTREACHED(); return; } SetDateGroupModified(new_parent, Time::Now()); BookmarkBarNode* old_parent = node->GetParent(); int old_index = old_parent->IndexOfChild(node); if (old_parent == new_parent && (index == old_index || index == old_index + 1)) { // Node is already in this position, nothing to do. return; } if (old_parent == new_parent && index > old_index) index--; new_parent->Add(index, node); HistoryService* history = !profile_ ? NULL : profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); if (history) history->UpdateStarredEntry(node->GetEntry()); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(BookmarkBarModelObserver, observers_, BookmarkNodeMoved(this, old_parent, old_index, new_parent, index)); } void BookmarkBarModel::SetTitle(BookmarkBarNode* node, const std::wstring& title) { DCHECK(node); if (node->GetTitle() == title) return; node->SetTitle(title); HistoryService* history = !profile_ ? NULL : profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); if (history) history->UpdateStarredEntry(node->GetEntry()); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(BookmarkBarModelObserver, observers_, BookmarkNodeChanged(this, node)); } BookmarkBarNode* BookmarkBarModel::GetNodeByURL(const GURL& url) { BookmarkBarNode tmp_node(this); tmp_node.url_ = url; NodesOrderedByURLSet::iterator i = nodes_ordered_by_url_set_.find(&tmp_node); return (i != nodes_ordered_by_url_set_.end()) ? *i : NULL; } BookmarkBarNode* BookmarkBarModel::GetNodeByGroupID( history::UIStarID group_id) { // TODO(sky): TreeNode needs a method that visits all nodes using a predicate. return GetNodeByGroupID(&root_, group_id); } BookmarkBarNode* BookmarkBarModel::AddGroup( BookmarkBarNode* parent, int index, const std::wstring& title) { DCHECK(IsLoaded()); #ifndef NDEBUG CheckIndex(parent, index, true); #endif if (parent == &root_) { // Can't add to the root. NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } BookmarkBarNode* new_node = new BookmarkBarNode(this); new_node->group_id_ = next_group_id_++; new_node->SetTitle(title); new_node->type_ = history::StarredEntry::USER_GROUP; return AddNode(parent, index, new_node); } BookmarkBarNode* BookmarkBarModel::AddURL(BookmarkBarNode* parent, int index, const std::wstring& title, const GURL& url) { return AddURLWithCreationTime(parent, index, title, url, Time::Now()); } BookmarkBarNode* BookmarkBarModel::AddURLWithCreationTime( BookmarkBarNode* parent, int index, const std::wstring& title, const GURL& url, const Time& creation_time) { DCHECK(IsLoaded() && url.is_valid() && parent); if (parent == &root_) { // Can't add to the root. NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } #ifndef NDEBUG CheckIndex(parent, index, true); #endif BookmarkBarNode* existing_node = GetNodeByURL(url); if (existing_node) { Move(existing_node, parent, index); SetTitle(existing_node, title); return existing_node; } SetDateGroupModified(parent, creation_time); BookmarkBarNode* new_node = new BookmarkBarNode(this); new_node->SetTitle(title); new_node->SetURL(url); new_node->date_added_ = creation_time; new_node->type_ = history::StarredEntry::URL; nodes_ordered_by_url_set_.insert(new_node); return AddNode(parent, index, new_node); } void BookmarkBarModel::SetURLStarred(const GURL& url, const std::wstring& title, bool is_starred) { BookmarkBarNode* node = GetNodeByURL(url); if (is_starred && !node) { // Add the url. BookmarkBarNode* parent = GetParentForNewNodes(); AddURL(parent, parent->GetChildCount(), title, url); } else if (!is_starred && node) { Remove(node->GetParent(), node->GetParent()->IndexOfChild(node)); } } void BookmarkBarModel::ResetDateGroupModified(BookmarkBarNode* node) { SetDateGroupModified(node, Time()); } void BookmarkBarModel::FavIconLoaded(BookmarkBarNode* node) { // Send out notification to the observer. FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(BookmarkBarModelObserver, observers_, BookmarkNodeFavIconLoaded(this, node)); } void BookmarkBarModel::RemoveNode(BookmarkBarNode* node) { DCHECK(node && node != bookmark_bar_node_ && node != other_node_); if (node->GetType() == history::StarredEntry::URL) { NodesOrderedByURLSet::iterator i = nodes_ordered_by_url_set_.find(node); DCHECK(i != nodes_ordered_by_url_set_.end()); nodes_ordered_by_url_set_.erase(i); } NodeToHandleMap::iterator i = node_to_handle_map_.find(node); if (i != node_to_handle_map_.end()) { HistoryService* history = !profile_ ? NULL : profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); if (history) request_consumer_.SetClientData(history, i->second, NULL); node_to_handle_map_.erase(i); } CancelPendingFavIconLoadRequests(node); // Recurse through children. for (int i = node->GetChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i) RemoveNode(node->GetChild(i)); } void BookmarkBarModel::OnGotStarredEntries( HistoryService::Handle, std::vector<history::StarredEntry>* entries) { if (loaded_) { NOTREACHED(); return; } DCHECK(entries); // Create tree nodes for each of the elements. PopulateNodes(entries); // Yes, we've finished loading. loaded_ = true; FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(BookmarkBarModelObserver, observers_, Loaded(this)); NotificationService::current()->Notify( NOTIFY_BOOKMARK_MODEL_LOADED, Source<Profile>(profile_), NotificationService::NoDetails()); } void BookmarkBarModel::PopulateNodes( std::vector<history::StarredEntry>* entries) { std::map<history::UIStarID,history::StarID> group_id_to_id_map; IDToNodeMap id_to_node_map; // Iterate through the entries building a mapping between group_id and id as // well as creating the bookmark bar node and other node. for (std::vector<history::StarredEntry>::const_iterator i = entries->begin(); i != entries->end(); ++i) { if (i->type == history::StarredEntry::URL) continue; if (i->type == history::StarredEntry::OTHER) other_node_ = CreateRootNodeFromStarredEntry(*i); else if (i->type == history::StarredEntry::BOOKMARK_BAR) bookmark_bar_node_ = CreateRootNodeFromStarredEntry(*i); group_id_to_id_map[i->group_id] = i->id; } // Add the bookmark bar and other nodes to the root node. AddRootChildren(&id_to_node_map); // If the db was corrupt and we didn't get the bookmark bar/other nodes, // AddRootChildren will create them. Update the map to make sure it includes // these nodes. group_id_to_id_map[other_node_->group_id_] = other_node_->star_id_; group_id_to_id_map[bookmark_bar_node_->group_id_] = bookmark_bar_node_->star_id_; // Iterate through the entries again creating the nodes. for (std::vector<history::StarredEntry>::iterator i = entries->begin(); i != entries->end(); ++i) { if (!i->parent_group_id) { DCHECK(i->type == history::StarredEntry::BOOKMARK_BAR || i->type == history::StarredEntry::OTHER); // Ignore entries not parented to the bookmark bar. continue; } BookmarkBarNode* node = id_to_node_map[i->id]; if (!node) { // Creating a node results in creating the parent. As such, it is // possible for the node representing a group to have been created before // encountering the details. // The created nodes are owned by the root node. node = new BookmarkBarNode(this); id_to_node_map[i->id] = node; } node->Reset(*i); DCHECK(group_id_to_id_map.find(i->parent_group_id) != group_id_to_id_map.end()); history::StarID parent_id = group_id_to_id_map[i->parent_group_id]; BookmarkBarNode* parent = id_to_node_map[parent_id]; if (!parent) { // Haven't encountered the parent yet, create it now. parent = new BookmarkBarNode(this); id_to_node_map[parent_id] = parent; } if (i->type == history::StarredEntry::URL) nodes_ordered_by_url_set_.insert(node); else next_group_id_ = std::max(next_group_id_, i->group_id + 1); // Add the node to its parent. entries is ordered by parent then // visual order so that we know we maintain visual order by always adding // to the end. parent->Add(parent->GetChildCount(), node); } } void BookmarkBarModel::OnCreatedEntry(HistoryService::Handle handle, history::StarID id) { BookmarkBarNode* node = request_consumer_.GetClientData( profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS), handle); // Node is NULL if the node was removed by the user before the request // was processed. if (node) { DCHECK(!node->star_id_); node->star_id_ = id; DCHECK(node_to_handle_map_.find(node) != node_to_handle_map_.end()); node_to_handle_map_.erase(node_to_handle_map_.find(node)); } } void BookmarkBarModel::RemoveAndDeleteNode(BookmarkBarNode* delete_me) { scoped_ptr<BookmarkBarNode> node(delete_me); BookmarkBarNode* parent = node->GetParent(); DCHECK(parent); int index = parent->IndexOfChild(node.get()); parent->Remove(index); RemoveNode(node.get()); HistoryService* history = profile_ ? profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS) : NULL; if (history) { if (node->GetType() == history::StarredEntry::URL) { history->DeleteStarredURL(node->GetURL()); } else { history->DeleteStarredGroup(node->GetGroupID()); } } FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(BookmarkBarModelObserver, observers_, BookmarkNodeRemoved(this, parent, index)); } BookmarkBarNode* BookmarkBarModel::AddNode(BookmarkBarNode* parent, int index, BookmarkBarNode* node) { parent->Add(index, node); // NOTE: As history calls us back when we invoke CreateStarredEntry, we have // to be sure to invoke it after we've updated the nodes appropriately. HistoryService* history = !profile_ ? NULL : profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); if (history) { HistoryService::Handle handle = history->CreateStarredEntry(node->GetEntry(), &request_consumer_, NewCallback(this, &BookmarkBarModel::OnCreatedEntry)); request_consumer_.SetClientData(history, handle, node); node_to_handle_map_[node] = handle; } FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(BookmarkBarModelObserver, observers_, BookmarkNodeAdded(this, parent, index)); return node; } BookmarkBarNode* BookmarkBarModel::GetNodeByGroupID( BookmarkBarNode* node, history::UIStarID group_id) { if (node->GetType() == history::StarredEntry::USER_GROUP && node->GetGroupID() == group_id) { return node; } for (int i = 0; i < node->GetChildCount(); ++i) { BookmarkBarNode* result = GetNodeByGroupID(node->GetChild(i), group_id); if (result) return result; } return NULL; } void BookmarkBarModel::SetDateGroupModified(BookmarkBarNode* parent, const Time time) { DCHECK(parent); parent->date_group_modified_ = time; HistoryService* history = profile_ ? profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS) : NULL; if (history) history->UpdateStarredEntry(parent->GetEntry()); } void BookmarkBarModel::CreateBookmarkBarNode() { history::StarredEntry entry; entry.id = HistoryService::kBookmarkBarID; entry.group_id = HistoryService::kBookmarkBarID; entry.type = history::StarredEntry::BOOKMARK_BAR; bookmark_bar_node_ = CreateRootNodeFromStarredEntry(entry); } void BookmarkBarModel::CreateOtherBookmarksNode() { history::StarredEntry entry; entry.id = HistoryService::kBookmarkBarID; for (NodesOrderedByURLSet::iterator i = nodes_ordered_by_url_set_.begin(); i != nodes_ordered_by_url_set_.end(); ++i) { entry.id = std::max(entry.id, (*i)->GetStarID()); } entry.id++; entry.group_id = next_group_id_++; entry.type = history::StarredEntry::OTHER; other_node_ = CreateRootNodeFromStarredEntry(entry); } BookmarkBarNode* BookmarkBarModel::CreateRootNodeFromStarredEntry( const history::StarredEntry& entry) { DCHECK(entry.type == history::StarredEntry::BOOKMARK_BAR || entry.type == history::StarredEntry::OTHER); BookmarkBarNode* node = new BookmarkBarNode(this); node->Reset(entry); if (entry.type == history::StarredEntry::BOOKMARK_BAR) node->SetTitle(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_BOOMARK_BAR_FOLDER_NAME)); else node->SetTitle(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_BOOMARK_BAR_OTHER_FOLDER_NAME)); next_group_id_ = std::max(next_group_id_, entry.group_id + 1); return node; } void BookmarkBarModel::AddRootChildren(IDToNodeMap* id_to_node_map) { // When invoked we should have created the bookmark bar and other nodes. If // not, it indicates the db couldn't be loaded correctly or is corrupt. // Force creation so that bookmark bar model is still usable. if (!bookmark_bar_node_) { LOG(WARNING) << "No bookmark bar entry in the database. This indicates " "bookmarks database couldn't be loaded or is corrupt."; CreateBookmarkBarNode(); } if (!other_node_) { LOG(WARNING) << "No other folders bookmark bar entry in the database. This " "indicates bookmarks database couldn't be loaded or is " "corrupt."; CreateOtherBookmarksNode(); } if (id_to_node_map) { (*id_to_node_map)[other_node_->GetStarID()] = other_node_; (*id_to_node_map)[bookmark_bar_node_->GetStarID()] = bookmark_bar_node_; } // WARNING: order is important here, various places assume bookmark bar then // other node. root_.Add(0, bookmark_bar_node_); root_.Add(1, other_node_); } void BookmarkBarModel::OnFavIconDataAvailable( HistoryService::Handle handle, bool know_favicon, scoped_refptr<RefCountedBytes> data, bool expired, GURL icon_url) { SkBitmap fav_icon; if (know_favicon && data.get() && PNGDecoder::Decode(&data->data, &fav_icon)) { BookmarkBarNode* node = load_consumer_.GetClientData( profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS), handle); DCHECK(node); node->favicon_ = fav_icon; node->favicon_load_handle_ = 0; FavIconLoaded(node); } } void BookmarkBarModel::LoadFavIcon(BookmarkBarNode* node) { if (node->GetType() != history::StarredEntry::URL) return; DCHECK(node->GetURL().is_valid()); HistoryService* history_service = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); if (!history_service) return; HistoryService::Handle handle = history_service->GetFavIconForURL( node->GetURL(), &load_consumer_, NewCallback(this, &BookmarkBarModel::OnFavIconDataAvailable)); load_consumer_.SetClientData(history_service, handle, node); } void BookmarkBarModel::CancelPendingFavIconLoadRequests(BookmarkBarNode* node) { if (node->favicon_load_handle_) { HistoryService* history = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); if (history) history->CancelRequest(node->favicon_load_handle_); node->favicon_load_handle_ = 0; } } // static bool BookmarkBarModel::MoreRecentlyModified(BookmarkBarNode* n1, BookmarkBarNode* n2) { return n1->date_group_modified_ > n2->date_group_modified_; } void BookmarkBarModel::GetMostRecentlyModifiedGroupNodes( BookmarkBarNode* parent, size_t count, std::vector<BookmarkBarNode*>* nodes) { if (parent->group_id_ && parent->date_group_modified_ > Time()) { if (count == 0) { nodes->push_back(parent); } else { std::vector<BookmarkBarNode*>::iterator i = std::upper_bound(nodes->begin(), nodes->end(), parent, &MoreRecentlyModified); if (nodes->size() < count || i != nodes->end()) { nodes->insert(i, parent); while (nodes->size() > count) nodes->pop_back(); } } } // else case, the root node, which we don't care about or imported nodes // (which have a time of 0). for (int i = 0; i < parent->GetChildCount(); ++i) { BookmarkBarNode* child = parent->GetChild(i); if (child->GetType() != history::StarredEntry::URL) { GetMostRecentlyModifiedGroupNodes(child, count, nodes); } } } void BookmarkBarModel::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { switch (type) { case NOTIFY_STARRED_FAVICON_CHANGED: { // Prevent the observers from getting confused for multiple favicon loads. Details<history::FavIconChangeDetails> favicon_details(details); for (std::set<GURL>::const_iterator i = favicon_details->urls.begin(); i != favicon_details->urls.end(); ++i) { BookmarkBarNode* node = GetNodeByURL(*i); if (node) { // Got an updated favicon, for a URL, do a new request. node->InvalidateFavicon(); CancelPendingFavIconLoadRequests(node); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(BookmarkBarModelObserver, observers_, BookmarkNodeChanged(this, node)); } } break; } default: NOTREACHED(); break; } }