// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_codec.h" #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" using base::Time; UniqueIDGenerator::UniqueIDGenerator() { Reset(); } int UniqueIDGenerator::GetUniqueID(int id) { // If the given ID is already assigned, generate new ID. if (IsIdAssigned(id)) id = current_max_ + 1; // Record the new ID as assigned. RecordId(id); if (id > current_max_) current_max_ = id; return id; } bool UniqueIDGenerator::IsIdAssigned(int id) const { // If the set is already instantiated, then use the set to determine if the // given ID is assigned. Otherwise use the current maximum to determine if the // given ID is assigned. if (assigned_ids_.get()) return assigned_ids_->find(id) != assigned_ids_->end(); else return id <= current_max_; } void UniqueIDGenerator::RecordId(int id) { // If the set is instantiated, then use the set. if (assigned_ids_.get()) { assigned_ids_->insert(id); return; } // The set is not yet instantiated. If the ID is current_max_ + 1, then just // update the current_max_. Otherwise, instantiate the set and add all IDs // from 0 to current_max_ to it. if (id == current_max_ + 1) { ++current_max_; return; } assigned_ids_.reset(new std::set<int>); for (int i = 0; i <= current_max_; ++i) assigned_ids_->insert(i); assigned_ids_->insert(id); } void UniqueIDGenerator::Reset() { current_max_ = 0; assigned_ids_.reset(NULL); } const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kRootsKey = L"roots"; const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kRootFolderNameKey = L"bookmark_bar"; const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kOtherBookmarFolderNameKey = L"other"; const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kVersionKey = L"version"; const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kChecksumKey = L"checksum"; const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kIdKey = L"id"; const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kTypeKey = L"type"; const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kNameKey = L"name"; const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kDateAddedKey = L"date_added"; const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kURLKey = L"url"; const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kDateModifiedKey = L"date_modified"; const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kChildrenKey = L"children"; const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kTypeURL = L"url"; const wchar_t* BookmarkCodec::kTypeFolder = L"folder"; // Current version of the file. static const int kCurrentVersion = 1; BookmarkCodec::BookmarkCodec() : persist_ids_(false) { } BookmarkCodec::BookmarkCodec(bool persist_ids) : persist_ids_(persist_ids) { } Value* BookmarkCodec::Encode(BookmarkModel* model) { return Encode(model->GetBookmarkBarNode(), model->other_node()); } Value* BookmarkCodec::Encode(BookmarkNode* bookmark_bar_node, BookmarkNode* other_folder_node) { InitializeChecksum(); DictionaryValue* roots = new DictionaryValue(); roots->Set(kRootFolderNameKey, EncodeNode(bookmark_bar_node)); roots->Set(kOtherBookmarFolderNameKey, EncodeNode(other_folder_node)); DictionaryValue* main = new DictionaryValue(); main->SetInteger(kVersionKey, kCurrentVersion); FinalizeChecksum(); // We are going to store the computed checksum. So set stored checksum to be // the same as computed checksum. stored_checksum_ = computed_checksum_; main->Set(kChecksumKey, Value::CreateStringValue(computed_checksum_)); main->Set(kRootsKey, roots); return main; } bool BookmarkCodec::Decode(BookmarkModel* model, const Value& value) { id_generator_.Reset(); stored_checksum_.clear(); InitializeChecksum(); bool success = DecodeHelper(model, value); FinalizeChecksum(); model->set_next_node_id(id_generator_.current_max() + 1); return success; } Value* BookmarkCodec::EncodeNode(BookmarkNode* node) { DictionaryValue* value = new DictionaryValue(); std::string id; if (persist_ids_) { id = IntToString(node->id()); value->SetString(kIdKey, id); } const std::wstring& title = node->GetTitle(); value->SetString(kNameKey, title); value->SetString(kDateAddedKey, Int64ToWString(node->date_added().ToInternalValue())); if (node->GetType() == history::StarredEntry::URL) { value->SetString(kTypeKey, kTypeURL); std::wstring url = UTF8ToWide(node->GetURL().possibly_invalid_spec()); value->SetString(kURLKey, url); UpdateChecksumWithUrlNode(id, title, url); } else { value->SetString(kTypeKey, kTypeFolder); value->SetString(kDateModifiedKey, Int64ToWString(node->date_group_modified(). ToInternalValue())); UpdateChecksumWithFolderNode(id, title); ListValue* child_values = new ListValue(); value->Set(kChildrenKey, child_values); for (int i = 0; i < node->GetChildCount(); ++i) child_values->Append(EncodeNode(node->GetChild(i))); } return value; } bool BookmarkCodec::DecodeHelper(BookmarkModel* model, const Value& value) { if (value.GetType() != Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY) return false; // Unexpected type. const DictionaryValue& d_value = static_cast<const DictionaryValue&>(value); int version; if (!d_value.GetInteger(kVersionKey, &version) || version != kCurrentVersion) return false; // Unknown version. Value* checksum_value; if (d_value.Get(kChecksumKey, &checksum_value)) { if (checksum_value->GetType() != Value::TYPE_STRING) return false; StringValue* checksum_value_str = static_cast<StringValue*>(checksum_value); if (!checksum_value_str->GetAsString(&stored_checksum_)) return false; } Value* roots; if (!d_value.Get(kRootsKey, &roots)) return false; // No roots. if (roots->GetType() != Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY) return false; // Invalid type for roots. DictionaryValue* roots_d_value = static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(roots); Value* root_folder_value; Value* other_folder_value; if (!roots_d_value->Get(kRootFolderNameKey, &root_folder_value) || root_folder_value->GetType() != Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY || !roots_d_value->Get(kOtherBookmarFolderNameKey, &other_folder_value) || other_folder_value->GetType() != Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY) return false; // Invalid type for root folder and/or other folder. DecodeNode(model, *static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(root_folder_value), NULL, model->GetBookmarkBarNode()); DecodeNode(model, *static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(other_folder_value), NULL, model->other_node()); // Need to reset the type as decoding resets the type to FOLDER. Similarly // we need to reset the title as the title is persisted and restored from // the file. model->GetBookmarkBarNode()->type_ = history::StarredEntry::BOOKMARK_BAR; model->other_node()->type_ = history::StarredEntry::OTHER; model->GetBookmarkBarNode()->SetTitle( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_BOOMARK_BAR_FOLDER_NAME)); model->other_node()->SetTitle( l10n_util::GetString(IDS_BOOMARK_BAR_OTHER_FOLDER_NAME)); return true; } bool BookmarkCodec::DecodeChildren(BookmarkModel* model, const ListValue& child_value_list, BookmarkNode* parent) { for (size_t i = 0; i < child_value_list.GetSize(); ++i) { Value* child_value; if (!child_value_list.Get(i, &child_value)) return false; if (child_value->GetType() != Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY) return false; if (!DecodeNode(model, *static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(child_value), parent, NULL)) { return false; } } return true; } bool BookmarkCodec::DecodeNode(BookmarkModel* model, const DictionaryValue& value, BookmarkNode* parent, BookmarkNode* node) { std::string id_string; int id = 0; if (persist_ids_) { if (value.GetString(kIdKey, &id_string)) if (!StringToInt(id_string, &id)) return false; } id = id_generator_.GetUniqueID(id); std::wstring title; if (!value.GetString(kNameKey, &title)) return false; // TODO(sky): this should be more flexible. Don't hoark if we can't parse it // all. std::wstring date_added_string; if (!value.GetString(kDateAddedKey, &date_added_string)) return false; std::wstring type_string; if (!value.GetString(kTypeKey, &type_string)) return false; if (type_string != kTypeURL && type_string != kTypeFolder) return false; // Unknown type. if (type_string == kTypeURL) { std::wstring url_string; if (!value.GetString(kURLKey, &url_string)) return false; // TODO(sky): this should ignore the node if not a valid URL. if (!node) node = new BookmarkNode(model, id, GURL(WideToUTF8(url_string))); else NOTREACHED(); // In case of a URL type node should always be NULL. if (parent) parent->Add(parent->GetChildCount(), node); node->type_ = history::StarredEntry::URL; UpdateChecksumWithUrlNode(id_string, title, url_string); } else { std::wstring last_modified_date; if (!value.GetString(kDateModifiedKey, &last_modified_date)) return false; Value* child_values; if (!value.Get(kChildrenKey, &child_values)) return false; if (child_values->GetType() != Value::TYPE_LIST) return false; if (!node) { node = new BookmarkNode(model, id, GURL()); } else if (persist_ids_) { // If a new node is not created, explicitly assign persisted ID to the // existing node. DCHECK(id != 0); node->set_id(id); } node->type_ = history::StarredEntry::USER_GROUP; node->date_group_modified_ = Time::FromInternalValue( StringToInt64(WideToUTF16Hack(last_modified_date))); if (parent) parent->Add(parent->GetChildCount(), node); UpdateChecksumWithFolderNode(id_string, title); if (!DecodeChildren(model, *static_cast<ListValue*>(child_values), node)) return false; } node->SetTitle(title); node->date_added_ = Time::FromInternalValue( StringToInt64(WideToUTF16Hack(date_added_string))); return true; } void BookmarkCodec::UpdateChecksum(const std::string& str) { MD5Update(&md5_context_, str.data(), str.length() * sizeof(char)); } void BookmarkCodec::UpdateChecksum(const std::wstring& str) { MD5Update(&md5_context_, str.data(), str.length() * sizeof(wchar_t)); } void BookmarkCodec::UpdateChecksumWithUrlNode(const std::string& id, const std::wstring& title, const std::wstring& url) { UpdateChecksum(id); UpdateChecksum(title); UpdateChecksum(kTypeURL); UpdateChecksum(url); } void BookmarkCodec::UpdateChecksumWithFolderNode(const std::string& id, const std::wstring& title) { UpdateChecksum(id); UpdateChecksum(title); UpdateChecksum(kTypeFolder); } void BookmarkCodec::InitializeChecksum() { MD5Init(&md5_context_); } void BookmarkCodec::FinalizeChecksum() { MD5Digest digest; MD5Final(&digest, &md5_context_); computed_checksum_ = MD5DigestToBase16(digest); }