// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include <windows.h> #include <shellapi.h> #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/idle_timer.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_shutdown.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_url_handler.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/cert_store.h" #include "chrome/browser/debugger/debugger_window.h" #include "chrome/browser/dom_ui/new_tab_ui.h" #include "chrome/browser/download/save_package.h" #include "chrome/browser/frame_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/navigation_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/navigation_entry.h" #include "chrome/browser/plugin_process_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/plugin_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/ssl_error_info.h" #include "chrome/browser/site_instance.h" #include "chrome/browser/url_fixer_upper.h" #include "chrome/browser/user_metrics.h" #include "chrome/browser/view_ids.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/download_shelf_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/go_button.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/bookmark_bar_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/html_dialog_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/location_bar_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/status_bubble.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/tabs/tab_strip.h" #include "chrome/browser/views/toolbar_star_toggle.h" #include "chrome/browser/web_contents_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/window_sizer.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/common/win_util.h" #include "net/base/cookie_monster.h" #include "net/base/cookie_policy.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "net/base/registry_controlled_domain.h" #include "chromium_strings.h" #include "generated_resources.h" static BrowserList g_browserlist; // How long we wait before updating the browser chrome while loading a page. static const int kUIUpdateCoalescingTimeMS = 200; // Idle time before helping prune memory consumption. static const int kBrowserReleaseMemoryInterval = 30; // In seconds. // How much horizontal and vertical offset there is between newly opened // windows. static const int kWindowTilePixels = 20; // How frequently we check for hung plugin windows. static const int kDefaultHungPluginDetectFrequency = 2000; // How long do we wait before we consider a window hung (in ms). static const int kDefaultPluginMessageResponseTimeout = 30000; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // A task to reduce the working set of the plugins. class ReducePluginsWorkingSetTask : public Task { public: virtual void Run() { for (PluginProcessHostIterator iter; !iter.Done(); ++iter) { PluginProcessHost* plugin = const_cast<PluginProcessHost*>(*iter); DCHECK(plugin->process()); Process process(plugin->process()); process.ReduceWorkingSet(); } } }; // A browser task to run when the user is not using the browser. // In our case, we're trying to be nice to the operating system and release // memory not in use. class BrowserIdleTimer : public base::IdleTimer { public: BrowserIdleTimer() : base::IdleTimer(TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kBrowserReleaseMemoryInterval), false) { } virtual void OnIdle() { // We're idle. Release browser and renderer unused pages. // Handle the Browser. Process process(GetCurrentProcess()); process.ReduceWorkingSet(); // Handle the Renderer(s). RenderProcessHost::iterator renderer_iter; for (renderer_iter = RenderProcessHost::begin(); renderer_iter != RenderProcessHost::end(); renderer_iter++) { Process process(renderer_iter->second->process()); process.ReduceWorkingSet(); } // Handle the Plugin(s). We need to iterate through the plugin processes on // the IO thread because that thread manages the plugin process collection. g_browser_process->io_thread()->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new ReducePluginsWorkingSetTask()); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct Browser::UIUpdate { UIUpdate(const TabContents* src, unsigned flags) : source(src), changed_flags(flags) { } // The source of the update. const TabContents* source; // What changed in the UI. unsigned changed_flags; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static Browser* Browser::GetBrowserForController( const NavigationController* controller, int* index_result) { BrowserList::const_iterator it; for (it = BrowserList::begin(); it != BrowserList::end(); ++it) { int index = (*it)->tabstrip_model_.GetIndexOfController(controller); if (index != TabStripModel::kNoTab) { if (index_result) *index_result = index; return *it; } } return NULL; } // static void Browser::OpenNewBrowserWindow(Profile* profile, int show_command) { Browser* browser = new Browser(gfx::Rect(), show_command, profile, BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER, L""); browser->AddBlankTab(true); browser->Show(); } // static void Browser::RegisterPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kPluginMessageResponseTimeout, kDefaultPluginMessageResponseTimeout); prefs->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kHungPluginDetectFrequency, kDefaultHungPluginDetectFrequency); prefs->RegisterDictionaryPref(prefs::kBrowserWindowPlacement); prefs->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kOptionsWindowLastTabIndex, 0); } // static void Browser::RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterStringPref(prefs::kHomePage, L"chrome-internal:"); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kHomePageIsNewTabPage, true); prefs->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kCookieBehavior, net::CookiePolicy::ALLOW_ALL_COOKIES); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kShowHomeButton, false); prefs->RegisterStringPref(prefs::kRecentlySelectedEncoding, L""); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kDeleteBrowsingHistory, true); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kDeleteDownloadHistory, true); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kDeleteCache, true); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kDeleteCookies, true); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kDeletePasswords, false); } Browser::Browser(const gfx::Rect& initial_bounds, int show_command, Profile* profile, BrowserType::Type type, const std::wstring& app_name) : profile_(profile), window_(NULL), initial_show_command_(show_command), is_attempting_to_close_browser_(false), controller_(this), chrome_updater_factory_(this), method_factory_(this), hung_window_detector_(&hung_plugin_action_), ticker_(0), tabstrip_model_(this, profile), toolbar_model_(this), type_(type), app_name_(app_name), idle_task_(new BrowserIdleTimer()) { tabstrip_model_.AddObserver(this); CommandLine parsed_command_line; gfx::Rect create_bounds; bool maximized = false; WindowSizer::GetBrowserWindowBounds(app_name_, initial_bounds, &create_bounds, &maximized); if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kStartMaximized)) maximized = true; if (maximized) initial_show_command_ = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED; window_ = BrowserWindow::CreateBrowserWindow(this, create_bounds, show_command); // See note where SIZE_TO_CONTENTS is defined in browser.h for an explanation // of this hack. if (show_command == SIZE_TO_CONTENTS) { // This codepath is deprecated with the new frames. DCHECK(!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()); // SizeToContents causes a Layout so make sure the tab strip and toolbar // are already initialized. window_->SizeToContents(initial_bounds); initial_show_command_ = SW_SHOWNORMAL; } // Start a hung plugin window detector for this browser object (as long as // hang detection is not disabled). if (!parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kDisableHangMonitor)) InitHangMonitor(); if (!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()) { NotificationService::current()-> AddObserver(this, NOTIFY_BOOKMARK_BAR_VISIBILITY_PREF_CHANGED, NotificationService::AllSources()); } NotificationService::current()->AddObserver( this, NOTIFY_SSL_STATE_CHANGED, NotificationService::AllSources()); if (profile->HasSessionService()) { SessionService* session_service = profile->GetSessionService(); if (session_service) session_service->SetWindowType(session_id_, type_); } InitCommandState(); BrowserList::AddBrowser(this); encoding_auto_detect_.Init(prefs::kWebKitUsesUniversalDetector, profile_->GetPrefs(), NULL); // Trim browser memory on idle for low & medium memory models. if (g_browser_process->memory_model() < BrowserProcess::HIGH_MEMORY_MODEL) idle_task_->Start(); // Show the First Run information bubble if we've been told to. PrefService* local_state = g_browser_process->local_state(); if (local_state->IsPrefRegistered(prefs::kShouldShowFirstRunBubble) && local_state->GetBoolean(prefs::kShouldShowFirstRunBubble)) { // Reset the preference so we don't show the bubble for subsequent windows. local_state->ClearPref(prefs::kShouldShowFirstRunBubble); GetLocationBarView()->ShowFirstRunBubble(); } } Browser::~Browser() { // The tab strip should be empty at this point. DCHECK(tabstrip_model_.empty()); tabstrip_model_.RemoveObserver(this); BrowserList::RemoveBrowser(this); if (!BrowserList::HasBrowserWithProfile(profile_)) { // We're the last browser window with this profile. We need to nuke the // TabRestoreService, which will start the shutdown of the // NavigationControllers and allow for proper shutdown. If we don't do this // chrome won't shutdown cleanly, and may end up crashing when some // thread tries to use the IO thread (or another thread) that is no longer // valid. profile_->ResetTabRestoreService(); } SessionService* session_service = profile_->GetSessionService(); if (session_service) session_service->WindowClosed(session_id_); if (!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()) { NotificationService::current()-> RemoveObserver(this, NOTIFY_BOOKMARK_BAR_VISIBILITY_PREF_CHANGED, NotificationService::AllSources()); } NotificationService::current()->RemoveObserver( this, NOTIFY_SSL_STATE_CHANGED, NotificationService::AllSources()); // Stop hung plugin monitoring. ticker_.Stop(); ticker_.UnregisterTickHandler(&hung_window_detector_); if (profile_->IsOffTheRecord() && !BrowserList::IsOffTheRecordSessionActive()) { // We reuse the OTR cookie store across OTR windows. If the last OTR // window is closed, then we want to wipe the cookie store clean, so when // an OTR window is open again, it starts with an empty cookie store. This // also frees up the memory that the OTR cookies were using. OTR never // loads or writes persistent cookies (there is no backing store), so we // can just delete all of the cookies in the store. profile_->GetRequestContext()->cookie_store()->DeleteAll(false); } // There may be pending file dialogs, we need to tell them that we've gone // away so they don't try and call back to us. if (select_file_dialog_.get()) select_file_dialog_->ListenerDestroyed(); } void Browser::ShowAndFit(bool resize_to_fit) { // Only allow one call after the browser is created. if (initial_show_command_ < 0) { // The frame is already visible, we're being invoked again either by the // user clicking a link in another app or from a desktop shortcut. window_->Activate(); return; } window_->Show(initial_show_command_, resize_to_fit); if ((initial_show_command_ == SW_SHOWNORMAL) || (initial_show_command_ == SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)) window_->Activate(); initial_show_command_ = -1; // Setting the focus doesn't work when the window is invisible, so any focus // initialization that happened before this will be lost. // // We really "should" restore the focus whenever the window becomes unhidden, // but I think initializing is the only time where this can happen where there // is some focus change we need to pick up, and this is easier than plumbing // through an unhide message all the way from the frame. // // If we do find there are cases where we need to restore the focus on show, // that should be added and this should be removed. TabContents* selected_tab_contents = GetSelectedTabContents(); if (selected_tab_contents) selected_tab_contents->RestoreFocus(); } void Browser::CloseFrame() { window_->Close(); } GURL Browser::GetHomePage() { if (profile_->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kHomePageIsNewTabPage)) { return NewTabUIURL(); } else { GURL home_page = GURL(URLFixerUpper::FixupURL( profile_->GetPrefs()->GetString(prefs::kHomePage), std::wstring())); if (!home_page.is_valid()) return NewTabUIURL(); return home_page; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Browser::SyncWindowTitle() { DCHECK(!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()); TabContents* current_tab = GetSelectedTabContents(); if (!current_tab || current_tab->GetTitle().empty()) { window_->SetWindowTitle(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME)); return; } window_->SetWindowTitle( l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_BROWSER_WINDOW_TITLE_FORMAT, current_tab->GetTitle())); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Event Handlers void Browser::WindowActivationChanged(bool is_active) { if (is_active) BrowserList::SetLastActive(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Toolbar creation, management LocationBarView* Browser::GetLocationBarView() const { return window_->GetLocationBarView(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Chrome update coalescing void Browser::UpdateToolBar(bool should_restore_state) { window_->UpdateToolbar(GetSelectedTabContents(), should_restore_state); } void Browser::ScheduleUIUpdate(const TabContents* source, unsigned changed_flags) { // Synchronously update the URL. if (changed_flags & TabContents::INVALIDATE_URL && source == GetSelectedTabContents()) { // Only update the URL for the current tab. Note that we do not update // the navigation commands since those would have already been updated // synchronously by NavigationStateChanged. UpdateToolBar(false); if (changed_flags == TabContents::INVALIDATE_URL) return; // Just had an update URL and nothing else. } // Save the dirty bits. scheduled_updates_.push_back(UIUpdate(source, changed_flags)); if (chrome_updater_factory_.empty()) { // No task currently scheduled, start another. MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, chrome_updater_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &Browser::ProcessPendingUIUpdates), kUIUpdateCoalescingTimeMS); } } void Browser::ProcessPendingUIUpdates() { #ifndef NDEBUG // Validate that all tabs we have pending updates for exist. This is scary // because the pending list must be kept in sync with any detached or // deleted tabs. This code does not dereference any TabContents pointers. for (size_t i = 0; i < scheduled_updates_.size(); i++) { bool found = false; for (int tab = 0; tab < tab_count(); tab++) { if (GetTabContentsAt(tab)->controller() == scheduled_updates_[i].source->controller()) { found = true; break; } } DCHECK(found); } #endif chrome_updater_factory_.RevokeAll(); // We could have many updates for the same thing in the queue. This map tracks // the bits of the stuff we've already updated for each TabContents so we // don't update again. typedef std::map<const TabContents*, unsigned> UpdateTracker; UpdateTracker updated_stuff; for (size_t i = 0; i < scheduled_updates_.size(); i++) { // Do not dereference |contents|, it may be out-of-date! const TabContents* contents = scheduled_updates_[i].source; unsigned flags = scheduled_updates_[i].changed_flags; // Remove any bits we have already updated, and save the new bits. UpdateTracker::iterator updated = updated_stuff.find(contents); if (updated != updated_stuff.end()) { // Turn off bits already set. flags &= ~updated->second; if (!flags) continue; updated->second |= flags; } else { updated_stuff[contents] = flags; } // Updates to the title or favicon require a tab repaint. However, the // inverse is not true since updates to the title also update the window // title. bool invalidate_tab = false; if (flags & TabContents::INVALIDATE_TITLE || flags & TabContents::INVALIDATE_FAVICON) { invalidate_tab = true; // Anything that repaints the tab means the favicon is updated. updated_stuff[contents] |= TabContents::INVALIDATE_FAVICON; } // Updating the URL happens synchronously in ScheduleUIUpdate. if (flags & TabContents::INVALIDATE_TITLE && !g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()) { SyncWindowTitle(); // We'll update the tab due to invalide_tab below. } if (flags & TabContents::INVALIDATE_LOAD) GetStatusBubble()->SetStatus(GetSelectedTabContents()->GetStatusText()); if (invalidate_tab) { // INVALIDATE_TITLE or INVALIDATE_FAVICON. tabstrip_model_.UpdateTabContentsStateAt( tabstrip_model_.GetIndexOfController(contents->controller())); window_->UpdateTitleBar(); if (contents == GetSelectedTabContents()) { TabContents* current_tab = GetSelectedTabContents(); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_CREATE_SHORTCUT, current_tab->type() == TAB_CONTENTS_WEB && !current_tab->GetFavIcon().isNull()); } } // We don't need to process INVALIDATE_STATE, since that's not visible. } scheduled_updates_.clear(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabContentsDelegate void Browser::OpenURLFromTab(TabContents* source, const GURL& url, WindowOpenDisposition disposition, PageTransition::Type transition) { // No code for these yet DCHECK((disposition != NEW_POPUP) && (disposition != SAVE_TO_DISK)); TabContents* current_tab = source ? source : GetSelectedTabContents(); bool source_tab_was_frontmost = (current_tab == GetSelectedTabContents()); TabContents* new_contents = NULL; // If the URL is part of the same web site, then load it in the same // SiteInstance (and thus the same process). This is an optimization to // reduce process overhead; it is not necessary for compatibility. (That is, // the new tab will not have script connections to the previous tab, so it // does not need to be part of the same SiteInstance or BrowsingInstance.) // Default to loading in a new SiteInstance and BrowsingInstance. // TODO(creis): should this apply to applications? SiteInstance* instance = NULL; // Don't use this logic when "--process-per-tab" is specified. if (!CommandLine().HasSwitch(switches::kProcessPerTab)) { if (current_tab) { const WebContents* const web_contents = current_tab->AsWebContents(); if (web_contents) { const GURL& current_url = web_contents->GetURL(); if (SiteInstance::IsSameWebSite(current_url, url)) instance = web_contents->GetSiteInstance(); } } } // If this is an application we can only have one tab so a new tab always // goes into a tabbed browser window. if (disposition != NEW_WINDOW && type_ == BrowserType::APPLICATION) { // If the disposition is OFF_THE_RECORD we don't want to create a new // browser that will itself create another OTR browser. This will result in // a browser leak (and crash below because no tab is created or selected). if (disposition == OFF_THE_RECORD) { OpenURLOffTheRecord(profile_, url); return; } Browser* b = GetOrCreateTabbedBrowser(); DCHECK(b); // If we have just created a new browser window, make sure we select the // tab. if (b->tab_count() == 0 && disposition == NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB) disposition = NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB; b->OpenURL(url, disposition, transition); b->Show(); b->MoveToFront(true); return; } if (profile_->IsOffTheRecord() && disposition == OFF_THE_RECORD) disposition = NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB; if (disposition == NEW_WINDOW) { Browser* new_browser = new Browser(gfx::Rect(), SW_SHOWNORMAL, profile_, BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER, L""); new_contents = new_browser->AddTabWithURL(url, transition, true, instance); new_browser->Show(); } else if ((disposition == CURRENT_TAB) && current_tab) { if (transition == PageTransition::TYPED || transition == PageTransition::AUTO_BOOKMARK || transition == PageTransition::GENERATED || transition == PageTransition::START_PAGE) { // Don't forget the openers if this tab is a New Tab page opened at the // end of the TabStrip (e.g. by pressing Ctrl+T). Give the user one // navigation of one of these transition types before resetting the // opener relationships (this allows for the use case of opening a new // tab to do a quick look-up of something while viewing a tab earlier in // the strip). We can make this heuristic more permissive if need be. // TODO(beng): (http://b/1306495) write unit tests for this once this // object is unit-testable. int current_tab_index = tabstrip_model_.GetIndexOfTabContents(current_tab); bool forget_openers = !(current_tab->type() == TAB_CONTENTS_NEW_TAB_UI && current_tab_index == (tab_count() - 1) && current_tab->controller()->GetEntryCount() == 1); if (forget_openers) { // If the user navigates the current tab to another page in any way // other than by clicking a link, we want to pro-actively forget all // TabStrip opener relationships since we assume they're beginning a // different task by reusing the current tab. tabstrip_model_.ForgetAllOpeners(); // In this specific case we also want to reset the group relationship, // since it is now technically invalid. tabstrip_model_.ForgetGroup(current_tab); } } current_tab->controller()->LoadURL(url, transition); // The TabContents might have changed as part of the navigation (ex: new tab // page can become WebContents). new_contents = current_tab->controller()->active_contents(); GetStatusBubble()->Hide(); // Synchronously update the location bar. This allows us to immediately // have the URL bar update when the user types something, rather than // going through the normal system of ScheduleUIUpdate which has a delay. UpdateToolBar(false); } else if (disposition == OFF_THE_RECORD) { OpenURLOffTheRecord(profile_, url); return; } else if (disposition != SUPPRESS_OPEN) { new_contents = AddTabWithURL(url, transition, disposition != NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB, instance); } if (disposition != NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB && source_tab_was_frontmost) { // Give the focus to the newly navigated tab, if the source tab was // front-most. new_contents->Focus(); } } void Browser::NavigationStateChanged(const TabContents* source, unsigned changed_flags) { if (!GetSelectedTabContents()) { // Nothing is selected. This can happen when being restored from history, // bail. return; } // Only update the UI when something visible has changed. if (changed_flags) ScheduleUIUpdate(source, changed_flags); // We don't schedule updates to the navigation commands since they will only // change once per navigation, so we don't have to worry about flickering. if (changed_flags & TabContents::INVALIDATE_URL) UpdateNavigationCommands(); } void Browser::ReplaceContents(TabContents* source, TabContents* new_contents) { source->set_delegate(NULL); new_contents->set_delegate(this); RemoveScheduledUpdatesFor(source); int index = tabstrip_model_.GetIndexOfTabContents(source); tabstrip_model_.ReplaceTabContentsAt(index, new_contents); if (is_attempting_to_close_browser_) { // Need to do this asynchronously as it will close the tab, which is // currently on the call stack above us. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(&Browser::ClearUnloadState, Source<TabContents>(source).ptr())); } // Need to remove ourselves as an observer for disconnection on the replaced // TabContents, since we only care to fire onbeforeunload handlers on active // Tabs. Make sure an observer is added for the replacement TabContents. NotificationService::current()-> RemoveObserver(this, NOTIFY_WEB_CONTENTS_DISCONNECTED, Source<TabContents>(source)); NotificationService::current()-> AddObserver(this, NOTIFY_WEB_CONTENTS_DISCONNECTED, Source<TabContents>(new_contents)); } void Browser::AddNewContents(TabContents* source, TabContents* new_contents, WindowOpenDisposition disposition, const gfx::Rect& initial_pos, bool user_gesture) { DCHECK(disposition != SAVE_TO_DISK); // No code for this yet // If this is an application we can only have one tab so we need to process // this in tabbed browser window. if (tabstrip_model_.count() > 0 && disposition != NEW_WINDOW && disposition != NEW_POPUP && type_ != BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER) { Browser* b = GetOrCreateTabbedBrowser(); DCHECK(b); PageTransition::Type transition = PageTransition::LINK; // If we were called from an "installed webapp" we want to emulate the code // that is run from browser_init.cc for links from external applications. // This means we need to open the tab with the START PAGE transition. // AddNewContents doesn't support this but the TabStripModel's // AddTabContents method does. if (type_ == BrowserType::APPLICATION) transition = PageTransition::START_PAGE; b->tabstrip_model()->AddTabContents(new_contents, -1, transition, true); b->Show(); b->MoveToFront(true); return; } if (disposition == NEW_POPUP) { BuildPopupWindow(source, new_contents, initial_pos); } else if (disposition == NEW_WINDOW) { Browser* new_browser = new Browser(gfx::Rect(), SW_SHOWNORMAL, profile_, BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER, L""); new_browser->AddNewContents(source, new_contents, NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, initial_pos, user_gesture); new_browser->Show(); } else if (disposition == CURRENT_TAB) { ReplaceContents(source, new_contents); } else if (disposition != SUPPRESS_OPEN) { tabstrip_model_.AddTabContents(new_contents, -1, PageTransition::LINK, disposition == NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB); } } void Browser::StartDraggingDetachedContents(TabContents* source, TabContents* new_contents, const gfx::Rect& contents_bounds, const gfx::Point& mouse_pt, int frame_component) { if (!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()) { BrowserType::Type new_type = BrowserType::BROWSER; // If this is a minimal chrome browser, propagate to detached contents to // avoid having URL fields in popups. if (type_ == BrowserType::APPLICATION) new_type = type_; Browser* browser = new Browser(contents_bounds, SIZE_TO_CONTENTS, profile_, new_type, L""); browser->AddNewContents( source, new_contents, NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, contents_bounds, true); browser->Show(); browser->window_->ContinueDetachConstrainedWindowDrag( mouse_pt, frame_component); } else { // If we're inside an application frame, preserve that type (i.e. don't // show a location bar on the new window), otherwise open a tab-less // browser window with a location bar. BrowserType::Type new_type = type_ == BrowserType::APPLICATION ? type_ : BrowserType::BROWSER; Browser* browser = new Browser(contents_bounds, SW_SHOWNORMAL, profile_, BrowserType::BROWSER, std::wstring()); browser->AddNewContents(source, new_contents, NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, gfx::Rect(), true); browser->Show(); browser->window()->ContinueDetachConstrainedWindowDrag(mouse_pt, frame_component); } } void Browser::ActivateContents(TabContents* contents) { tabstrip_model_.SelectTabContentsAt( tabstrip_model_.GetIndexOfTabContents(contents), false); window_->Activate(); } HWND Browser::GetTopLevelHWND() const { return window_ ? reinterpret_cast<HWND>(window_->GetPlatformID()) : NULL; } void Browser::LoadingStateChanged(TabContents* source) { tabstrip_model_.UpdateTabContentsLoadingAnimations(); window_->UpdateTitleBar(); // Let the go button know that it should change appearance if possible. if (source == GetSelectedTabContents()) { GetGoButton()->ScheduleChangeMode( source->is_loading() ? GoButton::MODE_STOP : GoButton::MODE_GO); GetStatusBubble()->SetStatus(GetSelectedTabContents()->GetStatusText()); } } void Browser::CloseContents(TabContents* source) { if (is_attempting_to_close_browser_) { // If we're trying to close the browser, just clear the state related to // waiting for unload to fire. Don't actually try to close the tab as it // will go down the slow shutdown path instead of the fast path of killing // all the renderer processes. ClearUnloadState(source); return; } int index = tabstrip_model_.GetIndexOfTabContents(source); if (index == TabStripModel::kNoTab) { NOTREACHED() << "CloseContents called for tab not in our strip"; return; } tabstrip_model_.CloseTabContentsAt(index); } void Browser::MoveContents(TabContents* source, const gfx::Rect& pos) { if (GetType() != BrowserType::BROWSER) { NOTREACHED() << "moving invalid browser type"; return; } ::SetWindowPos(GetTopLevelHWND(), NULL, pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.width(), pos.height(), 0); win_util::AdjustWindowToFit(GetTopLevelHWND()); } bool Browser::IsPopup(TabContents* source) { // A non-tabbed BROWSER is an unconstrained popup. return (GetType() == BrowserType::BROWSER); } void Browser::ShowHtmlDialog(HtmlDialogContentsDelegate* delegate, HWND parent_hwnd) { parent_hwnd = parent_hwnd ? parent_hwnd : GetTopLevelHWND(); HtmlDialogView* html_view = new HtmlDialogView(this, profile_, delegate); ChromeViews::Window::CreateChromeWindow(parent_hwnd, gfx::Rect(), html_view); html_view->InitDialog(); html_view->window()->Show(); } void Browser::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { switch (type) { case NOTIFY_BOOKMARK_BAR_VISIBILITY_PREF_CHANGED: { DCHECK(!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()); TabContents* current_tab = GetSelectedTabContents(); if (current_tab) { Profile* event_profile = Source<Profile>(source).ptr(); if (event_profile->IsSameProfile(current_tab->profile())) { // This forces the browser to query for the BookmarkBar again. window_->ShelfVisibilityChanged(); } } break; } case NOTIFY_WEB_CONTENTS_DISCONNECTED: if (is_attempting_to_close_browser_) { // Need to do this asynchronously as it will close the tab, which is // currently on the call stack above us. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(&Browser::ClearUnloadState, Source<TabContents>(source).ptr())); } break; case NOTIFY_SSL_STATE_CHANGED: // When the current tab's SSL state changes, we need to update the URL // bar to reflect the new state. Note that it's possible for the selected // tab contents to be NULL. This is because we listen for all sources // (NavigationControllers) for convenience, so the notification could // actually be for a different window while we're doing asynchronous // closing of this one. if (GetSelectedTabContents() && GetSelectedTabContents()->controller() == Source<NavigationController>(source).ptr()) UpdateToolBar(false); break; default: NOTREACHED() << "Got a notification we didn't register for."; } } void Browser::UpdateNavigationCommands() { const TabContents* const current_tab = GetSelectedTabContents(); NavigationController* nc = current_tab->controller(); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_BACK, nc->CanGoBack()); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_FORWARD, nc->CanGoForward()); const WebContents* const web_contents = current_tab->AsWebContents(); if (web_contents) { controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_STAR, true); SetStarredButtonToggled(web_contents->is_starred()); // View-source should not be enabled if already in view-source mode. controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_VIEWSOURCE, current_tab->type() != TAB_CONTENTS_VIEW_SOURCE && current_tab->controller()->GetActiveEntry()); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_ZOOM, true); bool enable_encoding = SavePackage::IsSavableContents(web_contents->contents_mime_type()) && SavePackage::IsSavableURL(current_tab->GetURL()); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_ENCODING, enable_encoding); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_SAVEPAGE, SavePackage::IsSavableURL(current_tab->GetURL())); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_SHOW_JS_CONSOLE, true); } else { controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_VIEWSOURCE, false); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_SHOW_JS_CONSOLE, false); // Both disable the starring button and ensure it doesn't show a star. controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_STAR, false); SetStarredButtonToggled(false); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_ZOOM, false); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_ENCODING, false); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_SAVEPAGE, false); } controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_CREATE_SHORTCUT, current_tab->type() == TAB_CONTENTS_WEB && !current_tab->GetFavIcon().isNull()); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_FIND, web_contents != NULL); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_PRINT, web_contents != NULL); controller_.UpdateCommandEnabled(IDC_DUPLICATE, CanDuplicateContentsAt(selected_index())); } // Notification that the starredness of a tab changed. void Browser::URLStarredChanged(TabContents* source, bool starred) { if (source == GetSelectedTabContents()) SetStarredButtonToggled(starred); } StatusBubble* Browser::GetStatusBubble() { return window_->GetStatusBubble(); } // Called whenever the window is moved so that we can update the position // of any WS_POPUP HWNDs. void Browser::WindowMoved() { DCHECK(!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()); GetStatusBubble()->Reposition(); // Close the omnibox popup, if any. LocationBarView* location_bar = GetLocationBarView(); if (location_bar) location_bar->location_entry()->ClosePopup(); } void Browser::ContentsMouseEvent(TabContents* source, UINT message) { if (source == GetSelectedTabContents()) { if (message == WM_MOUSEMOVE) { GetStatusBubble()->MouseMoved(); } else if (message == WM_MOUSELEAVE) { GetStatusBubble()->SetURL(GURL(), std::wstring()); } } } void Browser::UpdateTargetURL(TabContents* source, const GURL& url) { if (source == GetSelectedTabContents()) { PrefService* prefs = profile_->GetPrefs(); GetStatusBubble()->SetURL(url, prefs->GetString(prefs::kAcceptLanguages)); } } void Browser::SetStarredButtonToggled(bool starred) { window_->GetStarButton()->SetToggled(starred); } GoButton* Browser::GetGoButton() { return window_->GetGoButton(); } void Browser::ContentsZoomChange(bool zoom_in) { controller_.ExecuteCommand(zoom_in ? IDC_ZOOM_PLUS : IDC_ZOOM_MINUS); } bool Browser::IsApplication() const { return type_ == BrowserType::APPLICATION; } void Browser::ContentsStateChanged(TabContents* source) { int index = tabstrip_model_.GetIndexOfTabContents(source); if (index != TabStripModel::kNoTab) tabstrip_model_.UpdateTabContentsStateAt(index); } bool Browser::ShouldDisplayURLField() { return !IsApplication(); } void Browser::SaveWindowPlacementToDatabase() { // We don't want to be the ones who cause lazy initialization of the session // service. This function gets called during initial window showing, and we // don't want to bring in the session service this early. if (!profile()->HasSessionService()) return; SessionService* session_service = profile()->GetSessionService(); if (!session_service) return; WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; wp.length = sizeof(wp); HWND hwnd = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(window_->GetPlatformID()); if (!::GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wp)) return; session_service->SetWindowBounds(session_id_, gfx::Rect(wp.rcNormalPosition), (wp.showCmd & SW_MAXIMIZE) == SW_MAXIMIZE); } void Browser::SaveWindowPlacement() { WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; wp.length = sizeof(wp); HWND hwnd = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(window_->GetPlatformID()); if (!::GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wp)) return; PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); DCHECK(prefs); std::wstring name(prefs::kBrowserWindowPlacement); if (!app_name_.empty()) { name.append(L"_"); name.append(app_name_); } DictionaryValue* win_pref = prefs->GetMutableDictionary(name.c_str()); DCHECK(win_pref); win_pref->SetInteger(L"top", wp.rcNormalPosition.top); win_pref->SetInteger(L"left", wp.rcNormalPosition.left); win_pref->SetInteger(L"bottom", wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom); win_pref->SetInteger(L"right", wp.rcNormalPosition.right); win_pref->SetBoolean(L"maximized", wp.showCmd == SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); } void Browser::FocusLocationBar() { LocationBarView* location_bar = GetLocationBarView(); if (location_bar) location_bar->location_entry()->SetFocus(); } void Browser::SyncHistoryWithTabs(int index) { if (!profile()->HasSessionService()) return; SessionService* session_service = profile()->GetSessionService(); if (session_service) { for (int i = index; i < tab_count(); ++i) { TabContents* contents = GetTabContentsAt(i); if (contents) { session_service->SetTabIndexInWindow( session_id(), contents->controller()->session_id(), i); } } } } void Browser::ToolbarSizeChanged(TabContents* source, bool is_animating) { if (source == GetSelectedTabContents() || source == NULL) { // This will refresh the shelf if needed. window_->SelectedTabToolbarSizeChanged(is_animating); } } void Browser::MoveToFront(bool should_activate) { window_->Activate(); } bool Browser::ShouldCloseWindow() { if (HasCompletedUnloadProcessing()) { return true; } is_attempting_to_close_browser_ = true; for (int i = 0; i < tab_count(); ++i) { if (tabstrip_model_.TabHasUnloadListener(i)) { TabContents* tab = GetTabContentsAt(i); tabs_needing_before_unload_fired_.push_back(tab); } } if (tabs_needing_before_unload_fired_.empty()) return true; ProcessPendingTabs(); return false; } void Browser::ProcessPendingTabs() { DCHECK(is_attempting_to_close_browser_); if (HasCompletedUnloadProcessing()) { // We've finished all the unload events and can proceed to close the // browser. OnWindowClosing(); return; } // Process beforeunload tabs first. When that queue is empty, process // unload tabs. if (!tabs_needing_before_unload_fired_.empty()) { TabContents* tab = tabs_needing_before_unload_fired_.back(); tab->AsWebContents()->render_view_host()->FirePageBeforeUnload(); } else if (!tabs_needing_unload_fired_.empty()) { // We've finished firing all beforeunload events and can proceed with unload // events. // TODO(ojan): We should add a call to browser_shutdown::OnShutdownStarting // somewhere around here so that we have accurate measurements of shutdown // time. // TODO(ojan): We can probably fire all the unload events in parallel and // get a perf benefit from that in the cases where the tab hangs in it's // unload handler or takes a long time to page in. TabContents* tab = tabs_needing_unload_fired_.back(); tab->AsWebContents()->render_view_host()->FirePageUnload(); } else { NOTREACHED(); } } bool Browser::HasCompletedUnloadProcessing() { return is_attempting_to_close_browser_ && tabs_needing_before_unload_fired_.empty() && tabs_needing_unload_fired_.empty(); } void Browser::CancelWindowClose() { DCHECK(is_attempting_to_close_browser_); // Only cancelling beforeunload should be able to cancel the window's close. // So there had better be a tab that we think needs beforeunload fired. DCHECK(!tabs_needing_before_unload_fired_.empty()); tabs_needing_before_unload_fired_.clear(); tabs_needing_unload_fired_.clear(); is_attempting_to_close_browser_ = false; } void Browser::BeforeUnloadFired(TabContents* tab, bool proceed, bool* proceed_to_fire_unload) { if (!is_attempting_to_close_browser_) { *proceed_to_fire_unload = proceed; return; } if (!proceed) { CancelWindowClose(); *proceed_to_fire_unload = false; return; } if (RemoveFromVector(&tabs_needing_before_unload_fired_, tab)) { // Now that beforeunload has fired, put the tab on the queue to fire unload. tabs_needing_unload_fired_.push_back(tab); ProcessPendingTabs(); // We want to handle firing the unload event ourselves since we want to // fire all the beforeunload events before attempting to fire the unload // events should the user cancel closing the browser. *proceed_to_fire_unload = false; return; } *proceed_to_fire_unload = true; } void Browser::ClearUnloadState(TabContents* tab) { DCHECK(is_attempting_to_close_browser_); RemoveFromVector(&tabs_needing_before_unload_fired_, tab); RemoveFromVector(&tabs_needing_unload_fired_, tab); ProcessPendingTabs(); } bool Browser::RemoveFromVector(UnloadListenerVector* vector, TabContents* tab) { DCHECK(is_attempting_to_close_browser_); for (UnloadListenerVector::iterator it = vector->begin(); it != vector->end(); ++it) { if (*it == tab) { vector->erase(it); return true; } } return false; } void Browser::OnWindowClosing() { if (!ShouldCloseWindow()) return; if (BrowserList::size() == 1) browser_shutdown::OnShutdownStarting(browser_shutdown::WINDOW_CLOSE); // Don't use HasSessionService here, we want to force creation of the // session service so that user can restore what was open. SessionService* session_service = profile()->GetSessionService(); if (session_service) session_service->WindowClosing(session_id()); CloseAllTabs(); } // Tab Creation Functions TabContents* Browser::AddTabWithURL( const GURL& url, PageTransition::Type transition, bool foreground, SiteInstance* instance) { if (type_ == BrowserType::APPLICATION && tabstrip_model_.count() == 1) { NOTREACHED() << "Cannot add a tab in a mono tab application."; return NULL; } GURL url_to_load = url; if (url_to_load.is_empty()) url_to_load = GetHomePage(); TabContents* contents = CreateTabContentsForURL(url_to_load, profile_, transition, false, instance); tabstrip_model_.AddTabContents(contents, -1, transition, foreground); // By default, content believes it is not hidden. When adding contents // in the background, tell it that it's hidden. if (!foreground) contents->WasHidden(); return contents; } TabContents* Browser::AddWebApplicationTab(Profile* profile, WebApp* web_app, bool lazy) { DCHECK(web_app); // TODO(acw): Do we need an "application launched" transition type? // TODO(creis): Should we reuse the current instance (ie. process) here? TabContents* contents = CreateTabContentsForURL(web_app->url(), profile, PageTransition::LINK, lazy, NULL); if (contents->AsWebContents()) contents->AsWebContents()->SetWebApp(web_app); if (lazy) { contents->controller()->LoadURLLazily( web_app->url(), PageTransition::LINK, web_app->name(), NULL); } tabstrip_model_.AddTabContents(contents, -1, PageTransition::LINK, !lazy); return contents; } TabContents* Browser::AddTabWithNavigationController( NavigationController* ctrl, PageTransition::Type type) { TabContents* tc = ctrl->active_contents(); tabstrip_model_.AddTabContents(tc, -1, type, true); return tc; } NavigationController* Browser::AddRestoredTab( const std::vector<TabNavigation>& navigations, int selected_navigation, bool select) { NavigationController* restored_controller = BuildRestoredNavigationController(navigations, selected_navigation); tabstrip_model_.InsertTabContentsAt( tabstrip_model_.count(), restored_controller->active_contents(), select, false); if (profile_->HasSessionService()) { SessionService* session_service = profile_->GetSessionService(); if (session_service) session_service->TabRestored(restored_controller); } return restored_controller; } void Browser::ReplaceRestoredTab( const std::vector<TabNavigation>& navigations, int selected_navigation) { NavigationController* restored_controller = BuildRestoredNavigationController(navigations, selected_navigation); tabstrip_model_.ReplaceNavigationControllerAt( tabstrip_model_.selected_index(), restored_controller); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Browser, TabStripModelDelegate implementation: void Browser::CreateNewStripWithContents(TabContents* detached_contents, const gfx::Point& drop_point) { DCHECK(type_ == BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER); // Create an empty new browser window the same size as the old one. CRect browser_rect; GetWindowRect(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(window_->GetPlatformID()), &browser_rect); gfx::Rect rect(0, 0); if (drop_point.x() != 0 || drop_point.y() != 0) { rect.SetRect(drop_point.x(), drop_point.y(), browser_rect.Width(), browser_rect.Height()); } Browser* new_window = new Browser(rect, SW_SHOWNORMAL, profile_, BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER, std::wstring()); // Append the TabContents before showing it so the window doesn't flash // black. new_window->tabstrip_model()->AppendTabContents(detached_contents, true); new_window->Show(); // When we detach a tab we need to make sure any associated Find window moves // along with it to its new home (basically we just make new_window the parent // of the Find window). new_window->AdoptFindWindow(detached_contents); } int Browser::GetDragActions() const { int result = 0; if (BrowserList::GetBrowserCountForType(profile_, BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER) > 1 || tab_count() > 1) result |= TAB_TEAROFF_ACTION; if (tab_count() > 1) result |= TAB_MOVE_ACTION; return result; } TabContents* Browser::CreateTabContentsForURL( const GURL& url, Profile* profile, PageTransition::Type transition, bool defer_load, SiteInstance* instance) const { // Create an appropriate tab contents. GURL real_url = url; TabContentsType type = TabContents::TypeForURL(&real_url); DCHECK(type != TAB_CONTENTS_UNKNOWN_TYPE); TabContents* contents = TabContents::CreateWithType(type, GetTopLevelHWND(), profile, instance); contents->SetupController(profile); if (!defer_load) { // Load the initial URL before adding the new tab contents to the tab strip // so that the tab contents has navigation state. contents->controller()->LoadURL(url, transition); } return contents; } void Browser::ShowApplicationMenu(const gfx::Point p) { if (!window_) return; HWND hwnd = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(window_->GetPlatformID()); CPoint t; t.x = p.x(); t.y = p.y(); RunSimpleFrameMenu(t, hwnd); } void Browser::ValidateLoadingAnimations() { if (window_) window_->ValidateThrobber(); } void Browser::CloseFrameAfterDragSession() { // This is scheduled to run after we return to the message loop because // otherwise the frame will think the drag session is still active and ignore // the request. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(&Browser::CloseFrame)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Browser, TabStripModelObserver implementation: void Browser::TabInsertedAt(TabContents* contents, int index, bool foreground) { contents->set_delegate(this); contents->controller()->SetWindowID(session_id()); SyncHistoryWithTabs(tabstrip_model_.GetIndexOfTabContents(contents)); // When a tab is dropped into a tab strip we need to make sure that the // associated Find window is moved along with it. We therefore change the // parent of the Find window (if the parent is already correctly set this // does nothing). AdoptFindWindow(contents); // If the tab crashes in the beforeunload or unload handler, it won't be // able to ack. But we know we can close it. NotificationService::current()-> AddObserver(this, NOTIFY_WEB_CONTENTS_DISCONNECTED, Source<TabContents>(contents)); } void Browser::TabClosingAt(TabContents* contents, int index) { NavigationController* controller = contents->controller(); DCHECK(controller); NotificationService::current()-> Notify(NOTIFY_TAB_CLOSING, Source<NavigationController>(controller), NotificationService::NoDetails()); // Sever the TabContents' connection back to us. contents->set_delegate(NULL); if (!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames() && contents == GetSelectedTabContents()) { // We need to reset the current tab contents to NULL before it gets // freed. This is because the focus manager performs some operation // on the selected tab contents when it is removed. window_->ShowTabContents(NULL); } } void Browser::TabDetachedAt(TabContents* contents, int index) { if (!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()) { // TODO(beng): (http://b/1085418) figure out if we really need to do this // here - surely the subsequent selection of another tab would // result in this action taking place? if (contents == GetSelectedTabContents()) RemoveShelvesForTabContents(contents); } contents->set_delegate(NULL); if (!tabstrip_model_.closing_all()) SyncHistoryWithTabs(0); RemoveScheduledUpdatesFor(contents); NotificationService::current()-> RemoveObserver(this, NOTIFY_WEB_CONTENTS_DISCONNECTED, Source<TabContents>(contents)); } void Browser::TabSelectedAt(TabContents* old_contents, TabContents* new_contents, int index, bool user_gesture) { DCHECK(old_contents != new_contents); // If we have any update pending, do it now. if (!chrome_updater_factory_.empty() && old_contents) ProcessPendingUIUpdates(); LocationBarView* location_bar = GetLocationBarView(); if (old_contents) { if (!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()) { // Have the contents remember where focus was. old_contents->StoreFocus(); } // Save what the user's currently typing, so it can be restored when we // switch back to this tab. if (location_bar) location_bar->location_entry()->SaveStateToTab(old_contents); } if (!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()) { // Tell the frame what happened so that the TabContents gets resized, etc. window_->ShowTabContents(new_contents); // Inform the tab that it is now selected. new_contents->DidBecomeSelected(); if (BrowserList::GetLastActive() == this) new_contents->RestoreFocus(); } // Propagate the profile to the location bar. if (!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()) window_->ProfileChanged(new_contents->profile()); UpdateToolBar(true); // Force the go/stop button to change. if (new_contents->AsWebContents()) { GetGoButton()->ChangeMode( new_contents->is_loading() ? GoButton::MODE_STOP : GoButton::MODE_GO); } else { GetGoButton()->ChangeMode(GoButton::MODE_GO); } // Update other parts of the toolbar. UpdateNavigationCommands(); // Reset the status bubble. GetStatusBubble()->Hide(); // Show the loading state (if any). GetStatusBubble()->SetStatus(GetSelectedTabContents()->GetStatusText()); if (!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()) SyncWindowTitle(); // Update sessions. Don't force creation of sessions. If sessions doesn't // exist, the change will be picked up by sessions when created. if (profile_->HasSessionService()) { SessionService* session_service = profile_->GetSessionService(); if (session_service && !tabstrip_model_.closing_all()) { session_service->SetSelectedTabInWindow(session_id(), tabstrip_model_.selected_index()); } } } void Browser::TabMoved(TabContents* contents, int from_index, int to_index) { DCHECK(from_index >= 0 && to_index >= 0); // Notify the history service. SyncHistoryWithTabs(std::min(from_index, to_index)); } void Browser::TabStripEmpty() { if (!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()) { // We need to reset the frame contents just in case this wasn't done while // detaching the tab. This happens when dragging out the last tab. window_->ShowTabContents(NULL); } // Close the frame after we return to the message loop (not immediately, // otherwise it will destroy this object before the stack has a chance to // cleanly unwind.) // Note: This will be called several times if TabStripEmpty is called several // times. This is because it does not close the window if tabs are // still present. // NOTE: If you change to be immediate (no invokeLater) then you'll need to // update BrowserList::CloseAllBrowsers. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(&Browser::CloseFrame)); } void Browser::RemoveShelvesForTabContents(TabContents* contents) { DCHECK(!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()); ChromeViews::View* shelf = contents->GetDownloadShelfView(); if (shelf && shelf->GetParent() != NULL) shelf->GetParent()->RemoveChildView(shelf); if (contents->AsWebContents()) { ChromeViews::View* info_bar = contents->AsWebContents()->view()->GetInfoBarView(); if (info_bar && info_bar->GetParent() != NULL) info_bar->GetParent()->RemoveChildView(info_bar); } } BrowserType::Type Browser::GetType() const { return type_; } void Browser::InitHangMonitor() { PrefService* pref_service = g_browser_process->local_state(); DCHECK(pref_service != NULL); int plugin_message_response_timeout = pref_service->GetInteger(prefs::kPluginMessageResponseTimeout); int hung_plugin_detect_freq = pref_service->GetInteger(prefs::kHungPluginDetectFrequency); if ((hung_plugin_detect_freq > 0) && hung_window_detector_.Initialize(GetTopLevelHWND(), plugin_message_response_timeout)) { ticker_.set_tick_interval(hung_plugin_detect_freq); ticker_.RegisterTickHandler(&hung_window_detector_); ticker_.Start(); pref_service->SetInteger(prefs::kPluginMessageResponseTimeout, plugin_message_response_timeout); pref_service->SetInteger(prefs::kHungPluginDetectFrequency, hung_plugin_detect_freq); } } Browser* Browser::GetOrCreateTabbedBrowser() { Browser* browser = BrowserList::FindBrowserWithType( profile_, BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER); if (!browser) { browser = new Browser(gfx::Rect(), SW_SHOWNORMAL, profile_, BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER, std::wstring()); } return browser; } void Browser::RemoveScheduledUpdatesFor(TabContents* contents) { if (!contents) return; // Remove any pending UI updates for the detached tab. UpdateVector::iterator cur_update = scheduled_updates_.begin(); while (cur_update != scheduled_updates_.end()) { if (cur_update->source == contents) { cur_update = scheduled_updates_.erase(cur_update); } else { ++cur_update; } } } void Browser::ShowNativeUI(const GURL& url) { int i, c; TabContents* tc; for (i = 0, c = tabstrip_model_.count(); i < c; ++i) { tc = tabstrip_model_.GetTabContentsAt(i); if (tc->type() == TAB_CONTENTS_NATIVE_UI && tc->GetURL() == url) { tabstrip_model_.SelectTabContentsAt(i, false); return; } } TabContents* contents = CreateTabContentsForURL(url, profile_, PageTransition::LINK, false, NULL); AddNewContents(NULL, contents, NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, gfx::Rect(), true); } NavigationController* Browser::BuildRestoredNavigationController( const std::vector<TabNavigation>& navigations, int selected_navigation) { if (!navigations.empty()) { DCHECK(selected_navigation >= 0 && selected_navigation < static_cast<int>(navigations.size())); // We should have a valid URL, if we don't fall back to the default. GURL url = navigations[selected_navigation].url; if (url.is_empty()) url = GetHomePage(); // Create a NavigationController. This constructor creates the appropriate // set of TabContents. return new NavigationController( profile_, navigations, selected_navigation, GetTopLevelHWND()); } else { // No navigations. Create a tab with about:blank. TabContents* contents = CreateTabContentsForURL(GURL("about:blank"), profile_, PageTransition::START_PAGE, false, NULL); return new NavigationController(contents, profile_); } } // static void Browser::OpenURLOffTheRecord(Profile* profile, const GURL& url) { Profile* off_the_record_profile = profile->GetOffTheRecordProfile(); Browser* browser = BrowserList::FindBrowserWithType( off_the_record_profile, BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER); if (browser == NULL) { browser = new Browser(gfx::Rect(), SW_SHOWNORMAL, off_the_record_profile, BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER, L""); } browser->AddTabWithURL(url, PageTransition::LINK, true, NULL); browser->Show(); browser->MoveToFront(true); } // static std::wstring Browser::ComputePopupTitle(const GURL& url, const std::wstring& title) { DCHECK(!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()); std::wstring result(title); FormatTitleForDisplay(&result); return result; } void Browser::ConvertToTabbedBrowser() { if (GetType() != BrowserType::BROWSER) { NOTREACHED(); return; } int tab_strip_index = tabstrip_model_.selected_index(); TabContents* contents = tabstrip_model_.DetachTabContentsAt(tab_strip_index); Browser* browser = new Browser(gfx::Rect(), SW_SHOWNORMAL, profile_, BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER, L""); browser->AddNewContents( NULL, contents, NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, gfx::Rect(), true); browser->Show(); } void Browser::BuildPopupWindow(TabContents* source, TabContents* new_contents, const gfx::Rect& initial_pos) { BrowserType::Type type = type_ == BrowserType::APPLICATION ? type_ : BrowserType::BROWSER; Browser* browser = new Browser(initial_pos, SW_SHOWNORMAL, profile_, type, std::wstring()); browser->AddNewContents(source, new_contents, NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, gfx::Rect(), true); if (!g_browser_process->IsUsingNewFrames()) { // TODO(beng): (1031854) Move most of this to the frames!! // For newly opened popup windows, the incoming width/height // numbers are for the content area, but x/y are for the actual // window position. Thus we can't just call MoveContents(). gfx::Rect window_rect = browser->window()->GetBoundsForContentBounds(initial_pos); window_rect.set_origin(initial_pos.origin()); // When we are given x/y coordinates of 0 on a created popup window, // assume none were given by the window.open() command. if (window_rect.x() == 0 && window_rect.y() == 0) { gfx::Point origin = window()->GetNormalBounds().origin(); origin.set_x(origin.x() + kWindowTilePixels); origin.set_y(origin.y() + kWindowTilePixels); window_rect.set_origin(origin); } ::SetWindowPos(browser->GetTopLevelHWND(), NULL, window_rect.x(), window_rect.y(), window_rect.width(), window_rect.height(), 0); win_util::AdjustWindowToFit(browser->GetTopLevelHWND()); } browser->Show(); } void Browser::ConvertContentsToApplication(TabContents* contents) { if (!contents->AsWebContents() || !contents->AsWebContents()->web_app()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } int index = tabstrip_model_.GetIndexOfTabContents(contents); if (index < 0) return; WebApp* app = contents->AsWebContents()->web_app(); const std::wstring& app_name = app->name().empty() ? ComputeApplicationNameFromURL(app->url()) : app->name(); RegisterAppPrefs(app_name); tabstrip_model_.DetachTabContentsAt(index); Browser* browser = new Browser(gfx::Rect(), SW_SHOWNORMAL, profile_, BrowserType::APPLICATION, app_name); browser->AddNewContents( NULL, contents, NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB, gfx::Rect(), true); browser->Show(); } // static std::wstring Browser::ComputeApplicationNameFromURL(const GURL& url) { std::string t; t.append(url.host()); t.append("_"); t.append(url.path()); return UTF8ToWide(t); } // static void Browser::OpenWebApplication(Profile* profile, WebApp* app, int show_command) { const std::wstring& app_name = app->name().empty() ? ComputeApplicationNameFromURL(app->url()) : app->name(); RegisterAppPrefs(app_name); Browser* browser = new Browser(gfx::Rect(), show_command, profile, BrowserType::APPLICATION, app_name); browser->AddWebApplicationTab(profile, app, false); browser->Show(); } // static void Browser::RegisterAppPrefs(const std::wstring& app_name) { // A set of apps that we've already started. static std::set<std::wstring>* g_app_names = NULL; if (!g_app_names) g_app_names = new std::set<std::wstring>; // Only register once for each app name. if (g_app_names->find(app_name) != g_app_names->end()) return; g_app_names->insert(app_name); // We need to register the window position pref. std::wstring window_pref(prefs::kBrowserWindowPlacement); window_pref.append(L"_"); window_pref.append(app_name); PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); DCHECK(prefs); prefs->RegisterDictionaryPref(window_pref.c_str()); } NavigationController* Browser::GetSelectedNavigationController() const { TabContents* tc = GetSelectedTabContents(); if (tc) return tc->controller(); else return NULL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NEW FRAME TODO(beng): clean up this file // DO NOT PLACE METHODS NOT RELATED TO NEW FRAMES BELOW THIS LINE. void Browser::SaveWindowPosition(const gfx::Rect& bounds, bool maximized) { // We don't save window position for popups. if (GetType() == BrowserType::BROWSER) return; // First save to local state, this is for remembering on subsequent starts. PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); DCHECK(prefs); std::wstring name(prefs::kBrowserWindowPlacement); if (!app_name_.empty()) { name.append(L"_"); name.append(app_name_); } DictionaryValue* win_pref = prefs->GetMutableDictionary(name.c_str()); DCHECK(win_pref); win_pref->SetInteger(L"top", bounds.y()); win_pref->SetInteger(L"left", bounds.x()); win_pref->SetInteger(L"bottom", bounds.bottom()); win_pref->SetInteger(L"right", bounds.right()); win_pref->SetBoolean(L"maximized", maximized); // Then save to the session storage service, used when reloading a past // session. Note that we don't want to be the ones who cause lazy // initialization of the session service. This function gets called during // initial window showing, and we don't want to bring in the session service // this early. if (profile()->HasSessionService()) { SessionService* session_service = profile()->GetSessionService(); if (session_service) session_service->SetWindowBounds(session_id_, bounds, maximized); } } void Browser::RestoreWindowPosition(gfx::Rect* bounds, bool* maximized) { DCHECK(bounds && maximized); WindowSizer::GetBrowserWindowBounds(app_name_, *bounds, bounds, maximized); } SkBitmap Browser::GetCurrentPageIcon() const { TabContents* contents = tabstrip_model_.GetSelectedTabContents(); return contents ? contents->GetFavIcon() : SkBitmap(); } std::wstring Browser::GetCurrentPageTitle() const { TabContents* contents = tabstrip_model_.GetSelectedTabContents(); std::wstring title; if (contents) { title = contents->GetTitle(); FormatTitleForDisplay(&title); } if (title.empty()) title = l10n_util::GetString(IDS_TAB_UNTITLED_TITLE); return l10n_util::GetStringF(IDS_BROWSER_WINDOW_TITLE_FORMAT, title); } // static void Browser::FormatTitleForDisplay(std::wstring* title) { size_t current_index = 0; size_t match_index; while ((match_index = title->find(L'\n', current_index)) != std::wstring::npos) { title->replace(match_index, 1, L""); current_index = match_index; } }