// Copyright 2008, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "chrome/browser/browser_init.h" #include <windows.h> #include <shellapi.h> #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/event_recorder.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/histogram.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/app/locales/locale_settings.h" #include "chrome/app/result_codes.h" #include "chrome/browser/automation/automation_provider.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/dom_ui/new_tab_ui.h" #include "chrome/browser/first_run.h" #include "chrome/browser/navigation_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/dns_global.h" #include "chrome/browser/session_crashed_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/session_restore.h" #include "chrome/browser/session_startup_pref.h" #include "chrome/browser/tabs/tab_strip_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/url_fixer_upper.h" #include "chrome/browser/web_app_launcher.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/common/logging_chrome.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" #include "net/base/cookie_monster.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "generated_resources.h" namespace { void SetOverrideHomePage(const CommandLine& command_line, PrefService* prefs) { // If homepage is specified on the command line, canonify & store it. if (command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kHomePage)) { std::wstring browser_directory; PathService::Get(base::DIR_CURRENT, &browser_directory); std::wstring new_homepage = URLFixerUpper::FixupRelativeFile( browser_directory, command_line.GetSwitchValue(switches::kHomePage)); prefs->transient()->SetString(prefs::kHomePage, new_homepage); } } // Checks the visiblilty of the enumerated window and signals once a visible // window has been found. BOOL CALLBACK BrowserWindowEnumeration(HWND window, LPARAM param) { bool* result = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(param); *result = IsWindowVisible(window) != 0; // Stops enumeration if a visible window has been found. return !*result; } } // namespace // MessageWindow -------------------------------------------------------------- BrowserInit::MessageWindow::MessageWindow(const std::wstring& user_data_dir) : window_(NULL), locked_(false) { // Look for a Chrome instance that uses the same profile directory: remote_window_ = FindWindowEx(HWND_MESSAGE, NULL, chrome::kMessageWindowClass, user_data_dir.c_str()); } BrowserInit::MessageWindow::~MessageWindow() { if (window_) DestroyWindow(window_); HuntForZombieChromeProcesses(); } bool BrowserInit::MessageWindow::NotifyOtherProcess(int show_cmd) { if (!remote_window_) return false; // Found another window, send our command line to it // format is "START\0<<<current directory>>>\0<<<commandline>>>\0show_cmd". std::wstring to_send(L"START\0", 6); // want the NULL in the string. std::wstring cur_dir; if (!PathService::Get(base::DIR_CURRENT, &cur_dir)) return false; to_send.append(cur_dir); to_send.append(L"\0", 1); // Null separator. to_send.append(GetCommandLineW()); to_send.append(L"\0", 1); // Null separator. // Append the windows show_command flags. if (show_cmd == SW_SHOWDEFAULT) { // SW_SHOWDEFAULT makes no sense to the other process. We need to // use the SW_ flag from OUR STARTUPUNFO; STARTUPINFO startup_info = {0}; startup_info.cb = sizeof(startup_info); GetStartupInfo(&startup_info); show_cmd = startup_info.wShowWindow; // In certain situations the window status above is returned as SW_HIDE. // In such cases we need to fall back to a default case of SW_SHOWNORMAL // so that user actually get to see the window. if (show_cmd != SW_SHOWNORMAL && show_cmd != SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) show_cmd = SW_SHOWNORMAL; } StringAppendF(&to_send, L"%d", static_cast<uint8>(show_cmd)); // Allow the current running browser window making itself the foreground // window (otherwise it will just flash in the taskbar). DWORD process_id = 0; DWORD thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId(remote_window_, &process_id); DCHECK(process_id); AllowSetForegroundWindow(process_id); // Gives 20 seconds timeout for the current browser process to respond. const int kTimeout = 20000; COPYDATASTRUCT cds; cds.dwData = 0; cds.cbData = static_cast<DWORD>((to_send.length() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); cds.lpData = const_cast<wchar_t*>(to_send.c_str()); DWORD_PTR result = 0; if (SendMessageTimeout(remote_window_, WM_COPYDATA, NULL, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&cds), SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, kTimeout, &result)) { return true; } // The window is hung. Scan for every window to find a visible one. bool visible_window = false; EnumThreadWindows(thread_id, &BrowserWindowEnumeration, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&visible_window)); // If there is a visible browser window, ask the user before killing it. if (visible_window) { std::wstring text = l10n_util::GetString(IDS_BROWSER_HUNGBROWSER_MESSAGE); std::wstring caption = l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME); if (IDYES != win_util::MessageBox(NULL, text, caption, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONSTOP | MB_TOPMOST)) { // The user denied. Quit silently. return true; } } // Time to take action. Kill the browser process. process_util::KillProcess(process_id, ResultCodes::HUNG, true); remote_window_ = NULL; return false; } void BrowserInit::MessageWindow::Create() { DCHECK(!window_); DCHECK(!remote_window_); HINSTANCE hinst = GetModuleHandle(NULL); WNDCLASSEX wc = {0}; wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc); wc.lpfnWndProc = BrowserInit::MessageWindow::WndProcStatic; wc.hInstance = hinst; wc.lpszClassName = chrome::kMessageWindowClass; RegisterClassEx(&wc); std::wstring user_data_dir; PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DATA, &user_data_dir); // Set the window's title to the path of our user data directory so other // Chrome instances can decide if they should forward to us or not. window_ = CreateWindow(chrome::kMessageWindowClass, user_data_dir.c_str(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, HWND_MESSAGE, 0, hinst, 0); DCHECK(window_); win_util::SetWindowUserData(window_, this); } LRESULT BrowserInit::MessageWindow::OnCopyData(HWND hwnd, const COPYDATASTRUCT* cds) { // Ignore the request if the browser process is already in shutdown path. if (!g_browser_process || g_browser_process->IsShuttingDown()) return TRUE; // If locked, it means we are not ready to process this message because // we are probably in a first run critical phase. if (locked_) return TRUE; // We should have enough room for the shortest command (min_message_size) // and also be a multiple of wchar_t bytes. static const int min_message_size = 7; if (cds->cbData < min_message_size || cds->cbData % sizeof(wchar_t) != 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid WM_COPYDATA, length = " << cds->cbData; return TRUE; } // We split the string into 4 parts on NULLs. const std::wstring msg(static_cast<wchar_t*>(cds->lpData), cds->cbData / sizeof(wchar_t)); const std::wstring::size_type first_null = msg.find_first_of(L'\0'); if (first_null == 0 || first_null == std::wstring::npos) { // no NULL byte, don't know what to do LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid WM_COPYDATA, length = " << msg.length() << ", first null = " << first_null; return TRUE; } // Decode the command, which is everything until the first NULL. if (msg.substr(0, first_null) == L"START") { // Another instance is starting parse the command line & do what it would // have done. LOG(INFO) << "Handling STARTUP request from another process"; const std::wstring::size_type second_null = msg.find_first_of(L'\0', first_null + 1); if (second_null == std::wstring::npos || first_null == msg.length() - 1 || second_null == msg.length()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid format for start command, we need a string in 4 " "parts separated by NULLs"; return TRUE; } // Get current directory. const std::wstring cur_dir = msg.substr(first_null + 1, second_null - first_null); const std::wstring::size_type third_null = msg.find_first_of(L'\0', second_null + 1); if (third_null == std::wstring::npos || third_null == msg.length()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid format for start command, we need a string in 4 " "parts separated by NULLs"; } // Get command line. const std::wstring cmd_line = msg.substr(second_null + 1, third_null - second_null); // The last component is probably null terminated but we don't require it // because everything here is based on counts. std::wstring show_cmd_str = msg.substr(third_null + 1); if (!show_cmd_str.empty() && show_cmd_str[show_cmd_str.length() - 1] == L'\0') show_cmd_str.resize(cmd_line.length() - 1); int show_cmd = _wtoi(show_cmd_str.c_str()); CommandLine parsed_command_line(cmd_line); PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); DCHECK(prefs); std::wstring user_data_dir; PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DATA, &user_data_dir); ProfileManager* profile_manager = g_browser_process->profile_manager(); Profile* profile = profile_manager->GetDefaultProfile(user_data_dir); if (!profile) { // We should only be able to get here if the profile already exists and // has been created. NOTREACHED(); return TRUE; } ProcessCommandLine(parsed_command_line, cur_dir, prefs, show_cmd, false, profile, NULL); return TRUE; } return TRUE; } LRESULT CALLBACK BrowserInit::MessageWindow::WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { switch (message) { case WM_COPYDATA: return OnCopyData(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(wparam), reinterpret_cast<COPYDATASTRUCT*>(lparam)); default: break; } return ::DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wparam, lparam); } void BrowserInit::MessageWindow::HuntForZombieChromeProcesses() { // Detecting dead renderers is simple: // - The process is named chrome.exe. // - The process' parent doesn't exist anymore. // - The process doesn't have a chrome::kMessageWindowClass window. // If these conditions hold, the process is a zombie renderer or plugin. // Retrieve the list of browser processes on start. This list is then used to // detect zombie renderer process or plugin process. class ZombieDetector : public process_util::ProcessFilter { public: ZombieDetector() { for (HWND window = NULL;;) { window = FindWindowEx(HWND_MESSAGE, window, chrome::kMessageWindowClass, NULL); if (!window) break; DWORD process = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, &process); if (process) browsers_.push_back(process); } } virtual bool Includes(uint32 pid, uint32 parent_pid) const { // Don't kill ourself eh. if (GetCurrentProcessId() == pid) return false; // Is this a browser? If so, ignore it. if (std::find(browsers_.begin(), browsers_.end(), pid) != browsers_.end()) return false; // Is the parent a browser? If so, ignore it. if (std::find(browsers_.begin(), browsers_.end(), parent_pid) != browsers_.end()) return false; // The chrome process is orphan. return true; } protected: std::vector<uint32> browsers_; }; ZombieDetector zombie_detector; process_util::KillProcesses(L"chrome.exe", ResultCodes::HUNG, &zombie_detector); } // LaunchWithProfile ---------------------------------------------------------- BrowserInit::LaunchWithProfile::LaunchWithProfile(const std::wstring& cur_dir, const std::wstring& cmd_line, int show_command) : command_line_(cmd_line), show_command_(show_command), cur_dir_(cur_dir) { } bool BrowserInit::LaunchWithProfile::Launch(Profile* profile, bool process_startup) { DCHECK(profile); profile_ = profile; CommandLine parsed_command_line(command_line_); gfx::Rect start_position; bool record_mode = parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kRecordMode); bool playback_mode = parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kPlaybackMode); if (record_mode || playback_mode) { // In playback/record mode we always fix the size of the browser and // move it to (0,0). The reason for this is two reasons: First we want // resize/moves in the playback to still work, and Second we want // playbacks to work (as much as possible) on machines w/ different // screen sizes. start_position_.set_height(800); start_position_.set_width(600); start_position_.set_x(0); start_position_.set_y(0); } if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kDnsLogDetails)) chrome_browser_net::EnableDnsDetailedLog(true); if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kDnsPrefetchDisable)) chrome_browser_net::EnableDnsPrefetch(false); if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kDumpHistogramsOnExit)) { StatisticsRecorder::set_dump_on_exit(true); } if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kRemoteShellPort)) { if (!RenderProcessHost::run_renderer_in_process()) { std::wstring port_str = parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValue(switches::kRemoteShellPort); int64 port = StringToInt64(port_str); if (port > 0 && port < 65535) { g_browser_process->InitDebuggerWrapper(static_cast<int>(port)); } else { DLOG(WARNING) << "Invalid port number " << port; } } } if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kEnableFileCookies)) CookieMonster::EnableFileScheme(); #ifndef NDEBUG if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kApp)) { NOTREACHED(); } #endif // NDEBUG std::vector<GURL> urls_to_open = GetURLsFromCommandLine(parsed_command_line, profile_); Browser* browser = NULL; // Always attempt to restore the last session. OpenStartupURLs only opens the // home pages if no additional URLs were passed on the command line. bool opened_startup_urls = OpenStartupURLs(process_startup, parsed_command_line, urls_to_open); if (!opened_startup_urls) { if (urls_to_open.empty()) { urls_to_open.push_back(GURL()); // New tab page. PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); if (prefs->IsPrefRegistered(prefs::kShouldShowWelcomePage) && prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kShouldShowWelcomePage)) { // Reset the preference so we don't show the welcome page next time. prefs->ClearPref(prefs::kShouldShowWelcomePage); // Add the welcome page. std::wstring welcome_url = l10n_util::GetString(IDS_WELCOME_PAGE_URL); urls_to_open.push_back(GURL(welcome_url)); } } else { browser = BrowserList::GetLastActive(); } browser = OpenURLsInBrowser(browser, process_startup, urls_to_open); } // It is possible to end here with a NULL 'browser'. For example if the user // has tweaked the startup session restore preferences. if (browser) { // If we're recording or playing back, startup the EventRecorder now // unless otherwise specified. if (!parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kNoEvents)) { std::wstring script_path; PathService::Get(chrome::FILE_RECORDED_SCRIPT, &script_path); if (record_mode && chrome::kRecordModeEnabled) base::EventRecorder::current()->StartRecording(script_path); if (playback_mode) base::EventRecorder::current()->StartPlayback(script_path); } } return true; } Browser* BrowserInit::LaunchWithProfile::CreateTabbedBrowser() { return new Browser(start_position_, show_command_, profile_, BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER, std::wstring()); } bool BrowserInit::LaunchWithProfile::OpenStartupURLs( bool is_process_startup, const CommandLine& command_line, const std::vector<GURL>& urls_to_open) { SessionStartupPref pref = SessionStartupPref::GetStartupPref(profile_); if (command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kRestoreLastSession)) pref.type = SessionStartupPref::LAST; switch (pref.type) { case SessionStartupPref::LAST: if (is_process_startup && !profile_->DidLastSessionExitCleanly() && !command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kRestoreLastSession)) { // The last session crashed. It's possible automatically loading the // page will trigger another crash, locking the user out of chrome. // To avoid this, don't restore on startup but instead show the crashed // infobar. return false; } if (!is_process_startup) { SessionService* service = profile_->GetSessionService(); if (service) { if (service->has_open_tabbed_browsers()) { // There are tabbed browsers open. Don't restore the session. return false; } if (service->tabbed_browser_created()) { // The user created at least one tabbed browser (but none are open // now), make the 'current' session the last and restore from it. service->MoveCurrentSessionToLastSession(); } // else case, user never created a tabbed browser (most likely they // launched an app and then double clicked on chrome), fall through // to restore from last session. } } if (is_process_startup) { SessionRestore::RestoreSessionSynchronously( profile_, false, show_command_, urls_to_open); } else { SessionRestore::RestoreSession(profile_, false, false, true, urls_to_open); } return true; case SessionStartupPref::URLS: // When the user launches the app only open the default set of URLs if // we aren't going to open any URLs on the command line. if (urls_to_open.empty()) { if (pref.urls.empty()) return false; // No URLs to open. OpenURLsInBrowser(NULL, is_process_startup, pref.urls); return true; } return false; default: return false; } } Browser* BrowserInit::LaunchWithProfile::OpenURLsInBrowser( Browser* browser, bool process_startup, const std::vector<GURL>& urls) { DCHECK(!urls.empty()); if (!browser || browser->GetType() != BrowserType::TABBED_BROWSER) browser = CreateTabbedBrowser(); for (size_t i = 0; i < urls.size(); ++i) { TabContents* tab = browser->AddTabWithURL( urls[i], PageTransition::START_PAGE, (i == 0), NULL); if (i == 0 && process_startup) AddCrashedInfoBarIfNecessary(tab); } browser->Show(); return browser; } void BrowserInit::LaunchWithProfile::AddCrashedInfoBarIfNecessary( TabContents* tab) { WebContents* web_contents = tab->AsWebContents(); if (!profile_->DidLastSessionExitCleanly() && web_contents) { // The last session didn't exit cleanly. Show an infobar to the user // so that they can restore if they want. web_contents->GetInfoBarView()-> AddChildView(new SessionCrashedView(profile_)); web_contents->SetInfoBarVisible(true); } } std::vector<GURL> BrowserInit::LaunchWithProfile::GetURLsFromCommandLine( const CommandLine& command_line, Profile* profile) { std::vector<GURL> urls; if (command_line.GetLooseValueCount() > 0) { for (CommandLine::LooseValueIterator iter = command_line.GetLooseValuesBegin(); iter != command_line.GetLooseValuesEnd(); ++iter) { std::wstring value = *iter; // Handle Vista way of searching - "? <search-term>" if (value.find(L"? ") == 0) { const TemplateURL* const default_provider = profile->GetTemplateURLModel()->GetDefaultSearchProvider(); if (!default_provider || !default_provider->url()) { // No search provider available. Just treat this as regular URL. urls.push_back(GURL(URLFixerUpper::FixupRelativeFile(cur_dir_, value))); continue; } const TemplateURLRef* const search_url = default_provider->url(); DCHECK(search_url->SupportsReplacement()); urls.push_back(GURL(search_url->ReplaceSearchTerms(*default_provider, value.substr(2), TemplateURLRef::NO_SUGGESTIONS_AVAILABLE, std::wstring()))); } else { // This will create a file URL or a regular URL. urls.push_back(GURL(URLFixerUpper::FixupRelativeFile(cur_dir_, value))); } } } return urls; } bool BrowserInit::ProcessCommandLine(const CommandLine& parsed_command_line, const std::wstring& cur_dir, PrefService* prefs, int show_command, bool process_startup, Profile* profile, int* return_code) { DCHECK(profile); if (process_startup) { const std::wstring popup_count_string = parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValue(switches::kOmniBoxPopupCount); if (!popup_count_string.empty()) { const int popup_count = std::max(0, _wtoi(popup_count_string.c_str())); AutocompleteResult::set_max_matches(popup_count); AutocompleteProvider::set_max_matches(popup_count / 2); } if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kDisablePromptOnRepost)) NavigationController::DisablePromptOnRepost(); const std::wstring tab_count_string = parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValue( switches::kTabCountToLoadOnSessionRestore); if (!tab_count_string.empty()) { const int tab_count = std::max(0, _wtoi(tab_count_string.c_str())); SessionRestore::num_tabs_to_load_ = static_cast<size_t>(tab_count); } // Look for the testing channel ID ONLY during process startup if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kTestingChannelID)) { std::wstring testing_channel_id = parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValue(switches::kTestingChannelID); // TODO(sanjeevr) Check if we need to make this a singleton for // compatibility with the old testing code // If there are any loose parameters, we expect each one to generate a // new tab; if there are none then we get one homepage tab. CreateAutomationProvider<TestingAutomationProvider>( testing_channel_id, profile, std::max(static_cast<int>(parsed_command_line.GetLooseValueCount()), 1)); } } // Allow the command line to override the persisted setting of home page. SetOverrideHomePage(parsed_command_line, profile->GetPrefs()); if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kBrowserStartRenderersManually)) prefs->transient()->SetBoolean(prefs::kStartRenderersManually, true); bool silent_launch = false; if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kAutomationClientChannelID)) { std::wstring automation_channel_id = parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValue(switches::kAutomationClientChannelID); // If there are any loose parameters, we expect each one to generate a // new tab; if there are none then we have no tabs size_t expected_tabs = std::max(static_cast<int>(parsed_command_line.GetLooseValueCount()), 0); if (expected_tabs == 0) { silent_launch = true; } CreateAutomationProvider<AutomationProvider>(automation_channel_id, profile, expected_tabs); } // If we don't want to launch a new browser window or tab (in the case // of an automation request), we are done here. if (!silent_launch) { return LaunchBrowser(parsed_command_line, profile, show_command, cur_dir, process_startup, return_code); } return true; } bool BrowserInit::LaunchBrowser(const CommandLine& parsed_command_line, Profile* profile, int show_command, const std::wstring& cur_dir, bool process_startup, int* return_code) { DCHECK(profile); // Are we starting an application? std::wstring app_url = parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValue(switches::kApp); if (!app_url.empty()) { GURL url(app_url); // If the application is started for a mailto:url, this machine has some // old configuration that we should ignore. This hack saves us from some // infinite loops where we keep forwarding mailto: to the system, resulting // in the system asking us to open the mailto app. if (url.SchemeIs("mailto")) url = GURL("about:blank"); WebAppLauncher::Launch(profile, url, show_command); return true; } LaunchWithProfile lwp(cur_dir, parsed_command_line.command_line_string(), show_command); bool launched = lwp.Launch(profile, process_startup); if (!launched) { LOG(ERROR) << "launch error"; if (return_code != NULL) { *return_code = ResultCodes::INVALID_CMDLINE_URL; } return false; } return true; } template <class AutomationProviderClass> void BrowserInit::CreateAutomationProvider(const std::wstring& channel_id, Profile* profile, size_t expected_tabs) { AutomationProviderClass* automation = new AutomationProviderClass(profile); automation->AddRef(); automation->ConnectToChannel(channel_id); automation->SetExpectedTabCount(expected_tabs); }