// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this
// source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the
// LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/browser.h"
#include "chrome/test/in_process_browser_test.h"
#include "net/base/host_resolver_unittest.h"

class BrowserTest : public InProcessBrowserTest {
  BrowserTest() {
    host_mapper_ = new net::RuleBasedHostMapper();
    // Avoid making external DNS lookups. In this test we don't need this
    // to succeed.

  scoped_refptr<net::RuleBasedHostMapper> host_mapper_;
  net::ScopedHostMapper scoped_host_mapper_;

// This tests that windows without tabstrips can't have new tabs opened in
// them.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(BrowserTest, NoTabsInPopups) {

  // We start with a normal browser with one tab.
  EXPECT_EQ(1, browser()->tab_count());

  // Open a popup browser with a single blank foreground tab.
  Browser* popup_browser = browser()->CreateForPopup(browser()->profile());
  EXPECT_EQ(1, popup_browser->tab_count());

  // Now try opening another tab in the popup browser.
  popup_browser->AddTabWithURL(GURL("about:blank"), GURL(),
                               PageTransition::TYPED, true, -1, NULL);
  // The popup should still only have one tab.
  EXPECT_EQ(1, popup_browser->tab_count());

  // The normal browser should now have two.
  EXPECT_EQ(2, browser()->tab_count());

  // Open an app frame browser with a single blank foreground tab.
  Browser* app_browser =
      browser()->CreateForApp(L"Test", browser()->profile(), false);
  EXPECT_EQ(1, app_browser->tab_count());

  // Now try opening another tab in the app browser.
  app_browser->AddTabWithURL(GURL("about:blank"), GURL(),
                             PageTransition::TYPED, true, -1, NULL);
  // The popup should still only have one tab.
  EXPECT_EQ(1, app_browser->tab_count());

  // The normal browser should now have three.
  EXPECT_EQ(3, browser()->tab_count());

  // Open an app frame popup browser with a single blank foreground tab.
  Browser* app_popup_browser =
      browser()->CreateForApp(L"Test", browser()->profile(), false);
  EXPECT_EQ(1, app_popup_browser->tab_count());

  // Now try opening another tab in the app popup browser.
  app_popup_browser->AddTabWithURL(GURL("about:blank"), GURL(),
                                   PageTransition::TYPED, true, -1, NULL);
  // The popup should still only have one tab.
  EXPECT_EQ(1, app_popup_browser->tab_count());

  // The normal browser should now have four.
  EXPECT_EQ(4, browser()->tab_count());

  // Close the additional browsers.