// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/browser_url_handler.h" #include "chrome/test/testing_profile.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" class BrowserURLHandlerTest : public testing::Test { }; // Test URL rewriter that rewrites all "foo://" URLs to "bar://bar". static bool FooRewriter(GURL* url, Profile* profile) { if (url->scheme() == "foo") { *url = GURL("bar://bar"); return true; } return false; } // Test URL rewriter that rewrites all "bar://" URLs to "foo://foo". static bool BarRewriter(GURL* url, Profile* profile) { if (url->scheme() == "bar") { *url = GURL("foo://foo"); return true; } return false; } TEST_F(BrowserURLHandlerTest, BasicRewriteAndReverse) { TestingProfile profile; BrowserURLHandler handler; handler.AddHandlerPair(FooRewriter, BarRewriter); GURL url("foo://bar"); GURL original_url(url); bool reverse_on_redirect = false; handler.RewriteURLIfNecessary(&url, &profile, &reverse_on_redirect); ASSERT_TRUE(reverse_on_redirect); ASSERT_EQ("bar://bar", url.spec()); // Check that reversing the URL works. GURL saved_url(url); bool reversed = handler.ReverseURLRewrite(&url, original_url, &profile); ASSERT_TRUE(reversed); ASSERT_EQ("foo://foo", url.spec()); // Check that reversing the URL only works with a matching |original_url|. url = saved_url; original_url = GURL("bam://bam"); // Won't be matched by FooRewriter. reversed = handler.ReverseURLRewrite(&url, original_url, &profile); ASSERT_FALSE(reversed); ASSERT_EQ(saved_url, url); } TEST_F(BrowserURLHandlerTest, NullHandlerReverse) { TestingProfile profile; BrowserURLHandler handler; GURL url("bar://foo"); GURL original_url(url); handler.AddHandlerPair(BrowserURLHandler::null_handler(), FooRewriter); bool reversed = handler.ReverseURLRewrite(&url, original_url, &profile); ASSERT_FALSE(reversed); ASSERT_EQ(original_url, url); handler.AddHandlerPair(BrowserURLHandler::null_handler(), BarRewriter); reversed = handler.ReverseURLRewrite(&url, original_url, &profile); ASSERT_TRUE(reversed); ASSERT_EQ("foo://foo", url.spec()); }