// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <map>
#include <string>

#include "base/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/string16.h"
#include "net/base/cert_database.h"

// CertificateManagerModel provides the data to be displayed in the certificate
// manager dialog, and processes changes from the view.
class CertificateManagerModel {
  // Map from the subject organization name to the list of certs from that
  // organization.  If a cert does not have an organization name, the
  // subject's CertPrincipal::GetDisplayName() value is used instead.
  typedef std::map<std::string, net::CertificateList> OrgGroupingMap;

  // Enumeration of the possible columns in the certificate manager tree view.
  enum Column {

  class Observer {
    // Called to notify the view that the certificate list has been refreshed.
    // TODO(mattm): do a more granular updating strategy?  Maybe retrieve new
    // list of certs, diff against past list, and then notify of the changes?
    virtual void CertificatesRefreshed() = 0;

  explicit CertificateManagerModel(Observer* observer);

  // Refresh the list of certs.  Following this call, the observer
  // CertificatesRefreshed method will be called so the view can call
  // FilterAndBuildOrgGroupingMap as necessary to refresh its tree views.
  void Refresh();

  // Fill |map| with the certificates matching |filter_type|.
  void FilterAndBuildOrgGroupingMap(net::CertType filter_type,
                                    OrgGroupingMap* map) const;

  // Get the data to be displayed in |column| for the given |cert|.
  string16 GetColumnText(const net::X509Certificate& cert, Column column) const;

  // Import certificates from PKCS #12 encoded |data|, using the given
  // |password|.  Returns a net error code on failure.
  int ImportFromPKCS12(const std::string& data, const string16& password);

  // Export certificates as PKCS #12 encoded |output|, using the given
  // |password|.  Returns number of certs exported.
  int ExportToPKCS12(const net::CertificateList& certs,
                     const string16& password,
                     std::string* output) const;

  // Get trust bits for certificate.
  // Return value will be a bit field of TRUST_* values from CertDatabase, or
  unsigned int GetCertTrust(const net::X509Certificate* cert,
                            net::CertType type) const;

  // Set trust values for certificate.
  // |trust_bits| should be a bit field of TRUST_* values from CertDatabase, or
  // Returns true on success or false on failure.
  bool SetCertTrust(const net::X509Certificate* cert,
                    net::CertType type,
                    unsigned int trust_bits);

  // Delete the cert.  Returns true on success.  |cert| is still valid when this
  // function returns.
  bool Delete(net::X509Certificate* cert);

  net::CertDatabase cert_db_;
  net::CertificateList cert_list_;

  // The observer to notify when certificate list is refreshed.
  Observer* observer_;
