// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/audio_mixer_pulse.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h" #include "content/browser/browser_thread.h" namespace chromeos { // Using asynchronous versions of the threaded PulseAudio API, as well // as a worker thread so gets, sets, and the init sequence do not block the // calling thread. GetVolume() and IsMute() can still be called synchronously // if needed, but take a bit longer (~2ms vs ~0.3ms). // // Set calls just return without waiting. If you must guarantee the value has // been set before continuing, immediately call the blocking Get version to // synchronously get the value back. // // TODO(davej): Serialize volume/mute to preserve settings when restarting? namespace { const int kInvalidDeviceId = -1; const double kMinVolumeDb = -90.0; // Choosing 6.0dB here instead of 0dB to give user chance to amplify audio some // in case sounds or their setup is too quiet for them. const double kMaxVolumeDb = 6.0; // Used for passing custom data to the PulseAudio callbacks. struct CallbackWrapper { AudioMixerPulse* instance; bool done; void* userdata; }; } // namespace // AudioInfo contains all the values we care about when getting info for a // Sink (output device) used by GetAudioInfo(). struct AudioMixerPulse::AudioInfo { pa_cvolume cvolume; bool muted; }; AudioMixerPulse::AudioMixerPulse() : device_id_(kInvalidDeviceId), last_channels_(0), mainloop_lock_count_(0), mixer_state_(UNINITIALIZED), pa_context_(NULL), pa_mainloop_(NULL) { } AudioMixerPulse::~AudioMixerPulse() { bool run_all_pending = false; { base::AutoLock lock(mixer_state_lock_); // DoInit() has not even been called yet, but is still in the thread message // queue. Force it out of the queue and exit DoInit() right away. if ((!pa_mainloop_) && (mixer_state_ == INITIALIZING)) { mixer_state_ = UNINITIALIZED; run_all_pending = true; } } if (run_all_pending) thread_->message_loop()->RunAllPending(); PulseAudioFree(); if (thread_ != NULL) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); // A ScopedAllowIO object is required to join the thread when calling Stop. // The worker thread should be idle at this time. // See http://crosbug.com/11110 for discussion. base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io_for_thread_join; thread_->message_loop()->AssertIdle(); thread_->Stop(); thread_.reset(); } } void AudioMixerPulse::Init(InitDoneCallback* callback) { DCHECK(callback); if (!InitThread()) { callback->Run(false); delete callback; return; } // Post the task of starting up, which can block for 200-500ms, // so best not to do it on the caller's thread. thread_->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &AudioMixerPulse::DoInit, callback)); } bool AudioMixerPulse::InitSync() { if (!InitThread()) return false; return PulseAudioInit(); } double AudioMixerPulse::GetVolumeDb() const { if (!MainloopLockIfReady()) return AudioMixer::kSilenceDb; AudioInfo data; GetAudioInfo(&data); MainloopUnlock(); return pa_sw_volume_to_dB(data.cvolume.values[0]); } bool AudioMixerPulse::GetVolumeLimits(double* vol_min, double* vol_max) { if (vol_min) *vol_min = kMinVolumeDb; if (vol_max) *vol_max = kMaxVolumeDb; return true; } void AudioMixerPulse::SetVolumeDb(double vol_db) { if (!MainloopLockIfReady()) return; // last_channels_ determines the number of channels on the main output device, // and is used later to set the volume on all channels at once. if (!last_channels_) { AudioInfo data; GetAudioInfo(&data); last_channels_ = data.cvolume.channels; } pa_operation* pa_op; pa_cvolume cvolume; pa_cvolume_set(&cvolume, last_channels_, pa_sw_volume_from_dB(vol_db)); pa_op = pa_context_set_sink_volume_by_index(pa_context_, device_id_, &cvolume, NULL, NULL); pa_operation_unref(pa_op); MainloopUnlock(); VLOG(1) << "Set volume to " << vol_db << " dB"; } bool AudioMixerPulse::IsMute() const { if (!MainloopLockIfReady()) return false; AudioInfo data; GetAudioInfo(&data); MainloopUnlock(); return data.muted; } void AudioMixerPulse::SetMute(bool mute) { if (!MainloopLockIfReady()) return; pa_operation* pa_op; pa_op = pa_context_set_sink_mute_by_index(pa_context_, device_id_, mute ? 1 : 0, NULL, NULL); pa_operation_unref(pa_op); MainloopUnlock(); VLOG(1) << "Set mute to " << mute; } AudioMixer::State AudioMixerPulse::GetState() const { base::AutoLock lock(mixer_state_lock_); // If we think it's ready, verify it is actually so. if ((mixer_state_ == READY) && (pa_context_get_state(pa_context_) != PA_CONTEXT_READY)) mixer_state_ = IN_ERROR; return mixer_state_; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private functions follow void AudioMixerPulse::DoInit(InitDoneCallback* callback) { bool success = PulseAudioInit(); callback->Run(success); delete callback; } bool AudioMixerPulse::InitThread() { base::AutoLock lock(mixer_state_lock_); if (mixer_state_ != UNINITIALIZED) return false; if (thread_ == NULL) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); thread_.reset(new base::Thread("AudioMixerPulse")); if (!thread_->Start()) { thread_.reset(); return false; } } mixer_state_ = INITIALIZING; return true; } // static void AudioMixerPulse::ConnectToPulseCallbackThunk( pa_context* context, void* userdata) { CallbackWrapper* data = static_cast(userdata); data->instance->OnConnectToPulseCallback(context, &data->done); } void AudioMixerPulse::OnConnectToPulseCallback( pa_context* context, bool* connect_done) { pa_context_state_t state = pa_context_get_state(context); if (state == PA_CONTEXT_READY || state == PA_CONTEXT_FAILED || state == PA_CONTEXT_TERMINATED) { // Connection process has reached a terminal state. Wake PulseAudioInit(). *connect_done = true; MainloopSignal(); } } bool AudioMixerPulse::PulseAudioInit() { pa_context_state_t state = PA_CONTEXT_FAILED; { base::AutoLock lock(mixer_state_lock_); if (mixer_state_ != INITIALIZING) return false; pa_mainloop_ = pa_threaded_mainloop_new(); if (!pa_mainloop_) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't create PulseAudio mainloop"; mixer_state_ = UNINITIALIZED; return false; } if (pa_threaded_mainloop_start(pa_mainloop_) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't start PulseAudio mainloop"; pa_threaded_mainloop_free(pa_mainloop_); mixer_state_ = UNINITIALIZED; return false; } } while (true) { // Create connection to default server. if (!MainloopSafeLock()) return false; while (true) { pa_mainloop_api* pa_mlapi = pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api(pa_mainloop_); if (!pa_mlapi) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't get PulseAudio mainloop api"; break; } // This one takes the most time if run at app startup. pa_context_ = pa_context_new(pa_mlapi, "ChromeAudio"); if (!pa_context_) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't create new PulseAudio context"; break; } MainloopUnlock(); if (!MainloopSafeLock()) return false; CallbackWrapper data = {this, false, NULL}; pa_context_set_state_callback(pa_context_, &ConnectToPulseCallbackThunk, &data); if (pa_context_connect(pa_context_, NULL, PA_CONTEXT_NOAUTOSPAWN, NULL) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't start connection to PulseAudio sound server"; } else { // Wait until we have a completed connection or fail. do { MainloopWait(); } while (!data.done); state = pa_context_get_state(pa_context_); if (state == PA_CONTEXT_FAILED) { LOG(ERROR) << "PulseAudio connection failed (daemon not running?)"; } else if (state == PA_CONTEXT_TERMINATED) { LOG(ERROR) << "PulseAudio connection terminated early"; } else if (state != PA_CONTEXT_READY) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown problem connecting to PulseAudio"; } } pa_context_set_state_callback(pa_context_, NULL, NULL); break; } MainloopUnlock(); if (state != PA_CONTEXT_READY) break; if (!MainloopSafeLock()) return false; GetDefaultPlaybackDevice(); MainloopUnlock(); if (device_id_ == kInvalidDeviceId) break; { base::AutoLock lock(mixer_state_lock_); if (mixer_state_ == SHUTTING_DOWN) return false; mixer_state_ = READY; } return true; } // Failed startup sequence, clean up now. PulseAudioFree(); return false; } void AudioMixerPulse::PulseAudioFree() { { base::AutoLock lock(mixer_state_lock_); if (!pa_mainloop_) mixer_state_ = UNINITIALIZED; if ((mixer_state_ == UNINITIALIZED) || (mixer_state_ == SHUTTING_DOWN)) return; // If still initializing on another thread, this will cause it to exit. mixer_state_ = SHUTTING_DOWN; } DCHECK(pa_mainloop_); MainloopLock(); if (pa_context_) { pa_context_disconnect(pa_context_); pa_context_unref(pa_context_); pa_context_ = NULL; } MainloopUnlock(); pa_threaded_mainloop_stop(pa_mainloop_); pa_threaded_mainloop_free(pa_mainloop_); pa_mainloop_ = NULL; { base::AutoLock lock(mixer_state_lock_); mixer_state_ = UNINITIALIZED; } } void AudioMixerPulse::CompleteOperation(pa_operation* pa_op, bool* done) const { // After starting any operation, this helper checks if it started OK, then // waits for it to complete by iterating through the mainloop until the // operation is not running anymore. CHECK(pa_op); while (pa_operation_get_state(pa_op) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) { // If operation still running, but we got what we needed, cancel it now. if (*done) { pa_operation_cancel(pa_op); break; } MainloopWait(); } pa_operation_unref(pa_op); } // Must be called with mainloop lock held void AudioMixerPulse::GetDefaultPlaybackDevice() { DCHECK_GT(mainloop_lock_count_, 0); DCHECK(pa_context_); DCHECK(pa_context_get_state(pa_context_) == PA_CONTEXT_READY); CallbackWrapper data = {this, false, NULL}; pa_operation* pa_op = pa_context_get_sink_info_list(pa_context_, EnumerateDevicesCallback, &data); CompleteOperation(pa_op, &data.done); return; } void AudioMixerPulse::OnEnumerateDevices(const pa_sink_info* sink_info, int eol, bool* done) { if (device_id_ != kInvalidDeviceId) return; // TODO(davej): Should we handle cases of more than one output sink device? // eol is < 0 for error, > 0 for end of list, ==0 while listing. if (eol == 0) { device_id_ = sink_info->index; } *done = true; MainloopSignal(); } // static void AudioMixerPulse::EnumerateDevicesCallback(pa_context* unused, const pa_sink_info* sink_info, int eol, void* userdata) { CallbackWrapper* data = static_cast(userdata); data->instance->OnEnumerateDevices(sink_info, eol, &data->done); } // Must be called with lock held void AudioMixerPulse::GetAudioInfo(AudioInfo* info) const { DCHECK_GT(mainloop_lock_count_, 0); CallbackWrapper data = {const_cast(this), false, info}; pa_operation* pa_op = pa_context_get_sink_info_by_index(pa_context_, device_id_, GetAudioInfoCallback, &data); CompleteOperation(pa_op, &data.done); } // static void AudioMixerPulse::GetAudioInfoCallback(pa_context* unused, const pa_sink_info* sink_info, int eol, void* userdata) { CallbackWrapper* data = static_cast(userdata); AudioInfo* info = static_cast(data->userdata); // Copy just the information we care about. if (eol == 0) { info->cvolume = sink_info->volume; info->muted = sink_info->mute ? true : false; data->done = true; } data->instance->MainloopSignal(); } inline void AudioMixerPulse::MainloopLock() const { pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(pa_mainloop_); ++mainloop_lock_count_; } inline void AudioMixerPulse::MainloopUnlock() const { --mainloop_lock_count_; pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(pa_mainloop_); } // Must be called with the lock held. inline void AudioMixerPulse::MainloopWait() const { DCHECK_GT(mainloop_lock_count_, 0); pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(pa_mainloop_); } // Must be called with the lock held. inline void AudioMixerPulse::MainloopSignal() const { DCHECK_GT(mainloop_lock_count_, 0); pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(pa_mainloop_, 0); } inline bool AudioMixerPulse::MainloopSafeLock() const { base::AutoLock lock(mixer_state_lock_); if ((mixer_state_ == SHUTTING_DOWN) || (!pa_mainloop_)) return false; pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(pa_mainloop_); ++mainloop_lock_count_; return true; } inline bool AudioMixerPulse::MainloopLockIfReady() const { base::AutoLock lock(mixer_state_lock_); if (mixer_state_ != READY) return false; if (!pa_mainloop_) return false; pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(pa_mainloop_); ++mainloop_lock_count_; return true; } } // namespace chromeos