// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/cros/network_parser.h" #include "base/json/json_reader.h" #include "base/json/json_writer.h" // for debug output only. #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/values.h" // Needed only for debug output (ConnectionTypeToString). #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/cros/native_network_constants.h" namespace chromeos { NetworkDeviceParser::NetworkDeviceParser( const EnumMapper* mapper) : mapper_(mapper) { CHECK(mapper); } NetworkDeviceParser::~NetworkDeviceParser() { } NetworkDevice* NetworkDeviceParser::CreateDeviceFromInfo( const std::string& device_path, const DictionaryValue& info) { scoped_ptr device(CreateNewNetworkDevice(device_path)); if (!UpdateDeviceFromInfo(info, device.get())) { NOTREACHED() << "Unable to create new device"; return NULL; } VLOG(2) << "Created device for path " << device_path; return device.release(); } bool NetworkDeviceParser::UpdateDeviceFromInfo(const DictionaryValue& info, NetworkDevice* device) { for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator iter = info.begin_keys(); iter != info.end_keys(); ++iter) { const std::string& key = *iter; const base::Value* value; bool result = info.GetWithoutPathExpansion(key, &value); DCHECK(result); if (result) UpdateStatus(key, *value, device, NULL); } if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) { std::string json; base::JSONWriter::WriteWithOptions(&info, base::JSONWriter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_PRINT, &json); VLOG(2) << "Updated device for path " << device->device_path() << ": " << json; } return true; } bool NetworkDeviceParser::UpdateStatus(const std::string& key, const base::Value& value, NetworkDevice* device, PropertyIndex* index) { PropertyIndex found_index = mapper().Get(key); if (index) *index = found_index; if (!ParseValue(found_index, value, device)) { VLOG(3) << "NetworkDeviceParser: Unhandled key: " << key; return false; } if (VLOG_IS_ON(3)) { std::string value_json; base::JSONWriter::WriteWithOptions(&value, base::JSONWriter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_PRINT, &value_json); VLOG(3) << "Updated value on device: " << device->device_path() << "[" << key << "] = " << value_json; } return true; } NetworkDevice* NetworkDeviceParser::CreateNewNetworkDevice( const std::string&device_path) { return new NetworkDevice(device_path); } //----------- Network Parser ----------------- NetworkParser::NetworkParser(const EnumMapper* mapper) : mapper_(mapper) { CHECK(mapper); } NetworkParser::~NetworkParser() { } Network* NetworkParser::CreateNetworkFromInfo( const std::string& service_path, const DictionaryValue& info) { ConnectionType type = ParseTypeFromDictionary(info); if (type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) // Return NULL if cannot parse network type. return NULL; scoped_ptr network(CreateNewNetwork(type, service_path)); UpdateNetworkFromInfo(info, network.get()); VLOG(2) << "Created Network '" << network->name() << "' from info. Path:" << service_path << " Type:" << ConnectionTypeToString(type); return network.release(); } bool NetworkParser::UpdateNetworkFromInfo(const DictionaryValue& info, Network* network) { network->set_unique_id(""); for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator iter = info.begin_keys(); iter != info.end_keys(); ++iter) { const std::string& key = *iter; const base::Value* value; bool res = info.GetWithoutPathExpansion(key, &value); DCHECK(res); if (res) // Use network's parser to update status network->UpdateStatus(key, *value, NULL); } if (network->unique_id().empty()) network->CalculateUniqueId(); VLOG(2) << "Updated network '" << network->name() << "' Path:" << network->service_path() << " Type:" << ConnectionTypeToString(network->type()); return true; } bool NetworkParser::UpdateStatus(const std::string& key, const base::Value& value, Network* network, PropertyIndex* index) { PropertyIndex found_index = mapper().Get(key); if (index) *index = found_index; network->UpdatePropertyMap(found_index, &value); if (!ParseValue(found_index, value, network)) { VLOG(3) << "Unhandled key '" << key << "' in Network: " << network->name() << " ID: " << network->unique_id() << " Type: " << ConnectionTypeToString(network->type()); return false; } if (VLOG_IS_ON(3)) { std::string value_json; base::JSONWriter::WriteWithOptions(&value, base::JSONWriter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_PRINT, &value_json); VLOG(3) << "Updated value on network: " << network->unique_id() << "[" << key << "] = " << value_json; } return true; } Network* NetworkParser::CreateNewNetwork( ConnectionType type, const std::string& service_path) { switch (type) { case TYPE_ETHERNET: { EthernetNetwork* ethernet = new EthernetNetwork(service_path); return ethernet; } case TYPE_WIFI: { WifiNetwork* wifi = new WifiNetwork(service_path); return wifi; } case TYPE_WIMAX: { WimaxNetwork* wifi = new WimaxNetwork(service_path); return wifi; } case TYPE_CELLULAR: { CellularNetwork* cellular = new CellularNetwork(service_path); return cellular; } case TYPE_VPN: { VirtualNetwork* vpn = new VirtualNetwork(service_path); return vpn; } default: { // If we try and create a service for which we have an unknown // type, then that's a bug, and we will crash. LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown service type: " << type; return NULL; } } } bool NetworkParser::ParseValue(PropertyIndex index, const base::Value& value, Network* network) { switch (index) { case PROPERTY_INDEX_NAME: { std::string name; if (!value.GetAsString(&name)) return false; network->SetName(name); return true; } case PROPERTY_INDEX_GUID: { std::string unique_id; if (!value.GetAsString(&unique_id)) return false; network->set_unique_id(unique_id); return true; } case PROPERTY_INDEX_AUTO_CONNECT: { bool auto_connect; if (!value.GetAsBoolean(&auto_connect)) return false; network->set_auto_connect(auto_connect); return true; } case PROPERTY_INDEX_PROXY_CONFIG: { std::string proxy_config; if (!value.GetAsString(&proxy_config)) return false; network->set_proxy_config(proxy_config); return true; } case PROPERTY_INDEX_UI_DATA: { network->set_ui_data(NetworkUIData()); std::string ui_data_json; if (!value.GetAsString(&ui_data_json)) return false; scoped_ptr ui_data_value( base::JSONReader::Read(ui_data_json)); base::DictionaryValue* ui_data_dict = NULL; if (!ui_data_value.get() || !ui_data_value->GetAsDictionary(&ui_data_dict)) return false; network->set_ui_data(NetworkUIData(*ui_data_dict)); return true; } default: break; } return false; } } // namespace chromeos