// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/file_cache_metadata.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/file_errors.h"

class Profile;

namespace base {

class SequencedTaskRunner;

}  // namespace base

namespace drive {

class FileCacheEntry;

// Callback for GetCacheEntry.
// |success| indicates if the operation was successful.
// |cache_entry| is the obtained cache entry. On failure, |cache_state| is
typedef base::Callback<void(bool success, const FileCacheEntry& cache_entry)>

namespace internal {

class FileCacheMetadata;
class FileCacheObserver;

// Callback for GetFileFromCache.
typedef base::Callback<void(FileError error,
                            const base::FilePath& cache_file_path)>

// Callback for RequestInitialize.
// |success| indicates if the operation was successful.
// TODO(satorux): Change this to FileError when it becomes necessary.
typedef base::Callback<void(bool success)>

// Interface class used for getting the free disk space. Tests can inject an
// implementation that reports fake free disk space.
class FreeDiskSpaceGetterInterface {
  virtual ~FreeDiskSpaceGetterInterface() {}
  virtual int64 AmountOfFreeDiskSpace() = 0;

// FileCache is used to maintain cache states of FileSystem.
// All non-static public member functions, unless mentioned otherwise (see
// GetCacheFilePath() for example), should be called from the UI thread.
class FileCache {
  // Enum defining GCache subdirectory location.
  // This indexes into |FileCache::cache_paths_| vector.
  enum CacheSubDirectoryType {
    CACHE_TYPE_META = 0,       // Downloaded feeds.
    CACHE_TYPE_OUTGOING,       // Symlinks to files in persistent or tmp dir to
                               // be uploaded.
    CACHE_TYPE_PERSISTENT,     // Files that are pinned or modified locally,
                               // not evictable, hopefully.
    CACHE_TYPE_TMP,            // Files that don't meet criteria to be in
                               // persistent dir, and hence evictable.
    CACHE_TYPE_TMP_DOWNLOADS,  // Downloaded files.
    CACHE_TYPE_TMP_DOCUMENTS,  // Temporary JSON files for hosted documents.
    NUM_CACHE_TYPES,           // This must be at the end.

  // Enum defining type of file operation e.g. copy or move, etc.
  enum FileOperationType {

  // |cache_root_path| specifies the root directory for the cache. Sub
  // directories will be created under the root directory.
  // |blocking_task_runner| is used to post a task to the blocking worker
  // pool for file operations. Must not be null.
  // |free_disk_space_getter| is used to inject a custom free disk space
  // getter for testing. NULL must be passed for production code.
  FileCache(const base::FilePath& cache_root_path,
             base::SequencedTaskRunner* blocking_task_runner,
             FreeDiskSpaceGetterInterface* free_disk_space_getter);

  // Returns the sub-directory under drive cache directory for the given sub
  // directory type. Example:  <user_profile_dir>/GCache/v1/tmp
  // Can be called on any thread.
  base::FilePath GetCacheDirectoryPath(
      CacheSubDirectoryType sub_dir_type) const;

  // Returns true if the given path is under drive cache directory, i.e.
  // <user_profile_dir>/GCache/v1
  // Can be called on any thread.
  bool IsUnderFileCacheDirectory(const base::FilePath& path) const;

  // Adds observer.
  void AddObserver(FileCacheObserver* observer);

  // Removes observer.
  void RemoveObserver(FileCacheObserver* observer);

  // Gets the cache entry for file corresponding to |resource_id| and |md5|
  // and runs |callback| with true and the entry found if entry exists in cache
  // map.  Otherwise, runs |callback| with false.
  // |md5| can be empty if only matching |resource_id| is desired, which may
  // happen when looking for pinned entries where symlinks' filenames have no
  // extension and hence no md5.
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void GetCacheEntry(const std::string& resource_id,
                     const std::string& md5,
                     const GetCacheEntryCallback& callback);

  // Iterates all files in the cache and calls |iteration_callback| for each
  // file. |completion_callback| is run upon completion.
  void Iterate(const CacheIterateCallback& iteration_callback,
               const base::Closure& completion_callback);

  // Frees up disk space to store the given number of bytes, while keeping
  // kMinFreeSpace bytes on the disk, if needed.
  // Runs |callback| with true when we successfully manage to have enough space.
  void FreeDiskSpaceIfNeededFor(int64 num_bytes,
                                const InitializeCacheCallback& callback);

  // Checks if file corresponding to |resource_id| and |md5| exists in cache.
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void GetFile(const std::string& resource_id,
               const std::string& md5,
               const GetFileFromCacheCallback& callback);

  // Stores |source_path| as a cache of the remote content of the file
  // identified by |resource_id| and |md5|.
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void Store(const std::string& resource_id,
             const std::string& md5,
             const base::FilePath& source_path,
             FileOperationType file_operation_type,
             const FileOperationCallback& callback);

  // Stores |source_path| to the cache and mark it as dirty, i.e., needs to be
  // uploaded to the remove server for syncing.
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void StoreLocallyModified(const std::string& resource_id,
                            const std::string& md5,
                            const base::FilePath& source_path,
                            FileOperationType file_operation_type,
                            const FileOperationCallback& callback);

  // Modifies cache state, which involves the following:
  // - moves |source_path| to |dest_path| in persistent dir if
  //   file is not dirty
  // - creates symlink in pinned dir that references downloaded or locally
  //   modified file
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void Pin(const std::string& resource_id,
           const std::string& md5,
           const FileOperationCallback& callback);

  // Modifies cache state, which involves the following:
  // - moves |source_path| to |dest_path| in tmp dir if file is not dirty
  // - deletes symlink from pinned dir
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void Unpin(const std::string& resource_id,
             const std::string& md5,
             const FileOperationCallback& callback);

  // Sets the state of the cache entry corresponding to |resource_id| and |md5|
  // as mounted.
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void MarkAsMounted(const std::string& resource_id,
                     const std::string& md5,
                     const GetFileFromCacheCallback& callback);

  // Set the state of the cache entry corresponding to file_path as unmounted.
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void MarkAsUnmounted(const base::FilePath& file_path,
                       const FileOperationCallback& callback);

  // Modifies cache state, which involves the following:
  // - moves |source_path| to |dest_path| in persistent dir, where
  //   |source_path| has .<md5> extension and |dest_path| has .local extension
  // - if file is pinned, updates symlink in pinned dir to reference dirty file
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void MarkDirty(const std::string& resource_id,
                 const std::string& md5,
                 const FileOperationCallback& callback);

  // Modifies cache state, i.e. creates symlink in outgoing
  // dir to reference dirty file in persistent dir.
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void CommitDirty(const std::string& resource_id,
                   const std::string& md5,
                   const FileOperationCallback& callback);

  // Modifies cache state, which involves the following:
  // - moves |source_path| to |dest_path| in persistent dir if
  //   file is pinned or tmp dir otherwise, where |source_path| has .local
  //   extension and |dest_path| has .<md5> extension
  // - deletes symlink in outgoing dir
  // - if file is pinned, updates symlink in pinned dir to reference
  //   |dest_path|
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void ClearDirty(const std::string& resource_id,
                  const std::string& md5,
                  const FileOperationCallback& callback);

  // Does the following:
  // - remove all delete stale cache versions corresponding to |resource_id| in
  //   persistent, tmp and pinned directories
  // - remove entry corresponding to |resource_id| from cache map.
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void Remove(const std::string& resource_id,
              const FileOperationCallback& callback);

  // Does the following:
  // - remove all the files in the cache directory.
  // - re-create the |metadata_| instance.
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void ClearAll(const InitializeCacheCallback& callback);

  // Utility method to call Initialize on UI thread. |callback| is called on
  // UI thread when the initialization is complete.
  // |callback| must not be null.
  void RequestInitialize(const InitializeCacheCallback& callback);

  // Utility method to call InitializeForTesting on UI thread.
  void RequestInitializeForTesting();

  // Destroys this cache. This function posts a task to the blocking task
  // runner to safely delete the object.
  void Destroy();

  // Returns file paths for all the cache sub directories under
  // |cache_root_path|.
  static std::vector<base::FilePath> GetCachePaths(
      const base::FilePath& cache_root_path);

  // Creates cache directory and its sub-directories if they don't exist.
  // TODO(glotov): take care of this when the setup and cleanup part is
  // landed, noting that these directories need to be created for development
  // in linux box and unittest. (http://crosbug.com/27577)
  static bool CreateCacheDirectories(
      const std::vector<base::FilePath>& paths_to_create);

  // Returns the type of the sub directory where the cache file is stored.
  static CacheSubDirectoryType GetSubDirectoryType(
      const FileCacheEntry& cache_entry);

  friend class FileCacheTest;

  typedef std::pair<FileError, base::FilePath> GetFileResult;

  // Enum defining origin of a cached file.
  enum CachedFileOrigin {

  virtual ~FileCache();

  // Returns absolute path of the file if it were cached or to be cached.
  // Can be called on any thread.
  base::FilePath GetCacheFilePath(const std::string& resource_id,
                                  const std::string& md5,
                                  CacheSubDirectoryType sub_dir_type,
                                  CachedFileOrigin file_origin) const;

  // Checks whether the current thread is on the right sequenced worker pool
  // with the right sequence ID. If not, DCHECK will fail.
  void AssertOnSequencedWorkerPool();

  // Initializes the cache. Returns true on success.
  bool InitializeOnBlockingPool();

  // Initializes the cache with in-memory cache for testing.
  // The in-memory cache is used since it's faster than the db.
  void InitializeOnBlockingPoolForTesting();

  // Destroys the cache on the blocking pool.
  void DestroyOnBlockingPool();

  // Gets the cache entry by the given resource ID and MD5.
  // See also GetCacheEntry().
  bool GetCacheEntryOnBlockingPool(const std::string& resource_id,
                                   const std::string& md5,
                                   FileCacheEntry* entry);

  // Used to implement Iterate().
  void IterateOnBlockingPool(const CacheIterateCallback& iteration_callback);

  // Used to implement FreeDiskSpaceIfNeededFor().
  bool FreeDiskSpaceOnBlockingPoolIfNeededFor(int64 num_bytes);

  // Used to implement GetFile.
  scoped_ptr<GetFileResult> GetFileOnBlockingPool(
      const std::string& resource_id,
      const std::string& md5);

  // Used to implement Store.
  FileError StoreOnBlockingPool(const std::string& resource_id,
                                const std::string& md5,
                                const base::FilePath& source_path,
                                FileOperationType file_operation_type,
                                CachedFileOrigin origin);

  // Used to implement Pin.
  FileError PinOnBlockingPool(const std::string& resource_id,
                              const std::string& md5);

  // Used to implement Unpin.
  FileError UnpinOnBlockingPool(const std::string& resource_id,
                                const std::string& md5);

  // Used to implement MarkAsMounted.
  scoped_ptr<GetFileResult> MarkAsMountedOnBlockingPool(
      const std::string& resource_id,
      const std::string& md5);

  // Used to implement MarkAsUnmounted.
  FileError MarkAsUnmountedOnBlockingPool(const base::FilePath& file_path);

  // Used to implement MarkDirty.
  FileError MarkDirtyOnBlockingPool(const std::string& resource_id,
                                    const std::string& md5);

  // Used to implement CommitDirty.
  FileError CommitDirtyOnBlockingPool(const std::string& resource_id,
                                      const std::string& md5);

  // Used to implement ClearDirty.
  FileError ClearDirtyOnBlockingPool(const std::string& resource_id,
                                     const std::string& md5);

  // Used to implement Remove.
  FileError RemoveOnBlockingPool(const std::string& resource_id);

  // Used to implement ClearAll.
  bool ClearAllOnBlockingPool();

  // Runs callback and notifies the observers when file is pinned.
  void OnPinned(const std::string& resource_id,
                const std::string& md5,
                const FileOperationCallback& callback,
                FileError error);

  // Runs callback and notifies the observers when file is unpinned.
  void OnUnpinned(const std::string& resource_id,
                  const std::string& md5,
                  const FileOperationCallback& callback,
                  FileError error);

  // Runs callback and notifies the observers when file is committed.
  void OnCommitDirty(const std::string& resource_id,
                     const FileOperationCallback& callback,
                     FileError error);

  // Returns true if we have sufficient space to store the given number of
  // bytes, while keeping kMinFreeSpace bytes on the disk.
  bool HasEnoughSpaceFor(int64 num_bytes, const base::FilePath& path);

  // The root directory of the cache (i.e. <user_profile_dir>/GCache/v1).
  const base::FilePath cache_root_path_;
  // Paths for all subdirectories of GCache, one for each
  // FileCache::CacheSubDirectoryType enum.
  const std::vector<base::FilePath> cache_paths_;
  scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> blocking_task_runner_;

  // The cache state data. This member must be access only on the blocking pool.
  scoped_ptr<FileCacheMetadata> metadata_;

  // List of observers, this member must be accessed on UI thread.
  ObserverList<FileCacheObserver> observers_;

  FreeDiskSpaceGetterInterface* free_disk_space_getter_;  // Not owned.

  // Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
  // invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
  base::WeakPtrFactory<FileCache> weak_ptr_factory_;

// The minimum free space to keep. FileSystem::GetFileByPath() returns
// GDATA_FILE_ERROR_NO_SPACE if the available space is smaller than
// this value.
// Copied from cryptohome/homedirs.h.
// TODO(satorux): Share the constant.
const int64 kMinFreeSpace = 512 * 1LL << 20;

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace drive