// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/search_metadata.h" #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/i18n/string_search.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/file_system_util.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "google_apis/drive/gdata_wapi_parser.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" using content::BrowserThread; namespace drive { namespace internal { namespace { struct ResultCandidate { ResultCandidate(const std::string& local_id, const ResourceEntry& entry, const std::string& highlighted_base_name) : local_id(local_id), entry(entry), highlighted_base_name(highlighted_base_name) { } std::string local_id; ResourceEntry entry; std::string highlighted_base_name; }; // Used to sort the result candidates per the last accessed/modified time. The // recently accessed/modified files come first. bool CompareByTimestamp(const ResourceEntry& a, const ResourceEntry& b) { const PlatformFileInfoProto& a_file_info = a.file_info(); const PlatformFileInfoProto& b_file_info = b.file_info(); if (a_file_info.last_accessed() != b_file_info.last_accessed()) return a_file_info.last_accessed() > b_file_info.last_accessed(); // When the entries have the same last access time (which happens quite often // because Drive server doesn't set the field until an entry is viewed via // drive.google.com), we use last modified time as the tie breaker. return a_file_info.last_modified() > b_file_info.last_modified(); } struct ResultCandidateComparator { bool operator()(const ResultCandidate* a, const ResultCandidate* b) const { return CompareByTimestamp(a->entry, b->entry); } }; // A wrapper of std::priority_queue which deals with pointers of values. template class ScopedPriorityQueue { public: ScopedPriorityQueue() {} ~ScopedPriorityQueue() { while (!empty()) pop(); } bool empty() const { return queue_.empty(); } size_t size() const { return queue_.size(); } const T* top() const { return queue_.top(); } void push(T* x) { queue_.push(x); } void pop() { // Keep top alive for the pop() call so that debug checks can access // underlying data (e.g. validating heap property of the priority queue // will call the comparator). T* saved_top = queue_.top(); queue_.pop(); delete saved_top; } private: std::priority_queue, Compare> queue_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedPriorityQueue); }; // Classifies the given entry as hidden if it's not under specific directories. class HiddenEntryClassifier { public: HiddenEntryClassifier(ResourceMetadata* metadata, const std::string& mydrive_local_id) : metadata_(metadata) { // Only things under My Drive and drive/other are not hidden. is_hiding_child_[mydrive_local_id] = false; is_hiding_child_[util::kDriveOtherDirLocalId] = false; // Everything else is hidden, including the directories mentioned above // themselves. is_hiding_child_[""] = true; } // |result| is set to true if |entry| is hidden. FileError IsHidden(const ResourceEntry& entry, bool* result) { // Look up for parents recursively. std::vector undetermined_ids; undetermined_ids.push_back(entry.parent_local_id()); std::map::iterator it = is_hiding_child_.find(undetermined_ids.back()); for (; it == is_hiding_child_.end(); it = is_hiding_child_.find(undetermined_ids.back())) { ResourceEntry parent; FileError error = metadata_->GetResourceEntryById(undetermined_ids.back(), &parent); if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK) return error; undetermined_ids.push_back(parent.parent_local_id()); } // Cache the result. undetermined_ids.pop_back(); // The last one is already in the map. for (size_t i = 0; i < undetermined_ids.size(); ++i) is_hiding_child_[undetermined_ids[i]] = it->second; *result = it->second; return FILE_ERROR_OK; } private: ResourceMetadata* metadata_; // local ID to is_hidden map. std::map is_hiding_child_; }; // Returns true if |entry| is eligible for the search |options| and should be // tested for the match with the query. If // SEARCH_METADATA_EXCLUDE_HOSTED_DOCUMENTS is requested, the hosted documents // are skipped. If SEARCH_METADATA_EXCLUDE_DIRECTORIES is requested, the // directories are skipped. If SEARCH_METADATA_SHARED_WITH_ME is requested, only // the entries with shared-with-me label will be tested. If // SEARCH_METADATA_OFFLINE is requested, only hosted documents and cached files // match with the query. This option can not be used with other options. bool IsEligibleEntry(const ResourceEntry& entry, int options) { if ((options & SEARCH_METADATA_EXCLUDE_HOSTED_DOCUMENTS) && entry.file_specific_info().is_hosted_document()) return false; if ((options & SEARCH_METADATA_EXCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) && entry.file_info().is_directory()) return false; if (options & SEARCH_METADATA_SHARED_WITH_ME) return entry.shared_with_me(); if (options & SEARCH_METADATA_OFFLINE) { if (entry.file_specific_info().is_hosted_document()) { // Not all hosted documents are cached by Drive offline app. // http://support.google.com/drive/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1628467 switch (google_apis::ResourceEntry::GetEntryKindFromExtension( entry.file_specific_info().document_extension())) { case google_apis::ENTRY_KIND_DOCUMENT: case google_apis::ENTRY_KIND_SPREADSHEET: case google_apis::ENTRY_KIND_PRESENTATION: case google_apis::ENTRY_KIND_DRAWING: return true; default: return false; } } else { return entry.file_specific_info().cache_state().is_present(); } } return true; } // Used to implement SearchMetadata. // Adds entry to the result when appropriate. // In particular, if |query| is non-null, only adds files with the name matching // the query. FileError MaybeAddEntryToResult( ResourceMetadata* resource_metadata, ResourceMetadata::Iterator* it, base::i18n::FixedPatternStringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents* query, int options, size_t at_most_num_matches, HiddenEntryClassifier* hidden_entry_classifier, ScopedPriorityQueue* result_candidates) { DCHECK_GE(at_most_num_matches, result_candidates->size()); const ResourceEntry& entry = it->GetValue(); // If the candidate set is already full, and this |entry| is old, do nothing. // We perform this check first in order to avoid the costly find-and-highlight // or FilePath lookup as much as possible. if (result_candidates->size() == at_most_num_matches && !CompareByTimestamp(entry, result_candidates->top()->entry)) return FILE_ERROR_OK; // Add |entry| to the result if the entry is eligible for the given // |options| and matches the query. The base name of the entry must // contain |query| to match the query. std::string highlighted; if (!IsEligibleEntry(entry, options) || (query && !FindAndHighlight(entry.base_name(), query, &highlighted))) return FILE_ERROR_OK; // Hidden entry should not be returned. bool hidden = false; FileError error = hidden_entry_classifier->IsHidden(entry, &hidden); if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK || hidden) return error; // Make space for |entry| when appropriate. if (result_candidates->size() == at_most_num_matches) result_candidates->pop(); result_candidates->push(new ResultCandidate(it->GetID(), entry, highlighted)); return FILE_ERROR_OK; } // Implements SearchMetadata(). FileError SearchMetadataOnBlockingPool(ResourceMetadata* resource_metadata, const std::string& query_text, int options, int at_most_num_matches, MetadataSearchResultVector* results) { ScopedPriorityQueue result_candidates; // Prepare data structure for searching. base::i18n::FixedPatternStringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents query( base::UTF8ToUTF16(query_text)); // Prepare an object to filter out hidden entries. ResourceEntry mydrive; FileError error = resource_metadata->GetResourceEntryByPath( util::GetDriveMyDriveRootPath(), &mydrive); if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK) return error; HiddenEntryClassifier hidden_entry_classifier(resource_metadata, mydrive.local_id()); // Iterate over entries. scoped_ptr it = resource_metadata->GetIterator(); for (; !it->IsAtEnd(); it->Advance()) { FileError error = MaybeAddEntryToResult(resource_metadata, it.get(), query_text.empty() ? NULL : &query, options, at_most_num_matches, &hidden_entry_classifier, &result_candidates); if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK) return error; } // Prepare the result. for (; !result_candidates.empty(); result_candidates.pop()) { const ResultCandidate& candidate = *result_candidates.top(); // The path field of entries in result_candidates are empty at this point, // because we don't want to run the expensive metadata DB look up except for // the final results. Hence, here we fill the part. base::FilePath path; error = resource_metadata->GetFilePath(candidate.local_id, &path); if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK) return error; bool is_directory = candidate.entry.file_info().is_directory(); results->push_back(MetadataSearchResult( path, is_directory, candidate.highlighted_base_name)); } // Reverse the order here because |result_candidates| puts the most // uninteresting candidate at the top. std::reverse(results->begin(), results->end()); return FILE_ERROR_OK; } // Runs the SearchMetadataCallback and updates the histogram. void RunSearchMetadataCallback(const SearchMetadataCallback& callback, const base::TimeTicks& start_time, scoped_ptr results, FileError error) { if (error != FILE_ERROR_OK) results.reset(); callback.Run(error, results.Pass()); UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Drive.SearchMetadataTime", base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time); } } // namespace void SearchMetadata( scoped_refptr blocking_task_runner, ResourceMetadata* resource_metadata, const std::string& query, int options, int at_most_num_matches, const SearchMetadataCallback& callback) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); DCHECK_LE(0, at_most_num_matches); DCHECK(!callback.is_null()); const base::TimeTicks start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now(); scoped_ptr results( new MetadataSearchResultVector); MetadataSearchResultVector* results_ptr = results.get(); base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(blocking_task_runner.get(), FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SearchMetadataOnBlockingPool, resource_metadata, query, options, at_most_num_matches, results_ptr), base::Bind(&RunSearchMetadataCallback, callback, start_time, base::Passed(&results))); } bool FindAndHighlight( const std::string& text, base::i18n::FixedPatternStringSearchIgnoringCaseAndAccents* query, std::string* highlighted_text) { DCHECK(query); DCHECK(highlighted_text); highlighted_text->clear(); base::string16 text16 = base::UTF8ToUTF16(text); size_t match_start = 0; size_t match_length = 0; if (!query->Search(text16, &match_start, &match_length)) return false; base::string16 pre = text16.substr(0, match_start); base::string16 match = text16.substr(match_start, match_length); base::string16 post = text16.substr(match_start + match_length); highlighted_text->append(net::EscapeForHTML(base::UTF16ToUTF8(pre))); highlighted_text->append(""); highlighted_text->append(net::EscapeForHTML(base::UTF16ToUTF8(match))); highlighted_text->append(""); highlighted_text->append(net::EscapeForHTML(base::UTF16ToUTF8(post))); return true; } } // namespace internal } // namespace drive