// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/file_manager/file_tasks.h" #include #include "apps/launcher.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "base/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h" #include "base/strings/string_split.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/file_system_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/file_task_executor.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/file_manager/app_id.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/file_manager/file_browser_handlers.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/file_manager/fileapi_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/file_manager/open_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_tab_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/extensions/application_launch.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/extensions/extension_icon_source.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/api/file_browser_handlers/file_browser_handler.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/api/file_manager_private.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chromeos/chromeos_switches.h" #include "components/drive/drive_api_util.h" #include "components/drive/drive_app_registry.h" #include "components/mime_util/mime_util.h" #include "extensions/browser/extension_host.h" #include "extensions/browser/extension_registry.h" #include "extensions/browser/extension_system.h" #include "extensions/browser/extension_util.h" #include "extensions/common/constants.h" #include "extensions/common/extension_set.h" #include "storage/browser/fileapi/file_system_url.h" using extensions::Extension; using extensions::app_file_handler_util::FindFileHandlersForFiles; using storage::FileSystemURL; namespace file_manager { namespace file_tasks { namespace { // The values "file" and "app" are confusing, but cannot be changed easily as // these are used in default task IDs stored in preferences. const char kFileBrowserHandlerTaskType[] = "file"; const char kFileHandlerTaskType[] = "app"; const char kDriveAppTaskType[] = "drive"; // Drive apps always use the action ID. const char kDriveAppActionID[] = "open-with"; // Converts a TaskType to a string. std::string TaskTypeToString(TaskType task_type) { switch (task_type) { case TASK_TYPE_FILE_BROWSER_HANDLER: return kFileBrowserHandlerTaskType; case TASK_TYPE_FILE_HANDLER: return kFileHandlerTaskType; case TASK_TYPE_DRIVE_APP: return kDriveAppTaskType; case TASK_TYPE_UNKNOWN: break; } NOTREACHED(); return ""; } // Converts a string to a TaskType. Returns TASK_TYPE_UNKNOWN on error. TaskType StringToTaskType(const std::string& str) { if (str == kFileBrowserHandlerTaskType) return TASK_TYPE_FILE_BROWSER_HANDLER; if (str == kFileHandlerTaskType) return TASK_TYPE_FILE_HANDLER; if (str == kDriveAppTaskType) return TASK_TYPE_DRIVE_APP; return TASK_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } // Legacy Drive task extension prefix, used by CrackTaskID. const char kDriveTaskExtensionPrefix[] = "drive-app:"; const size_t kDriveTaskExtensionPrefixLength = arraysize(kDriveTaskExtensionPrefix) - 1; // Returns true if path_mime_set contains a Google document. bool ContainsGoogleDocument(const PathAndMimeTypeSet& path_mime_set) { for (PathAndMimeTypeSet::const_iterator iter = path_mime_set.begin(); iter != path_mime_set.end(); ++iter) { if (drive::util::HasHostedDocumentExtension(iter->first)) return true; } return false; } // Leaves tasks handled by the file manger itself as is and removes all others. void KeepOnlyFileManagerInternalTasks(std::vector* tasks) { std::vector filtered; for (size_t i = 0; i < tasks->size(); ++i) { if ((*tasks)[i].task_descriptor().app_id == kFileManagerAppId) filtered.push_back((*tasks)[i]); } tasks->swap(filtered); } // Returns true if the given task is a handler by built-in apps like Files.app // itself or QuickOffice etc. They are used as the initial default app. bool IsFallbackFileHandler(const file_tasks::TaskDescriptor& task) { if (task.task_type != file_tasks::TASK_TYPE_FILE_BROWSER_HANDLER && task.task_type != file_tasks::TASK_TYPE_FILE_HANDLER) return false; const char* const kBuiltInApps[] = { kFileManagerAppId, kVideoPlayerAppId, kGalleryAppId, extension_misc::kQuickOfficeComponentExtensionId, extension_misc::kQuickOfficeInternalExtensionId, extension_misc::kQuickOfficeExtensionId, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kBuiltInApps); ++i) { if (task.app_id == kBuiltInApps[i]) return true; } return false; } } // namespace FullTaskDescriptor::FullTaskDescriptor( const TaskDescriptor& task_descriptor, const std::string& task_title, const GURL& icon_url, bool is_default, bool is_generic_file_handler) : task_descriptor_(task_descriptor), task_title_(task_title), icon_url_(icon_url), is_default_(is_default), is_generic_file_handler_(is_generic_file_handler) { } void UpdateDefaultTask(PrefService* pref_service, const std::string& task_id, const std::set& suffixes, const std::set& mime_types) { if (!pref_service) return; if (!mime_types.empty()) { DictionaryPrefUpdate mime_type_pref(pref_service, prefs::kDefaultTasksByMimeType); for (std::set::const_iterator iter = mime_types.begin(); iter != mime_types.end(); ++iter) { base::StringValue* value = new base::StringValue(task_id); mime_type_pref->SetWithoutPathExpansion(*iter, value); } } if (!suffixes.empty()) { DictionaryPrefUpdate mime_type_pref(pref_service, prefs::kDefaultTasksBySuffix); for (std::set::const_iterator iter = suffixes.begin(); iter != suffixes.end(); ++iter) { base::StringValue* value = new base::StringValue(task_id); // Suffixes are case insensitive. std::string lower_suffix = base::ToLowerASCII(*iter); mime_type_pref->SetWithoutPathExpansion(lower_suffix, value); } } } std::string GetDefaultTaskIdFromPrefs(const PrefService& pref_service, const std::string& mime_type, const std::string& suffix) { VLOG(1) << "Looking for default for MIME type: " << mime_type << " and suffix: " << suffix; std::string task_id; if (!mime_type.empty()) { const base::DictionaryValue* mime_task_prefs = pref_service.GetDictionary(prefs::kDefaultTasksByMimeType); DCHECK(mime_task_prefs); LOG_IF(ERROR, !mime_task_prefs) << "Unable to open MIME type prefs"; if (mime_task_prefs && mime_task_prefs->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(mime_type, &task_id)) { VLOG(1) << "Found MIME default handler: " << task_id; return task_id; } } const base::DictionaryValue* suffix_task_prefs = pref_service.GetDictionary(prefs::kDefaultTasksBySuffix); DCHECK(suffix_task_prefs); LOG_IF(ERROR, !suffix_task_prefs) << "Unable to open suffix prefs"; std::string lower_suffix = base::ToLowerASCII(suffix); if (suffix_task_prefs) suffix_task_prefs->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(lower_suffix, &task_id); VLOG_IF(1, !task_id.empty()) << "Found suffix default handler: " << task_id; return task_id; } std::string MakeTaskID(const std::string& app_id, TaskType task_type, const std::string& action_id) { return base::StringPrintf("%s|%s|%s", app_id.c_str(), TaskTypeToString(task_type).c_str(), action_id.c_str()); } std::string TaskDescriptorToId(const TaskDescriptor& task_descriptor) { return MakeTaskID(task_descriptor.app_id, task_descriptor.task_type, task_descriptor.action_id); } bool ParseTaskID(const std::string& task_id, TaskDescriptor* task) { DCHECK(task); std::vector result = base::SplitString( task_id, "|", base::KEEP_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY); // Parse a legacy task ID that only contain two parts. Drive tasks are // identified by a prefix "drive-app:" on the extension ID. The legacy task // IDs can be stored in preferences. if (result.size() == 2) { if (base::StartsWith(result[0], kDriveTaskExtensionPrefix, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) { task->task_type = TASK_TYPE_DRIVE_APP; task->app_id = result[0].substr(kDriveTaskExtensionPrefixLength); } else { task->task_type = TASK_TYPE_FILE_BROWSER_HANDLER; task->app_id = result[0]; } task->action_id = result[1]; return true; } if (result.size() != 3) return false; TaskType task_type = StringToTaskType(result[1]); if (task_type == TASK_TYPE_UNKNOWN) return false; task->app_id = result[0]; task->task_type = task_type; task->action_id = result[2]; return true; } bool ExecuteFileTask(Profile* profile, const GURL& source_url, const TaskDescriptor& task, const std::vector& file_urls, const FileTaskFinishedCallback& done) { // drive::FileTaskExecutor is responsible to handle drive tasks. if (task.task_type == TASK_TYPE_DRIVE_APP) { DCHECK_EQ(kDriveAppActionID, task.action_id); drive::FileTaskExecutor* executor = new drive::FileTaskExecutor(profile, task.app_id); executor->Execute(file_urls, done); return true; } // Get the extension. const Extension* extension = extensions::ExtensionRegistry::Get( profile)->enabled_extensions().GetByID(task.app_id); if (!extension) return false; // Execute the task. if (task.task_type == TASK_TYPE_FILE_BROWSER_HANDLER) { return file_browser_handlers::ExecuteFileBrowserHandler( profile, extension, task.action_id, file_urls, done); } else if (task.task_type == TASK_TYPE_FILE_HANDLER) { std::vector paths; for (size_t i = 0; i != file_urls.size(); ++i) paths.push_back(file_urls[i].path()); apps::LaunchPlatformAppWithFileHandler( profile, extension, task.action_id, paths); if (!done.is_null()) done.Run(extensions::api::file_manager_private::TASK_RESULT_MESSAGE_SENT); return true; } NOTREACHED(); return false; } void FindDriveAppTasks( const drive::DriveAppRegistry& drive_app_registry, const PathAndMimeTypeSet& path_mime_set, std::vector* result_list) { DCHECK(result_list); bool is_first = true; typedef std::map DriveAppInfoMap; DriveAppInfoMap drive_app_map; for (PathAndMimeTypeSet::const_iterator it = path_mime_set.begin(); it != path_mime_set.end(); ++it) { const base::FilePath& file_path = it->first; const std::string& mime_type = it->second; // Return immediately if a file not on Drive is found, as Drive app tasks // work only if all files are on Drive. if (!drive::util::IsUnderDriveMountPoint(file_path)) return; std::vector app_info_list; drive_app_registry.GetAppsForFile(file_path.Extension(), mime_type, &app_info_list); if (is_first) { // For the first file, we store all the info. for (size_t j = 0; j < app_info_list.size(); ++j) drive_app_map[app_info_list[j].app_id] = app_info_list[j]; } else { // For remaining files, take the intersection with the current // result, based on the app id. std::set app_id_set; for (size_t j = 0; j < app_info_list.size(); ++j) app_id_set.insert(app_info_list[j].app_id); for (DriveAppInfoMap::iterator iter = drive_app_map.begin(); iter != drive_app_map.end();) { if (app_id_set.count(iter->first) == 0) { drive_app_map.erase(iter++); } else { ++iter; } } } is_first = false; } for (DriveAppInfoMap::const_iterator iter = drive_app_map.begin(); iter != drive_app_map.end(); ++iter) { const drive::DriveAppInfo& app_info = iter->second; TaskDescriptor descriptor(app_info.app_id, TASK_TYPE_DRIVE_APP, kDriveAppActionID); GURL icon_url = drive::util::FindPreferredIcon( app_info.app_icons, drive::util::kPreferredIconSize); result_list->push_back( FullTaskDescriptor(descriptor, app_info.app_name, icon_url, false /* is_default */, false /* is_generic_file_handler */)); } } bool IsGoodMatchFileHandler( const extensions::FileHandlerInfo& file_handler_info, const PathAndMimeTypeSet& path_mime_set) { if (file_handler_info.extensions.count("*") > 0 || file_handler_info.types.count("*") > 0 || file_handler_info.types.count("*/*") > 0) return false; // If text/* file handler matches with unsupported text mime type, we don't // regard it as good match. if (file_handler_info.types.count("text/*")) { for (const auto& path_mime : path_mime_set) { if (mime_util::IsUnsupportedTextMimeType(path_mime.second)) return false; } } return true; } void FindFileHandlerTasks( Profile* profile, const PathAndMimeTypeSet& path_mime_set, std::vector* result_list) { DCHECK(!path_mime_set.empty()); DCHECK(result_list); const extensions::ExtensionSet& enabled_extensions = extensions::ExtensionRegistry::Get(profile)->enabled_extensions(); for (extensions::ExtensionSet::const_iterator iter = enabled_extensions.begin(); iter != enabled_extensions.end(); ++iter) { const Extension* extension = iter->get(); // Check that the extension can be launched via an event. This includes all // platform apps plus whitelisted extensions. if (!CanLaunchViaEvent(extension)) continue; if (profile->IsOffTheRecord() && !extensions::util::IsIncognitoEnabled(extension->id(), profile)) continue; typedef std::vector FileHandlerList; FileHandlerList file_handlers = FindFileHandlersForFiles(*extension, path_mime_set); if (file_handlers.empty()) continue; // If the new ZIP unpacker is disabled, then hide its handlers, so we don't // show both the legacy one and the new one in Files app for ZIP files. if (extension->id() == extension_misc::kZIPUnpackerExtensionId && base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( chromeos::switches::kDisableNewZIPUnpacker)) { continue; } // Show the first good matching handler of each app. If there doesn't exist // such handler, show the first matching handler of the app. const extensions::FileHandlerInfo* file_handler = file_handlers.front(); for (auto handler : file_handlers) { if (IsGoodMatchFileHandler(*handler, path_mime_set)) { file_handler = handler; break; } } std::string task_id = file_tasks::MakeTaskID( extension->id(), file_tasks::TASK_TYPE_FILE_HANDLER, file_handler->id); GURL best_icon = extensions::ExtensionIconSource::GetIconURL( extension, drive::util::kPreferredIconSize, ExtensionIconSet::MATCH_BIGGER, false, // grayscale NULL); // exists // If file handler doesn't match as good match, regards it as generic file // handler. const bool is_generic_file_handler = !IsGoodMatchFileHandler(*file_handler, path_mime_set); result_list->push_back(FullTaskDescriptor( TaskDescriptor(extension->id(), file_tasks::TASK_TYPE_FILE_HANDLER, file_handler->id), extension->name(), best_icon, false /* is_default */, is_generic_file_handler)); } } void FindFileBrowserHandlerTasks( Profile* profile, const std::vector& file_urls, std::vector* result_list) { DCHECK(!file_urls.empty()); DCHECK(result_list); file_browser_handlers::FileBrowserHandlerList common_tasks = file_browser_handlers::FindFileBrowserHandlers(profile, file_urls); if (common_tasks.empty()) return; const extensions::ExtensionSet& enabled_extensions = extensions::ExtensionRegistry::Get(profile)->enabled_extensions(); for (file_browser_handlers::FileBrowserHandlerList::const_iterator iter = common_tasks.begin(); iter != common_tasks.end(); ++iter) { const FileBrowserHandler* handler = *iter; const std::string extension_id = handler->extension_id(); const Extension* extension = enabled_extensions.GetByID(extension_id); DCHECK(extension); // TODO(zelidrag): Figure out how to expose icon URL that task defined in // manifest instead of the default extension icon. const GURL icon_url = extensions::ExtensionIconSource::GetIconURL( extension, extension_misc::EXTENSION_ICON_BITTY, ExtensionIconSet::MATCH_BIGGER, false, // grayscale NULL); // exists result_list->push_back(FullTaskDescriptor( TaskDescriptor(extension_id, file_tasks::TASK_TYPE_FILE_BROWSER_HANDLER, handler->id()), handler->title(), icon_url, false /* is_default */, false /* is_generic_file_handler */)); } } void FindAllTypesOfTasks( Profile* profile, const drive::DriveAppRegistry* drive_app_registry, const PathAndMimeTypeSet& path_mime_set, const std::vector& file_urls, std::vector* result_list) { DCHECK(profile); DCHECK(result_list); // Find Drive app tasks, if the drive app registry is present. if (drive_app_registry) FindDriveAppTasks(*drive_app_registry, path_mime_set, result_list); // Find and append file handler tasks. We know there aren't duplicates // because Drive apps and platform apps are entirely different kinds of // tasks. FindFileHandlerTasks(profile, path_mime_set, result_list); // Find and append file browser handler tasks. We know there aren't // duplicates because "file_browser_handlers" and "file_handlers" shouldn't // be used in the same manifest.json. FindFileBrowserHandlerTasks(profile, file_urls, result_list); // Google documents can only be handled by internal handlers. if (ContainsGoogleDocument(path_mime_set)) KeepOnlyFileManagerInternalTasks(result_list); ChooseAndSetDefaultTask(*profile->GetPrefs(), path_mime_set, result_list); } void ChooseAndSetDefaultTask(const PrefService& pref_service, const PathAndMimeTypeSet& path_mime_set, std::vector* tasks) { // Collect the task IDs of default tasks from the preferences into a set. std::set default_task_ids; for (PathAndMimeTypeSet::const_iterator it = path_mime_set.begin(); it != path_mime_set.end(); ++it) { const base::FilePath& file_path = it->first; const std::string& mime_type = it->second; std::string task_id = file_tasks::GetDefaultTaskIdFromPrefs( pref_service, mime_type, file_path.Extension()); default_task_ids.insert(task_id); } // Go through all the tasks from the beginning and see if there is any // default task. If found, pick and set it as default and return. for (size_t i = 0; i < tasks->size(); ++i) { FullTaskDescriptor* task = &tasks->at(i); DCHECK(!task->is_default()); const std::string task_id = TaskDescriptorToId(task->task_descriptor()); if (ContainsKey(default_task_ids, task_id)) { task->set_is_default(true); return; } } // No default tasks found. If there is any fallback file browser handler, // make it as default task, so it's selected by default. for (size_t i = 0; i < tasks->size(); ++i) { FullTaskDescriptor* task = &tasks->at(i); DCHECK(!task->is_default()); if (IsFallbackFileHandler(task->task_descriptor())) { task->set_is_default(true); return; } } } } // namespace file_tasks } // namespace file_manager