// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/input_method/browser_state_monitor.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/input_method/input_method_util.h" #include "chromeos/ime/input_method_delegate.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" namespace chromeos { namespace input_method { BrowserStateMonitor::BrowserStateMonitor( const base::Callback& observer) : observer_(observer), state_(InputMethodManager::STATE_LOGIN_SCREEN) { notification_registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_LOGIN_USER_CHANGED, content::NotificationService::AllSources()); notification_registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_SESSION_STARTED, content::NotificationService::AllSources()); notification_registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_SCREEN_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED, content::NotificationService::AllSources()); // We should not use ALL_BROWSERS_CLOSING here since logout might be cancelled // by JavaScript after ALL_BROWSERS_CLOSING is sent (crosbug.com/11055). notification_registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_APP_TERMINATING, content::NotificationService::AllSources()); if (!observer_.is_null()) observer_.Run(state_); } BrowserStateMonitor::~BrowserStateMonitor() { } void BrowserStateMonitor::Observe( int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) { const InputMethodManager::State old_state = state_; switch (type) { case chrome::NOTIFICATION_APP_TERMINATING: { state_ = InputMethodManager::STATE_TERMINATING; break; } case chrome::NOTIFICATION_LOGIN_USER_CHANGED: { // The user logged in, but the browser window for user session is not yet // ready. An initial input method hasn't been set to the manager. // Note that the notification is also sent when Chrome crashes/restarts // as of writing, but it might be changed in the future (therefore we need // to listen to NOTIFICATION_SESSION_STARTED as well.) DVLOG(1) << "Received chrome::NOTIFICATION_LOGIN_USER_CHANGED"; state_ = InputMethodManager::STATE_BROWSER_SCREEN; break; } case chrome::NOTIFICATION_SESSION_STARTED: { // The user logged in, and the browser window for user session is ready. // An initial input method has already been set. // We should NOT call InitializePrefMembers() here since the notification // is sent in the PreProfileInit phase in case when Chrome crashes and // restarts. DVLOG(1) << "Received chrome::NOTIFICATION_SESSION_STARTED"; state_ = InputMethodManager::STATE_BROWSER_SCREEN; break; } case chrome::NOTIFICATION_SCREEN_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED: { const bool is_screen_locked = *content::Details(details).ptr(); state_ = is_screen_locked ? InputMethodManager::STATE_LOCK_SCREEN : InputMethodManager::STATE_BROWSER_SCREEN; break; } default: { NOTREACHED(); break; } } if (old_state != state_ && !observer_.is_null()) observer_.Run(state_); // Note: browser notifications are sent in the following order. // // Normal login: // 1. chrome::NOTIFICATION_LOGIN_USER_CHANGED is sent. // 2. Preferences::NotifyPrefChanged() is called. preload_engines (which // might change the current input method) and current/previous input method // are sent to the manager. // 3. chrome::NOTIFICATION_SESSION_STARTED is sent. // // Chrome crash/restart (after logging in): // 1. chrome::NOTIFICATION_LOGIN_USER_CHANGED might be sent. // 2. chrome::NOTIFICATION_SESSION_STARTED is sent. // 3. Preferences::NotifyPrefChanged() is called. The same things as above // happen. // // We have to be careful not to overwrite both local and user prefs when // preloaded engine is set. Note that it does not work to do nothing in // InputMethodChanged() between chrome::NOTIFICATION_LOGIN_USER_CHANGED and // chrome::NOTIFICATION_SESSION_STARTED because SESSION_STARTED is sent very // early on Chrome crash/restart. } } // namespace input_method } // namespace chromeos