// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/mobile_config.h" #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/json/json_reader.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/wizard_controller.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" using content::BrowserThread; namespace { // Config attributes names. const char kVersionAttr[] = "version"; const char kAcceptedConfigVersion[] = "1.0"; const char kDefaultAttr[] = "default"; // Carrier config attributes. const char kCarriersAttr[] = "carriers"; const char kCarrierIdsAttr[] = "ids"; const char kCarrierIdAttr[] = "id"; const char kTopUpURLAttr[] = "top_up_url"; const char kShowPortalButtonAttr[] = "show_portal_button"; const char kDealsAttr[] = "deals"; // Carrier deal attributes. const char kDealIdAttr[] = "deal_id"; const char kDealLocalesAttr[] = "locales"; const char kInfoURLAttr[] = "info_url"; const char kNotificationCountAttr[] = "notification_count"; const char kDealExpireDateAttr[] = "expire_date"; const char kLocalizedContentAttr[] = "localized_content"; const char kNotificationTextAttr[] = "notification_text"; // Initial locale carrier config attributes. const char kInitialLocalesAttr[] = "initial_locales"; const char kSetupURLAttr[] = "setup_url"; // Local config properties. const char kExcludeDealsAttr[] = "exclude_deals"; // Location of the global carrier config. const char kGlobalCarrierConfigPath[] = "/usr/share/chromeos-assets/mobile/carrier_config.json"; // Location of the local carrier config. const char kLocalCarrierConfigPath[] = "/opt/oem/etc/carrier_config.json"; } // anonymous namespace namespace chromeos { // MobileConfig::CarrierDeal implementation. ----------------------------------- MobileConfig::CarrierDeal::CarrierDeal(DictionaryValue* deal_dict) : notification_count_(0), localized_strings_(NULL) { deal_dict->GetString(kDealIdAttr, &deal_id_); // Extract list of deal locales. ListValue* locale_list = NULL; if (deal_dict->GetList(kDealLocalesAttr, &locale_list)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < locale_list->GetSize(); ++i) { std::string locale; if (locale_list->GetString(i, &locale)) locales_.push_back(locale); } } deal_dict->GetString(kInfoURLAttr, &info_url_); deal_dict->GetInteger(kNotificationCountAttr, ¬ification_count_); std::string date_string; if (deal_dict->GetString(kDealExpireDateAttr, &date_string)) { if (!base::Time::FromString(date_string.c_str(), &expire_date_)) LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing deal_expire_date: " << date_string; } deal_dict->GetDictionary(kLocalizedContentAttr, &localized_strings_); } MobileConfig::CarrierDeal::~CarrierDeal() { } std::string MobileConfig::CarrierDeal::GetLocalizedString( const std::string& locale, const std::string& id) const { std::string result; if (localized_strings_) { DictionaryValue* locale_dict = NULL; if (localized_strings_->GetDictionary(locale, &locale_dict) && locale_dict->GetString(id, &result)) { return result; } else if (localized_strings_->GetDictionary(kDefaultAttr, &locale_dict) && locale_dict->GetString(id, &result)) { return result; } } return result; } // MobileConfig::Carrier implementation. --------------------------------------- MobileConfig::Carrier::Carrier(DictionaryValue* carrier_dict, const std::string& initial_locale) : show_portal_button_(false) { InitFromDictionary(carrier_dict, initial_locale); } MobileConfig::Carrier::~Carrier() { RemoveDeals(); } const MobileConfig::CarrierDeal* MobileConfig::Carrier::GetDefaultDeal() const { // TODO(nkostylev): Use carrier "default_deal_id" attribute. CarrierDeals::const_iterator iter = deals_.begin(); if (iter != deals_.end()) return GetDeal((*iter).first); else return NULL; } const MobileConfig::CarrierDeal* MobileConfig::Carrier::GetDeal( const std::string& deal_id) const { CarrierDeals::const_iterator iter = deals_.find(deal_id); if (iter != deals_.end()) { CarrierDeal* deal = iter->second; // Make sure that deal is still active, // i.e. if deal expire date is defined, check it. if (!deal->expire_date().is_null() && deal->expire_date() <= base::Time::Now()) { return NULL; } return deal; } else { return NULL; } } void MobileConfig::Carrier::InitFromDictionary( base::DictionaryValue* carrier_dict, const std::string& initial_locale) { carrier_dict->GetString(kTopUpURLAttr, &top_up_url_); carrier_dict->GetBoolean(kShowPortalButtonAttr, &show_portal_button_); bool exclude_deals = false; if (carrier_dict->GetBoolean(kExcludeDealsAttr, &exclude_deals) && exclude_deals) { RemoveDeals(); } // Extract list of external IDs for this carrier. ListValue* id_list = NULL; if (carrier_dict->GetList(kCarrierIdsAttr, &id_list)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < id_list->GetSize(); ++i) { DictionaryValue* id_dict = NULL; std::string external_id; if (id_list->GetDictionary(i, &id_dict) && id_dict->GetString(kCarrierIdAttr, &external_id)) { external_ids_.push_back(external_id); } } } // Extract list of deals for this carrier. ListValue* deals_list = NULL; if (carrier_dict->GetList(kDealsAttr, &deals_list)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < deals_list->GetSize(); ++i) { DictionaryValue* deal_dict = NULL; if (deals_list->GetDictionary(i, &deal_dict)) { scoped_ptr deal(new CarrierDeal(deal_dict)); // Filter out deals by initial_locale right away. std::vector::const_iterator iter = std::find(deal->locales().begin(), deal->locales().end(), initial_locale); if (iter != deal->locales().end()) { const std::string& deal_id = deal->deal_id(); deals_[deal_id] = deal.release(); } } } } } void MobileConfig::Carrier::RemoveDeals() { STLDeleteValues(&deals_); } // MobileConfig::LocaleConfig implementation. ---------------------------------- MobileConfig::LocaleConfig::LocaleConfig(DictionaryValue* locale_dict) { InitFromDictionary(locale_dict); } MobileConfig::LocaleConfig::~LocaleConfig() { } void MobileConfig::LocaleConfig::InitFromDictionary( base::DictionaryValue* locale_dict) { locale_dict->GetString(kSetupURLAttr, &setup_url_); } // MobileConfig implementation, public ----------------------------------------- // static MobileConfig* MobileConfig::GetInstance() { return Singleton >::get(); } const MobileConfig::Carrier* MobileConfig::GetCarrier( const std::string& carrier_id) const { CarrierIdMap::const_iterator id_iter = carrier_id_map_.find(carrier_id); std::string internal_id; if (id_iter != carrier_id_map_.end()) internal_id = id_iter->second; else return NULL; Carriers::const_iterator iter = carriers_.find(internal_id); if (iter != carriers_.end()) return iter->second; else return NULL; } const MobileConfig::LocaleConfig* MobileConfig::GetLocaleConfig() const { return locale_config_.get(); } // MobileConfig implementation, protected -------------------------------------- bool MobileConfig::LoadManifestFromString(const std::string& manifest) { if (!CustomizationDocument::LoadManifestFromString(manifest)) return false; // Local config specific attribute. bool exclude_deals = false; if (root_.get() && root_->GetBoolean(kExcludeDealsAttr, &exclude_deals) && exclude_deals) { for (Carriers::iterator iter = carriers_.begin(); iter != carriers_.end(); ++iter) { iter->second->RemoveDeals(); } } // Other parts are optional and are the same among global/local config. DictionaryValue* carriers = NULL; if (root_.get() && root_->GetDictionary(kCarriersAttr, &carriers)) { for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator iter = carriers->begin_keys(); iter != carriers->end_keys(); ++iter) { DictionaryValue* carrier_dict = NULL; if (carriers->GetDictionary(*iter, &carrier_dict)) { const std::string& internal_id = *iter; Carriers::iterator iter = carriers_.find(internal_id); if (iter != carriers_.end()) { // Carrier already defined i.e. loading from the local config. // New ID mappings in local config is not supported. iter->second->InitFromDictionary(carrier_dict, initial_locale_); } else { Carrier* carrier = new Carrier(carrier_dict, initial_locale_); if (!carrier->external_ids().empty()) { // Map all external IDs to a single internal one. for (std::vector::const_iterator i = carrier->external_ids().begin(); i != carrier->external_ids().end(); ++i) { carrier_id_map_[*i] = internal_id; } } else { // Trivial case - using same ID for external/internal one. carrier_id_map_[internal_id] = internal_id; } carriers_[internal_id] = carrier; } } } } DictionaryValue* initial_locales = NULL; if (root_.get() && root_->GetDictionary(kInitialLocalesAttr, &initial_locales)) { DictionaryValue* locale_config_dict = NULL; // Search for a config based on current initial locale. if (initial_locales->GetDictionary(initial_locale_, &locale_config_dict)) { locale_config_.reset(new LocaleConfig(locale_config_dict)); } } return true; } // MobileConfig implementation, private ---------------------------------------- MobileConfig::MobileConfig() : CustomizationDocument(kAcceptedConfigVersion), initial_locale_(WizardController::GetInitialLocale()) { LoadConfig(); } MobileConfig::MobileConfig(const std::string& config, const std::string& initial_locale) : CustomizationDocument(kAcceptedConfigVersion), initial_locale_(initial_locale) { LoadManifestFromString(config); } MobileConfig::~MobileConfig() { STLDeleteValues(&carriers_); } void MobileConfig::LoadConfig() { BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MobileConfig::ReadConfigInBackground, base::Unretained(this), // this class is a singleton. FilePath(kGlobalCarrierConfigPath), FilePath(kLocalCarrierConfigPath))); } void MobileConfig::ProcessConfig(const std::string& global_config, const std::string& local_config) { // Global config is mandatory, local config is optional. bool global_initialized = false; bool local_initialized = true; scoped_ptr global_config_root; if (!global_config.empty()) { global_initialized = LoadManifestFromString(global_config); // Backup global config root as it might be // owerwritten while loading local config. global_config_root.reset(root_.release()); } if (!local_config.empty()) local_initialized = LoadManifestFromString(local_config); // Treat any parser errors as fatal. if (!global_initialized || !local_initialized) { root_.reset(NULL); local_config_root_.reset(NULL); } else { local_config_root_.reset(root_.release()); root_.reset(global_config_root.release()); } } void MobileConfig::ReadConfigInBackground(const FilePath& global_config_file, const FilePath& local_config_file) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)); std::string global_config; std::string local_config; if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(global_config_file, &global_config)) { VLOG(1) << "Failed to load global mobile config from: " << global_config_file.value(); } if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(local_config_file, &local_config)) { VLOG(1) << "Failed to load local mobile config from: " << local_config_file.value(); } BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MobileConfig::ProcessConfig, base::Unretained(this), // singleton. global_config, local_config)); } } // namespace chromeos