// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/network_library.h" #include #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_thread.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/cros_library.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_job.h" // Allows InvokeLater without adding refcounting. This class is a Singleton and // won't be deleted until it's last InvokeLater is run. template <> struct RunnableMethodTraits { void RetainCallee(chromeos::NetworkLibrary* obj) {} void ReleaseCallee(chromeos::NetworkLibrary* obj) {} }; namespace chromeos { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NetworkLibrary // static const int NetworkLibrary::kNetworkTrafficeTimerSecs = 1; NetworkLibrary::NetworkLibrary() : traffic_type_(0), ethernet_connected_(false) { if (CrosLibrary::loaded()) { Init(); } g_url_request_job_tracker.AddObserver(this); } NetworkLibrary::~NetworkLibrary() { if (CrosLibrary::loaded()) { chromeos::DisconnectNetworkStatus(network_status_connection_); } g_url_request_job_tracker.RemoveObserver(this); } // static NetworkLibrary* NetworkLibrary::Get() { return Singleton::get(); } // static bool NetworkLibrary::loaded() { return CrosLibrary::loaded(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NetworkLibrary, URLRequestJobTracker::JobObserver implementation: void NetworkLibrary::OnJobAdded(URLRequestJob* job) { CheckNetworkTraffic(false); } void NetworkLibrary::OnJobRemoved(URLRequestJob* job) { CheckNetworkTraffic(false); } void NetworkLibrary::OnJobDone(URLRequestJob* job, const URLRequestStatus& status) { CheckNetworkTraffic(false); } void NetworkLibrary::OnJobRedirect(URLRequestJob* job, const GURL& location, int status_code) { CheckNetworkTraffic(false); } void NetworkLibrary::OnBytesRead(URLRequestJob* job, int byte_count) { CheckNetworkTraffic(true); } void NetworkLibrary::AddObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void NetworkLibrary::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } static const char* GetEncryptionString(chromeos::EncryptionType encryption) { switch (encryption) { case chromeos::NONE: return "none"; case chromeos::RSN: return "rsn"; case chromeos::WEP: return "wep"; case chromeos::WPA: return "wpa"; } return "none"; } void NetworkLibrary::ConnectToWifiNetwork(WifiNetwork network, const string16& password) { if (CrosLibrary::loaded()) { // This call kicks off a request to connect to this network, the results of // which we'll hear about through the monitoring we've set up in Init(); chromeos::ConnectToWifiNetwork( network.ssid.c_str(), password.empty() ? NULL : UTF16ToUTF8(password).c_str(), GetEncryptionString(network.encryption)); } } // static void NetworkLibrary::NetworkStatusChangedHandler(void* object, const chromeos::ServiceStatus& service_status) { NetworkLibrary* network = static_cast(object); WifiNetworkVector networks; bool ethernet_connected; ParseNetworks(service_status, &networks, ðernet_connected); network->UpdateNetworkStatus(networks, ethernet_connected); } // static void NetworkLibrary::ParseNetworks( const chromeos::ServiceStatus& service_status, WifiNetworkVector* networks, bool* ethernet_connected) { *ethernet_connected = false; for (int i = 0; i < service_status.size; i++) { const chromeos::ServiceInfo& service = service_status.services[i]; DLOG(INFO) << "Parse " << service.ssid << " typ=" << service.type << " sta=" << service.state << " pas=" << service.needs_passphrase << " enc=" << service.encryption << " sig=" << service.signal_strength; if (service.type == chromeos::TYPE_ETHERNET) { // Get the ethernet status. *ethernet_connected = service.state == chromeos::STATE_READY; } else if (service.type == chromeos::TYPE_WIFI) { bool connecting = service.state == chromeos::STATE_ASSOCIATION || service.state == chromeos::STATE_CONFIGURATION; bool connected = service.state == chromeos::STATE_READY; networks->push_back(WifiNetwork(service.ssid, service.needs_passphrase, service.encryption, service.signal_strength, connecting, connected)); } } } void NetworkLibrary::Init() { // First, get the currently available networks. This data is cached // on the connman side, so the call should be quick. chromeos::ServiceStatus* service_status = chromeos::GetAvailableNetworks(); if (service_status) { LOG(INFO) << "Getting initial CrOS network info."; WifiNetworkVector networks; bool ethernet_connected; ParseNetworks(*service_status, &networks, ðernet_connected); UpdateNetworkStatus(networks, ethernet_connected); chromeos::FreeServiceStatus(service_status); } LOG(INFO) << "Registering for network status updates."; // Now, register to receive updates on network status. network_status_connection_ = chromeos::MonitorNetworkStatus( &NetworkStatusChangedHandler, this); } void NetworkLibrary::UpdateNetworkStatus( const WifiNetworkVector& networks, bool ethernet_connected) { // Make sure we run on UI thread. if (!ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI)) { ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::UI, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &NetworkLibrary::UpdateNetworkStatus, networks, ethernet_connected)); return; } ethernet_connected_ = ethernet_connected; wifi_networks_ = networks; // Sort the list of wifi networks by ssid. std::sort(wifi_networks_.begin(), wifi_networks_.end()); wifi_ = WifiNetwork(); for (size_t i = 0; i < wifi_networks_.size(); i++) { if (wifi_networks_[i].connecting || wifi_networks_[i].connected) { wifi_ = wifi_networks_[i]; break; // There is only one connected or connecting wifi network. } } FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, NetworkChanged(this)); } void NetworkLibrary::CheckNetworkTraffic(bool download) { // If we already have a pending upload and download notification, then // shortcut and return. if (traffic_type_ == (Observer::TRAFFIC_DOWNLOAD | Observer::TRAFFIC_UPLOAD)) return; // Figure out if we are uploading and/or downloading. We are downloading // if download == true. We are uploading if we have upload progress. if (download) traffic_type_ |= Observer::TRAFFIC_DOWNLOAD; if ((traffic_type_ & Observer::TRAFFIC_UPLOAD) == 0) { URLRequestJobTracker::JobIterator it; for (it = g_url_request_job_tracker.begin(); it != g_url_request_job_tracker.end(); ++it) { URLRequestJob* job = *it; if (job->GetUploadProgress() > 0) { traffic_type_ |= Observer::TRAFFIC_UPLOAD; break; } } } // If we have new traffic data to send out and the timer is not currently // running, then start a new timer. if (traffic_type_ && !timer_.IsRunning()) { timer_.Start(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kNetworkTrafficeTimerSecs), this, &NetworkLibrary::NetworkTrafficTimerFired); } } void NetworkLibrary:: NetworkTrafficTimerFired() { ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::UI, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &NetworkLibrary::NotifyNetworkTraffic, traffic_type_)); // Reset traffic type so that we don't send the same data next time. traffic_type_ = 0; } void NetworkLibrary::NotifyNetworkTraffic(int traffic_type) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, NetworkTraffic(this, traffic_type)); } } // namespace chromeos