// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/pipe_reader.h" #include <errno.h> #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/safe_strerror_posix.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace chromeos { typedef testing::Test PipeReaderTest; TEST_F(PipeReaderTest, SuccessfulReadTest) { FilePath pipe_name("/tmp/MYFIFO"); /* Create the FIFO if it does not exist */ umask(0); mknod(pipe_name.value().c_str(), S_IFIFO|0666, 0); const char line[] = "foo"; pid_t pID = fork(); if (pID == 0) { int pipe = open(pipe_name.value().c_str(), O_WRONLY); EXPECT_NE(pipe, -1) << safe_strerror(errno); int num_bytes = write(pipe, line, strlen(line)); EXPECT_NE(num_bytes, -1) << safe_strerror(errno); close(pipe); exit(1); } else { PipeReader reader(pipe_name); // asking for more should still just return the amount that was written. EXPECT_EQ(line, reader.Read(5 * strlen(line))); } } TEST_F(PipeReaderTest, SuccessfulMultiLineReadTest) { FilePath pipe_name("/tmp/TESTFIFO"); /* Create the FIFO if it does not exist */ umask(0); mknod(pipe_name.value().c_str(), S_IFIFO|0666, 0); const char foo[] = "foo"; const char boo[] = "boo"; std::string line(foo); line.append("\n"); line.append(boo); line.append("\n"); pid_t pID = fork(); if (pID == 0) { int pipe = open(pipe_name.value().c_str(), O_WRONLY); EXPECT_NE(pipe, -1) << safe_strerror(errno); int num_bytes = write(pipe, line.c_str(), line.length()); EXPECT_NE(num_bytes, -1) << safe_strerror(errno); close(pipe); exit(1); } else { PipeReader reader(pipe_name); // asking for more should still just return the amount that was written. std::string my_foo = reader.Read(5 * line.length()); EXPECT_EQ(my_foo[my_foo.length() - 1], '\n'); my_foo.resize(my_foo.length() - 1); EXPECT_EQ(my_foo, foo); std::string my_boo = reader.Read(5 * line.length()); EXPECT_EQ(my_boo[my_boo.length() - 1], '\n'); my_boo.resize(my_boo.length() - 1); EXPECT_EQ(my_boo, boo); } } TEST_F(PipeReaderTest, SuccessfulMultiLineReadNoEndingNewlineTest) { FilePath pipe_name("/tmp/TESTFIFO"); /* Create the FIFO if it does not exist */ umask(0); mknod(pipe_name.value().c_str(), S_IFIFO|0666, 0); const char foo[] = "foo"; const char boo[] = "boo"; std::string line(foo); line.append("\n"); line.append(boo); pid_t pID = fork(); if (pID == 0) { int pipe = open(pipe_name.value().c_str(), O_WRONLY); EXPECT_NE(pipe, -1) << safe_strerror(errno); int num_bytes = write(pipe, line.c_str(), line.length()); EXPECT_NE(num_bytes, -1) << safe_strerror(errno); close(pipe); exit(1); } else { PipeReader reader(pipe_name); // asking for more should still just return the amount that was written. std::string my_foo = reader.Read(5 * line.length()); EXPECT_EQ(my_foo[my_foo.length() - 1], '\n'); my_foo.resize(my_foo.length() - 1); EXPECT_EQ(my_foo, foo); std::string my_boo = reader.Read(5 * line.length()); EXPECT_EQ(my_boo, boo); } } } // namespace chromeos