// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_CHROMEOS_POLICY_DEVICE_STATUS_COLLECTOR_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_CHROMEOS_POLICY_DEVICE_STATUS_COLLECTOR_H_ #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/callback_list.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/task/cancelable_task_tracker.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "base/timer/timer.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/settings/cros_settings.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/version_loader.h" #include "chrome/browser/idle.h" #include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/cloud_policy_client.h" #include "content/public/browser/geolocation_provider.h" #include "content/public/common/geoposition.h" namespace chromeos { class CrosSettings; namespace system { class StatisticsProvider; } } namespace content { class NotificationDetails; class NotificationSource; } namespace enterprise_management { class DeviceStatusReportRequest; } class PrefRegistrySimple; class PrefService; namespace policy { // Collects and summarizes the status of an enterprised-managed ChromeOS device. class DeviceStatusCollector : public CloudPolicyClient::StatusProvider { public: // TODO(bartfab): Remove this once crbug.com/125931 is addressed and a proper // way to mock geolocation exists. typedef base::Callback LocationUpdateRequester; DeviceStatusCollector( PrefService* local_state, chromeos::system::StatisticsProvider* provider, LocationUpdateRequester* location_update_requester); virtual ~DeviceStatusCollector(); void GetStatus(enterprise_management::DeviceStatusReportRequest* request); // CloudPolicyClient::StatusProvider: virtual bool GetDeviceStatus( enterprise_management::DeviceStatusReportRequest* status) OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetSessionStatus( enterprise_management::SessionStatusReportRequest* status) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnSubmittedSuccessfully() OVERRIDE; static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry); // How often, in seconds, to poll to see if the user is idle. static const unsigned int kIdlePollIntervalSeconds = 30; protected: // Check whether the user has been idle for a certain period of time. virtual void CheckIdleState(); // Used instead of base::Time::Now(), to make testing possible. virtual base::Time GetCurrentTime(); // Callback which receives the results of the idle state check. void IdleStateCallback(IdleState state); // The number of days in the past to store device activity. // This is kept in case device status uploads fail for a number of days. unsigned int max_stored_past_activity_days_; // The number of days in the future to store device activity. // When changing the system time and/or timezones, it's possible to record // activity time that is slightly in the future. unsigned int max_stored_future_activity_days_; private: // Prevents the local store of activity periods from growing too large by // removing entries that are outside the reporting window. void PruneStoredActivityPeriods(base::Time base_time); // Trims the store activity periods to only retain data within the // [|min_day_key|, |max_day_key|). The record for |min_day_key| will be // adjusted by subtracting |min_day_trim_duration|. void TrimStoredActivityPeriods(int64 min_day_key, int min_day_trim_duration, int64 max_day_key); void AddActivePeriod(base::Time start, base::Time end); // Callbacks from chromeos::VersionLoader. void OnOSVersion(const std::string& version); void OnOSFirmware(const std::string& version); // Helpers for the various portions of the status. void GetActivityTimes( enterprise_management::DeviceStatusReportRequest* request); void GetVersionInfo( enterprise_management::DeviceStatusReportRequest* request); void GetBootMode( enterprise_management::DeviceStatusReportRequest* request); void GetLocation( enterprise_management::DeviceStatusReportRequest* request); void GetNetworkInterfaces( enterprise_management::DeviceStatusReportRequest* request); void GetUsers( enterprise_management::DeviceStatusReportRequest* request); // Update the cached values of the reporting settings. void UpdateReportingSettings(); void ScheduleGeolocationUpdateRequest(); // content::GeolocationUpdateCallback implementation. void ReceiveGeolocationUpdate(const content::Geoposition&); // How often to poll to see if the user is idle. int poll_interval_seconds_; PrefService* local_state_; // The last time an idle state check was performed. base::Time last_idle_check_; // The maximum key that went into the last report generated by // GetDeviceStatus(), and the duration for it. This is used to trim the // stored data in OnSubmittedSuccessfully(). Trimming is delayed so // unsuccessful uploads don't result in dropped data. int64 last_reported_day_; int duration_for_last_reported_day_; // Whether a geolocation update is currently in progress. bool geolocation_update_in_progress_; base::RepeatingTimer idle_poll_timer_; base::OneShotTimer geolocation_update_timer_; chromeos::VersionLoader version_loader_; base::CancelableTaskTracker tracker_; std::string os_version_; std::string firmware_version_; content::Geoposition position_; chromeos::system::StatisticsProvider* statistics_provider_; chromeos::CrosSettings* cros_settings_; base::WeakPtrFactory weak_factory_; // TODO(bartfab): Remove this once crbug.com/125931 is addressed and a proper // way to mock geolocation exists. LocationUpdateRequester location_update_requester_; scoped_ptr geolocation_subscription_; // Cached values of the reporting settings from the device policy. bool report_version_info_; bool report_activity_times_; bool report_boot_mode_; bool report_location_; bool report_network_interfaces_; bool report_users_; scoped_ptr version_info_subscription_; scoped_ptr activity_times_subscription_; scoped_ptr boot_mode_subscription_; scoped_ptr location_subscription_; scoped_ptr network_interfaces_subscription_; scoped_ptr users_subscription_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DeviceStatusCollector); }; } // namespace policy #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_CHROMEOS_POLICY_DEVICE_STATUS_COLLECTOR_H_