// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/proxy_config_service_impl.h" #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/json/json_string_value_serializer.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/cros/cros_library.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/cros/onc_constants.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/cros_settings.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/cros_settings_names.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/policy/proto/chrome_device_policy.pb.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/proxy_config_dictionary.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/proxy_prefs.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_manager.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" namespace em = enterprise_management; namespace chromeos { namespace { // Shoud we try to push this to base? // Helper comparator functor for the find_if call in |findIfEqual| template class EqualsComparator{ public: explicit EqualsComparator(const T& key) : key_(key) { } bool operator() (const T& element) { return element.Equals(key_); } private: const T& key_; }; // Tiny STL helper function to allow using the find_if syntax on objects that // doesn't use the operator== but implement the Equals function which is the // quasi standard with the coding style we have. template InputIterator findIfEqual(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const T& key) { return std::find_if(first, last, EqualsComparator(key)); } const char* ModeToString(ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::Mode mode) { switch (mode) { case ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::MODE_DIRECT: return "direct"; case ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::MODE_AUTO_DETECT: return "auto-detect"; case ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::MODE_PAC_SCRIPT: return "pacurl"; case ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::MODE_SINGLE_PROXY: return "single-proxy"; case ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::MODE_PROXY_PER_SCHEME: return "proxy-per-scheme"; } NOTREACHED() << "Unrecognized mode type"; return ""; } const char* ConfigStateToString(ProxyPrefs::ConfigState state) { switch (state) { case ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_POLICY: return "config_policy"; case ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_EXTENSION: return "config_extension"; case ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_OTHER_PRECEDE: return "config_other_precede"; case ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_SYSTEM: return "config_network"; // For ChromeOS, system is network. case ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_FALLBACK: return "config_recommended"; // Fallback is recommended. case ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_UNSET: return "config_unset"; } NOTREACHED() << "Unrecognized config state type"; return ""; } // Returns true if proxy settings from |network| is editable. bool IsNetworkProxySettingsEditable(const Network* network) { if (!network) return true; // editable if no network given. NetworkLibrary* network_library = CrosLibrary::Get()->GetNetworkLibrary(); const base::DictionaryValue* onc = network_library->FindOncForNetwork(network->unique_id()); NetworkPropertyUIData proxy_settings_ui_data; proxy_settings_ui_data.ParseOncProperty( network->ui_data(), onc, onc::kProxySettings); return proxy_settings_ui_data.editable(); } // Only unblock if needed for debugging. #if defined(NEED_DEBUG_LOG) std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::ManualProxy& proxy) { out << (proxy.server.is_valid() ? proxy.server.ToURI() : "") << "\n"; return out; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig& config) { switch (config.mode) { case ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::MODE_DIRECT: case ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::MODE_AUTO_DETECT: out << ModeToString(config.mode) << ", " << ConfigStateToString(config.state) << "\n"; break; case ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::MODE_PAC_SCRIPT: out << ModeToString(config.mode) << ", " << ConfigStateToString(config.state) << "\n PAC: " << config.automatic_proxy.pac_url << "\n"; break; case ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::MODE_SINGLE_PROXY: out << ModeToString(config.mode) << ", " << ConfigStateToString(config.state) << "\n " << config.single_proxy; break; case ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::MODE_PROXY_PER_SCHEME: out << ModeToString(config.mode) << ", " << ConfigStateToString(config.state) << "\n" << " HTTP: " << config.http_proxy << " HTTPS: " << config.https_proxy << " FTP: " << config.ftp_proxy << " SOCKS: " << config.socks_proxy; break; default: NOTREACHED() << "Unrecognized proxy config mode"; break; } if (config.mode == ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::MODE_SINGLE_PROXY || config.mode == ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::MODE_PROXY_PER_SCHEME) { out << "Bypass list: "; if (config.bypass_rules.rules().empty()) { out << "[None]"; } else { const net::ProxyBypassRules& bypass_rules = config.bypass_rules; net::ProxyBypassRules::RuleList::const_iterator it; for (it = bypass_rules.rules().begin(); it != bypass_rules.rules().end(); ++it) { out << "\n " << (*it)->ToString(); } } } return out; } std::string ProxyConfigToString( const ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig& proxy_config) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << proxy_config; return stream.str(); } #endif // defined(NEED_DEBUG_LOG) } // namespace //----------- ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig: public methods -------------- ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::ProxyConfig() : mode(MODE_DIRECT), state(ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_UNSET), user_modifiable(true) {} ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::~ProxyConfig() {} bool ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::FromNetProxyConfig( const net::ProxyConfig& net_config) { *this = ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig(); // Reset to default. const net::ProxyConfig::ProxyRules& rules = net_config.proxy_rules(); switch (rules.type) { case net::ProxyConfig::ProxyRules::TYPE_NO_RULES: if (!net_config.HasAutomaticSettings()) { mode = ProxyConfig::MODE_DIRECT; } else if (net_config.auto_detect()) { mode = ProxyConfig::MODE_AUTO_DETECT; } else if (net_config.has_pac_url()) { mode = ProxyConfig::MODE_PAC_SCRIPT; automatic_proxy.pac_url = net_config.pac_url(); } else { return false; } return true; case net::ProxyConfig::ProxyRules::TYPE_SINGLE_PROXY: if (!rules.single_proxy.is_valid()) return false; mode = MODE_SINGLE_PROXY; single_proxy.server = rules.single_proxy; bypass_rules = rules.bypass_rules; return true; case net::ProxyConfig::ProxyRules::TYPE_PROXY_PER_SCHEME: // Make sure we have valid server for at least one of the protocols. if (!rules.proxy_for_http.is_valid() && !rules.proxy_for_https.is_valid() && !rules.proxy_for_ftp.is_valid() && !rules.fallback_proxy.is_valid()) { return false; } mode = MODE_PROXY_PER_SCHEME; if (rules.proxy_for_http.is_valid()) http_proxy.server = rules.proxy_for_http; if (rules.proxy_for_https.is_valid()) https_proxy.server = rules.proxy_for_https; if (rules.proxy_for_ftp.is_valid()) ftp_proxy.server = rules.proxy_for_ftp; if (rules.fallback_proxy.is_valid()) socks_proxy.server = rules.fallback_proxy; bypass_rules = rules.bypass_rules; return true; default: NOTREACHED() << "Unrecognized proxy config mode"; break; } return false; } DictionaryValue* ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::ToPrefProxyConfig() { switch (mode) { case MODE_DIRECT: { return ProxyConfigDictionary::CreateDirect(); } case MODE_AUTO_DETECT: { return ProxyConfigDictionary::CreateAutoDetect(); } case MODE_PAC_SCRIPT: { return ProxyConfigDictionary::CreatePacScript( automatic_proxy.pac_url.spec(), false); } case MODE_SINGLE_PROXY: { std::string spec; if (single_proxy.server.is_valid()) spec = single_proxy.server.ToURI(); return ProxyConfigDictionary::CreateFixedServers( spec, bypass_rules.ToString()); } case MODE_PROXY_PER_SCHEME: { std::string spec; EncodeAndAppendProxyServer("http", http_proxy.server, &spec); EncodeAndAppendProxyServer("https", https_proxy.server, &spec); EncodeAndAppendProxyServer("ftp", ftp_proxy.server, &spec); EncodeAndAppendProxyServer("socks", socks_proxy.server, &spec); return ProxyConfigDictionary::CreateFixedServers( spec, bypass_rules.ToString()); } default: break; } NOTREACHED() << "Unrecognized proxy config mode for preference"; return NULL; } ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::ManualProxy* ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::MapSchemeToProxy( const std::string& scheme) { if (scheme == "http") return &http_proxy; if (scheme == "https") return &https_proxy; if (scheme == "ftp") return &ftp_proxy; if (scheme == "socks") return &socks_proxy; NOTREACHED() << "Invalid scheme: " << scheme; return NULL; } bool ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::DeserializeForDevice( const std::string& input) { em::DeviceProxySettingsProto proxy_proto; if (!proxy_proto.ParseFromString(input)) return false; const std::string& mode_string(proxy_proto.proxy_mode()); if (mode_string == ProxyPrefs::kDirectProxyModeName) { mode = MODE_DIRECT; } else if (mode_string == ProxyPrefs::kAutoDetectProxyModeName) { mode = MODE_AUTO_DETECT; } else if (mode_string == ProxyPrefs::kPacScriptProxyModeName) { mode = MODE_PAC_SCRIPT; if (proxy_proto.has_proxy_pac_url()) automatic_proxy.pac_url = GURL(proxy_proto.proxy_pac_url()); } else if (mode_string == ProxyPrefs::kFixedServersProxyModeName) { net::ProxyConfig::ProxyRules rules; rules.ParseFromString(proxy_proto.proxy_server()); switch (rules.type) { case net::ProxyConfig::ProxyRules::TYPE_NO_RULES: return false; case net::ProxyConfig::ProxyRules::TYPE_SINGLE_PROXY: if (!rules.single_proxy.is_valid()) return false; mode = MODE_SINGLE_PROXY; single_proxy.server = rules.single_proxy; break; case net::ProxyConfig::ProxyRules::TYPE_PROXY_PER_SCHEME: // Make sure we have valid server for at least one of the protocols. if (!rules.proxy_for_http.is_valid() && !rules.proxy_for_https.is_valid() && !rules.proxy_for_ftp.is_valid() && !rules.fallback_proxy.is_valid()) { return false; } mode = MODE_PROXY_PER_SCHEME; if (rules.proxy_for_http.is_valid()) http_proxy.server = rules.proxy_for_http; if (rules.proxy_for_https.is_valid()) https_proxy.server = rules.proxy_for_https; if (rules.proxy_for_ftp.is_valid()) ftp_proxy.server = rules.proxy_for_ftp; if (rules.fallback_proxy.is_valid()) socks_proxy.server = rules.fallback_proxy; break; } } else { NOTREACHED() << "Unrecognized proxy config mode"; return false; } if (proxy_proto.has_proxy_bypass_list()) bypass_rules.ParseFromString(proxy_proto.proxy_bypass_list()); return true; } bool ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::SerializeForNetwork( std::string* output) { scoped_ptr proxy_dict_ptr(ToPrefProxyConfig()); if (!proxy_dict_ptr.get()) return false; // Return empty string for direct mode for portal check to work correctly. DictionaryValue *dict = proxy_dict_ptr.get(); ProxyConfigDictionary proxy_dict(dict); ProxyPrefs::ProxyMode mode; if (proxy_dict.GetMode(&mode)) { if (mode == ProxyPrefs::MODE_DIRECT) { output->clear(); return true; } } JSONStringValueSerializer serializer(output); return serializer.Serialize(*dict); } //----------- ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig: private methods ------------- // static void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfig::EncodeAndAppendProxyServer( const std::string& scheme, const net::ProxyServer& server, std::string* spec) { if (!server.is_valid()) return; if (!spec->empty()) *spec += ';'; if (!scheme.empty()) { *spec += scheme; *spec += "="; } *spec += server.ToURI(); } //------------------- ProxyConfigServiceImpl: public methods ------------------- ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ProxyConfigServiceImpl(PrefService* pref_service) : PrefProxyConfigTrackerImpl(pref_service), active_config_state_(ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_UNSET), pointer_factory_(this) { // Register for notifications of UseSharedProxies user preference. if (pref_service->FindPreference(prefs::kUseSharedProxies)) use_shared_proxies_.Init(prefs::kUseSharedProxies, pref_service, this); if (CrosSettings::Get()->PrepareTrustedValues( base::Bind(&ProxyConfigServiceImpl::FetchProxyPolicy, pointer_factory_.GetWeakPtr()))) { FetchProxyPolicy(); } // Register for flimflam network notifications. NetworkLibrary* network_lib = CrosLibrary::Get()->GetNetworkLibrary(); OnActiveNetworkChanged(network_lib, network_lib->active_network()); network_lib->AddNetworkManagerObserver(this); } ProxyConfigServiceImpl::~ProxyConfigServiceImpl() { NetworkLibrary* netlib = CrosLibrary::Get()->GetNetworkLibrary(); if (netlib) { netlib->RemoveNetworkManagerObserver(this); netlib->RemoveObserverForAllNetworks(this); } } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::UISetCurrentNetwork( const std::string& current_network) { Network* network = CrosLibrary::Get()->GetNetworkLibrary()->FindNetworkByPath( current_network); if (!network) { ResetUICache(); LOG(ERROR) << "can't find requested network " << current_network; return; } current_ui_network_ = current_network; OnUISetCurrentNetwork(network); } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::UIMakeActiveNetworkCurrent() { Network* network = CrosLibrary::Get()->GetNetworkLibrary()->FindNetworkByPath( active_network_); if (!network) { ResetUICache(); LOG(ERROR) << "can't find requested network " << active_network_; return; } current_ui_network_ = active_network_; OnUISetCurrentNetwork(network); } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::UIGetCurrentNetworkName( std::string* network_name) { if (!network_name) return; network_name->clear(); Network* network = CrosLibrary::Get()->GetNetworkLibrary()->FindNetworkByPath( current_ui_network_); if (!network) { LOG(ERROR) << "can't find requested network " << current_ui_network_; return; } if (network->name().empty() && network->type() == chromeos::TYPE_ETHERNET) { *network_name = l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_ETHERNET); } else { *network_name = network->name(); } } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::UIGetProxyConfig(ProxyConfig* config) { // Simply returns the copy last set from UI via UISetCurrentNetwork or // UIMakeActiveNetworkCurrent. *config = current_ui_config_; } bool ProxyConfigServiceImpl::UISetProxyConfigToDirect() { current_ui_config_.mode = ProxyConfig::MODE_DIRECT; OnUISetProxyConfig(); return true; } bool ProxyConfigServiceImpl::UISetProxyConfigToAutoDetect() { current_ui_config_.mode = ProxyConfig::MODE_AUTO_DETECT; OnUISetProxyConfig(); return true; } bool ProxyConfigServiceImpl::UISetProxyConfigToPACScript(const GURL& pac_url) { current_ui_config_.mode = ProxyConfig::MODE_PAC_SCRIPT; current_ui_config_.automatic_proxy.pac_url = pac_url; OnUISetProxyConfig(); return true; } bool ProxyConfigServiceImpl::UISetProxyConfigToSingleProxy( const net::ProxyServer& server) { current_ui_config_.mode = ProxyConfig::MODE_SINGLE_PROXY; current_ui_config_.single_proxy.server = server; OnUISetProxyConfig(); return true; } bool ProxyConfigServiceImpl::UISetProxyConfigToProxyPerScheme( const std::string& scheme, const net::ProxyServer& server) { ProxyConfig::ManualProxy* proxy = current_ui_config_.MapSchemeToProxy(scheme); if (!proxy) { NOTREACHED() << "Cannot set proxy: invalid scheme [" << scheme << "]"; return false; } current_ui_config_.mode = ProxyConfig::MODE_PROXY_PER_SCHEME; proxy->server = server; OnUISetProxyConfig(); return true; } bool ProxyConfigServiceImpl::UISetProxyConfigBypassRules( const net::ProxyBypassRules& bypass_rules) { if (current_ui_config_.mode != ProxyConfig::MODE_SINGLE_PROXY && current_ui_config_.mode != ProxyConfig::MODE_PROXY_PER_SCHEME) { NOTREACHED(); VLOG(1) << "Cannot set bypass rules for proxy mode [" << current_ui_config_.mode << "]"; return false; } current_ui_config_.bypass_rules = bypass_rules; OnUISetProxyConfig(); return true; } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::AddNotificationCallback(base::Closure callback) { std::vector::iterator iter = findIfEqual(callbacks_.begin(), callbacks_.end(), callback); if (iter == callbacks_.end()) callbacks_.push_back(callback); } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::RemoveNotificationCallback( base::Closure callback) { std::vector::iterator iter = findIfEqual(callbacks_.begin(), callbacks_.end(), callback); if (iter != callbacks_.end()) callbacks_.erase(iter); } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::OnProxyConfigChanged( ProxyPrefs::ConfigState config_state, const net::ProxyConfig& config) { VLOG(1) << this << ": got prefs change: " << ConfigStateToString(config_state) << ", mode=" << config.proxy_rules().type; Network* network = NULL; if (!active_network_.empty()) { network = CrosLibrary::Get()->GetNetworkLibrary()->FindNetworkByPath( active_network_); if (!network) LOG(ERROR) << "can't find requested network " << active_network_; } DetermineEffectiveConfig(network, true); } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::OnNetworkManagerChanged( NetworkLibrary* network_lib) { VLOG(1) << this << " OnNetworkManagerChanged: use-shared-proxies=" << GetUseSharedProxies(); OnActiveNetworkChanged(network_lib, network_lib->active_network()); } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::OnNetworkChanged(NetworkLibrary* network_lib, const Network* network) { if (!network) return; VLOG(1) << this << " OnNetworkChanged: " << (network->name().empty() ? network->service_path() : network->name()) << ", use-shared-proxies=" << GetUseSharedProxies(); // We only care about active network. if (network == network_lib->active_network()) OnActiveNetworkChanged(network_lib, network); } // static void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::RegisterPrefs(PrefService* pref_service) { // Use shared proxies default to off. GetUseSharedProxies will return the // correct value based on pre-login and login. pref_service->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kUseSharedProxies, true, PrefService::UNSYNCABLE_PREF); } //------------------ ProxyConfigServiceImpl: private methods ------------------- void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::Observe( int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) { if (type == chrome::NOTIFICATION_PREF_CHANGED && *(content::Details(details).ptr()) == prefs::kUseSharedProxies) { if (content::Source(source).ptr() == prefs()) { VLOG(1) << this << ": new use-shared-proxies = " << GetUseSharedProxies(); // Determine new proxy config which may have changed because of new // use-shared-proxies. If necessary, activate it. Network* network = NULL; if (!active_network_.empty()) { network = CrosLibrary::Get()->GetNetworkLibrary()->FindNetworkByPath( active_network_); if (!network) LOG(WARNING) << "can't find requested network " << active_network_; } DetermineEffectiveConfig(network, true); } return; } PrefProxyConfigTrackerImpl::Observe(type, source, details); } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::OnUISetProxyConfig() { if (current_ui_network_.empty()) return; // Update config to flimflam. std::string value; if (current_ui_config_.SerializeForNetwork(&value)) { VLOG(1) << this << ": set proxy (mode=" << current_ui_config_.mode << ") for " << current_ui_network_; current_ui_config_.state = ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_SYSTEM; SetProxyConfigForNetwork(current_ui_network_, value, false); } } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::OnActiveNetworkChanged(NetworkLibrary* network_lib, const Network* active_network) { std::string new_network; if (active_network) new_network = active_network->service_path(); if (active_network_ == new_network) { // Same active network. VLOG(1) << this << ": same active network: " << (new_network.empty() ? "empty" : (active_network->name().empty() ? new_network : active_network->name())); // Even though network is the same, its proxy config (e.g. if private // version of network replaces the shared version after login), or // use-shared-proxies setting (e.g. after login) may have changed, // so re-determine effective proxy config, and activate if different. if (active_network) { VLOG(1) << this << ": profile=" << active_network->profile_type() << "," << active_network->profile_path() << ", proxy=" << active_network->proxy_config(); DetermineEffectiveConfig(active_network, true); } return; } // If there was a previous active network, remove it as observer. if (!active_network_.empty()) network_lib->RemoveNetworkObserver(active_network_, this); active_network_ = new_network; if (active_network_.empty()) { VLOG(1) << this << ": new active network: empty"; DetermineEffectiveConfig(active_network, true); return; } VLOG(1) << this << ": new active network: path=" << active_network->service_path() << ", name=" << active_network->name() << ", profile=" << active_network->profile_type() << "," << active_network->profile_path() << ", proxy=" << active_network->proxy_config(); // Register observer for new network. network_lib->AddNetworkObserver(active_network_, this); // If necessary, migrate config to flimflam. if (active_network->proxy_config().empty() && !device_config_.empty()) { VLOG(1) << this << ": try migrating device config to " << active_network_; SetProxyConfigForNetwork(active_network_, device_config_, true); } else { // Otherwise, determine and activate possibly new effective proxy config. DetermineEffectiveConfig(active_network, true); } } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::SetProxyConfigForNetwork( const std::string& network_path, const std::string& value, bool only_set_if_empty) { Network* network = CrosLibrary::Get()->GetNetworkLibrary()->FindNetworkByPath( network_path); if (!network) { NOTREACHED() << "can't find requested network " << network_path; return; } if (!only_set_if_empty || network->proxy_config().empty()) { network->SetProxyConfig(value); VLOG(1) << this << ": set proxy for " << (network->name().empty() ? network_path : network->name()) << ", value=" << value; if (network_path == active_network_) DetermineEffectiveConfig(network, true); } } bool ProxyConfigServiceImpl::GetUseSharedProxies() { const PrefService::Preference* use_shared_proxies_pref = prefs()->FindPreference(prefs::kUseSharedProxies); if (!use_shared_proxies_pref) { // Make sure that proxies are always enabled at sign in screen. return !UserManager::Get()->IsUserLoggedIn(); } return use_shared_proxies_.GetValue(); } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::DetermineEffectiveConfig(const Network* network, bool activate) { // Get prefs proxy config if available. net::ProxyConfig pref_config; ProxyPrefs::ConfigState pref_state = GetProxyConfig(&pref_config); // Get network proxy config if available. net::ProxyConfig network_config; net::ProxyConfigService::ConfigAvailability network_availability = net::ProxyConfigService::CONFIG_UNSET; bool ignore_proxy = activate; if (network) { // If we're activating proxy, ignore proxy if necessary; // otherwise, for ui, get actual proxy to show user. ignore_proxy = activate ? IgnoreProxy(network) : false; // If network is shared but use-shared-proxies is off, use direct mode. if (ignore_proxy) { VLOG(1) << this << ": shared network && !use-shared-proxies, use direct"; network_availability = net::ProxyConfigService::CONFIG_VALID; } else if (!network->proxy_config().empty()) { // Network is private or shared with user using shared proxies. JSONStringValueSerializer serializer(network->proxy_config()); scoped_ptr value(serializer.Deserialize(NULL, NULL)); if (value.get() && value->GetType() == Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY) { DictionaryValue* dict = static_cast(value.get()); ProxyConfigDictionary proxy_dict(dict); if (PrefConfigToNetConfig(proxy_dict, &network_config)) { VLOG(1) << this << ": using network proxy: " << network->proxy_config(); network_availability = net::ProxyConfigService::CONFIG_VALID; } } } } // Determine effective proxy config, either from prefs or network. ProxyPrefs::ConfigState effective_config_state; net::ProxyConfig effective_config; GetEffectiveProxyConfig(pref_state, pref_config, network_availability, network_config, ignore_proxy, &effective_config_state, &effective_config); // Determine if we should activate effective proxy and which proxy config to // store it. if (activate) { // Activate effective proxy and store into |active_config_|. // If last update didn't complete, we definitely update now. bool update_now = update_pending(); if (!update_now) { // Otherwise, only update now if there're changes. update_now = active_config_state_ != effective_config_state || (active_config_state_ != ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_UNSET && !active_config_.Equals(effective_config)); } if (update_now) { // Activate and store new effective config. active_config_state_ = effective_config_state; if (active_config_state_ != ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_UNSET) active_config_ = effective_config; // If effective config is from system (i.e. network), it's considered a // special kind of prefs that ranks below policy/extension but above // others, so bump it up to CONFIG_OTHER_PRECEDE to force its precedence // when PrefProxyConfigTrackerImpl pushes it to ChromeProxyConfigService. if (effective_config_state == ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_SYSTEM) effective_config_state = ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_OTHER_PRECEDE; // If config is manual, add rule to bypass local host. if (effective_config.proxy_rules().type != net::ProxyConfig::ProxyRules::TYPE_NO_RULES) effective_config.proxy_rules().bypass_rules.AddRuleToBypassLocal(); PrefProxyConfigTrackerImpl::OnProxyConfigChanged(effective_config_state, effective_config); if (VLOG_IS_ON(1) && !update_pending()) { // Update was successful. scoped_ptr config_dict(static_cast( effective_config.ToValue())); std::string config_value; JSONStringValueSerializer serializer(&config_value); serializer.Serialize(*config_dict.get()); VLOG(1) << this << ": Proxy changed: " << ConfigStateToString(active_config_state_) << ", " << config_value; } } } else { // For UI, store effective proxy into |current_ui_config_|. current_ui_config_.FromNetProxyConfig(effective_config); current_ui_config_.state = effective_config_state; if (PrefPrecedes(effective_config_state)) { current_ui_config_.user_modifiable = false; } else if (!IsNetworkProxySettingsEditable(network)) { // TODO(xiyuan): Figure out the right way to set config state for managed // network. current_ui_config_.state = ProxyPrefs::CONFIG_POLICY; current_ui_config_.user_modifiable = false; } else { current_ui_config_.user_modifiable = !network || !IgnoreProxy(network); } } } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::OnUISetCurrentNetwork(const Network* network) { DetermineEffectiveConfig(network, false); VLOG(1) << this << ": current ui network: " << (network->name().empty() ? current_ui_network_ : network->name()) << ", " << ModeToString(current_ui_config_.mode) << ", " << ConfigStateToString(current_ui_config_.state) << ", modifiable:" << current_ui_config_.user_modifiable; // Notify whoever is interested in this change. std::vector::iterator iter = callbacks_.begin(); while (iter != callbacks_.end()) { if (iter->is_null()) { iter = callbacks_.erase(iter); } else { iter->Run(); ++iter; } } } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::ResetUICache() { current_ui_network_.clear(); current_ui_config_ = ProxyConfig(); } void ProxyConfigServiceImpl::FetchProxyPolicy() { std::string policy_value; if (!CrosSettings::Get()->GetString(kSettingProxyEverywhere, &policy_value)) { LOG(WARNING) << this << ": Error retrieving proxy setting from device"; device_config_.clear(); return; } VLOG(1) << this << ": Retrieved proxy setting from device, value=[" << policy_value << "]"; ProxyConfig device_config; if (!device_config.DeserializeForDevice(policy_value) || !device_config.SerializeForNetwork(&device_config_)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Can't deserialize device setting or serialize for network"; device_config_.clear(); return; } if (!active_network_.empty()) { VLOG(1) << this << ": try migrating device config to " << active_network_; SetProxyConfigForNetwork(active_network_, device_config_, true); } } } // namespace chromeos