// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/status/status_area_button.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/skbitmap_operations.h" #include "ui/views/border.h" #include "ui/views/view.h" namespace { // Colors for different text styles. const SkColor kWhitePlainTextColor = 0x99ffffff; const SkColor kGrayPlainTextColor = 0xff666666; const SkColor kWhiteHaloedTextColor = 0xb3ffffff; const SkColor kWhiteHaloedHaloColor = 0xb3000000; const SkColor kGrayEmbossedTextColor = 0xff4c4c4c; const SkColor kGrayEmbossedShadowColor = 0x80ffffff; // Status area font is bigger. const int kFontSizeDelta = 3; // Pad for status icons. const int kIconHorizontalPad = 2; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StatusAreaButton StatusAreaButton::StatusAreaButton(Delegate* button_delegate, views::MenuButtonListener* listener) : MenuButton(NULL, string16(), listener, false), menu_active_(true), delegate_(button_delegate) { set_border(NULL); light_font_ = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetFont(ResourceBundle::BaseFont). DeriveFont(kFontSizeDelta); bold_font_ = light_font_.DeriveFont(0, gfx::Font::BOLD); SetShowMultipleIconStates(false); set_alignment(TextButton::ALIGN_CENTER); set_border(views::Border::CreateEmptyBorder( 0, kIconHorizontalPad, 0, kIconHorizontalPad)); // Use an offset that is top aligned with toolbar. set_menu_offset(0, 4); UpdateTextStyle(); } void StatusAreaButton::PaintButton(gfx::Canvas* canvas, PaintButtonMode mode) { if (state() == BS_PUSHED) { // Apply 10% white when pushed down. canvas->FillRect(GetLocalBounds(), SkColorSetARGB(0x19, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); } views::MenuButton::PaintButton(canvas, mode); } void StatusAreaButton::SetText(const string16& text) { // TextButtons normally remember the max text size, so the button's preferred // size will always be as large as the largest text ever put in it. // We clear that max text size, so we can adjust the size to fit the text. // The order is important. ClearMaxTextSize sets the size to that of the // current text, so it must be called after SetText. views::MenuButton::SetText(text); ClearMaxTextSize(); PreferredSizeChanged(); } bool StatusAreaButton::Activate() { if (menu_active_) return views::MenuButton::Activate(); else return true; } gfx::Size StatusAreaButton::GetPreferredSize() { gfx::Insets insets = views::MenuButton::GetInsets(); gfx::Size prefsize(icon_width() + insets.width(), icon_height() + insets.height()); // Adjusts size when use menu button paint. gfx::Size menu_button_size = views::MenuButton::GetPreferredSize(); prefsize.SetSize(std::max(prefsize.width(), menu_button_size.width()), std::max(prefsize.height(), menu_button_size.height())); // Shift 1-pixel down for odd number of pixels in vertical space. if ((prefsize.height() - menu_button_size.height()) % 2) { insets_.Set(insets.top() + 1, insets.left(), insets.bottom(), insets.right()); } // Add padding. prefsize.Enlarge(2 * horizontal_padding(), 0); return prefsize; } gfx::Insets StatusAreaButton::GetInsets() const { return insets_; } void StatusAreaButton::OnThemeChanged() { UpdateTextStyle(); } void StatusAreaButton::SetVisible(bool is_visible) { if (is_visible != visible()) { views::MenuButton::SetVisible(is_visible); delegate_->ButtonVisibilityChanged(this); } } bool StatusAreaButton::HitTest(const gfx::Point& l) const { // BrowserFrameViewChromeos adds a few pixels of pad to the top of the // status area. For mouse events in this area to activate the button, // hit testing need to be successful. We do this by clamping y to the // position of the menu button view. gfx::Point point(l.x(), std::max(y(), l.y())); return MenuButton::HitTest(point); } void StatusAreaButton::SetMenuActive(bool active) { menu_active_ = active; } void StatusAreaButton::UpdateTextStyle() { ClearEmbellishing(); switch (delegate_->GetStatusAreaTextStyle()) { case WHITE_PLAIN_BOLD: SetFont(bold_font_); SetEnabledColor(kWhitePlainTextColor); break; case GRAY_PLAIN_LIGHT: SetFont(light_font_); SetEnabledColor(kGrayPlainTextColor); break; case WHITE_HALOED_BOLD: SetFont(bold_font_); SetEnabledColor(kWhiteHaloedTextColor); SetTextHaloColor(kWhiteHaloedHaloColor); break; case GRAY_EMBOSSED_BOLD: SetFont(bold_font_); SetEnabledColor(kGrayEmbossedTextColor); SetTextShadowColors(kGrayEmbossedShadowColor, kGrayEmbossedShadowColor); SetTextShadowOffset(0, 1); break; } SchedulePaint(); } int StatusAreaButton::icon_height() { return 24; } int StatusAreaButton::icon_width() { return 23; } int StatusAreaButton::horizontal_padding() { return 1; }