// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/system/automatic_reboot_manager.h" #include #include #include "ash/shell.h" #include "ash/test/test_shell_delegate.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h" #include "base/prefs/testing_pref_service.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/test/simple_test_tick_clock.h" #include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h" #include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h" #include "base/time/tick_clock.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/users/mock_user_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/users/user_manager.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/test/base/testing_browser_process.h" #include "chromeos/chromeos_paths.h" #include "chromeos/dbus/dbus_thread_manager.h" #include "chromeos/dbus/fake_dbus_thread_manager.h" #include "chromeos/dbus/fake_power_manager_client.h" #include "chromeos/dbus/fake_update_engine_client.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h" #include "content/public/test/test_browser_thread.h" #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "ui/message_center/message_center.h" using ::testing::ReturnPointee; namespace chromeos { namespace system { namespace { // A SingleThreadTaskRunner that mocks the current time and allows it to be // fast-forwarded. The current time in ticks is returned by Now(). The // corresponding device uptime is written to |uptime_file_|, providing a mock // for /proc/uptime. class MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner : public base::SingleThreadTaskRunner { public: MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner(); // base::SingleThreadTaskRunner: virtual bool RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const OVERRIDE; virtual bool PostDelayedTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, const base::Closure& task, base::TimeDelta delay) OVERRIDE; virtual bool PostNonNestableDelayedTask( const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, const base::Closure& task, base::TimeDelta delay) OVERRIDE; void SetUptimeFile(const base::FilePath& uptime_file); void SetUptime(const base::TimeDelta& uptime); const base::TimeDelta& Uptime() const; const base::TimeTicks& Now() const; void FastForwardBy(const base::TimeDelta& delta); void FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(); void RunUntilIdle(); private: // Strict weak temporal ordering of tasks. class TemporalOrder { public: bool operator()( const std::pair& first_task, const std::pair& second_task) const; }; virtual ~MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner(); base::FilePath uptime_file_; base::TimeDelta uptime_; base::TimeTicks now_; std::priority_queue, std::vector >, TemporalOrder> tasks_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner); }; class MockTimeTickClock : public base::TickClock { public: explicit MockTimeTickClock( scoped_refptr task_runner); virtual ~MockTimeTickClock(); // base::TickClock: virtual base::TimeTicks NowTicks() OVERRIDE; private: scoped_refptr task_runner_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockTimeTickClock); }; } // namespace class AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest : public testing::Test { protected: typedef base::OneShotTimer Timer; AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest(); virtual ~AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest(); // testing::Test: virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE; virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE; void SetUpdateRebootNeededUptime(const base::TimeDelta& uptime); void SetRebootAfterUpdate(bool reboot_after_update, bool expect_reboot); void SetUptimeLimit(const base::TimeDelta& limit, bool expect_reboot); void NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); void NotifyResumed(bool expect_reboot); void NotifyTerminating(bool expect_reboot); void FastForwardBy(const base::TimeDelta& delta, bool expect_reboot); void FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(bool expect_reboot); void CreateAutomaticRebootManager(bool expect_reboot); bool ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile(base::TimeDelta* uptime); void VerifyLoginScreenIdleTimerIsStopped() const; void VerifyNoGracePeriod() const; void VerifyGracePeriod(const base::TimeDelta& start_uptime) const; bool is_user_logged_in_; bool is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_; // The uptime is read in the blocking thread pool and then processed on the // UI thread. This causes the UI thread to start processing the uptime when it // has increased by a small offset already. The offset is calculated and // stored in |uptime_processing_delay_| so that tests can accurately determine // the uptime seen by the UI thread. base::TimeDelta uptime_processing_delay_; base::TimeDelta update_reboot_needed_uptime_; base::TimeDelta uptime_limit_; scoped_refptr task_runner_; scoped_ptr automatic_reboot_manager_; protected: FakePowerManagerClient* power_manager_client_; // Not owned. FakeUpdateEngineClient* update_engine_client_; // Not owned. // Sets the status of |update_engine_client_| to NEED_REBOOT for tests. void SetUpdateStatusNeedReboot(); private: void VerifyTimerIsStopped(const Timer* timer) const; void VerifyTimerIsRunning(const Timer* timer, const base::TimeDelta& delay) const; void VerifyLoginScreenIdleTimerIsRunning() const; base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_; base::FilePath update_reboot_needed_uptime_file_; bool reboot_after_update_; base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle ui_thread_task_runner_handle_; TestingPrefServiceSimple local_state_; MockUserManager* mock_user_manager_; // Not owned. ScopedUserManagerEnabler user_manager_enabler_; }; enum AutomaticRebootManagerTestScenario { AUTOMATIC_REBOOT_MANAGER_TEST_SCENARIO_LOGIN_SCREEN, AUTOMATIC_REBOOT_MANAGER_TEST_SCENARIO_KIOSK_APP_SESSION, AUTOMATIC_REBOOT_MANAGER_TEST_SCENARIO_NON_KIOSK_APP_SESSION, }; // This class runs each test case three times: // * once while the login screen is being shown // * once while a kiosk app session is in progress // * once while a non-kiosk-app session is in progress class AutomaticRebootManagerTest : public AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest, public testing::WithParamInterface { protected: AutomaticRebootManagerTest(); virtual ~AutomaticRebootManagerTest(); }; void SaveUptimeToFile(const base::FilePath& path, const base::TimeDelta& uptime) { if (path.empty() || uptime == base::TimeDelta()) return; const std::string uptime_seconds = base::DoubleToString(uptime.InSecondsF()); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(uptime_seconds.size()), base::WriteFile(path, uptime_seconds.c_str(), uptime_seconds.size())); } MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner::MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner() { } bool MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner::RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const { return true; } bool MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner::PostDelayedTask( const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, const base::Closure& task, base::TimeDelta delay) { tasks_.push(std::pair(now_ + delay, task)); return true; } bool MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner::PostNonNestableDelayedTask( const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, const base::Closure& task, base::TimeDelta delay) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } void MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner::SetUptimeFile( const base::FilePath& uptime_file) { uptime_file_ = uptime_file; SaveUptimeToFile(uptime_file_, uptime_); } void MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner::SetUptime(const base::TimeDelta& uptime) { uptime_ = uptime; SaveUptimeToFile(uptime_file_, uptime_); } const base::TimeDelta& MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner::Uptime() const { return uptime_; } const base::TimeTicks& MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner::Now() const { return now_; } void MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner::FastForwardBy( const base::TimeDelta& delta) { const base::TimeTicks latest = now_ + delta; base::SequencedWorkerPool* blocking_pool = content::BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool(); blocking_pool->FlushForTesting(); while (!tasks_.empty() && tasks_.top().first <= latest) { uptime_ += tasks_.top().first - now_; SaveUptimeToFile(uptime_file_, uptime_); now_ = tasks_.top().first; base::Closure task = tasks_.top().second; tasks_.pop(); task.Run(); blocking_pool->FlushForTesting(); } uptime_ += latest - now_; SaveUptimeToFile(uptime_file_, uptime_); now_ = latest; } void MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner::FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain() { base::SequencedWorkerPool* blocking_pool = content::BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool(); blocking_pool->FlushForTesting(); while (!tasks_.empty()) { uptime_ += tasks_.top().first - now_; SaveUptimeToFile(uptime_file_, uptime_); now_ = tasks_.top().first; base::Closure task = tasks_.top().second; tasks_.pop(); task.Run(); blocking_pool->FlushForTesting(); } } void MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner::RunUntilIdle() { base::SequencedWorkerPool* blocking_pool = content::BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool(); blocking_pool->FlushForTesting(); while (!tasks_.empty() && tasks_.top().first <= now_) { base::Closure task = tasks_.top().second; tasks_.pop(); task.Run(); blocking_pool->FlushForTesting(); } } bool MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner::TemporalOrder::operator()( const std::pair& first_task, const std::pair& second_task) const { return first_task.first > second_task.first; } MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner::~MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner() { } MockTimeTickClock::MockTimeTickClock( scoped_refptr task_runner) : task_runner_(task_runner) { } MockTimeTickClock::~MockTimeTickClock() { } base::TimeTicks MockTimeTickClock::NowTicks() { return task_runner_->Now(); } AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest() : is_user_logged_in_(false), is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_(false), task_runner_(new MockTimeSingleThreadTaskRunner), power_manager_client_(NULL), update_engine_client_(NULL), reboot_after_update_(false), ui_thread_task_runner_handle_(task_runner_), mock_user_manager_(new MockUserManager), user_manager_enabler_(mock_user_manager_) { } AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::~AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest() { } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::SetUp() { ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir()); const base::FilePath& temp_dir = temp_dir_.path(); const base::FilePath uptime_file = temp_dir.Append("uptime"); task_runner_->SetUptimeFile(uptime_file); ASSERT_FALSE(base::WriteFile(uptime_file, NULL, 0)); update_reboot_needed_uptime_file_ = temp_dir.Append("update_reboot_needed_uptime"); ASSERT_FALSE(base::WriteFile(update_reboot_needed_uptime_file_, NULL, 0)); ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Override(chromeos::FILE_UPTIME, uptime_file)); ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Override(chromeos::FILE_UPDATE_REBOOT_NEEDED_UPTIME, update_reboot_needed_uptime_file_)); TestingBrowserProcess::GetGlobal()->SetLocalState(&local_state_); AutomaticRebootManager::RegisterPrefs(local_state_.registry()); FakeDBusThreadManager* dbus_manager = new FakeDBusThreadManager; power_manager_client_ = new FakePowerManagerClient; dbus_manager->SetPowerManagerClient( scoped_ptr(power_manager_client_)); update_engine_client_ = new FakeUpdateEngineClient; dbus_manager->SetUpdateEngineClient( scoped_ptr(update_engine_client_)); DBusThreadManager::InitializeForTesting(dbus_manager); EXPECT_CALL(*mock_user_manager_, IsUserLoggedIn()) .WillRepeatedly(ReturnPointee(&is_user_logged_in_)); EXPECT_CALL(*mock_user_manager_, IsLoggedInAsKioskApp()) .WillRepeatedly(ReturnPointee(&is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_)); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::TearDown() { // Let the AutomaticRebootManager, if any, unregister itself as an observer of // several subsystems. automatic_reboot_manager_.reset(); task_runner_->RunUntilIdle(); DBusThreadManager::Shutdown(); TestingBrowserProcess::GetGlobal()->SetLocalState(NULL); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::SetUpdateRebootNeededUptime( const base::TimeDelta& uptime) { update_reboot_needed_uptime_ = uptime; SaveUptimeToFile(update_reboot_needed_uptime_file_, uptime); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::SetRebootAfterUpdate( bool reboot_after_update, bool expect_reboot) { reboot_after_update_ = reboot_after_update; local_state_.SetManagedPref( prefs::kRebootAfterUpdate, base::Value::CreateBooleanValue(reboot_after_update)); task_runner_->RunUntilIdle(); EXPECT_EQ(expect_reboot ? 1 : 0, power_manager_client_->num_request_restart_calls()); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::SetUptimeLimit( const base::TimeDelta& limit, bool expect_reboot) { uptime_limit_ = limit; if (limit == base::TimeDelta()) { local_state_.RemoveManagedPref(prefs::kUptimeLimit); } else { local_state_.SetManagedPref( prefs::kUptimeLimit, base::Value::CreateIntegerValue(limit.InSeconds())); } task_runner_->RunUntilIdle(); EXPECT_EQ(expect_reboot ? 1 : 0, power_manager_client_->num_request_restart_calls()); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded() { SetUpdateStatusNeedReboot(); automatic_reboot_manager_->UpdateStatusChanged( update_engine_client_->GetLastStatus()); task_runner_->RunUntilIdle(); EXPECT_EQ(0, power_manager_client_->num_request_restart_calls()); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::NotifyResumed(bool expect_reboot) { automatic_reboot_manager_->SuspendDone(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(1)); task_runner_->RunUntilIdle(); EXPECT_EQ(expect_reboot ? 1 : 0, power_manager_client_->num_request_restart_calls()); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::NotifyTerminating(bool expect_reboot) { automatic_reboot_manager_->Observe( chrome::NOTIFICATION_APP_TERMINATING, content::Source(this), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); task_runner_->RunUntilIdle(); EXPECT_EQ(expect_reboot ? 1 : 0, power_manager_client_->num_request_restart_calls()); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::FastForwardBy( const base::TimeDelta& delta, bool expect_reboot) { task_runner_->FastForwardBy(delta); EXPECT_EQ(expect_reboot ? 1 : 0, power_manager_client_->num_request_restart_calls()); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain( bool expect_reboot) { task_runner_->FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(); EXPECT_EQ(expect_reboot ? 1 : 0, power_manager_client_->num_request_restart_calls()); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::CreateAutomaticRebootManager( bool expect_reboot) { automatic_reboot_manager_.reset(new AutomaticRebootManager( scoped_ptr(new MockTimeTickClock(task_runner_)))); task_runner_->RunUntilIdle(); EXPECT_EQ(expect_reboot ? 1 : 0, power_manager_client_->num_request_restart_calls()); uptime_processing_delay_ = base::TimeTicks() - automatic_reboot_manager_->boot_time_ - task_runner_->Uptime(); EXPECT_GE(uptime_processing_delay_, base::TimeDelta()); EXPECT_LE(uptime_processing_delay_, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1)); if (is_user_logged_in_ || expect_reboot) VerifyLoginScreenIdleTimerIsStopped(); else VerifyLoginScreenIdleTimerIsRunning(); } bool AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( base::TimeDelta* uptime) { std::string contents; if (!base::ReadFileToString(update_reboot_needed_uptime_file_, &contents)) { return false; } double seconds; if (!base::StringToDouble(contents.substr(0, contents.find(' ')), &seconds) || seconds < 0.0) { return false; } *uptime = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(seconds * 1000.0); return true; } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest:: VerifyLoginScreenIdleTimerIsStopped() const { VerifyTimerIsStopped( automatic_reboot_manager_->login_screen_idle_timer_.get()); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::VerifyNoGracePeriod() const { EXPECT_FALSE(automatic_reboot_manager_->reboot_requested_); VerifyTimerIsStopped(automatic_reboot_manager_->grace_start_timer_.get()); VerifyTimerIsStopped(automatic_reboot_manager_->grace_end_timer_.get()); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::VerifyGracePeriod( const base::TimeDelta& start_uptime) const { const base::TimeDelta start = start_uptime - task_runner_->Uptime() - uptime_processing_delay_; const base::TimeDelta end = start + base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24); if (start <= base::TimeDelta()) { EXPECT_TRUE(automatic_reboot_manager_->reboot_requested_); VerifyTimerIsStopped(automatic_reboot_manager_->grace_start_timer_.get()); VerifyTimerIsRunning(automatic_reboot_manager_->grace_end_timer_.get(), end); } else { EXPECT_FALSE(automatic_reboot_manager_->reboot_requested_); VerifyTimerIsRunning(automatic_reboot_manager_->grace_start_timer_.get(), start); VerifyTimerIsRunning(automatic_reboot_manager_->grace_end_timer_.get(), end); } } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::VerifyTimerIsStopped( const Timer* timer) const { if (timer) EXPECT_FALSE(timer->IsRunning()); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::VerifyTimerIsRunning( const Timer* timer, const base::TimeDelta& delay) const { ASSERT_TRUE(timer); EXPECT_TRUE(timer->IsRunning()); EXPECT_EQ(delay.ToInternalValue(), timer->GetCurrentDelay().ToInternalValue()); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest:: VerifyLoginScreenIdleTimerIsRunning() const { VerifyTimerIsRunning( automatic_reboot_manager_->login_screen_idle_timer_.get(), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(60)); } void AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest::SetUpdateStatusNeedReboot() { UpdateEngineClient::Status client_status; client_status.status = UpdateEngineClient::UPDATE_STATUS_UPDATED_NEED_REBOOT; update_engine_client_->set_default_status(client_status); } AutomaticRebootManagerTest::AutomaticRebootManagerTest() { switch (GetParam()) { case AUTOMATIC_REBOOT_MANAGER_TEST_SCENARIO_LOGIN_SCREEN: is_user_logged_in_ = false; is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_ = false; break; case AUTOMATIC_REBOOT_MANAGER_TEST_SCENARIO_KIOSK_APP_SESSION: is_user_logged_in_ = true; is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_ = true; break; case AUTOMATIC_REBOOT_MANAGER_TEST_SCENARIO_NON_KIOSK_APP_SESSION: is_user_logged_in_ = true; is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_ = false; break; } } AutomaticRebootManagerTest::~AutomaticRebootManagerTest() { } // Chrome is showing the login screen. The current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that the idle timer is running. Further verifies that when a kiosk // app session begins, the idle timer is stopped. TEST_F(AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest, LoginStopsIdleTimer) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately and the login screen // idle timer is started. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Notify that a kiosk app session has been started. is_user_logged_in_ = true; is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_ = true; automatic_reboot_manager_->Observe( chrome::NOTIFICATION_LOGIN_USER_CHANGED, content::Source(this), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); // Verify that the login screen idle timer is stopped. VerifyLoginScreenIdleTimerIsStopped(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is showing the login screen. The current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that the idle timer is running. Further verifies that when a // non-kiosk-app session begins, the idle timer is stopped. TEST_F(AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest, NonKioskLoginStopsIdleTimer) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately and the login screen // idle timer is started. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Notify that a non-kiosk-app session has been started. is_user_logged_in_ = true; automatic_reboot_manager_->Observe( chrome::NOTIFICATION_LOGIN_USER_CHANGED, content::Source(this), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); // Verify that the login screen idle timer is stopped. VerifyLoginScreenIdleTimerIsStopped(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is showing the login screen. The uptime limit is 6 hours. The current // uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that user activity prevents the device from rebooting. Further // verifies that when user activity ceases, the devices reboots. TEST_F(AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest, UserActivityResetsIdleTimer) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately and the login screen // idle timer is started. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Fast forward the uptime by 25 minutes while simulating user activity every // 50 seconds. for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) { // Fast forward uptime by 50 seconds. Verify that the device does not reboot // immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(50), false); // Simulate user activity. automatic_reboot_manager_->OnUserActivity(NULL); } // Fast forward the uptime by 60 seconds without simulating user activity. // Verify that the device reboots immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(60), true); } // Chrome is running a kiosk app session. The current uptime is 10 days. // Verifies that when the device is suspended and then resumes, it does not // immediately reboot. TEST_F(AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest, ResumeNoPolicy) { is_user_logged_in_ = true; is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_ = true; task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromDays(10)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Notify that the device has resumed from 1 hour of sleep. Verify that the // device does not reboot immediately. NotifyResumed(false); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is running a non-kiosk-app session. The current uptime is 10 days. // Verifies that when the device is suspended and then resumes, it does not // immediately reboot. TEST_F(AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest, NonKioskResumeAppNoPolicy) { is_user_logged_in_ = true; task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromDays(10)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Notify that the device has resumed from 1 hour of sleep. Verify that the // device does not reboot immediately. NotifyResumed(false); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is running a kiosk app session. The uptime limit is 24 hours. The // current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that when the device is suspended and then resumes, it does not // immediately reboot. TEST_F(AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest, ResumeBeforeGracePeriod) { is_user_logged_in_ = true; is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_ = true; task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24), false); // Verify that a grace period has been scheduled to start in the future. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Notify that the device has resumed from 1 hour of sleep. Verify that the // device does not reboot immediately. NotifyResumed(false); // Verify that the device eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(true); } // Chrome is running a non-kiosk-app session. The uptime limit is 24 hours. The // current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that when the device is suspended and then resumes, it does not // immediately reboot. TEST_F(AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest, NonKioskResumeBeforeGracePeriod) { is_user_logged_in_ = true; task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24), false); // Verify that a grace period has been scheduled to start in the future. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Notify that the device has resumed from 1 hour of sleep. Verify that the // device does not reboot immediately. NotifyResumed(false); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is running a kiosk app session. The uptime limit is 6 hours. The // current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that when the device is suspended and then resumes, it immediately // reboots. TEST_F(AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest, ResumeInGracePeriod) { is_user_logged_in_ = true; is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_ = true; task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Notify that the device has resumed from 1 hour of sleep. Verify that the // device reboots immediately. NotifyResumed(true); } // Chrome is running a non-kiosk-app session. The uptime limit is 6 hours. The // current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that when the device is suspended and then resumes, it does not // immediately reboot. TEST_F(AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest, NonKioskResumeInGracePeriod) { is_user_logged_in_ = true; task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Notify that the device has resumed from 1 hour of sleep. Verify that the // device does not reboot immediately. NotifyResumed(false); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is running a kiosk app session. The uptime limit is 6 hours. The // current uptime is 29 hours 30 minutes. // Verifies that when the device is suspended and then resumes, it immediately // reboots. TEST_F(AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest, ResumeAfterGracePeriod) { is_user_logged_in_ = true; is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_ = true; task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(29) + base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(30)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Notify that the device has resumed from 1 hour of sleep. Verify that the // device reboots immediately. NotifyResumed(true); } // Chrome is running a non-kiosk-app session. The uptime limit is 6 hours. The // current uptime is 29 hours 30 minutes. // Verifies that when the device is suspended and then resumes, it does not // immediately reboot. TEST_F(AutomaticRebootManagerBasicTest, NonKioskResumeAfterGracePeriod) { is_user_logged_in_ = true; task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(29) + base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(30)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Notify that the device has resumed from 1 hour of sleep. Verify that the // device does not reboot immediately. NotifyResumed(false); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is running. The current uptime is 10 days. // Verifies that when the browser terminates, the device does not immediately // reboot. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, TerminateNoPolicy) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromDays(10)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Notify that the browser is terminating. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. NotifyTerminating(false); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is running. The uptime limit is set to 24 hours. The current uptime is // 12 hours. // Verifies that when the browser terminates, it does not immediately reboot. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, TerminateBeforeGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24), false); // Verify that a grace period has been scheduled to start in the future. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Notify that the browser is terminating. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. NotifyTerminating(false); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The uptime limit is set to 6 hours. The current uptime is // 12 hours. // Verifies that when the browser terminates, the device immediately reboots if // a kiosk app session is in progress. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, TerminateInGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Notify that the browser is terminating. Verify that the device immediately // reboots if a kiosk app session is in progress. NotifyTerminating(is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); // Verify that if a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device does not // reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that when the uptime limit is set to 24 hours, no reboot occurs and // a grace period is scheduled to begin after 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, BeforeUptimeLimitGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24), false); // Verify that a grace period has been scheduled to start in the future. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that when the uptime limit is set to 6 hours, a reboot is requested // and a grace period is started that will end after 6 + 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, InUptimeLimitGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The current uptime is 10 days. // Verifies that when the uptime limit is set to 6 hours, the device reboots // immediately if no non-kiosk-app-session is in progress because the grace // period ended after 6 + 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, AfterUptimeLimitGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromDays(10)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in // progress, the the device immediately reboots. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), !is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); // Verify that if a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device does not // reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The uptime limit is set to 12 hours. The current uptime is // 6 hours. // Verifies that when the uptime limit is removed, the grace period is removed. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, UptimeLimitOffBeforeGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12), false); // Verify that a grace period has been scheduled to start in the future. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Fast forward the uptime by 1 hour. Verify that the device does not reboot // immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(1), false); // Remove the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot // immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta(), false); // Verify that the grace period has been removed. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is running. The uptime limit is set to 12 hours. The current uptime is // 24 hours. // Verifies that when the uptime limit is removed, the grace period is removed. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, UptimeLimitOffInGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12), false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Fast forward the uptime by 20 seconds. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20), false); // Remove the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot // immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta(), false); // Verify that the grace period has been removed. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is running. The uptime limit is set to 12 hours. The current uptime is // 6 hours. // Verifies that when the uptime limit is extended to 24 hours, the grace period // is rescheduled to start further in the future. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, ExtendUptimeLimitBeforeGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12), false); // Verify that a grace period has been scheduled to start in the future. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Fast forward the uptime by 20 seconds. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20), false); // Extend the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot // immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24), false); // Verify that the grace period has been rescheduled to start further in the // future. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The uptime limit is set to 12 hours. The current uptime is // 18 hours. // Verifies that when the uptime limit is extended to 24 hours, the grace period // is rescheduled to start in the future. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, ExtendUptimeLimitInGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(18)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12), false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Fast forward the uptime by 20 seconds. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20), false); // Extend the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot // immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24), false); // Verify that the grace period has been rescheduled to start in the future. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The uptime limit is set to 18 hours. The current uptime is // 12 hours. // Verifies that when the uptime limit is shortened to 6 hours, the grace period // is rescheduled to have already started. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, ShortenUptimeLimitBeforeToInGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(18), false); // Verify that a grace period has been scheduled to start in the future. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Fast forward the uptime by 20 seconds. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20), false); // Shorten the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot // immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Verify that the grace period has been rescheduled and has started already. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The uptime limit is set to 24 hours. The current uptime is // 36 hours. // Verifies that when the uptime limit is shortened to 18 hours, the grace // period is rescheduled to have started earlier. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, ShortenUptimeLimitInToInGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(36)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24), false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Fast forward the uptime by 20 seconds. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20), false); // Shorten the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot // immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(18), false); // Verify that the grace period has been rescheduled to have started earlier. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The uptime limit is set to 24 hours. The current uptime is // 36 hours. // Verifies that when the uptime limit is shortened to 6 hours, the device // reboots immediately if no non-kiosk-app session is in progress because the // grace period ended after 6 + 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, ShortenUptimeLimitInToAfterGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(36)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24), false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Fast forward the uptime by 20 seconds. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20), false); // Shorten the uptime limit. Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in // progress, the the device immediately reboots. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), !is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); // Verify that if a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device does not // reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that when an update is applied, the current uptime is persisted as // the time at which a reboot became necessary. Further verifies that when the // policy to automatically reboot after an update is not enabled, no reboot // occurs and no grace period is scheduled. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, UpdateNoPolicy) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Notify that an update has been applied and a reboot is necessary. Verify // that the device does not reboot immediately. NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); // Verify that the current uptime has been persisted as the time at which a // reboot became necessary. EXPECT_TRUE(ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( &update_reboot_needed_uptime_)); EXPECT_EQ(task_runner_->Uptime(), update_reboot_needed_uptime_); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is running. The current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that when an update is applied, the current uptime is persisted as // the time at which a reboot became necessary. Further verifies that when the // policy to automatically reboot after an update is enabled, a reboot is // requested and a grace period is started that will end 24 hours from now. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, Update) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Notify that an update has been applied and a reboot is necessary. Verify // that the device does not reboot immediately. NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); // Verify that the current uptime has been persisted as the time at which a // reboot became necessary. EXPECT_TRUE(ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( &update_reboot_needed_uptime_)); EXPECT_EQ(task_runner_->Uptime(), update_reboot_needed_uptime_); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(update_reboot_needed_uptime_ + uptime_processing_delay_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that when Chrome is notified twice that an update has been applied, // the second notification is ignored and the uptime at which it occured does // not get persisted as the time at which an update became necessary. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, UpdateAfterUpdate) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Notify that an update has been applied and a reboot is necessary. Verify // that the device does not reboot immediately. NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); // Verify that the current uptime has been persisted as the time at which a // reboot became necessary. EXPECT_TRUE(ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( &update_reboot_needed_uptime_)); EXPECT_EQ(task_runner_->Uptime(), update_reboot_needed_uptime_); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(update_reboot_needed_uptime_ + uptime_processing_delay_); // Fast forward the uptime by 20 seconds. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20), false); // Notify that an update has been applied and a reboot is necessary. Verify // that the device does not reboot immediately. NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); // Verify that the previously persisted time at which a reboot became // necessary has not been overwritten. base::TimeDelta new_update_reboot_needed_uptime; EXPECT_TRUE(ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( &new_update_reboot_needed_uptime)); EXPECT_EQ(update_reboot_needed_uptime_, new_update_reboot_needed_uptime); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The current uptime is 10 minutes. // Verifies that when the policy to automatically reboot after an update is // enabled, no reboot occurs a grace period is scheduled to begin after the // minimum of 1 hour of uptime. Further verifies that when an update is applied, // the current uptime is persisted as the time at which a reboot became // necessary. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, UpdateBeforeMinimumUptime) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Notify that an update has been applied and a reboot is necessary. Verify // that the device does not reboot immediately. NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); // Verify that the current uptime has been persisted as the time at which a // reboot became necessary. EXPECT_TRUE(ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( &update_reboot_needed_uptime_)); EXPECT_EQ(task_runner_->Uptime(), update_reboot_needed_uptime_); // Verify that a grace period has been scheduled to begin in the future. VerifyGracePeriod(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(1)); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. An update was applied and a reboot became necessary to // complete the update process after 6 hours of uptime. The current uptime is // 12 hours. // Verifies that when the policy to automatically reboot after an update is // enabled, a reboot is requested and a grace period is started that will end // after 6 + 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, PolicyAfterUpdateInGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Notify that an update has been applied and a reboot is necessary. Verify // that the device does not reboot immediately. NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); // Fast forward the uptime to 12 hours. Verify that the device does not reboot // immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Simulate user activity. automatic_reboot_manager_->OnUserActivity(NULL); // Enable automatic reboot after an update has been applied. Verify that the // device does not reboot immediately. SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6) + uptime_processing_delay_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. An update was applied and a reboot became necessary to // complete the update process after 6 hours of uptime. The current uptime is // 10 days. // Verifies that when the policy to automatically reboot after an update is // enabled, the device reboots immediately if no non-kiosk-app session is in // progress because the grace period ended after 6 + 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, PolicyAfterUpdateAfterGracePeriod) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Notify that an update has been applied and a reboot is necessary. Verify // that the device does not reboot immediately. NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); // Fast forward the uptime to 12 hours. Verify that the device does not reboot // immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromDays(10) - base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Simulate user activity. automatic_reboot_manager_->OnUserActivity(NULL); // Enable automatic rebooting after an update has been applied. Verify that // unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the the device immediately // reboots. SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, !is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); // Verify that if a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device does not // reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. An update was applied and a reboot became necessary to // complete the update process after 6 hours of uptime. The policy to // automatically reboot after an update is enabled. The current uptime is // 6 hours 20 seconds. // Verifies that when the policy to automatically reboot after an update is // disabled, the reboot request and grace period are removed. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, PolicyOffAfterUpdate) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Notify that an update has been applied and a reboot is necessary. Verify // that the device does not reboot immediately. NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(task_runner_->Uptime() + uptime_processing_delay_); // Fast forward the uptime by 20 seconds. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20), false); // Disable automatic rebooting after an update has been applied. Verify that // the device does not reboot immediately. SetRebootAfterUpdate(false, false); // Verify that the grace period has been removed. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is running. The current uptime is not available. // Verifies that even if an uptime limit is set, the policy to automatically // reboot after an update is enabled and an update has been applied, no reboot // occurs and no grace period is scheduled. Further verifies that no time is // persisted as the time at which a reboot became necessary. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, NoUptime) { // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Enable automatic rebooting after an update has been applied. Verify that // the device does not reboot immediately. SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Notify that an update has been applied and a reboot is necessary. Verify // that the device does not reboot immediately. NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); // Verify that no time is persisted as the time at which a reboot became // necessary. EXPECT_FALSE(ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( &update_reboot_needed_uptime_)); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is running. The policy to automatically reboot after an update is // enabled. The current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that when an uptime limit of 6 hours is set, the availability of an // update does not cause the grace period to be rescheduled. Further verifies // that the current uptime is persisted as the time at which a reboot became // necessary. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, UptimeLimitBeforeUpdate) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Verify that a grace period has been scheduled to start in the future. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Fast forward the uptime by 20 seconds. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20), false); // Notify that an update has been applied and a reboot is necessary. Verify // that the device does not reboot immediately. NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); // Verify that the current uptime has been persisted as the time at which a // reboot became necessary. EXPECT_TRUE(ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( &update_reboot_needed_uptime_)); EXPECT_EQ(task_runner_->Uptime(), update_reboot_needed_uptime_); // Verify that the grace period has not been rescheduled. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The policy to automatically reboot after an update is // enabled. The current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that when an uptime limit of 24 hours is set, the availability of an // update causes the grace period to be rescheduled so that it ends 24 hours // from now. Further verifies that the current uptime is persisted as the time // at which a reboot became necessary. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, UpdateBeforeUptimeLimit) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24), false); // Verify that a grace period has been scheduled to start in the future. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Fast forward the uptime by 20 seconds. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20), false); // Notify that an update has been applied and a reboot is necessary. Verify // that the device does not reboot immediately. NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); // Verify that the current uptime has been persisted as the time at which a // reboot became necessary. EXPECT_TRUE(ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( &update_reboot_needed_uptime_)); EXPECT_EQ(task_runner_->Uptime(), update_reboot_needed_uptime_); // Verify that the grace period has been rescheduled to start at the time that // the update became available. VerifyGracePeriod(update_reboot_needed_uptime_ + uptime_processing_delay_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is running. The uptime limit is set to 24 hours. An update was applied // and a reboot became necessary to complete the update process after 12 hours. // The policy to automatically reboot after an update is enabled. The current // uptime is 12 hours 20 seconds. // Verifies that when the policy to reboot after an update is disabled, the // grace period is rescheduled to start after 24 hours of uptime. Further // verifies that when the uptime limit is removed, the grace period is removed. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, PolicyOffThenUptimeLimitOff) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24), false); // Verify that the grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Notify that an update has been applied and a reboot is necessary. Verify // that the device does not reboot immediately. NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); // Verify that the current uptime has been persisted as the time at which a // reboot became necessary. EXPECT_TRUE(ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( &update_reboot_needed_uptime_)); EXPECT_EQ(task_runner_->Uptime(), update_reboot_needed_uptime_); // Verify that a grace period has been rescheduled to end 24 hours from now. VerifyGracePeriod(update_reboot_needed_uptime_ + uptime_processing_delay_); // Fast forward the uptime by 20 seconds. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20), false); // Disable automatic reboot after an update has been applied. Verify that the // device does not reboot immediately. SetRebootAfterUpdate(false, false); // Verify that the grace period has been rescheduled to start after 24 hours // of uptime. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Remove the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot // immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta(), false); // Verify that the grace period has been removed. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is running. The uptime limit is set to 6 hours. An update was applied // and a reboot became necessary to complete the update process after 12 hours. // The policy to automatically reboot after an update is enabled. The current // uptime is 12 hours 20 seconds. // Verifies that when the uptime limit is removed, the grace period is // rescheduled to have started after 12 hours of uptime. Further verifies that // when the policy to reboot after an update is disabled, the reboot request and // grace period are removed. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, UptimeLimitOffThenPolicyOff) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Notify that an update has been applied and a reboot is necessary. Verify // that the device does not reboot immediately. NotifyUpdateRebootNeeded(); // Verify that the current uptime has been persisted as the time at which a // reboot became necessary. EXPECT_TRUE(ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( &update_reboot_needed_uptime_)); EXPECT_EQ(task_runner_->Uptime(), update_reboot_needed_uptime_); // Verify that the grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(update_reboot_needed_uptime_ + uptime_processing_delay_); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Verify that the grace period has been rescheduled to have started after // 6 hours of uptime. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Fast forward the uptime by 20 seconds. Verify that the device does not // reboot immediately. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20), false); // Remove the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot // immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta(), false); // Verify that a grace period has been rescheduled to have started after 12 // hours of uptime. VerifyGracePeriod(update_reboot_needed_uptime_ + uptime_processing_delay_); // Disable automatic reboot after an update has been applied. Verify that the // device does not reboot immediately. SetRebootAfterUpdate(false, false); // Verify that the grace period has been removed. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is running. The uptime limit is 6 hours. The current uptime is // 29 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds. // Verifies that if no non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device reboots // immediately when the grace period ends after 6 + 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, GracePeriodEnd) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(29) + base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(59) + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(59)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Set the uptime limit. Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Fast forward the uptime by 1 second. Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app // session is in progress, the the device immediately reboots. FastForwardBy(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1), !is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); // Verify that if a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device does not // reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is starting. The current uptime is 10 days. // Verifies that when no automatic reboot policy is enabled, no reboot occurs // and no grace period is scheduled. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartNoPolicy) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromDays(10)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is starting. The uptime limit is set to 24 hours. The current uptime // is 12 hours. // Verifies that no reboot occurs and a grace period is scheduled to begin after // 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartBeforeUptimeLimitGracePeriod) { SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(24), false); task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that a grace period has been scheduled to start in the future. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is starting. The uptime limit is set to 6 hours. The current uptime is // 10 days. // Verifies that if no non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device reboots // immediately because the grace period ended after 6 + 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartAfterUptimeLimitGracePeriod) { SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromDays(10)); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the the device // immediately reboots. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); // Verify that if a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device does not // reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is starting. The uptime limit is set to 6 hours. The current uptime is // 12 hours. // Verifies that a reboot is requested and a grace period is started that will // end after 6 + 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartInUptimeLimitGracePeriod) { SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is starting. An update was applied and a reboot became necessary to // complete the update process after 6 hours of uptime. The current uptime is // 10 days. // Verifies that when the policy to automatically reboot after an update is // enabled, the device reboots immediately if no non-kiosk-app session is in // progress because the grace period ended after 6 + 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartAfterUpdateGracePeriod) { SetUpdateStatusNeedReboot(); SetUpdateRebootNeededUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6)); task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromDays(10)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // reboots immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); // Verify that if a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device does not // reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is starting. An update was applied and a reboot became necessary to // complete the update process after 6 hours of uptime. The current uptime is // 12 hours. // Verifies that when the policy to automatically reboot after an update is // enabled, a reboot is requested and a grace period is started that will end // after 6 + 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartInUpdateGracePeriod) { SetUpdateStatusNeedReboot(); SetUpdateRebootNeededUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6)); task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(update_reboot_needed_uptime_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is starting. An update was applied and a reboot became necessary to // complete the update process after 10 minutes of uptime. The current uptime is // 20 minutes. // Verifies that when the policy to automatically reboot after an update is // enabled, no reboot occurs and a grace period is scheduled to begin after the // minimum of 1 hour of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartBeforeUpdateGracePeriod) { SetUpdateStatusNeedReboot(); SetUpdateRebootNeededUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10)); task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(20)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that a grace period has been scheduled to start in the future. VerifyGracePeriod(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(1)); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is starting. An update was applied and a reboot became necessary to // complete the update process after 6 hours of uptime. The current uptime is // 10 days. // Verifies that when the policy to automatically reboot after an update is not // enabled, no reboot occurs and no grace period is scheduled. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartUpdateNoPolicy) { SetUpdateStatusNeedReboot(); SetUpdateRebootNeededUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6)); task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromDays(10)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is starting. An update was applied and a reboot became necessary to // complete the update process but the time at which this happened was lost. The // current uptime is 10 days. // Verifies that the current uptime is persisted as the time at which a reboot // became necessary. Further verifies that when the policy to automatically // reboot after an update is enabled, a reboot is requested and a grace period // is started that will end 24 hours from now. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartUpdateTimeLost) { SetUpdateStatusNeedReboot(); task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromDays(10)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that the current uptime has been persisted as the time at which a // reboot became necessary. EXPECT_TRUE(ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( &update_reboot_needed_uptime_)); EXPECT_EQ(task_runner_->Uptime(), update_reboot_needed_uptime_); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(update_reboot_needed_uptime_ + uptime_processing_delay_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is starting. An update was applied and a reboot became necessary to // complete the update process but the time at which this happened was lost. The // current uptime is 10 days. // Verifies that the current uptime is persisted as the time at which a reboot // became necessary. Further verifies that when the policy to automatically // reboot after an update is not enabled, no reboot occurs and no grace period // is scheduled. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartUpdateNoPolicyTimeLost) { SetUpdateStatusNeedReboot(); task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromDays(10)); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that the current uptime has been persisted as the time at which a // reboot became necessary. EXPECT_TRUE(ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( &update_reboot_needed_uptime_)); EXPECT_EQ(task_runner_->Uptime(), update_reboot_needed_uptime_); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is starting. No update has been applied. The current uptime is // 12 hours. // Verifies that no time is persisted as the time at which a reboot became // necessary. Further verifies that no reboot occurs and no grace period is // scheduled. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartNoUpdate) { task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no time is persisted as the time at which a reboot became // necessary. EXPECT_FALSE(ReadUpdateRebootNeededUptimeFromFile( &update_reboot_needed_uptime_)); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } // Chrome is starting. The uptime limit is set to 6 hours. Also, an update was // applied and a reboot became necessary to complete the update process after // 8 hours of uptime. The current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that when the policy to automatically reboot after an update is // enabled, a reboot is requested and a grace period is started that will end // after 6 + 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartUptimeLimitBeforeUpdate) { SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); SetUpdateStatusNeedReboot(); SetUpdateRebootNeededUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(8)); task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(uptime_limit_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is starting. The uptime limit is set to 8 hours. Also, an update was // applied and a reboot became necessary to complete the update process after // 6 hours of uptime. The current uptime is 12 hours. // Verifies that when the policy to automatically reboot after an update is // enabled, a reboot is requested and a grace period is started that will end // after 6 + 24 hours of uptime. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartUpdateBeforeUptimeLimit) { SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(8), false); SetUpdateStatusNeedReboot(); SetUpdateRebootNeededUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6)); task_runner_->SetUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(12)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that a grace period has started. VerifyGracePeriod(update_reboot_needed_uptime_); // Verify that unless a non-kiosk-app session is in progress, the device // eventually reboots. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(!is_user_logged_in_ || is_logged_in_as_kiosk_app_); } // Chrome is starting. The uptime limit is set to 6 hours. Also, an update was // applied and a reboot became necessary to complete the update process after // 6 hours of uptime. The current uptime is not available. // Verifies that even if the policy to automatically reboot after an update is // enabled, no reboot occurs and no grace period is scheduled. TEST_P(AutomaticRebootManagerTest, StartNoUptime) { SetUptimeLimit(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6), false); SetUpdateStatusNeedReboot(); SetUpdateRebootNeededUptime(base::TimeDelta::FromHours(6)); SetRebootAfterUpdate(true, false); // Verify that the device does not reboot immediately. CreateAutomaticRebootManager(false); // Verify that no grace period has started. VerifyNoGracePeriod(); // Verify that the device does not reboot eventually. FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(false); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( AutomaticRebootManagerTestInstance, AutomaticRebootManagerTest, ::testing::Values( AUTOMATIC_REBOOT_MANAGER_TEST_SCENARIO_LOGIN_SCREEN, AUTOMATIC_REBOOT_MANAGER_TEST_SCENARIO_KIOSK_APP_SESSION, AUTOMATIC_REBOOT_MANAGER_TEST_SCENARIO_NON_KIOSK_APP_SESSION)); } // namespace system } // namespace chromeos