// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/tab_closeable_state_watcher.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_shutdown.h" #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/tabs/tab_strip_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/tab_contents_wrapper.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents_view.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" namespace chromeos { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabCloseableStateWatcher::TabStripWatcher, public: TabCloseableStateWatcher::TabStripWatcher::TabStripWatcher( TabCloseableStateWatcher* main_watcher, const Browser* browser) : main_watcher_(main_watcher), browser_(browser) { browser_->tabstrip_model()->AddObserver(this); } TabCloseableStateWatcher::TabStripWatcher::~TabStripWatcher() { browser_->tabstrip_model()->RemoveObserver(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabCloseableStateWatcher::TabStripWatcher, // TabStripModelObserver implementation: void TabCloseableStateWatcher::TabStripWatcher::TabInsertedAt( TabContentsWrapper* tab_contents, int index, bool foreground) { main_watcher_->OnTabStripChanged(browser_, false); } void TabCloseableStateWatcher::TabStripWatcher::TabClosingAt( TabStripModel* tab_strip_model, TabContentsWrapper* tab_contents, int index) { // Check if the last tab is closing. if (tab_strip_model->count() == 1) main_watcher_->OnTabStripChanged(browser_, true); } void TabCloseableStateWatcher::TabStripWatcher::TabDetachedAt( TabContentsWrapper* tab_contents, int index) { main_watcher_->OnTabStripChanged(browser_, false); } void TabCloseableStateWatcher::TabStripWatcher::TabChangedAt( TabContentsWrapper* tab_contents, int index, TabChangeType change_type) { main_watcher_->OnTabStripChanged(browser_, false); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabCloseableStateWatcher, public: TabCloseableStateWatcher::TabCloseableStateWatcher() : can_close_tab_(true), signing_off_(false), guest_session_( CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kGuestSession)), waiting_for_browser_(false) { BrowserList::AddObserver(this); notification_registrar_.Add(this, content::NOTIFICATION_APP_EXITING, content::NotificationService::AllSources()); } TabCloseableStateWatcher::~TabCloseableStateWatcher() { BrowserList::RemoveObserver(this); if (!browser_shutdown::ShuttingDownWithoutClosingBrowsers()) DCHECK(tabstrip_watchers_.empty()); } bool TabCloseableStateWatcher::CanCloseTab(const Browser* browser) const { return browser->is_type_tabbed() ? (can_close_tab_ || waiting_for_browser_) : true; } bool TabCloseableStateWatcher::CanCloseTabs(const Browser* browser, std::vector* indices) const { if (signing_off_ || waiting_for_browser_ || tabstrip_watchers_.size() > 1 || !browser->is_type_tabbed() || (browser->profile()->IsOffTheRecord() && !guest_session_)) return true; if (!can_close_tab_) { indices->clear(); return false; } TabStripModel* tabstrip_model = browser->tabstrip_model(); // If we're not closing all tabs, there's no restriction. if (static_cast(indices->size()) != tabstrip_model->count()) return true; // If first tab is NTP, it can't be closed. // In TabStripModel::InternalCloseTabs (which calls // Browser::CanCloseContents which in turn calls this method), all // renderer processes of tabs could be terminated before the tabs are actually // closed. // As tabs are being closed, notification TabDetachedAt is called. // When this happens to the last second tab, we would prevent the last NTP // tab from being closed. // If we don't prevent this NTP tab from being closed now, its renderer // process would have been terminated but the tab won't be detached later, // resulting in the "Aw, Snap" page replacing the first NTP. // This is the main purpose of this method CanCloseTabs. for (size_t i = 0; i < indices->size(); ++i) { if ((*indices)[i] == 0) { if (tabstrip_model->GetTabContentsAt(0)->tab_contents()->GetURL() == GURL(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL)) { // First tab is NewTabPage. indices->erase(indices->begin() + i); // Don't close it. return false; } break; } } return true; } bool TabCloseableStateWatcher::CanCloseBrowser(Browser* browser) { BrowserActionType action_type; bool can_close = CanCloseBrowserImpl(browser, &action_type); if (action_type == OPEN_WINDOW) { browser->NewWindow(); } else if (action_type == OPEN_NTP) { // NTP will be opened before closing last tab (via TabStripModelObserver:: // TabClosingAt), close all tabs now. browser->CloseAllTabs(); } return can_close; } void TabCloseableStateWatcher::OnWindowCloseCanceled(Browser* browser) { // This could be a call to cancel APP_EXITING if user doesn't proceed with // unloading handler. if (signing_off_) { signing_off_ = false; CheckAndUpdateState(browser); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabCloseableStateWatcher, BrowserList::Observer implementation: void TabCloseableStateWatcher::OnBrowserAdded(const Browser* browser) { waiting_for_browser_ = false; // Only tabbed browsers may affect closeable state. if (!browser->is_type_tabbed()) return; // Create TabStripWatcher to observe tabstrip of new browser. tabstrip_watchers_.push_back(new TabStripWatcher(this, browser)); // When a normal browser is just added, there's no tabs yet, so we wait till // TabInsertedAt notification to check for change in state. } void TabCloseableStateWatcher::OnBrowserRemoved(const Browser* browser) { // Only tabbed browsers may affect closeable state. if (!browser->is_type_tabbed()) return; // Remove TabStripWatcher for browser that is being removed. for (std::vector::iterator it = tabstrip_watchers_.begin(); it != tabstrip_watchers_.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->browser() == browser) { delete (*it); tabstrip_watchers_.erase(it); break; } } CheckAndUpdateState(NULL); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabCloseableStateWatcher, content::NotificationObserver implementation: void TabCloseableStateWatcher::Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) { if (type != content::NOTIFICATION_APP_EXITING) NOTREACHED(); if (!signing_off_) { signing_off_ = true; SetCloseableState(true); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TabCloseableStateWatcher, private void TabCloseableStateWatcher::OnTabStripChanged(const Browser* browser, bool closing_last_tab) { if (waiting_for_browser_) return; if (!closing_last_tab) { CheckAndUpdateState(browser); return; } // Before closing last tab, open new window or NTP if necessary. BrowserActionType action_type; CanCloseBrowserImpl(browser, &action_type); if (action_type != NONE) { Browser* mutable_browser = const_cast(browser); if (action_type == OPEN_WINDOW) mutable_browser->NewWindow(); else if (action_type == OPEN_NTP) mutable_browser->NewTab(); } } void TabCloseableStateWatcher::CheckAndUpdateState( const Browser* browser_to_check) { if (waiting_for_browser_ || signing_off_ || tabstrip_watchers_.empty() || (browser_to_check && !browser_to_check->is_type_tabbed())) return; bool new_can_close; if (tabstrip_watchers_.size() > 1) { new_can_close = true; } else { // There's only 1 normal browser. if (!browser_to_check) browser_to_check = tabstrip_watchers_[0]->browser(); if (browser_to_check->profile()->IsOffTheRecord() && !guest_session_) { new_can_close = true; } else { TabStripModel* tabstrip_model = browser_to_check->tabstrip_model(); if (tabstrip_model->count() == 1) { new_can_close = tabstrip_model->GetTabContentsAt(0)->tab_contents()->GetURL() != GURL(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL); // Tab is not NewTabPage. } else { new_can_close = true; } } } SetCloseableState(new_can_close); } void TabCloseableStateWatcher::SetCloseableState(bool closeable) { if (can_close_tab_ == closeable) // No change in state. return; can_close_tab_ = closeable; // Notify of change in tab closeable state. content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_TAB_CLOSEABLE_STATE_CHANGED, content::NotificationService::AllSources(), content::Details(&can_close_tab_)); } bool TabCloseableStateWatcher::CanCloseBrowserImpl( const Browser* browser, BrowserActionType* action_type) { *action_type = NONE; // If we're waiting for a new browser allow the close. if (waiting_for_browser_) return true; // Browser is always closeable when signing off. if (signing_off_) return true; // Non-tabbed browsers are always closeable. if (!browser->is_type_tabbed()) return true; // If this is not the last normal browser, it's always closeable. if (tabstrip_watchers_.size() > 1) return true; // If last normal browser is incognito, open a non-incognito window, and allow // closing of incognito one (if not guest). When this happens we need to wait // for the new browser before doing any other actions as the new browser may // be created by way of session restore, which is async. if (browser->profile()->IsOffTheRecord() && !guest_session_) { *action_type = OPEN_WINDOW; waiting_for_browser_ = true; return true; } // If tab is not closeable, browser is not closeable. if (!can_close_tab_) return false; // Otherwise, close existing tabs, and deny closing of browser. // TabClosingAt will open NTP when the last tab is being closed. *action_type = OPEN_NTP; return false; } } // namespace chromeos