// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/user_cros_settings_provider.h" #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/hash_tables.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/singleton.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/cros/cros_library.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/cros/network_library.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/cros_settings.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/cros_settings_names.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/ownership_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/ownership_status_checker.h" #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/policy/browser_policy_connector.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/options/options_util.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_settings.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" namespace chromeos { namespace { const char kTrueIncantation[] = "true"; const char kFalseIncantation[] = "false"; const char kTrustedSuffix[] = "/trusted"; // For all our boolean settings following is applicable: // true is default permissive value and false is safe prohibitic value. // Exception: kSignedDataRoamingEnabled which has default value of false. const char* kBooleanSettings[] = { kAccountsPrefAllowNewUser, kAccountsPrefAllowGuest, kAccountsPrefShowUserNamesOnSignIn, kSignedDataRoamingEnabled, kStatsReportingPref }; const char* kStringSettings[] = { kDeviceOwner, kReleaseChannel }; const char* kListSettings[] = { kAccountsPrefUsers }; // This class provides the means to migrate settings to the signed settings // store. It does one of three things - store the settings in the policy blob // immediately if the current user is the owner. Uses the // SignedSettingsTempStorage if there is no owner yet, or waits for an // OWNERSHIP_CHECKED notification to delay the storing until the owner has // logged in. class MigrationHelper : public content::NotificationObserver { public: explicit MigrationHelper() : callback_(NULL) { registrar_.Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_OWNERSHIP_CHECKED, content::NotificationService::AllSources()); } void set_callback(SignedSettingsHelper::Callback* callback) { callback_ = callback; } void AddMigrationValue(const std::string& path, const std::string& value) { migration_values_[path] = value; } void MigrateValues(void) { ownership_checker_.reset(new OwnershipStatusChecker( base::Bind(&MigrationHelper::DoMigrateValues, base::Unretained(this)))); } // NotificationObserver overrides: virtual void Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE { if (type == chrome::NOTIFICATION_OWNERSHIP_CHECKED) MigrateValues(); } private: void DoMigrateValues(OwnershipService::Status status, bool current_user_is_owner) { ownership_checker_.reset(NULL); // We can call StartStorePropertyOp in two cases - either if the owner is // currently logged in and the policy can be updated immediately or if there // is no owner yet in which case the value will be temporarily stored in the // SignedSettingsTempStorage until the device is owned. If none of these // cases is met then we will wait for user change notification and retry. if (current_user_is_owner || status != OwnershipService::OWNERSHIP_TAKEN) { std::map::const_iterator i; for (i = migration_values_.begin(); i != migration_values_.end(); ++i) { // Queue all values for storing. SignedSettingsHelper::Get()->StartStorePropertyOp(i->first, i->second, callback_); } migration_values_.clear(); } } content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_; scoped_ptr ownership_checker_; SignedSettingsHelper::Callback* callback_; std::map migration_values_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MigrationHelper); }; bool IsControlledBooleanSetting(const std::string& pref_path) { // TODO(nkostylev): Using std::find for 4 value array generates this warning // in chroot stl_algo.h:231: error: array subscript is above array bounds. // GCC 4.4.3 return (pref_path == kAccountsPrefAllowNewUser) || (pref_path == kAccountsPrefAllowGuest) || (pref_path == kAccountsPrefShowUserNamesOnSignIn) || (pref_path == kSignedDataRoamingEnabled) || (pref_path == kStatsReportingPref); } bool IsControlledStringSetting(const std::string& pref_path) { return std::find(kStringSettings, kStringSettings + arraysize(kStringSettings), pref_path) != kStringSettings + arraysize(kStringSettings); } bool IsControlledListSetting(const std::string& pref_path) { return std::find(kListSettings, kListSettings + arraysize(kListSettings), pref_path) != kListSettings + arraysize(kListSettings); } void RegisterSetting(PrefService* local_state, const std::string& pref_path) { local_state->RegisterBooleanPref((pref_path + kTrustedSuffix).c_str(), false, PrefService::UNSYNCABLE_PREF); if (IsControlledBooleanSetting(pref_path)) { if (pref_path == kSignedDataRoamingEnabled || pref_path == kStatsReportingPref) local_state->RegisterBooleanPref(pref_path.c_str(), false, PrefService::UNSYNCABLE_PREF); else local_state->RegisterBooleanPref(pref_path.c_str(), true, PrefService::UNSYNCABLE_PREF); } else if (IsControlledStringSetting(pref_path)) { local_state->RegisterStringPref(pref_path.c_str(), "", PrefService::UNSYNCABLE_PREF); } else { DCHECK(IsControlledListSetting(pref_path)); local_state->RegisterListPref(pref_path.c_str(), PrefService::UNSYNCABLE_PREF); } } // Create a settings value with "managed" and "disabled" property. // "managed" property is true if the setting is managed by administrator. // "disabled" property is true if the UI for the setting should be disabled. Value* CreateSettingsValue(Value *value, bool managed, bool disabled) { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue; dict->Set("value", value); dict->Set("managed", Value::CreateBooleanValue(managed)); dict->Set("disabled", Value::CreateBooleanValue(disabled)); return dict; } enum UseValue { USE_VALUE_SUPPLIED, USE_VALUE_DEFAULT }; void UpdateCacheBool(const std::string& name, bool value, UseValue use_value) { PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); if (use_value == USE_VALUE_DEFAULT) prefs->ClearPref(name.c_str()); else prefs->SetBoolean(name.c_str(), value); prefs->ScheduleSavePersistentPrefs(); } void UpdateCacheString(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, UseValue use_value) { PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); if (use_value == USE_VALUE_DEFAULT) prefs->ClearPref(name.c_str()); else prefs->SetString(name.c_str(), value); prefs->ScheduleSavePersistentPrefs(); } bool GetUserWhitelist(ListValue* user_list) { PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); DCHECK(!prefs->IsManagedPreference(kAccountsPrefUsers)); std::vector whitelist; if (!SignedSettings::EnumerateWhitelist(&whitelist)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to retrieve user whitelist."; return false; } ListPrefUpdate cached_whitelist_update(prefs, kAccountsPrefUsers); cached_whitelist_update->Clear(); const UserManager::User& self = UserManager::Get()->logged_in_user(); bool is_owner = UserManager::Get()->current_user_is_owner(); for (size_t i = 0; i < whitelist.size(); ++i) { const std::string& email = whitelist[i]; if (user_list) { DictionaryValue* user = new DictionaryValue; user->SetString("email", email); user->SetString("name", ""); user->SetBoolean("owner", is_owner && email == self.email()); user_list->Append(user); } cached_whitelist_update->Append(Value::CreateStringValue(email)); } prefs->ScheduleSavePersistentPrefs(); return true; } class UserCrosSettingsTrust : public SignedSettingsHelper::Callback { public: static UserCrosSettingsTrust* GetInstance() { return Singleton::get(); } // Working horse for UserCrosSettingsProvider::RequestTrusted* family. bool RequestTrustedEntity(const std::string& name) { OwnershipService::Status ownership_status = ownership_service_->GetStatus(false); if (ownership_status == OwnershipService::OWNERSHIP_NONE) return true; PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); if (prefs->IsManagedPreference(name.c_str())) return true; if (ownership_status == OwnershipService::OWNERSHIP_TAKEN) { DCHECK(g_browser_process); PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); DCHECK(prefs); if (prefs->GetBoolean((name + kTrustedSuffix).c_str())) return true; } return false; } bool RequestTrustedEntity(const std::string& name, const base::Closure& callback) { if (RequestTrustedEntity(name)) { return true; } else { if (!callback.is_null()) callbacks_[name].push_back(callback); return false; } } void Reload() { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kBooleanSettings); ++i) StartFetchingSetting(kBooleanSettings[i]); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kStringSettings); ++i) StartFetchingSetting(kStringSettings[i]); } void Set(const std::string& path, Value* in_value) { PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); DCHECK(!prefs->IsManagedPreference(path.c_str())); if (!UserManager::Get()->current_user_is_owner()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Changing settings from non-owner, setting=" << path; // Revert UI change. CrosSettings::Get()->FireObservers(path.c_str()); return; } if (IsControlledBooleanSetting(path)) { bool bool_value = false; if (in_value->GetAsBoolean(&bool_value)) { OnBooleanPropertyChange(path, bool_value); std::string value = bool_value ? kTrueIncantation : kFalseIncantation; SignedSettingsHelper::Get()->StartStorePropertyOp(path, value, this); UpdateCacheBool(path, bool_value, USE_VALUE_SUPPLIED); VLOG(1) << "Set cros setting " << path << "=" << value; } } else if (IsControlledStringSetting(path)) { std::string value; if (in_value->GetAsString(&value)) { SignedSettingsHelper::Get()->StartStorePropertyOp(path, value, this); UpdateCacheString(path, value, USE_VALUE_SUPPLIED); VLOG(1) << "Set cros setting " << path << "=" << value; } else { NOTREACHED() << "Unable to convert string value."; } } else if (path == kDeviceOwner) { VLOG(1) << "Setting owner is not supported. Please use " "'UpdateCachedOwner' instead."; } else if (path == kAccountsPrefUsers) { VLOG(1) << "Setting user whitelist is not implemented. Please use " "whitelist/unwhitelist instead."; } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Try to set unhandled cros setting " << path; } } private: // upper bound for number of retries to fetch a signed setting. static const int kNumRetriesLimit = 9; UserCrosSettingsTrust() : ownership_service_(OwnershipService::GetSharedInstance()), retries_left_(kNumRetriesLimit) { migration_helper_.set_callback(this); // Start prefetching Boolean and String preferences. Reload(); } virtual ~UserCrosSettingsTrust() { if (BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI) && CrosLibrary::Get()->EnsureLoaded()) { // Cancels all pending callbacks from us. SignedSettingsHelper::Get()->CancelCallback(this); } } // Called right before boolean property is changed. void OnBooleanPropertyChange(const std::string& path, bool new_value) { if (path == kSignedDataRoamingEnabled) { if (!CrosLibrary::Get()->EnsureLoaded()) return; NetworkLibrary* cros = CrosLibrary::Get()->GetNetworkLibrary(); if (cros->IsCellularAlwaysInRoaming()) { // If operator requires roaming always enabled, ignore supplied value // and set data roaming allowed in true always. new_value = true; } cros->SetCellularDataRoamingAllowed(new_value); } else if (path == kStatsReportingPref) { // TODO(pastarmovj): Remove this once we don't need to regenerate the // consent file for the GUID anymore. OptionsUtil::ResolveMetricsReportingEnabled(new_value); } } // Called right after signed value was checked. void OnBooleanPropertyRetrieve(const std::string& path, bool value, UseValue use_value) { if (path == kSignedDataRoamingEnabled) { if (!CrosLibrary::Get()->EnsureLoaded()) return; NetworkLibrary* cros = CrosLibrary::Get()->GetNetworkLibrary(); const NetworkDevice* cellular = cros->FindCellularDevice(); if (cellular) { bool device_value = cellular->data_roaming_allowed(); if (!device_value && cros->IsCellularAlwaysInRoaming()) { // If operator requires roaming always enabled, ignore supplied value // and set data roaming allowed in true always. cros->SetCellularDataRoamingAllowed(true); } else { bool new_value = (use_value == USE_VALUE_SUPPLIED) ? value : false; if (device_value != new_value) cros->SetCellularDataRoamingAllowed(new_value); } } } else if (path == kStatsReportingPref) { bool stats_consent = (use_value == USE_VALUE_SUPPLIED) ? value : false; // TODO(pastarmovj): Remove this once migration is not needed anymore. // If the value is not set we should try to migrate legacy consent file. if (use_value == USE_VALUE_DEFAULT) { // Loading consent file state causes us to do blocking IO on UI thread. // Temporarily allow it until we fix http://crbug.com/62626 base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io; stats_consent = GoogleUpdateSettings::GetCollectStatsConsent(); // Make sure the values will get eventually written to the policy file. migration_helper_.AddMigrationValue( path, stats_consent ? "true" : "false"); migration_helper_.MigrateValues(); UpdateCacheBool(path, stats_consent, USE_VALUE_SUPPLIED); LOG(WARNING) << "No metrics policy set will revert to checking " << "consent file which is " << (stats_consent ? "on." : "off."); } // TODO(pastarmovj): Remove this once we don't need to regenerate the // consent file for the GUID anymore. VLOG(1) << "Metrics policy is being set to : " << stats_consent << "(reason : " << use_value << ")"; OptionsUtil::ResolveMetricsReportingEnabled(stats_consent); } } void StartFetchingSetting(const std::string& name) { DCHECK(g_browser_process); PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); if (!prefs) return; // Do not trust before fetching complete. prefs->ClearPref((name + kTrustedSuffix).c_str()); prefs->ScheduleSavePersistentPrefs(); if (CrosLibrary::Get()->EnsureLoaded()) { SignedSettingsHelper::Get()->StartRetrieveProperty(name, this); } } // Implementation of SignedSettingsHelper::Callback. virtual void OnRetrievePropertyCompleted(SignedSettings::ReturnCode code, const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { if (!IsControlledBooleanSetting(name) && !IsControlledStringSetting(name)) { NOTREACHED(); return; } bool is_owned = ownership_service_->GetStatus(true) == OwnershipService::OWNERSHIP_TAKEN; PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); switch (code) { case SignedSettings::SUCCESS: case SignedSettings::NOT_FOUND: case SignedSettings::KEY_UNAVAILABLE: { bool fallback_to_default = !is_owned || (code == SignedSettings::NOT_FOUND); DCHECK(fallback_to_default || code == SignedSettings::SUCCESS); if (fallback_to_default) VLOG(1) << "Going default for cros setting " << name; else VLOG(1) << "Retrieved cros setting " << name << "=" << value; if (IsControlledBooleanSetting(name)) { UpdateCacheBool(name, (value == kTrueIncantation), fallback_to_default ? USE_VALUE_DEFAULT : USE_VALUE_SUPPLIED); OnBooleanPropertyRetrieve(name, (value == kTrueIncantation), fallback_to_default ? USE_VALUE_DEFAULT : USE_VALUE_SUPPLIED); } else if (IsControlledStringSetting(name)) { UpdateCacheString(name, value, fallback_to_default ? USE_VALUE_DEFAULT : USE_VALUE_SUPPLIED); } break; } case SignedSettings::OPERATION_FAILED: default: { DCHECK(code == SignedSettings::OPERATION_FAILED); DCHECK(is_owned); LOG(ERROR) << "On owned device: failed to retrieve cros " "setting, name=" << name; if (retries_left_ > 0) { retries_left_ -= 1; StartFetchingSetting(name); return; } LOG(ERROR) << "No retries left"; if (IsControlledBooleanSetting(name)) { // For boolean settings we can just set safe (false) values // and continue as trusted. OnBooleanPropertyRetrieve(name, false, USE_VALUE_SUPPLIED); UpdateCacheBool(name, false, USE_VALUE_SUPPLIED); } else { prefs->ClearPref((name + kTrustedSuffix).c_str()); return; } break; } } prefs->SetBoolean((name + kTrustedSuffix).c_str(), true); { std::vector& callbacks_vector = callbacks_[name]; for (size_t i = 0; i < callbacks_vector.size(); ++i) MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, callbacks_vector[i]); callbacks_vector.clear(); } if (code == SignedSettings::SUCCESS) CrosSettings::Get()->FireObservers(name.c_str()); } // Implementation of SignedSettingsHelper::Callback. virtual void OnStorePropertyCompleted(SignedSettings::ReturnCode code, const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { VLOG(1) << "Store cros setting " << name << "=" << value << ", code=" << code; // Reload the setting if store op fails. if (code != SignedSettings::SUCCESS) SignedSettingsHelper::Get()->StartRetrieveProperty(name, this); } // Implementation of SignedSettingsHelper::Callback. virtual void OnWhitelistCompleted(SignedSettings::ReturnCode code, const std::string& email) { VLOG(1) << "Add " << email << " to whitelist, code=" << code; // Reload the whitelist on settings op failure. if (code != SignedSettings::SUCCESS) CrosSettings::Get()->FireObservers(kAccountsPrefUsers); } // Implementation of SignedSettingsHelper::Callback. virtual void OnUnwhitelistCompleted(SignedSettings::ReturnCode code, const std::string& email) { VLOG(1) << "Remove " << email << " from whitelist, code=" << code; // Reload the whitelist on settings op failure. if (code != SignedSettings::SUCCESS) CrosSettings::Get()->FireObservers(kAccountsPrefUsers); } // Pending callbacks that need to be invoked after settings verification. base::hash_map > callbacks_; OwnershipService* ownership_service_; MigrationHelper migration_helper_; // In order to guard against occasional failure to fetch a property // we allow for some number of retries. int retries_left_; friend class SignedSettingsHelper; friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(UserCrosSettingsTrust); }; } // namespace } // namespace chromeos namespace chromeos { UserCrosSettingsProvider::UserCrosSettingsProvider() { // Trigger prefetching of settings. UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance(); } // static void UserCrosSettingsProvider::RegisterPrefs(PrefService* local_state) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kBooleanSettings); ++i) RegisterSetting(local_state, kBooleanSettings[i]); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kStringSettings); ++i) RegisterSetting(local_state, kStringSettings[i]); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kListSettings); ++i) RegisterSetting(local_state, kListSettings[i]); } bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::RequestTrustedAllowGuest( const base::Closure& callback) { return UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance()->RequestTrustedEntity( kAccountsPrefAllowGuest, callback); } bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::RequestTrustedAllowNewUser( const base::Closure& callback) { return UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance()->RequestTrustedEntity( kAccountsPrefAllowNewUser, callback); } bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::RequestTrustedShowUsersOnSignin( const base::Closure& callback) { return UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance()->RequestTrustedEntity( kAccountsPrefShowUserNamesOnSignIn, callback); } bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::RequestTrustedDataRoamingEnabled( const base::Closure& callback) { return UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance()->RequestTrustedEntity( kSignedDataRoamingEnabled, callback); } bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::RequestTrustedOwner( const base::Closure& callback) { return UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance()->RequestTrustedEntity( kDeviceOwner, callback); } bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::RequestTrustedReportingEnabled( const base::Closure& callback) { return UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance()->RequestTrustedEntity( kStatsReportingPref, callback); } void UserCrosSettingsProvider::Reload() { UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance()->Reload(); } // static bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::cached_allow_guest() { // Trigger prefetching if singleton object still does not exist. UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance(); return g_browser_process->local_state()->GetBoolean(kAccountsPrefAllowGuest); } // static bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::cached_allow_new_user() { // Trigger prefetching if singleton object still does not exist. UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance(); return g_browser_process->local_state()->GetBoolean( kAccountsPrefAllowNewUser); } // static bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::cached_data_roaming_enabled() { // Trigger prefetching if singleton object still does not exist. UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance(); return g_browser_process->local_state()->GetBoolean( kSignedDataRoamingEnabled); } // static bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::cached_show_users_on_signin() { // Trigger prefetching if singleton object still does not exist. UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance(); return g_browser_process->local_state()->GetBoolean( kAccountsPrefShowUserNamesOnSignIn); } // static bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::cached_reporting_enabled() { // Trigger prefetching if singleton object still does not exist. UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance(); return g_browser_process->local_state()->GetBoolean( kStatsReportingPref); } // static const ListValue* UserCrosSettingsProvider::cached_whitelist() { PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); const ListValue* cached_users = prefs->GetList(kAccountsPrefUsers); if (!prefs->IsManagedPreference(kAccountsPrefUsers)) { if (cached_users == NULL) { // Update whitelist cache. GetUserWhitelist(NULL); cached_users = prefs->GetList(kAccountsPrefUsers); } } if (cached_users == NULL) { NOTREACHED(); cached_users = new ListValue; } return cached_users; } // static std::string UserCrosSettingsProvider::cached_owner() { // Trigger prefetching if singleton object still does not exist. UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance(); if (!g_browser_process || !g_browser_process->local_state()) return std::string(); return g_browser_process->local_state()->GetString(kDeviceOwner); } // static bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::IsEmailInCachedWhitelist( const std::string& email) { const ListValue* whitelist = cached_whitelist(); if (whitelist) { StringValue email_value(email); for (ListValue::const_iterator i(whitelist->begin()); i != whitelist->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->Equals(&email_value)) return true; } } return false; } void UserCrosSettingsProvider::DoSet(const std::string& path, Value* in_value) { UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance()->Set(path, in_value); } bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::Get(const std::string& path, Value** out_value) const { if (path == kAccountsPrefUsers) { ListValue* user_list = new ListValue; GetUserWhitelist(user_list); *out_value = user_list; return true; } if (IsControlledBooleanSetting(path) || IsControlledStringSetting(path)) { PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); const PrefService::Preference* pref = prefs->FindPreference(path.c_str()); const Value *pref_value = pref->GetValue(); *out_value = CreateSettingsValue( pref_value->DeepCopy(), g_browser_process->browser_policy_connector()->IsEnterpriseManaged(), !UserManager::Get()->current_user_is_owner()); return true; } return false; } bool UserCrosSettingsProvider::HandlesSetting(const std::string& path) const { return ::StartsWithASCII(path, "cros.accounts.", true) || ::StartsWithASCII(path, "cros.signed.", true) || ::StartsWithASCII(path, "cros.metrics.", true) || path == kReleaseChannel; } void UserCrosSettingsProvider::WhitelistUser(const std::string& email) { SignedSettingsHelper::Get()->StartWhitelistOp( email, true, UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance()); PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); ListPrefUpdate cached_whitelist_update(prefs, kAccountsPrefUsers); cached_whitelist_update->Append(Value::CreateStringValue(email)); prefs->ScheduleSavePersistentPrefs(); } void UserCrosSettingsProvider::UnwhitelistUser(const std::string& email) { SignedSettingsHelper::Get()->StartWhitelistOp( email, false, UserCrosSettingsTrust::GetInstance()); PrefService* prefs = g_browser_process->local_state(); ListPrefUpdate cached_whitelist_update(prefs, kAccountsPrefUsers); StringValue email_value(email); if (cached_whitelist_update->Remove(email_value, NULL)) prefs->ScheduleSavePersistentPrefs(); } // static void UserCrosSettingsProvider::UpdateCachedOwner(const std::string& email) { UpdateCacheString(kDeviceOwner, email, USE_VALUE_SUPPLIED); } } // namespace chromeos