// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_COCOA_BOOKMARK_BAR_CONTROLLER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_COCOA_BOOKMARK_BAR_CONTROLLER_H_ #import #include #include "base/scoped_nsobject.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_bridge.h" #include "webkit/glue/window_open_disposition.h" @class BookmarkBarStateController; class BookmarkModel; class BookmarkNode; @class BookmarkBarView; class GURL; @class MenuButton; class Profile; class PrefService; @protocol ViewResizer; // The interface for an object which can open URLs for a bookmark. @protocol BookmarkURLOpener - (void)openBookmarkURL:(const GURL&)url disposition:(WindowOpenDisposition)disposition; @end // A controller for the bookmark bar in the browser window. Handles showing // and hiding based on the preference in the given profile. @interface BookmarkBarController : NSViewController { @private Profile* profile_; // weak BookmarkModel* bookmarkModel_; // weak; part of the profile owned by the // top-level Browser object. // Our initial view width, which is applied in awakeFromNib. float initialWidth_; // BookmarkNodes have a 64bit id. NSMenuItems have a 32bit tag used // to represent the bookmark node they refer to. This map provides // a mapping from one to the other, so we can properly identify the // node from the item. When adding items in, we start with seedId_. int32 seedId_; std::map menuTagMap_; // Our bookmark buttons, ordered from L-->R. scoped_nsobject buttons_; // If the bar is disabled, we hide it and ignore show/hide commands. // Set when using fullscreen mode. BOOL barIsEnabled_; // Set to YES when the user elects to always show the bookmark bar. BOOL barShouldBeShown_; // Bridge from Chrome-style C++ notifications (e.g. derived from // BookmarkModelObserver) scoped_ptr bridge_; // Delegate that can resize us. id resizeDelegate_; // weak // Delegate that can open URLs for us. id urlDelegate_; // weak IBOutlet NSView* buttonView_; IBOutlet MenuButton* offTheSideButton_; IBOutlet NSMenu* buttonContextMenu_; } // Initializes the bookmark bar controller with the given browser // profile and delegates. - (id)initWithProfile:(Profile*)profile initialWidth:(float)initialWidth resizeDelegate:(id)resizeDelegate urlDelegate:(id)urlDelegate; // Tell the bar to show itself if needed (e.g. if the kShowBookmarkBar // is set). Called once after the controller is first created. - (void)showIfNeeded; // Returns whether or not the bookmark bar is visible. - (BOOL)isBookmarkBarVisible; // Toggle the state of the bookmark bar. - (void)toggleBookmarkBar; // Turn on or off the bookmark bar and prevent or reallow its // appearance. On disable, toggle off if shown. On enable, show only // if needed. For fullscreen mode. - (void)setBookmarkBarEnabled:(BOOL)enabled; // Actions for manipulating bookmarks. // From a button, ... - (IBAction)openBookmark:(id)sender; - (IBAction)openFolderMenuFromButton:(id)sender; // From a context menu over the button, ... - (IBAction)openBookmarkInNewForegroundTab:(id)sender; - (IBAction)openBookmarkInNewWindow:(id)sender; - (IBAction)openBookmarkInIncognitoWindow:(id)sender; - (IBAction)editBookmark:(id)sender; - (IBAction)deleteBookmark:(id)sender; // From a context menu over the bar, ... - (IBAction)openAllBookmarks:(id)sender; // Or from a context menu over either the bar or a button. - (IBAction)addPage:(id)sender; - (IBAction)addOrRenameFolder:(id)sender; @end // Redirects from BookmarkBarBridge, the C++ object which glues us to // the rest of Chromium. Internal to BookmarkBarController. @interface BookmarkBarController(BridgeRedirect) - (void)loaded:(BookmarkModel*)model; - (void)beingDeleted:(BookmarkModel*)model; - (void)nodeMoved:(BookmarkModel*)model oldParent:(const BookmarkNode*)oldParent oldIndex:(int)oldIndex newParent:(const BookmarkNode*)newParent newIndex:(int)newIndex; - (void)nodeAdded:(BookmarkModel*)model parent:(const BookmarkNode*)oldParent index:(int)index; - (void)nodeRemoved:(BookmarkModel*)model parent:(const BookmarkNode*)oldParent index:(int)index; - (void)nodeChanged:(BookmarkModel*)model node:(const BookmarkNode*)node; - (void)nodeFavIconLoaded:(BookmarkModel*)model node:(const BookmarkNode*)node; - (void)nodeChildrenReordered:(BookmarkModel*)model node:(const BookmarkNode*)node; @end // These APIs should only be used by unit tests (or used internally). @interface BookmarkBarController(InternalOrTestingAPI) // Set the delegate for a unit test. - (void)setUrlDelegate:(id)urlDelegate; - (void)clearBookmarkBar; - (NSView*)buttonView; - (NSArray*)buttons; - (NSRect)frameForBookmarkButtonFromCell:(NSCell*)cell xOffset:(int*)xOffset; - (void)checkForBookmarkButtonGrowth:(NSButton*)button; - (void)frameDidChange; - (BOOL)offTheSideButtonIsHidden; - (NSMenu *)menuForFolderNode:(const BookmarkNode*)node; - (int64)nodeIdFromMenuTag:(int32)tag; - (int32)menuTagFromNodeId:(int64)menuid; - (void)buildOffTheSideMenu; - (NSMenu*)offTheSideMenu; @end #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_COCOA_BOOKMARK_BAR_CONTROLLER_H_