// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

#include "app/theme_provider.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/sys_string_conversions.h"
#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_constants.h"
#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_controller.h"
#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_folder_window.h"
#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_view.h"
#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_button.h"
#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_button_cell.h"
#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_menu.h"
#include "chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_test_helper.h"
#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/cocoa_test_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/cocoa/test_event_utils.h"
#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/view_resizer_pong.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "testing/platform_test.h"
#import "third_party/ocmock/OCMock/OCMock.h"

// Add a redirect to make testing easier.
@interface BookmarkBarController(MakeTestingEasier)
- (IBAction)openBookmarkFolderFromButton:(id)sender;

@implementation BookmarkBarController(MakeTestingEasier)
- (IBAction)openBookmarkFolderFromButton:(id)sender {
  [[self folderTarget] openBookmarkFolderFromButton:sender];

// Just like a BookmarkBarController but openURL: is stubbed out.
@interface BookmarkBarControllerNoOpen : BookmarkBarController {
  std::vector<GURL> urls_;
  std::vector<WindowOpenDisposition> dispositions_;

@implementation BookmarkBarControllerNoOpen
- (void)openURL:(GURL)url disposition:(WindowOpenDisposition)disposition {
- (void)clear {

// NSCell that is pre-provided with a desired size that becomes the
// return value for -(NSSize)cellSize:.
@interface CellWithDesiredSize : NSCell {
  NSSize cellSize_;
@property(readonly) NSSize cellSize;

@implementation CellWithDesiredSize

@synthesize cellSize = cellSize_;

- (id)initTextCell:(NSString*)string desiredSize:(NSSize)size {
  if ((self = [super initTextCell:string])) {
    cellSize_ = size;
  return self;


// Remember the number of times we've gotten a frameDidChange notification.
@interface BookmarkBarControllerTogglePong : BookmarkBarControllerNoOpen {
  int toggles_;
@property (readonly) int toggles;

@implementation BookmarkBarControllerTogglePong

@synthesize toggles = toggles_;

- (void)frameDidChange {


// Remembers if a notification callback was called.
@interface BookmarkBarControllerNotificationPong : BookmarkBarControllerNoOpen {
  BOOL windowWillCloseReceived_;
  BOOL windowDidResignKeyReceived_;
@property(readonly) BOOL windowWillCloseReceived;
@property(readonly) BOOL windowDidResignKeyReceived;

@implementation BookmarkBarControllerNotificationPong
@synthesize windowWillCloseReceived = windowWillCloseReceived_;
@synthesize windowDidResignKeyReceived = windowDidResignKeyReceived_;

// Override NSNotificationCenter callback.
- (void)parentWindowWillClose:(NSNotification*)notification {
  windowWillCloseReceived_ = YES;

// NSNotificationCenter callback.
- (void)parentWindowDidResignKey:(NSNotification*)notification {
  windowDidResignKeyReceived_ = YES;

// Remembers if and what kind of openAll was performed.
@interface BookmarkBarControllerOpenAllPong : BookmarkBarControllerNoOpen {
  WindowOpenDisposition dispositionDetected_;
@property WindowOpenDisposition dispositionDetected;

@implementation BookmarkBarControllerOpenAllPong
@synthesize dispositionDetected = dispositionDetected_;

// Intercede for the openAll:disposition: method.
- (void)openAll:(const BookmarkNode*)node
    disposition:(WindowOpenDisposition)disposition {
  [self setDispositionDetected:disposition];


class FakeTheme : public ThemeProvider {
  FakeTheme(NSColor* color) : color_(color) { }
  scoped_nsobject<NSColor> color_;

  virtual void Init(Profile* profile) { }
  virtual SkBitmap* GetBitmapNamed(int id) const { return nil; }
  virtual SkColor GetColor(int id) const { return SkColor(); }
  virtual bool GetDisplayProperty(int id, int* result) const { return false; }
  virtual bool ShouldUseNativeFrame() const { return false; }
  virtual bool HasCustomImage(int id) const { return false; }
  virtual RefCountedMemory* GetRawData(int id) const { return NULL; }
  virtual NSImage* GetNSImageNamed(int id, bool allow_default) const {
    return nil;
  virtual NSColor* GetNSImageColorNamed(int id, bool allow_default) const {
    return nil;
  virtual NSColor* GetNSColor(int id, bool allow_default) const {
    return color_.get();
  virtual NSColor* GetNSColorTint(int id, bool allow_default) const {
    return nil;
  virtual NSGradient* GetNSGradient(int id) const {
    return nil;

namespace {

static const int kContentAreaHeight = 500;
static const int kInfoBarViewHeight = 30;

class BookmarkBarControllerTest : public CocoaTest {
  BookmarkBarControllerTest() {
    resizeDelegate_.reset([[ViewResizerPong alloc] init]);
    NSRect parent_frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 50);
    parent_view_.reset([[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:parent_frame]);
    [parent_view_ setHidden:YES];
      [[BookmarkBarControllerNoOpen alloc]


    // Create a menu/item to act like a sender
    menu_.reset([[BookmarkMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"I_dont_care"]);
    menu_item_.reset([[NSMenuItem alloc]
    cell_.reset([[NSButtonCell alloc] init]);
    [menu_item_ setMenu:menu_.get()];
    [menu_ setDelegate:cell_.get()];

  void InstallAndToggleBar(BookmarkBarController* bar) {
    // Force loading of the nib.
    [bar view];
    // Awkwardness to look like we've been installed.
    [parent_view_ addSubview:[bar view]];
    NSRect frame = [[[bar view] superview] frame];
    frame.origin.y = 100;
    [[[bar view] superview] setFrame:frame];

    // Make sure it's on in a window so viewDidMoveToWindow is called
    [[test_window() contentView] addSubview:parent_view_];

    // Make sure it's open so certain things aren't no-ops.
    [bar updateAndShowNormalBar:YES

  // Return a menu item that points to the given URL.
  NSMenuItem* ItemForBookmarkBarMenu(GURL& gurl) {
    BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
    const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
    const BookmarkNode* node = model->AddURL(parent, parent->GetChildCount(),
                                             L"A title", gurl);
    [menu_ setRepresentedObject:[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:node->id()]];
    return menu_item_;

  // Does NOT take ownership of node.
  NSMenuItem* ItemForBookmarkBarMenu(const BookmarkNode* node) {
    [menu_ setRepresentedObject:[NSNumber numberWithLongLong:node->id()]];
    return menu_item_;

  BrowserTestHelper helper_;
  scoped_nsobject<NSView> parent_view_;
  scoped_nsobject<ViewResizerPong> resizeDelegate_;
  scoped_nsobject<BookmarkBarControllerNoOpen> bar_;
  scoped_nsobject<BookmarkMenu> menu_;
  scoped_nsobject<NSMenuItem> menu_item_;
  scoped_nsobject<NSButtonCell> cell_;

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, ShowWhenShowBookmarkBarTrue) {
  [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:YES
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isInState:bookmarks::kShowingState]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isInState:bookmarks::kDetachedState]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isVisible]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isAnimationRunning]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([[bar_ view] isHidden]);
  EXPECT_GT([resizeDelegate_ height], 0);
  EXPECT_GT([[bar_ view] frame].size.height, 0);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, HideWhenShowBookmarkBarFalse) {
  [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:NO
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isInState:bookmarks::kShowingState]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isInState:bookmarks::kDetachedState]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isVisible]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isAnimationRunning]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([[bar_ view] isHidden]);
  EXPECT_EQ(0, [resizeDelegate_ height]);
  EXPECT_EQ(0, [[bar_ view] frame].size.height);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, HideWhenShowBookmarkBarTrueButDisabled) {
  [bar_ setBookmarkBarEnabled:NO];
  [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:YES
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isInState:bookmarks::kShowingState]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isInState:bookmarks::kDetachedState]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isVisible]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isAnimationRunning]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([[bar_ view] isHidden]);
  EXPECT_EQ(0, [resizeDelegate_ height]);
  EXPECT_EQ(0, [[bar_ view] frame].size.height);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, ShowOnNewTabPage) {
  [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:NO
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isInState:bookmarks::kShowingState]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isInState:bookmarks::kDetachedState]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isVisible]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isAnimationRunning]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([[bar_ view] isHidden]);
  EXPECT_GT([resizeDelegate_ height], 0);
  EXPECT_GT([[bar_ view] frame].size.height, 0);

  // Make sure no buttons fall off the bar, either now or when resized
  // bigger or smaller.
  CGFloat sizes[] = { 300.0, -100.0, 200.0, -420.0 };
  CGFloat previousX = 0.0;
  for (unsigned x = 0; x < arraysize(sizes); x++) {
    // Confirm the buttons moved from the last check (which may be
    // init but that's fine).
    CGFloat newX = [[bar_ offTheSideButton] frame].origin.x;
    EXPECT_NE(previousX, newX);
    previousX = newX;

    // Confirm the buttons have a reasonable bounds. Recall that |-frame|
    // returns rectangles in the superview's coordinates.
    NSRect buttonViewFrame =
        [[bar_ buttonView] convertRect:[[bar_ buttonView] frame]
                              fromView:[[bar_ buttonView] superview]];
    EXPECT_EQ([bar_ buttonView], [[bar_ offTheSideButton] superview]);
                               [[bar_ offTheSideButton] frame]));
    EXPECT_EQ([bar_ buttonView], [[bar_ otherBookmarksButton] superview]);
                               [[bar_ otherBookmarksButton] frame]));

    // Now move them implicitly.
    // We confirm FrameChangeNotification works in the next unit test;
    // we simply assume it works here to resize or reposition the
    // buttons above.
    NSRect frame = [[bar_ view] frame];
    frame.size.width += sizes[x];
    [[bar_ view] setFrame:frame];

// Test whether |-updateAndShowNormalBar:...| sets states as we expect. Make
// sure things don't crash.
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, StateChanges) {
  // First, go in one-at-a-time cycle.
  [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:NO
  EXPECT_EQ(bookmarks::kHiddenState, [bar_ visualState]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isVisible]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isAnimationRunning]);
  [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:YES
  EXPECT_EQ(bookmarks::kShowingState, [bar_ visualState]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isVisible]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isAnimationRunning]);
  [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:YES
  EXPECT_EQ(bookmarks::kShowingState, [bar_ visualState]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isVisible]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isAnimationRunning]);
  [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:NO
  EXPECT_EQ(bookmarks::kDetachedState, [bar_ visualState]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isVisible]);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isAnimationRunning]);

  // Now try some "jumps".
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:NO
    EXPECT_EQ(bookmarks::kHiddenState, [bar_ visualState]);
    EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isVisible]);
    EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isAnimationRunning]);
    [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:YES
    EXPECT_EQ(bookmarks::kShowingState, [bar_ visualState]);
    EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isVisible]);
    EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isAnimationRunning]);

  // Now try some "jumps".
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:YES
    EXPECT_EQ(bookmarks::kShowingState, [bar_ visualState]);
    EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isVisible]);
    EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isAnimationRunning]);
    [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:NO
    EXPECT_EQ(bookmarks::kDetachedState, [bar_ visualState]);
    EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isVisible]);
    EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isAnimationRunning]);

// Make sure we're watching for frame change notifications.
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, FrameChangeNotification) {
  scoped_nsobject<BookmarkBarControllerTogglePong> bar;
    [[BookmarkBarControllerTogglePong alloc]
             initialWidth:100  // arbitrary

  // Send a frame did change notification for the pong's view.
  [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
                  object:[bar view]];

  EXPECT_GT([bar toggles], 0);

// Confirm off the side button only enabled when reasonable.
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, OffTheSideButtonHidden) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();

  [bar_ loaded:model];
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ offTheSideButtonIsHidden]);

  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    model->SetURLStarred(GURL("http://www.foo.com"), L"small", true);
    EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ offTheSideButtonIsHidden]);

  for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
    model->AddURL(parent, parent->GetChildCount(),
                  L"super duper wide title",
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ offTheSideButtonIsHidden]);

// Test whether |-dragShouldLockBarVisibility| returns NO iff the bar is
// detached.
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, TestDragShouldLockBarVisibility) {
  [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:NO
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ dragShouldLockBarVisibility]);

  [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:YES
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ dragShouldLockBarVisibility]);

  [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:YES
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ dragShouldLockBarVisibility]);

  [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:NO
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ dragShouldLockBarVisibility]);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, TagMap) {
  int64 ids[] = { 1, 3, 4, 40, 400, 4000, 800000000, 2, 123456789 };
  std::vector<int32> tags;

  // Generate some tags
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arraysize(ids); i++) {
    tags.push_back([bar_ menuTagFromNodeId:ids[i]]);

  // Confirm reverse mapping.
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arraysize(ids); i++) {
    EXPECT_EQ(ids[i], [bar_ nodeIdFromMenuTag:tags[i]]);

  // Confirm uniqueness.
  std::sort(tags.begin(), tags.end());
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<(tags.size()-1); i++) {
    EXPECT_NE(tags[i], tags[i+1]);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, MenuForFolderNode) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();

  // First make sure something (e.g. "(empty)" string) is always present.
  NSMenu* menu = [bar_ menuForFolderNode:model->GetBookmarkBarNode()];
  EXPECT_GT([menu numberOfItems], 0);

  // Test two bookmarks.
  GURL gurl("http://www.foo.com");
  model->SetURLStarred(gurl, L"small", true);
  model->SetURLStarred(GURL("http://www.cnn.com"), L"bigger title", true);
  menu = [bar_ menuForFolderNode:model->GetBookmarkBarNode()];
  EXPECT_EQ([menu numberOfItems], 2);
  NSMenuItem *item = [menu itemWithTitle:@"bigger title"];
  item = [menu itemWithTitle:@"small"];
  if (item) {
    int64 tag = [bar_ nodeIdFromMenuTag:[item tag]];
    const BookmarkNode* node = model->GetNodeByID(tag);
    EXPECT_EQ(gurl, node->GetURL());

  // Test with an actual folder as well
  const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
  const BookmarkNode* folder = model->AddGroup(parent,
  model->AddURL(folder, folder->GetChildCount(),
                L"f1", GURL("http://framma-lamma.com"));
  model->AddURL(folder, folder->GetChildCount(),
                L"f2", GURL("http://framma-lamma-ding-dong.com"));
  menu = [bar_ menuForFolderNode:model->GetBookmarkBarNode()];
  EXPECT_EQ([menu numberOfItems], 3);

  item = [menu itemWithTitle:@"group"];
  EXPECT_TRUE([item hasSubmenu]);
  NSMenu *submenu = [item submenu];
  EXPECT_EQ(2, [submenu numberOfItems]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([submenu itemWithTitle:@"f1"]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([submenu itemWithTitle:@"f2"]);

// Confirm openBookmark: forwards the request to the controller's delegate
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, OpenBookmark) {
  GURL gurl("http://walla.walla.ding.dong.com");
  scoped_ptr<BookmarkNode> node(new BookmarkNode(gurl));

  scoped_nsobject<BookmarkButtonCell> cell([[BookmarkButtonCell alloc] init]);
  [cell setBookmarkNode:node.get()];
  scoped_nsobject<BookmarkButton> button([[BookmarkButton alloc] init]);
  [button setCell:cell.get()];
  [cell setRepresentedObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:node.get()]];

  [bar_ openBookmark:button];
  EXPECT_EQ(bar_.get()->urls_[0], node->GetURL());
  EXPECT_EQ(bar_.get()->dispositions_[0], CURRENT_TAB);

// Confirm opening of bookmarks works from the menus (different
// dispositions than clicking on the button).
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, OpenBookmarkFromMenus) {
  const char* urls[] = { "http://walla.walla.ding.dong.com",
                         "http://cee.enn.enn.dot.com" };
  SEL selectors[] = { @selector(openBookmarkInNewForegroundTab:),
                      @selector(openBookmarkInIncognitoWindow:) };
  WindowOpenDisposition dispositions[] = { NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB,
                                           OFF_THE_RECORD };
  for (unsigned int i = 0;
       i < sizeof(dispositions)/sizeof(dispositions[0]);
       i++) {
    GURL gurl(urls[i]);
    [bar_ performSelector:selectors[i]
    EXPECT_EQ(bar_.get()->urls_[0], gurl);
    EXPECT_EQ(bar_.get()->dispositions_[0], dispositions[i]);
    [bar_ clear];

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, TestAddRemoveAndClear) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  NSView* buttonView = [bar_ buttonView];
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[bar_ buttons] count]);
  unsigned int initial_subview_count = [[buttonView subviews] count];

  // Make sure a redundant call doesn't choke
  [bar_ clearBookmarkBar];
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[bar_ buttons] count]);
  EXPECT_EQ(initial_subview_count, [[buttonView subviews] count]);

  GURL gurl1("http://superfriends.hall-of-justice.edu");
  // Short titles increase the chances of this test succeeding if the view is
  // narrow.
  // TODO(viettrungluu): make the test independent of window/view size, font
  // metrics, button size and spacing, and everything else.
  std::wstring title1(L"x");
  model->SetURLStarred(gurl1, title1, true);
  EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[bar_ buttons] count]);
  EXPECT_EQ(1+initial_subview_count, [[buttonView subviews] count]);

  GURL gurl2("http://legion-of-doom.gov");
  std::wstring title2(L"y");
  model->SetURLStarred(gurl2, title2, true);
  EXPECT_EQ(2U, [[bar_ buttons] count]);
  EXPECT_EQ(2+initial_subview_count, [[buttonView subviews] count]);

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    // is_starred=false --> remove the bookmark
    model->SetURLStarred(gurl2, title2, false);
    EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[bar_ buttons] count]);
    EXPECT_EQ(1+initial_subview_count, [[buttonView subviews] count]);

    // and bring it back
    model->SetURLStarred(gurl2, title2, true);
    EXPECT_EQ(2U, [[bar_ buttons] count]);
    EXPECT_EQ(2+initial_subview_count, [[buttonView subviews] count]);

  [bar_ clearBookmarkBar];
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[bar_ buttons] count]);
  EXPECT_EQ(initial_subview_count, [[buttonView subviews] count]);

  // Explicit test of loaded: since this is a convenient spot
  [bar_ loaded:model];
  EXPECT_EQ(2U, [[bar_ buttons] count]);
  EXPECT_EQ(2+initial_subview_count, [[buttonView subviews] count]);

// Make sure we don't create too many buttons; we only really need
// ones that will be visible.
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, TestButtonLimits) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[bar_ buttons] count]);

  // Add one; make sure we see it.
  const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
  model->AddURL(parent, parent->GetChildCount(),
                L"title", GURL("http://www.google.com"));
  EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[bar_ buttons] count]);

  // Add 30 which we expect to be 'too many'.  Make sure we don't see
  // 30 buttons.
  [bar_ clearBookmarkBar];
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[bar_ buttons] count]);
  for (int i=0; i<30; i++) {
    model->AddURL(parent, parent->GetChildCount(),
                  L"title", GURL("http://www.google.com"));
  int count = [[bar_ buttons] count];
  EXPECT_LT(count, 30L);

  // Add 10 more (to the front of the list so the on-screen buttons
  // would change) and make sure the count stays the same.
  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
    model->AddURL(parent, 0,  /* index is 0, so front, not end */
                  L"title", GURL("http://www.google.com"));

  // Finally, grow the view and make sure the button count goes up.
  NSRect frame = [[bar_ view] frame];
  frame.size.width += 600;
  [[bar_ view] setFrame:frame];
  int finalcount = [[bar_ buttons] count];
  EXPECT_GT(finalcount, count);

// Make sure that each button we add marches to the right and does not
// overlap with the previous one.
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, TestButtonMarch) {
  scoped_nsobject<NSMutableArray> cells([[NSMutableArray alloc] init]);

  CGFloat widths[] = { 10, 10, 100, 10, 500, 500, 80000, 60000, 1, 345 };
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arraysize(widths); i++) {
    NSCell* cell = [[CellWithDesiredSize alloc]
                      desiredSize:NSMakeSize(widths[i], 30)];
    [cells addObject:cell];
    [cell release];

  int x_offset = 0;
  CGFloat x_end = x_offset;  // end of the previous button
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arraysize(widths); i++) {
    NSRect r = [bar_ frameForBookmarkButtonFromCell:[cells objectAtIndex:i]
    EXPECT_GE(r.origin.x, x_end);
    x_end = NSMaxX(r);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, CheckForGrowth) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  GURL gurl1("http://www.google.com");
  std::wstring title1(L"x");
  model->SetURLStarred(gurl1, title1, true);

  GURL gurl2("http://www.google.com/blah");
  std::wstring title2(L"y");
  model->SetURLStarred(gurl2, title2, true);

  EXPECT_EQ(2U, [[bar_ buttons] count]);
  CGFloat width_1 = [[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0] frame].size.width;
  CGFloat x_2 = [[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:1] frame].origin.x;

  NSButton* first = [[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0];
  [[first cell] setTitle:@"This is a really big title; watch out mom!"];
  [bar_ checkForBookmarkButtonGrowth:first];

  // Make sure the 1st button is now wider, the 2nd one is moved over,
  // and they don't overlap.
  NSRect frame_1 = [[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0] frame];
  NSRect frame_2 = [[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:1] frame];
  EXPECT_GT(frame_1.size.width, width_1);
  EXPECT_GT(frame_2.origin.x, x_2);
  EXPECT_GE(frame_2.origin.x, frame_1.origin.x + frame_1.size.width);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, DeleteBookmark) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();

  const char* urls[] = { "https://secret.url.com",
                         "http://www.foo-bar-baz.com/" };
  const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arraysize(urls); i++) {
    model->AddURL(parent, parent->GetChildCount(),
                  L"title", GURL(urls[i]));
  EXPECT_EQ(3, parent->GetChildCount());
  const BookmarkNode* middle_node = parent->GetChild(1);

  NSMenuItem* item = ItemForBookmarkBarMenu(middle_node);
  [bar_ deleteBookmark:item];
  EXPECT_EQ(2, parent->GetChildCount());
  EXPECT_EQ(parent->GetChild(0)->GetURL(), GURL(urls[0]));
  // node 2 moved into spot 1
  EXPECT_EQ(parent->GetChild(1)->GetURL(), GURL(urls[2]));

// TODO(jrg): write a test to confirm that nodeFavIconLoaded calls
// checkForBookmarkButtonGrowth:.

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, Cell) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  [bar_ loaded:model];

  const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
  model->AddURL(parent, parent->GetChildCount(),
  const BookmarkNode* node = parent->GetChild(0);

  NSCell* cell = [bar_ cellForBookmarkNode:node];
  EXPECT_TRUE([[cell title] isEqual:@"supertitle"]);
  EXPECT_EQ(node, [[cell representedObject] pointerValue]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([cell menu]);

  // Empty cells have no menu.
  cell = [bar_ cellForBookmarkNode:nil];
  EXPECT_FALSE([cell menu]);
  // Even empty cells have a title (of "(empty)")
  EXPECT_TRUE([cell title]);

  // cell is autoreleased; no need to release here

// Test drawing, mostly to ensure nothing leaks or crashes.
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, Display) {
  [[bar_ view] display];

// Test that middle clicking on a bookmark button results in an open action.
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, MiddleClick) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  GURL gurl1("http://www.google.com/");
  std::wstring title1(L"x");
  model->SetURLStarred(gurl1, title1, true);

  EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[bar_ buttons] count]);
  NSButton* first = [[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0];

  [first otherMouseUp:test_event_utils::MakeMouseEvent(NSOtherMouseUp, 0)];
  EXPECT_EQ(bar_.get()->urls_.size(), 1U);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, DisplaysHelpMessageOnEmpty) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  [bar_ loaded:model];
  EXPECT_FALSE([[[bar_ buttonView] noItemContainer] isHidden]);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, HidesHelpMessageWithBookmark) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();

  const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
  model->AddURL(parent, parent->GetChildCount(),
                L"title", GURL("http://one.com"));

  [bar_ loaded:model];
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[bar_ buttonView] noItemContainer] isHidden]);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, BookmarkButtonSizing) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();

  const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
  model->AddURL(parent, parent->GetChildCount(),
                L"title", GURL("http://one.com"));

  [bar_ loaded:model];

  // Make sure the internal bookmark button also is the correct height.
  NSArray* buttons = [bar_ buttons];
  EXPECT_GT([buttons count], 0u);
  for (NSButton* button in buttons) {
        bookmarks::kBookmarkBarHeight - 2 *
        [button frame].size.height);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, DropBookmarks) {
  const char* urls[] = {
    "/tmp/local-file.txt"  // As if dragged from the desktop.
  std::wstring titles[] = {
    std::wstring(L"Can't draw"),
    std::wstring(L"Frum stuf")
  EXPECT_EQ(arraysize(urls), arraysize(titles));

  NSMutableArray* nsurls = [NSMutableArray array];
  NSMutableArray* nstitles = [NSMutableArray array];
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(urls); ++i) {
    [nsurls addObject:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(urls[i])];
    [nstitles addObject:base::SysWideToNSString(titles[i])];

  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
  [bar_ addURLs:nsurls withTitles:nstitles at:NSZeroPoint];
  EXPECT_EQ(4, parent->GetChildCount());
  for (int i = 0; i < parent->GetChildCount(); ++i) {
    GURL gurl = parent->GetChild(i)->GetURL();
    if (gurl.scheme() == "http" ||
        gurl.scheme() == "javascript") {
      EXPECT_EQ(parent->GetChild(i)->GetURL(), GURL(urls[i]));
    } else {
      // Be flexible if the scheme needed to be added.
      std::string gurl_string = gurl.spec();
      std::string my_string = parent->GetChild(i)->GetURL().spec();
      EXPECT_NE(gurl_string.find(my_string), std::string::npos);
    EXPECT_EQ(parent->GetChild(i)->GetTitle(), titles[i]);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, TestButtonOrBar) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  GURL gurl1("http://www.google.com");
  std::wstring title1(L"x");
  model->SetURLStarred(gurl1, title1, true);

  GURL gurl2("http://www.google.com/gurl_power");
  std::wstring title2(L"gurl power");
  model->SetURLStarred(gurl2, title2, true);

  NSButton* first = [[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0];
  NSButton* second = [[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:1];
  EXPECT_TRUE(first && second);

  NSMenuItem* menuItem = [[[first cell] menu] itemAtIndex:0];
  const BookmarkNode* node = [bar_ nodeFromMenuItem:menuItem];
  EXPECT_EQ(node, model->GetBookmarkBarNode()->GetChild(0));

  menuItem = [[[second cell] menu] itemAtIndex:0];
  node = [bar_ nodeFromMenuItem:menuItem];
  EXPECT_EQ(node, model->GetBookmarkBarNode()->GetChild(1));

  menuItem = [[[bar_ view] menu] itemAtIndex:0];
  node = [bar_ nodeFromMenuItem:menuItem];
  EXPECT_EQ(node, model->GetBookmarkBarNode());

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, TestMenuNodeAndDisable) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
  const BookmarkNode* folder = model->AddGroup(parent,
  NSButton* button = [[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0];

  // Confirm the menu knows which node it is talking about
  BookmarkMenu* menu = static_cast<BookmarkMenu*>([[button cell] menu]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([menu isKindOfClass:[BookmarkMenu class]]);
  EXPECT_EQ(folder->id(), [menu id]);

  // Make sure "Open All" is disabled (nothing to open -- no children!)
  // (Assumes "Open All" is the 1st item)
  NSMenuItem* item = [menu itemAtIndex:0];
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ validateUserInterfaceItem:item]);

  // Now add a child and make sure the item would be enabled.
  model->AddURL(folder, folder->GetChildCount(),
                L"super duper wide title",
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ validateUserInterfaceItem:item]);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, TestDragButton) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();

  GURL gurls[] = { GURL("http://www.google.com/a"),
                   GURL("http://www.google.com/c") };
  std::wstring titles[] = { L"a", L"b", L"c" };
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < arraysize(titles); i++) {
    model->SetURLStarred(gurls[i], titles[i], true);

  EXPECT_EQ([[bar_ buttons] count], arraysize(titles));
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0] title] isEqual:@"a"]);

  [bar_ dragButton:[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:2]
                to:NSMakePoint(0, 0)
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0] title] isEqual:@"c"]);
  // Make sure a 'copy' did not happen.
  EXPECT_EQ([[bar_ buttons] count], arraysize(titles));

  [bar_ dragButton:[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:1]
                to:NSMakePoint(1000, 0)
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0] title] isEqual:@"c"]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:1] title] isEqual:@"b"]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:2] title] isEqual:@"a"]);
  EXPECT_EQ([[bar_ buttons] count], arraysize(titles));

  // A drop of the 1st between the next 2.
  CGFloat x = NSMinX([[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:2] frame]);
  x += [[bar_ view] frame].origin.x;
  [bar_ dragButton:[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0]
                to:NSMakePoint(x, 0)
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0] title] isEqual:@"b"]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:1] title] isEqual:@"c"]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:2] title] isEqual:@"a"]);
  EXPECT_EQ([[bar_ buttons] count], arraysize(titles));

  // A drop on a non-folder button.  (Shouldn't try and go in it.)
  x = NSMidX([[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0] frame]);
  x += [[bar_ view] frame].origin.x;
  [bar_ dragButton:[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:2]
                to:NSMakePoint(x, 0)
  EXPECT_EQ(arraysize(titles), [[bar_ buttons] count]);

  // A drop on a folder button.
  const BookmarkNode* folder = model->AddGroup(model->GetBookmarkBarNode(),
                                               L"awesome group");
  model->AddURL(folder, 0, L"already", GURL("http://www.google.com"));
  EXPECT_EQ(arraysize(titles) + 1, [[bar_ buttons] count]);
  EXPECT_EQ(1, folder->GetChildCount());
  x = [[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0] frame].size.width / 2;
  std::wstring title = [[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:2]
  [bar_ dragButton:[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:2]
                to:NSMakePoint(x, 0)
  // Gone from the bar
  EXPECT_EQ(arraysize(titles), [[bar_ buttons] count]);
  // In the folder
  EXPECT_EQ(2, folder->GetChildCount());
  // At the end
  EXPECT_EQ(title, folder->GetChild(1)->GetTitle());

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, TestCopyButton) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();

  GURL gurls[] = { GURL("http://www.google.com/a"),
                   GURL("http://www.google.com/c") };
  std::wstring titles[] = { L"a", L"b", L"c" };
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < arraysize(titles); i++) {
    model->SetURLStarred(gurls[i], titles[i], true);
  EXPECT_EQ([[bar_ buttons] count], arraysize(titles));
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0] title] isEqual:@"a"]);

  // Drag 'a' between 'b' and 'c'.
  CGFloat x = NSMinX([[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:2] frame]);
  x += [[bar_ view] frame].origin.x;
  [bar_ dragButton:[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0]
                to:NSMakePoint(x, 0)
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0] title] isEqual:@"a"]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:1] title] isEqual:@"b"]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:2] title] isEqual:@"a"]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([[[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:3] title] isEqual:@"c"]);
  EXPECT_EQ([[bar_ buttons] count], 4U);

// Fake a theme with colored text.  Apply it and make sure bookmark
// buttons have the same colored text.  Repeat more than once.
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, TestThemedButton) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  model->SetURLStarred(GURL("http://www.foo.com"), L"small", true);
  BookmarkButton* button = [[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0];

  NSArray* colors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSColor redColor],
                                              [NSColor blueColor],
  for (NSColor* color in colors) {
    FakeTheme theme(color);
    [bar_ updateTheme:&theme];
    NSAttributedString* astr = [button attributedTitle];
    EXPECT_TRUE([[astr string] isEqual:@"small"]);
    // Pick a char in the middle to test (index 3)
    NSDictionary* attributes = [astr attributesAtIndex:3 effectiveRange:NULL];
    NSColor* newColor =
        [attributes objectForKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
    EXPECT_TRUE([newColor isEqual:color]);

// Test that delegates and targets of buttons are cleared on dealloc.
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, TestClearOnDealloc) {
  // Make some bookmark buttons.
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  GURL gurls[] = { GURL("http://www.foo.com/"),
                   GURL("http://www.baz.com/") };
  std::wstring titles[] = { L"foo", L"bar", L"baz" };
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(titles); i++)
    model->SetURLStarred(gurls[i], titles[i], true);

  // Get and retain the buttons so we can examine them after dealloc.
  scoped_nsobject<NSArray> buttons([[bar_ buttons] retain]);
  EXPECT_EQ([buttons count], arraysize(titles));

  // Make sure that everything is set.
  for (BookmarkButton* button in buttons.get()) {
    ASSERT_TRUE([button isKindOfClass:[BookmarkButton class]]);
    EXPECT_TRUE([button delegate]);
    EXPECT_TRUE([button target]);
    EXPECT_TRUE([button action]);

  // This will dealloc....

  // Make sure that everything is cleared.
  for (BookmarkButton* button in buttons.get()) {
    EXPECT_FALSE([button delegate]);
    EXPECT_FALSE([button target]);
    EXPECT_FALSE([button action]);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, TestFolders) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();

  // Create some folder buttons.
  const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
  const BookmarkNode* folder = model->AddGroup(parent,
  model->AddURL(folder, folder->GetChildCount(),
                L"f1", GURL("http://framma-lamma.com"));
  folder = model->AddGroup(parent, parent->GetChildCount(), L"empty");

  EXPECT_EQ([[bar_ buttons] count], 2U);
  BookmarkButton* button = [[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0];  // full one

  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ folderController]);
  [bar_ openBookmarkFolderFromButton:button];
  BookmarkBarFolderController* bbfc = [bar_ folderController];

  // Make sure a 2nd open on the same button closes things.
  [bar_ openBookmarkFolderFromButton:button];
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ folderController]);

  // Next open is a different button.
  [bar_ openBookmarkFolderFromButton:[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:1]];
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ folderController]);
  EXPECT_NE(bbfc, [bar_ folderController]);

  // Finally confirm a close removes the folder controller.
  [bar_ closeBookmarkFolder:nil];
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ folderController]);

  // Next part of the test: similar actions but with mouseEntered/mouseExited.

  // First confirm mouseEntered does nothing if "menus" aren't active.
  NSEvent* event = test_event_utils::MakeMouseEvent(NSOtherMouseUp, 0);
  [bar_ mouseEnteredButton:[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0] event:event];
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ folderController]);

  // Make one active.  Entering it is now a no-op.
  [bar_ openBookmarkFolderFromButton:[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0]];
  bbfc = [bar_ folderController];
  [bar_ mouseEnteredButton:[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0] event:event];
  EXPECT_EQ(bbfc, [bar_ folderController]);

  // Enter a different one; a new folderController is active.
  [bar_ mouseEnteredButton:[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:1] event:event];
  EXPECT_NE(bbfc, [bar_ folderController]);

  // Confirm exited is a no-op.
  [bar_ mouseExitedButton:[[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:1] event:event];
  EXPECT_NE(bbfc, [bar_ folderController]);

  // Clean up.
  [bar_ closeBookmarkFolder:nil];

// Make sure the "off the side" folder looks like a bookmark folder
// but only contains "off the side" items.
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, OffTheSideFolder) {

  // It starts hidden.
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ offTheSideButtonIsHidden]);

  // Create some buttons.
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
  for (int x = 0; x < 30; x++) {
    model->AddURL(parent, parent->GetChildCount(),
                  L"medium-size-title", GURL("http://framma-lamma.com"));

  // Should no longer be hidden.
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ offTheSideButtonIsHidden]);

  // Open it; make sure we have a folder controller.
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ folderController]);
  [bar_ openOffTheSideFolderFromButton:[bar_ offTheSideButton]];
  BookmarkBarFolderController* bbfc = [bar_ folderController];

  // Confirm the contents are only buttons which fell off the side by
  // making sure that none of the nodes in the off-the-side folder are
  // found in bar buttons.  Be careful since not all the bar buttons
  // may be currently displayed.
  NSArray* folderButtons = [bbfc buttons];
  NSArray* barButtons = [bar_ buttons];
  for (BookmarkButton* folderButton in folderButtons) {
    for (BookmarkButton* barButton in barButtons) {
      if ([barButton superview]) {
        EXPECT_NE([folderButton bookmarkNode], [barButton bookmarkNode]);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, EventToExitCheck) {
  NSEvent* event = test_event_utils::MakeMouseEvent(NSMouseMoved, 0);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isEventAnExitEvent:event]);

  BookmarkBarFolderWindow* folderWindow = [[[BookmarkBarFolderWindow alloc]
                                             init] autorelease];
  [[[bar_ view] window] addChildWindow:folderWindow
  event = test_event_utils::LeftMouseDownAtPointInWindow(NSMakePoint(1,1),
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ isEventAnExitEvent:event]);

  event = test_event_utils::LeftMouseDownAtPointInWindow(NSMakePoint(100,100),
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isEventAnExitEvent:event]);

  // Many components are arbitrary (e.g. location, keycode).
  event = [NSEvent keyEventWithType:NSKeyDown
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isEventAnExitEvent:event]);

  [[[bar_ view] window] removeChildWindow:folderWindow];

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, DropDestination) {
  // Make some buttons.
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
  model->AddGroup(parent, parent->GetChildCount(), L"group 1");
  model->AddGroup(parent, parent->GetChildCount(), L"group 2");
  EXPECT_EQ([[bar_ buttons] count], 2U);

  // Confirm "off to left" and "off to right" match nothing.
  NSPoint p = NSMakePoint(-1, 2);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ buttonForDroppingOnAtPoint:p]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ shouldShowIndicatorShownForPoint:p]);
  p = NSMakePoint(50000, 10);
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ buttonForDroppingOnAtPoint:p]);
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ shouldShowIndicatorShownForPoint:p]);

  // Confirm "right in the center" (give or take a pixel) is a match,
  // and confirm "just barely in the button" is not.  Anything more
  // specific seems likely to be tweaked.
  for (BookmarkButton* button in [bar_ buttons]) {
    CGFloat x = NSMidX([button frame]);
    // Somewhere near the center: a match
              [bar_ buttonForDroppingOnAtPoint:NSMakePoint(x-1, 10)]);
              [bar_ buttonForDroppingOnAtPoint:NSMakePoint(x+1, 10)]);
    EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ shouldShowIndicatorShownForPoint:NSMakePoint(x, 10)]);;

    // On the very edges: NOT a match
    x = NSMinX([button frame]);
              [bar_ buttonForDroppingOnAtPoint:NSMakePoint(x, 9)]);
    x = NSMaxX([button frame]);
              [bar_ buttonForDroppingOnAtPoint:NSMakePoint(x, 11)]);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, NodeDeletedWhileMenuIsOpen) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  [bar_ loaded:model];

  const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
  const BookmarkNode* initialNode = model->AddURL(
      parent, parent->GetChildCount(),

  NSMenuItem* item = ItemForBookmarkBarMenu(initialNode);
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, bar_.get()->urls_.size());

  // Basic check of the menu item and an IBOutlet it can call.
  EXPECT_EQ(initialNode, [bar_ nodeFromMenuItem:item]);
  [bar_ openBookmarkInNewWindow:item];
  EXPECT_EQ(1U, bar_.get()->urls_.size());
  [bar_ clear];

  // Now delete the node and make sure things are happy (no crash,
  // NULL node caught).
  model->Remove(parent, parent->IndexOfChild(initialNode));
  EXPECT_EQ(nil, [bar_ nodeFromMenuItem:item]);
  // Should not crash by referencing a deleted node.
  [bar_ openBookmarkInNewWindow:item];
  // Confirm the above did nothing in case it somehow didn't crash.
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, bar_.get()->urls_.size());

  // Confirm some more non-crashes.
  [bar_ openBookmarkInNewForegroundTab:item];
  [bar_ openBookmarkInIncognitoWindow:item];
  [bar_ editBookmark:item];
  [bar_ copyBookmark:item];
  [bar_ deleteBookmark:item];
  [bar_ openAllBookmarks:item];
  [bar_ openAllBookmarksNewWindow:item];
  [bar_ openAllBookmarksIncognitoWindow:item];

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerTest, CloseFolderOnAnimate) {
  BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
  const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
  const BookmarkNode* folder = model->AddGroup(parent,
  model->AddGroup(parent, parent->GetChildCount(),
                  L"sibbling group");
  model->AddURL(folder, folder->GetChildCount(), L"title a",
  model->AddURL(folder, folder->GetChildCount(),
                L"title super duper long long whoa momma title you betcha",
  BookmarkButton* button = [[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0];
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ folderController]);
  [bar_ openBookmarkFolderFromButton:button];
  BookmarkBarFolderController* bbfc = [bar_ folderController];
  // The following tells us that the folder menu is showing. We want to make
  // sure the folder menu goes away if the bookmark bar is hidden.
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isVisible]);

  // Hide the bookmark bar.
  [bar_ updateAndShowNormalBar:NO
  EXPECT_TRUE([bar_ isAnimationRunning]);

  // Now that we've closed the bookmark bar (with animation) the folder menu
  // should have been closed thus releasing the folderController.
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ folderController]);

class BookmarkBarControllerOpenAllTest : public BookmarkBarControllerTest {
  BookmarkBarControllerOpenAllTest() {
    resizeDelegate_.reset([[ViewResizerPong alloc] init]);
    NSRect parent_frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 50);
               [[BookmarkBarControllerOpenAllPong alloc]
    [bar_ view];
    // Awkwardness to look like we've been installed.
    [parent_view_ addSubview:[bar_ view]];
    NSRect frame = [[[bar_ view] superview] frame];
    frame.origin.y = 100;
    [[[bar_ view] superview] setFrame:frame];

    BookmarkModel* model = helper_.profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
    parent_ = model->GetBookmarkBarNode();
    // { one, { two-one, two-two }, three }
    model->AddURL(parent_, parent_->GetChildCount(), L"title",
    folder_ = model->AddGroup(parent_, parent_->GetChildCount(), L"group");
    model->AddURL(folder_, folder_->GetChildCount(),
                  L"title", GURL("http://two-one.com"));
    model->AddURL(folder_, folder_->GetChildCount(),
                  L"title", GURL("http://two-two.com"));
    model->AddURL(parent_, parent_->GetChildCount(),
                  L"title", GURL("https://three.com"));
  const BookmarkNode* parent_;  // Weak
  const BookmarkNode* folder_;  // Weak

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerOpenAllTest, OpenAllBookmarks) {
  // Our first OpenAll... is from the bar itself.
  [bar_ openAllBookmarks:ItemForBookmarkBarMenu(parent_)];
  BookmarkBarControllerOpenAllPong* specialBar =
  EXPECT_EQ([specialBar dispositionDetected], NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB);

  std::cout << "OPEN_ALL_BOOKMARKS C" << std::endl;

  // Now try an OpenAll... from a folder node.
  [specialBar setDispositionDetected:IGNORE_ACTION]; // Reset
  [bar_ openAllBookmarks:ItemForBookmarkBarMenu(folder_)];
  EXPECT_EQ([specialBar dispositionDetected], NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerOpenAllTest, OpenAllNewWindow) {
  // Our first OpenAll... is from the bar itself.
  [bar_ openAllBookmarksNewWindow:ItemForBookmarkBarMenu(parent_)];
  BookmarkBarControllerOpenAllPong* specialBar =
  EXPECT_EQ([specialBar dispositionDetected], NEW_WINDOW);

  std::cout << "OPEN_ALL_BOOKMARKS C" << std::endl;

  // Now try an OpenAll... from a folder node.
  [specialBar setDispositionDetected:IGNORE_ACTION]; // Reset
  [bar_ openAllBookmarksNewWindow:ItemForBookmarkBarMenu(folder_)];
  EXPECT_EQ([specialBar dispositionDetected], NEW_WINDOW);

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerOpenAllTest, OpenAllIncognito) {
  // Our first OpenAll... is from the bar itself.
  [bar_ openAllBookmarksIncognitoWindow:ItemForBookmarkBarMenu(parent_)];
  BookmarkBarControllerOpenAllPong* specialBar =
  EXPECT_EQ([specialBar dispositionDetected], OFF_THE_RECORD);

  std::cout << "OPEN_ALL_BOOKMARKS C" << std::endl;

  // Now try an OpenAll... from a folder node.
  [specialBar setDispositionDetected:IGNORE_ACTION]; // Reset
  [bar_ openAllBookmarksIncognitoWindow:ItemForBookmarkBarMenu(folder_)];
  EXPECT_EQ([specialBar dispositionDetected], OFF_THE_RECORD);

// Command-click on a folder should open all the bookmarks in it.
TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerOpenAllTest, CommandClickOnFolder) {
  NSButton* first = [[bar_ buttons] objectAtIndex:0];

  // Create the right kind of event; mock NSApp so [NSApp
  // currentEvent] finds it.
  NSEvent* commandClick = test_event_utils::MouseEventAtPoint(NSZeroPoint,
  id fakeApp = [OCMockObject partialMockForObject:NSApp];
  [[[fakeApp stub] andReturn:commandClick] currentEvent];
  id oldApp = NSApp;
  NSApp = fakeApp;
  size_t originalDispositionCount = bar_.get()->dispositions_.size();

  // Click!
  [first performClick:first];

  size_t dispositionCount = bar_.get()->dispositions_.size();
  EXPECT_EQ(originalDispositionCount+1, dispositionCount);
  EXPECT_EQ(bar_.get()->dispositions_[dispositionCount-1], NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB);

  // Replace NSApp
  NSApp = oldApp;

class BookmarkBarControllerNotificationTest : public CocoaTest {
  BookmarkBarControllerNotificationTest() {
    resizeDelegate_.reset([[ViewResizerPong alloc] init]);
    NSRect parent_frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 50);
    parent_view_.reset([[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:parent_frame]);
    [parent_view_ setHidden:YES];
      [[BookmarkBarControllerNotificationPong alloc]

    // Force loading of the nib.
    [bar_ view];
    // Awkwardness to look like we've been installed.
    [parent_view_ addSubview:[bar_ view]];
    NSRect frame = [[[bar_ view] superview] frame];
    frame.origin.y = 100;
    [[[bar_ view] superview] setFrame:frame];

    // Do not add the bar to a window, yet.

  BrowserTestHelper helper_;
  scoped_nsobject<NSView> parent_view_;
  scoped_nsobject<ViewResizerPong> resizeDelegate_;
  scoped_nsobject<BookmarkBarControllerNotificationPong> bar_;

TEST_F(BookmarkBarControllerNotificationTest, DeregistersForNotifications) {
  NSWindow* window = [[CocoaTestHelperWindow alloc] init];
  [window setReleasedWhenClosed:YES];

  // First add the bookmark bar to the temp window, then to another window.
  [[window contentView] addSubview:parent_view_];
  [[test_window() contentView] addSubview:parent_view_];

  // Post a fake windowDidResignKey notification for the temp window and make
  // sure the bookmark bar controller wasn't listening.
  [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ windowDidResignKeyReceived]);

  // Close the temp window and make sure no notification was received.
  [window close];
  EXPECT_FALSE([bar_ windowWillCloseReceived]);

// TODO(jrg): draggingEntered: and draggingExited: trigger timers so
// they are hard to test.  Factor out "fire timers" into routines
// which can be overridden to fire immediately to make behavior
// confirmable.

// TODO(jrg): add unit test to make sure "Other Bookmarks" responds
// properly to a hover open.

// TODO(viettrungluu): figure out how to test animations.

}  // namespace