// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_folder_controller.h" #include "base/mac_util.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h" #import "chrome/browser/browser_theme_provider.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_constants.h" // namespace bookmarks #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_controller.h" // namespace bookmarks #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_bar_folder_view.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmark_button_cell.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_window_controller.h" @interface BookmarkBarFolderController(Private) - (void)configureWindow; - (IBAction)openBookmarkFolderFromButton:(id)sender; @end @implementation BookmarkBarFolderController - (id)initWithParentButton:(BookmarkButton*)button parentController:(NSObject*)controller { NSString* nibPath = [mac_util::MainAppBundle() pathForResource:@"BookmarkBarFolderWindow" ofType:@"nib"]; if ((self = [super initWithWindowNibPath:nibPath owner:self])) { parentButton_.reset([button retain]); parentController_.reset([controller retain]); buttons_.reset([[NSMutableArray alloc] init]); // Register for theme changes. NSNotificationCenter* defaultCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [defaultCenter addObserver:self selector:@selector(themeDidChangeNotification:) name:kBrowserThemeDidChangeNotification object:nil]; [self configureWindow]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; // Note: we don't need to // [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self]; // Because all of our performSelector: calls use withDelay: which // retains us. [super dealloc]; } // Overriden from NSWindowController to call childFolderWillShow: before showing // the window. - (void)showWindow:(id)sender { [parentController_ childFolderWillShow:self]; [super showWindow:sender]; } // Update theme information for all our buttons. - (void)updateTheme:(ThemeProvider*)themeProvider { if (!themeProvider) return; NSColor* color = themeProvider->GetNSColor(BrowserThemeProvider::COLOR_BOOKMARK_TEXT, true); for (BookmarkButton* button in buttons_.get()) { BookmarkButtonCell* cell = [button cell]; [cell setTextColor:color]; } } // Called after the current theme has changed. - (void)themeDidChangeNotification:(NSNotification*)aNotification { ThemeProvider* themeProvider = static_cast([[aNotification object] pointerValue]); [self updateTheme:themeProvider]; } // Redirect bookmark button cell creation to our parent to allow a // single implementation. - (NSCell*)cellForBookmarkNode:(const BookmarkNode*)child { return [parentController_ cellForBookmarkNode:child]; } // Create a bookmark button for the given node using frame. // // If |node| is NULL this is an "(empty)" button. // Does NOT add this button to our button list. // Returns an autoreleased button. // Adjusts the input frame width as appropriate. // // TODO(jrg): combine with addNodesToButtonList: code from // bookmark_bar_controller.mm, and generalize that to use both x and y // offsets. // http://crbug.com/35966 - (BookmarkButton*)makeButtonForNode:(const BookmarkNode*)node frame:(NSRect)frame { NSCell* cell = [self cellForBookmarkNode:node]; DCHECK(cell); // The "+2" is needed because, sometimes, Cocoa is off by a tad when // returning the value it thinks it needs. CGFloat desired = [cell cellSize].width + 2; frame.size.width = std::min( std::max(bookmarks::kBookmarkMenuButtonMinimumWidth, desired), bookmarks::kBookmarkMenuButtonMaximumWidth); BookmarkButton* button = [[[BookmarkButton alloc] initWithFrame:frame] autorelease]; DCHECK(button); [button setCell:cell]; [button setDelegate:self]; if (node) { if (node->is_folder()) { [button setTarget:self]; [button setAction:@selector(openBookmarkFolderFromButton:)]; } else { // Make the button do something. [button setTarget:self]; [button setAction:@selector(openBookmark:)]; // Add a tooltip. NSString* title = base::SysWideToNSString(node->GetTitle()); std::string urlString = node->GetURL().possibly_invalid_spec(); NSString* tooltip = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%s", title, urlString.c_str()]; [button setToolTip:tooltip]; } } else { [button setEnabled:NO]; } return button; } // Exposed for testing. - (NSView*)mainView { return mainView_; } // Exposed for testing. - (BookmarkBarFolderController*)folderController { return folderController_; } // Compute and return the top left point of our window (screen // coordinates). The top left is positioned in a manner similar to // cascading menus. - (NSPoint)windowTopLeft { NSPoint newWindowTopLeft; if (![parentController_ isKindOfClass:[self class]]) { // If we're not popping up from one of ourselves, we must be // popping up from the bookmark bar itself. In this case, start // BELOW the parent button. Our left is the button left; our top // is bottom of button's parent view. NSPoint buttonBottomLeftInScreen = [[parentButton_ window] convertBaseToScreen:[parentButton_ convertPoint:NSZeroPoint toView:nil]]; NSPoint bookmarkBarBottomLeftInScreen = [[parentButton_ window] convertBaseToScreen:[[parentButton_ superview] convertPoint:NSZeroPoint toView:nil]]; newWindowTopLeft = NSMakePoint(buttonBottomLeftInScreen.x, bookmarkBarBottomLeftInScreen.y); } else { // Our parent controller is another BookmarkBarFolderController. // In this case, start ot the RIGHT of the parent button. // Start to RIGHT of the button. // TODO(jrg): If too far to right, pop left again. // http://crbug.com/36225 newWindowTopLeft.x = NSMaxX([[parentButton_ window] frame]); NSPoint top = NSMakePoint(0, (NSMaxY([parentButton_ frame]) + bookmarks::kBookmarkVerticalPadding)); NSPoint topOfWindow = [[parentButton_ window] convertBaseToScreen:[[parentButton_ superview] convertPoint:top toView:nil]]; newWindowTopLeft.y = topOfWindow.y; } return newWindowTopLeft; } // Determine window size and position. // Create buttons for all our nodes. // TODO(jrg): break up into more and smaller routines for easier unit testing. - (void)configureWindow { NSPoint newWindowTopLeft = [self windowTopLeft]; const BookmarkNode* node = [parentButton_ bookmarkNode]; DCHECK(node); int buttons = node->GetChildCount(); if (buttons == 0) buttons = 1; // the "empty" button int height = buttons * bookmarks::kBookmarkButtonHeight; // Note: this will be replaced once we make buttons; for now, use a // reasonable value. Button creation needs a valid (x,y,h) in a // frame to position them properly. int windowWidth = (bookmarks::kBookmarkMenuButtonMinimumWidth + 2 * bookmarks::kBookmarkVerticalPadding); NSRect windowFrame = NSMakeRect(newWindowTopLeft.x, newWindowTopLeft.y - height, windowWidth, height); [[self window] setFrame:windowFrame display:YES]; // TODO(jrg): combine with frame code in bookmark_bar_controller.mm // http://crbug.com/35966 NSRect buttonsOuterFrame = NSMakeRect( bookmarks::kBookmarkHorizontalPadding, height - (bookmarks::kBookmarkBarHeight - bookmarks::kBookmarkHorizontalPadding), bookmarks::kDefaultBookmarkWidth, (bookmarks::kBookmarkBarHeight - 2 * bookmarks::kBookmarkVerticalPadding)); // TODO(jrg): combine with addNodesToButtonList: code from // bookmark_bar_controller.mm (but use y offset) // http://crbug.com/35966 if (!node->GetChildCount()) { // If no children we are the empty button. BookmarkButton* button = [self makeButtonForNode:nil frame:buttonsOuterFrame]; [buttons_ addObject:button]; [mainView_ addSubview:button]; } else { for (int i = 0; i < node->GetChildCount(); i++) { const BookmarkNode* child = node->GetChild(i); BookmarkButton* button = [self makeButtonForNode:child frame:buttonsOuterFrame]; [buttons_ addObject:button]; [mainView_ addSubview:button]; buttonsOuterFrame.origin.y -= bookmarks::kBookmarkBarHeight; } } [self updateTheme:[self themeProvider]]; // Now that we have all our buttons we can determine the real size // of our window. CGFloat width = 0.0; for (BookmarkButton* button in buttons_.get()) { width = std::max(width, NSWidth([button bounds])); } width = std::min(width, bookmarks::kBookmarkMenuButtonMaximumWidth); // Things look and feel more menu-like if all the buttons are the // full width of the window, especially if there are submenus. for (BookmarkButton* button in buttons_.get()) { NSRect buttonFrame = [button frame]; buttonFrame.size.width = width; [button setFrame:buttonFrame]; } // Finally, set our window size (make sure it fits on screen). width += (2 * bookmarks::kBookmarkVerticalPadding); windowFrame.size.width = width; // Make the window fit on screen, with a distance of at least |padding| to // the sides. if ([[self window] screen]) { // nil in unit tests const CGFloat padding = 8; NSRect screen = [[[self window] screen] frame]; if (NSMaxX(windowFrame) + padding > NSMaxX(screen)) windowFrame.origin.x -= NSMaxX(windowFrame) + padding - NSMaxX(screen); else if (NSMinX(windowFrame) - padding < NSMinX(screen)) windowFrame.origin.x += NSMinX(screen) - NSMinX(windowFrame) + padding; } [[self window] setFrame:windowFrame display:YES]; [[parentController_ parentWindow] addChildWindow:[self window] ordered:NSWindowAbove]; } - (ThemeProvider*)themeProvider { return [parentController_ themeProvider]; } - (void)childFolderWillShow:(id)child { // Do nothing. } - (void)childFolderWillClose:(id)child { // Do nothing. } // Recursively close all bookmark folders. - (void)closeAllBookmarkFolders { // Closing the top level implicitly closes all children. [parentController_ closeAllBookmarkFolders]; } // Close our bookmark folder (a sub-controller) if we have one. - (void)closeBookmarkFolder:(id)sender { // folderController_ may be nil but that's OK. [[folderController_ window] close]; folderController_ = nil; } // Called after a delay to close a previously hover-opened folder. - (void)closeBookmarkFolderOnHoverButton:(BookmarkButton*)button { if (hoverButton_ || !draggingExited_) { // If there is a new one which hover-opened, we're done. If we // are still inside while dragging but have no hoverButton_ we // must be hovering over something else (e.g. normal bookmark // button), so we're still done. [[button target] closeBookmarkFolder:button]; hoverButton_.reset(); } else { // If there is no hoverOpen but we've exited our window, we may be // in a subfolder. Restore our state so it's cleaned up later. hoverButton_.reset([button retain]); } } // Delegate callback. - (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification*)notification { [parentController_ childFolderWillClose:self]; [[self parentWindow] removeChildWindow:[self window]]; [self closeBookmarkFolder:self]; [self autorelease]; } - (BookmarkButton*)parentButton { return parentButton_.get(); } // Ugh... copied from bookmark_bar_controller.mm // Is it worth it to factor out for, essentially, 2 lines? // TODO(jrg): answer is probably yes. // http://crbug.com/35966 - (void)fillPasteboard:(NSPasteboard*)pboard forDragOfButton:(BookmarkButton*)button { const BookmarkNode* node = [button bookmarkNode]; if (node) { // Put the bookmark information into the pasteboard, and then write our own // data for |kBookmarkButtonDragType|. /* // TODO(jrg): combine code -[BookmarkBarController copyBookmarkNode:node toPasteboard:pboard]; */ [pboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:kBookmarkButtonDragType] owner:button]; [pboard setData:[NSData dataWithBytes:&button length:sizeof(button)] forType:kBookmarkButtonDragType]; } else { NOTREACHED(); } } // Find something like std::is_between? I can't believe one doesn't exist. // http://crbug.com/35966 static BOOL ValueInRangeInclusive(CGFloat low, CGFloat value, CGFloat high) { return ((value >= low) && (value <= high)); } // Return the proposed drop target for a hover open button, or nil if none. // // TODO(jrg): this is just like the version in // bookmark_bar_controller.mm, but vertical instead of horizontal. // Generalize to be axis independent then share code. // http://crbug.com/35966 // Get UI review on "middle half" ness. // http://crbug.com/36276 - (BookmarkButton*)buttonForDroppingOnAtPoint:(NSPoint)point { for (BookmarkButton* button in buttons_.get()) { // No early break -- makes no assumption about button ordering. // Intentionally NOT using NSPointInRect() so that scrolling into // a submenu doesn't cause it to be closed. if (ValueInRangeInclusive(NSMinY([button frame]), point.y, NSMaxY([button frame]))) { // Over a button but let's be a little more specific // (e.g. over the middle half). NSRect frame = [button frame]; NSRect middleHalfOfButton = NSInsetRect(frame, 0, frame.size.height / 4); if (ValueInRangeInclusive(NSMinY(middleHalfOfButton), point.y, NSMaxY(middleHalfOfButton))) { // It makes no sense to drop on a non-folder; there is no hover. if (![button isFolder]) return nil; // Got it! return button; } else { // Over a button but not over the middle half. return nil; } } } // Not hovering over a button. return nil; } // Most of the work (e.g. drop indicator) is taken care of in the // folder_view. Here we handle hover open issues for subfolders. // Caution: there are subtle differences between this one and // bookmark_bar_controller.mm's version. - (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id)info { draggingExited_ = NO; NSPoint currentLocation = [info draggingLocation]; BookmarkButton* button = [self buttonForDroppingOnAtPoint:currentLocation]; if ([button isFolder]) { if (hoverButton_ == button) { return NSDragOperationMove; // already open or timed to open. } if (hoverButton_) { // Oops, another one triggered or open. [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:[hoverButton_ target]]; [self performSelector:@selector(closeBookmarkFolderOnHoverButton:) withObject:[hoverButton_ target] afterDelay:bookmarks::kDragHoverCloseDelay]; } hoverButton_.reset([button retain]); [[hoverButton_ target] performSelector:@selector(openBookmarkFolderFromButton:) withObject:hoverButton_ afterDelay:bookmarks::kDragHoverOpenDelay]; } // If we get here we may no longer have a hover button. if (!button) { if (hoverButton_) { [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:[hoverButton_ target]]; [self performSelector:@selector(closeBookmarkFolderOnHoverButton:) withObject:hoverButton_ afterDelay:bookmarks::kDragHoverCloseDelay]; hoverButton_.reset(); } } return NSDragOperationMove; } // Unlike bookmark_bar_controller, we need to keep track of dragging state. // We also need to make sure we cancel the delayed hover close. - (void)draggingExited:(id)info { draggingExited_ = YES; // NOT the same as a cancel --> we may have moved the mouse into the submenu. if (hoverButton_) { [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:[hoverButton_ target]]; [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:hoverButton_]; hoverButton_.reset(); } } // TODO(jrg): again we have code dup, sort of, with // bookmark_bar_controller.mm, but the axis is changed. One minor // difference is accomodation for the "empty" button (which may not // exist in the future). // http://crbug.com/35966 - (int)indexForDragOfButton:(BookmarkButton*)sourceButton toPoint:(NSPoint)point { DCHECK([sourceButton isKindOfClass:[BookmarkButton class]]); // Identify which buttons we are between. For now, assume a button // location is at the center point of its view, and that an exact // match means "place before". // TODO(jrg): revisit position info based on UI team feedback. // dropLocation is in bar local coordinates. // http://crbug.com/36276 NSPoint dropLocation = [mainView_ convertPoint:point fromView:[[self window] contentView]]; BookmarkButton* buttonToTheTopOfDraggedButton = nil; // Buttons are laid out in this array from top to bottom (screen // wise), which means "biggest y" --> "smallest y". for (BookmarkButton* button in buttons_.get()) { CGFloat midpoint = NSMidY([button frame]); if (dropLocation.y > midpoint) { break; } buttonToTheTopOfDraggedButton = button; } // TODO(jrg): On Windows, dropping onto (empty) highlights the // entire drop location and does not use an insertion point. // http://crbug.com/35967 if (!buttonToTheTopOfDraggedButton) { // We are at the very top (we broke out of the loop on the first try). return 0; } if ([buttonToTheTopOfDraggedButton isEmpty]) { // There is a button but it's an empty placeholder. // Default to inserting on top of it. return 0; } const BookmarkNode* beforeNode = [buttonToTheTopOfDraggedButton bookmarkNode]; DCHECK(beforeNode); return beforeNode->GetParent()->IndexOfChild(beforeNode) + 1; } - (BookmarkModel*)bookmarkModel { return [parentController_ bookmarkModel]; } // TODO(jrg): ARGH more code dup. // http://crbug.com/35966 - (BOOL)dragButton:(BookmarkButton*)sourceButton to:(NSPoint)point copy:(BOOL)copy { DCHECK([sourceButton isKindOfClass:[BookmarkButton class]]); const BookmarkNode* sourceNode = [sourceButton bookmarkNode]; DCHECK(sourceNode); int destIndex = [self indexForDragOfButton:sourceButton toPoint:point]; if (destIndex >= 0 && sourceNode) { if (copy) { [parentController_ bookmarkModel]->Copy(sourceNode, [parentButton_ bookmarkNode], destIndex); } else { [parentController_ bookmarkModel]->Move(sourceNode, [parentButton_ bookmarkNode], destIndex); } } else { NOTREACHED(); } // Movement of a node triggers observers (like us) to rebuild the // bar so we don't have to do so explicitly. return YES; } // Return YES if we should show the drop indicator, else NO. // TODO(jrg): ARGH code dup! // http://crbug.com/35966 - (BOOL)shouldShowIndicatorShownForPoint:(NSPoint)point { return ![self buttonForDroppingOnAtPoint:point]; } // Return the y position for a drop indicator. // // TODO(jrg): again we have code dup, sort of, with // bookmark_bar_controller.mm, but the axis is changed. // http://crbug.com/35966 - (CGFloat)indicatorPosForDragOfButton:(BookmarkButton*)sourceButton toPoint:(NSPoint)point { CGFloat y = 0; int destIndex = [self indexForDragOfButton:sourceButton toPoint:point]; int numButtons = static_cast([buttons_ count]); // If it's a drop strictly between existing buttons or at the very beginning if (destIndex >= 0 && destIndex < numButtons) { // ... put the indicator right between the buttons. BookmarkButton* button = [buttons_ objectAtIndex:static_cast(destIndex)]; DCHECK(button); NSRect buttonFrame = [button frame]; y = buttonFrame.origin.y + buttonFrame.size.height + 0.5 * bookmarks::kBookmarkVerticalPadding; // If it's a drop at the end (past the last button, if there are any) ... } else if (destIndex == numButtons) { // and if it's past the last button ... if (numButtons > 0) { // ... find the last button, and put the indicator below it. BookmarkButton* button = [buttons_ objectAtIndex:static_cast(destIndex - 1)]; DCHECK(button); NSRect buttonFrame = [button frame]; y = buttonFrame.origin.y - 0.5 * bookmarks::kBookmarkVerticalPadding; } } else { NOTREACHED(); } return y; } - (NSWindow*)parentWindow { return [parentController_ parentWindow]; } // Close the old hover-open bookmark folder, and open a new one. We // do both in one step to allow for a delay in closing the old one. // See comments above kDragHoverCloseDelay (bookmark_bar_controller.h) // for more details. - (void)openBookmarkFolderFromButtonAndCloseOldOne:(id)sender { // If an old submenu exists, close it immediately. [self closeBookmarkFolder:sender]; // Open a new one if meaningful. if ([sender isFolder]) [self openBookmarkFolderFromButton:sender]; } // Called from BookmarkButton. // Unlike bookmark_bar_controller's version, we DO default to being enabled. - (void)mouseEnteredButton:(id)sender event:(NSEvent*)event { // Cancel a previous hover if needed. [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self]; // If already opened, then we exited but re-entered the button // (without entering another button open), do nothing. if ([folderController_ parentButton] == sender) return; [self performSelector:@selector(openBookmarkFolderFromButtonAndCloseOldOne:) withObject:sender afterDelay:bookmarks::kHoverOpenDelay]; } // Called from the BookmarkButton - (void)mouseExitedButton:(id)sender event:(NSEvent*)event { // Stop any timer about opening a new hover-open folder. // Since a performSelector:withDelay: on self retains self, it is // possible that a cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: reduces // the refcount to 0, releasing us. That's a bad thing to do while // this object (or others it may own) is in the event chain. Thus // we have a retain/autorelease. [self retain]; [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self]; [self autorelease]; } - (IBAction)openBookmark:(id)sender { // Carent controller closes it all... [parentController_ openBookmark:sender]; } // Unlike the bookmark_bar_controller, we do not watch for click outside. - (IBAction)openBookmarkFolderFromButton:(id)sender { if (folderController_) { // If the same we have nothing to do. if ([folderController_ parentButton] == sender) return; [self closeBookmarkFolder:sender]; } folderController_ = [[BookmarkBarFolderController alloc] initWithParentButton:sender parentController:self]; [folderController_ showWindow:self]; } - (NSArray*)buttons { return buttons_.get(); } @end // BookmarkBarFolderController