// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_window_controller_private.h" #include "base/mac_util.h" #import "base/scoped_nsobject.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_theme_provider.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_theme_provider_init.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/chrome_browser_window.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/fast_resize_view.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/find_bar_cocoa_controller.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/floating_bar_backing_view.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/fullscreen_controller.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_strip_controller.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_strip_view.h" #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/toolbar_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents_view.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" namespace { // Insets for the location bar, used when the full toolbar is hidden. // TODO(viettrungluu): We can argue about the "correct" insetting; I like the // following best, though arguably 0 inset is better/more correct. const CGFloat kLocBarLeftRightInset = 1; const CGFloat kLocBarTopInset = 0; const CGFloat kLocBarBottomInset = 1; // The amount by which the floating bar is offset downwards (to avoid the menu) // in fullscreen mode. const CGFloat kFullscreenVerticalBarOffset = 14; } // end namespace @implementation BrowserWindowController(Private) - (void)saveWindowPositionIfNeeded { if (browser_ != BrowserList::GetLastActive()) return; if (!g_browser_process || !g_browser_process->local_state() || !browser_->ShouldSaveWindowPlacement()) return; [self saveWindowPositionToPrefs:g_browser_process->local_state()]; } - (void)saveWindowPositionToPrefs:(PrefService*)prefs { // If we're in fullscreen mode, save the position of the regular window // instead. NSWindow* window = [self isFullscreen] ? savedRegularWindow_ : [self window]; // Window positions are stored relative to the origin of the primary monitor. NSRect monitorFrame = [[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] frame]; // Start with the window's frame, which is in virtual coordinates. // Do some y twiddling to flip the coordinate system. gfx::Rect bounds(NSRectToCGRect([window frame])); bounds.set_y(monitorFrame.size.height - bounds.y() - bounds.height()); // We also need to save the current work area, in flipped coordinates. gfx::Rect workArea(NSRectToCGRect([[window screen] visibleFrame])); workArea.set_y(monitorFrame.size.height - workArea.y() - workArea.height()); DictionaryValue* windowPreferences = prefs->GetMutableDictionary( browser_->GetWindowPlacementKey().c_str()); windowPreferences->SetInteger(L"left", bounds.x()); windowPreferences->SetInteger(L"top", bounds.y()); windowPreferences->SetInteger(L"right", bounds.right()); windowPreferences->SetInteger(L"bottom", bounds.bottom()); windowPreferences->SetBoolean(L"maximized", false); windowPreferences->SetBoolean(L"always_on_top", false); windowPreferences->SetInteger(L"work_area_left", workArea.x()); windowPreferences->SetInteger(L"work_area_top", workArea.y()); windowPreferences->SetInteger(L"work_area_right", workArea.right()); windowPreferences->SetInteger(L"work_area_bottom", workArea.bottom()); } - (NSRect)window:(NSWindow*)window willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet usingRect:(NSRect)defaultSheetRect { // Position the sheet as follows: // - If the bookmark bar is hidden or shown as a bubble (on the NTP when the // bookmark bar is disabled), position the sheet immediately below the // normal toolbar. // - If the bookmark bar is shown (attached to the normal toolbar), position // the sheet below the bookmark bar. // - If the bookmark bar is currently animating, position the sheet according // to where the bar will be when the animation ends. switch ([bookmarkBarController_ visualState]) { case bookmarks::kShowingState: { NSRect bookmarkBarFrame = [[bookmarkBarController_ view] frame]; defaultSheetRect.origin.y = bookmarkBarFrame.origin.y; break; } case bookmarks::kHiddenState: case bookmarks::kDetachedState: { NSRect toolbarFrame = [[toolbarController_ view] frame]; defaultSheetRect.origin.y = toolbarFrame.origin.y; break; } case bookmarks::kInvalidState: default: NOTREACHED(); } return defaultSheetRect; } - (void)setTheme { ThemeProvider* theme_provider = browser_->profile()->GetThemeProvider(); BrowserThemeProvider* browser_theme_provider = static_cast(theme_provider); if (browser_theme_provider) { bool offtheRecord = browser_->profile()->IsOffTheRecord(); GTMTheme* theme = [GTMTheme themeWithBrowserThemeProvider:browser_theme_provider isOffTheRecord:offtheRecord]; theme_.reset([theme retain]); } } - (void)layoutSubviews { // With the exception of the tab strip, the subviews which we lay out are // subviews of the content view, so we mainly work in the content view's // coordinate system. Note, however, that the content view's coordinate system // and the window's base coordinate system should coincide. NSWindow* window = [self window]; NSView* contentView = [window contentView]; NSRect contentBounds = [contentView bounds]; CGFloat minY = NSMinY(contentBounds); CGFloat width = NSWidth(contentBounds); // Suppress title drawing if necessary. if ([window respondsToSelector:@selector(setShouldHideTitle:)]) [(id)window setShouldHideTitle:![self hasTitleBar]]; BOOL isFullscreen = [self isFullscreen]; CGFloat floatingBarHeight = [self floatingBarHeight]; CGFloat yOffset = floor( isFullscreen ? (1 - floatingBarShownFraction_) * floatingBarHeight : 0); CGFloat maxY = NSMaxY(contentBounds) + yOffset; CGFloat startMaxY = maxY; if ([self hasTabStrip]) { // If we need to lay out the tab strip, replace |maxY| and |startMaxY| with // higher values, and then lay out the tab strip. startMaxY = maxY = NSHeight([window frame]) + yOffset; maxY = [self layoutTabStripAtMaxY:maxY width:width fullscreen:isFullscreen]; } // Sanity-check |maxY|. DCHECK_GE(maxY, minY); DCHECK_LE(maxY, NSMaxY(contentBounds) + yOffset); // Place the toolbar at the top of the reserved area. maxY = [self layoutToolbarAtMaxY:maxY width:width]; // If we're not displaying the bookmark bar below the infobar, then it goes // immediately below the toolbar. BOOL placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar = [self placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar]; if (!placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar) maxY = [self layoutBookmarkBarAtMaxY:maxY width:width]; // The floating bar backing view doesn't actually add any height. [self layoutFloatingBarBackingViewAtY:maxY width:width height:floatingBarHeight fullscreen:isFullscreen]; [fullscreenController_ overlayFrameChanged:[floatingBarBackingView_ frame]]; // Place the find bar immediately below the toolbar/attached bookmark bar. In // fullscreen mode, it hangs off the top of the screen when the bar is hidden. [findBarCocoaController_ positionFindBarViewAtMaxY:maxY maxWidth:width]; // If in fullscreen mode, reset |maxY| to top of screen, so that the floating // bar slides over the things which appear to be in the content area. if (isFullscreen) maxY = NSMaxY(contentBounds); // Also place the infobar container immediate below the toolbar, except in // fullscreen mode in which case it's at the top of the visual content area. maxY = [self layoutInfoBarAtMaxY:maxY width:width]; // If the bookmark bar is detached, place it next in the visual content area. if (placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar) maxY = [self layoutBookmarkBarAtMaxY:maxY width:width]; // Place the download shelf, if any, at the bottom of the view. minY = [self layoutDownloadShelfAtMinY:minY width:width]; // Finally, the content area takes up all of the remaining space. [self layoutTabContentAreaAtMinY:minY maxY:maxY width:width]; // Place the status bubble at the bottom of the content area. verticalOffsetForStatusBubble_ = minY; // Normally, we don't need to tell the toolbar whether or not to show the // divider, but things break down during animation. [toolbarController_ setDividerOpacity:[bookmarkBarController_ toolbarDividerOpacity]]; } - (CGFloat)floatingBarHeight { if (![self isFullscreen]) return 0; CGFloat totalHeight = kFullscreenVerticalBarOffset; if ([self hasTabStrip]) totalHeight += NSHeight([[self tabStripView] frame]); if ([self hasToolbar]) { totalHeight += NSHeight([[toolbarController_ view] frame]); } else if ([self hasLocationBar]) { totalHeight += NSHeight([[toolbarController_ view] frame]) + kLocBarTopInset + kLocBarBottomInset; } if (![self placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar]) totalHeight += NSHeight([[bookmarkBarController_ view] frame]); return totalHeight; } - (CGFloat)layoutTabStripAtMaxY:(CGFloat)maxY width:(CGFloat)width fullscreen:(BOOL)fullscreen { // Nothing to do if no tab strip. if (![self hasTabStrip]) return maxY; NSView* tabStripView = [self tabStripView]; CGFloat tabStripHeight = NSHeight([tabStripView frame]); // In fullscreen mode, push the tab strip down so that the main menu (which // also slides down) doesn't run it over. if (fullscreen) maxY -= kFullscreenVerticalBarOffset; maxY -= tabStripHeight; [tabStripView setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, maxY, width, tabStripHeight)]; // Set indentation. [tabStripController_ setIndentForControls:(fullscreen ? 0 : [[tabStripController_ class] defaultIndentForControls])]; // TODO(viettrungluu): Seems kind of bad -- shouldn't |-layoutSubviews| do // this? Moreover, |-layoutTabs| will try to animate.... [tabStripController_ layoutTabs]; return maxY; } - (CGFloat)layoutToolbarAtMaxY:(CGFloat)maxY width:(CGFloat)width { NSView* toolbarView = [toolbarController_ view]; NSRect toolbarFrame = [toolbarView frame]; if ([self hasToolbar]) { // The toolbar is present in the window, so we make room for it. DCHECK(![toolbarView isHidden]); toolbarFrame.origin.x = 0; toolbarFrame.origin.y = maxY - NSHeight(toolbarFrame); toolbarFrame.size.width = width; maxY -= NSHeight(toolbarFrame); } else { if ([self hasLocationBar]) { // Location bar is present with no toolbar. Put a border of // |kLocBar...Inset| pixels around the location bar. // TODO(viettrungluu): This is moderately ridiculous. The toolbar should // really be aware of what its height should be (the way the toolbar // compression stuff is currently set up messes things up). DCHECK(![toolbarView isHidden]); toolbarFrame.origin.x = kLocBarLeftRightInset; toolbarFrame.origin.y = maxY - NSHeight(toolbarFrame) - kLocBarTopInset; toolbarFrame.size.width = width - 2 * kLocBarLeftRightInset; maxY -= kLocBarTopInset + NSHeight(toolbarFrame) + kLocBarBottomInset; } else { DCHECK([toolbarView isHidden]); } } [toolbarView setFrame:toolbarFrame]; return maxY; } - (BOOL)placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar { // If we are currently displaying the NTP detached bookmark bar or animating // to/from it (from/to anything else), we display the bookmark bar below the // infobar. return [bookmarkBarController_ isInState:bookmarks::kDetachedState] || [bookmarkBarController_ isAnimatingToState:bookmarks::kDetachedState] || [bookmarkBarController_ isAnimatingFromState:bookmarks::kDetachedState]; } - (CGFloat)layoutBookmarkBarAtMaxY:(CGFloat)maxY width:(CGFloat)width { NSView* bookmarkBarView = [bookmarkBarController_ view]; NSRect bookmarkBarFrame = [bookmarkBarView frame]; BOOL oldHidden = [bookmarkBarView isHidden]; BOOL newHidden = ![self isBookmarkBarVisible]; if (oldHidden != newHidden) [bookmarkBarView setHidden:newHidden]; bookmarkBarFrame.origin.y = maxY - NSHeight(bookmarkBarFrame); bookmarkBarFrame.size.width = width; [bookmarkBarView setFrame:bookmarkBarFrame]; maxY -= NSHeight(bookmarkBarFrame); // TODO(viettrungluu): Does this really belong here? Calling it shouldn't be // necessary in the non-NTP case. [bookmarkBarController_ layoutSubviews]; return maxY; } - (void)layoutFloatingBarBackingViewAtY:(CGFloat)y width:(CGFloat)width height:(CGFloat)height fullscreen:(BOOL)fullscreen { // Only display when in fullscreen mode. if (fullscreen) { DCHECK(floatingBarBackingView_.get()); BOOL aboveBookmarkBar = [self placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar]; // Insert it into the view hierarchy if necessary. if (![floatingBarBackingView_ superview] || aboveBookmarkBar != floatingBarAboveBookmarkBar_) { NSView* contentView = [[self window] contentView]; // z-order gets messed up unless we explicitly remove the floatingbar view // and re-add it. [floatingBarBackingView_ removeFromSuperview]; [contentView addSubview:floatingBarBackingView_ positioned:(aboveBookmarkBar ? NSWindowAbove : NSWindowBelow) relativeTo:[bookmarkBarController_ view]]; floatingBarAboveBookmarkBar_ = aboveBookmarkBar; } // Set its frame. [floatingBarBackingView_ setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, y, width, height)]; } else { // Okay to call even if |floatingBarBackingView_| is nil. if ([floatingBarBackingView_ superview]) [floatingBarBackingView_ removeFromSuperview]; } } - (CGFloat)layoutInfoBarAtMaxY:(CGFloat)maxY width:(CGFloat)width { NSView* infoBarView = [infoBarContainerController_ view]; NSRect infoBarFrame = [infoBarView frame]; infoBarFrame.origin.y = maxY - NSHeight(infoBarFrame); infoBarFrame.size.width = width; [infoBarView setFrame:infoBarFrame]; maxY -= NSHeight(infoBarFrame); return maxY; } - (CGFloat)layoutDownloadShelfAtMinY:(CGFloat)minY width:(CGFloat)width { if (downloadShelfController_.get()) { NSView* downloadView = [downloadShelfController_ view]; NSRect downloadFrame = [downloadView frame]; downloadFrame.origin.y = minY; downloadFrame.size.width = width; [downloadView setFrame:downloadFrame]; minY += NSHeight(downloadFrame); } return minY; } - (void)layoutTabContentAreaAtMinY:(CGFloat)minY maxY:(CGFloat)maxY width:(CGFloat)width { NSView* tabContentView = [self tabContentArea]; NSRect tabContentFrame = [tabContentView frame]; bool contentShifted = NSMaxY(tabContentFrame) != maxY; tabContentFrame.origin.y = minY; tabContentFrame.size.height = maxY - minY; tabContentFrame.size.width = width; [tabContentView setFrame:tabContentFrame]; // If the relayout shifts the content area up or down, let the renderer know. if (contentShifted) { if (TabContents* contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()) { if (RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv = contents->GetRenderWidgetHostView()) rwhv->WindowFrameChanged(); } } } - (BOOL)shouldShowBookmarkBar { DCHECK(browser_.get()); return browser_->profile()->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kShowBookmarkBar) ? YES : NO; } - (BOOL)shouldShowDetachedBookmarkBar { DCHECK(browser_.get()); TabContents* contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents(); return (contents && contents->ShouldShowBookmarkBar()) ? YES : NO; } - (void)adjustToolbarAndBookmarkBarForCompression:(CGFloat)compression { CGFloat newHeight = [toolbarController_ desiredHeightForCompression:compression]; NSRect toolbarFrame = [[toolbarController_ view] frame]; CGFloat deltaH = newHeight - toolbarFrame.size.height; if (deltaH == 0) return; toolbarFrame.size.height = newHeight; NSRect bookmarkFrame = [[bookmarkBarController_ view] frame]; bookmarkFrame.size.height = bookmarkFrame.size.height - deltaH; [[toolbarController_ view] setFrame:toolbarFrame]; [[bookmarkBarController_ view] setFrame:bookmarkFrame]; [self layoutSubviews]; } - (void)adjustUIForFullscreen:(BOOL)fullscreen { if (fullscreen) { mac_util::RequestFullScreen(); // Create the floating bar backing view if necessary. if (!floatingBarBackingView_.get()) { floatingBarBackingView_.reset( [[FloatingBarBackingView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]); } } else { mac_util::ReleaseFullScreen(); } } @end // @implementation BrowserWindowController(Private)